Chapter 385: Little Annie makes her debut

Thor's strongest blow in history was still not able to defeat this powerful enemy. The strength of this Thanos was far beyond his expectations. In fact, now his attack has not been able to touch the opponent at all. body of!
Because, the nurse found that the Thanos in front of him directly used the power of the Infinite Gems arrogantly and cunningly. The opponent's left hand wearing the Infinite Gloves was held on it, and the three Infinite Gems on the gloves were shining red and purple. The dazzling light of the orange tricolor slammed his full force of thunder, and even people with a hammer were blocked from an invisible energy shield and could not enter.
After pressing down the warhammer hard and finding that he was still in vain, Thor knew that he was afraid that he was going to be planted today... Therefore, he can only hope that Carol, who will be shot later, can make a difference. , Otherwise, here on the moon, no one can stop this Thanos.
That's right, the current Thanos has indeed started cheating. He, who is already feeling a little impatient, just directly used the huge power of Infinite Gems. What can this Asgardian do with him?
When Thor wanted to continue to crush the opponent’s energy shield, Thanos’ kick hit Thor’s abdomen fiercely. Before Thor had time to react, he was directly affected by the opponent’s energy shield. Kicked out to the heights!
However, after Thor rolled twice on the ground and unloaded the tremendous force that the opponent had applied to his own body, he swung his warhammer again and swooped up again!
Their Asgardians’ muscles, which are as powerful as the metal fibers of Kotati, are still very capable of withstanding blows. Although severe pain is definitely inevitable, at least, he will not be destroyed like ordinary people on earth. A single kick will directly lose basic combat capabilities.
Bang! !
The warhammer surrounded by thunder swept toward Thanos’ purple head again!
However... it is still the power of the gems on that Infinite Glove that prevents Thor's attack from making an inch. Even if the small universe broke out, he still has no choice but to wear golden gloves on his hands and have five golden fingers. Call the power of the entire universe to open and hang Thanos!
"How, do you know how powerful this kind of power is? Take a look, in front of a great cosmic power, personal courage and strength, it is simply vulnerable!"
He laughed and laughed at himself, thinking that once, he had also delusioned that Thanos would use his own power to achieve the goal of balancing the universe, but in the end, didn't he honestly look for the six infinite gems?
Now, Thanos is mobilizing the almost infinite power of the entire universe. How can this Asgardian be strong? During these years of conquering the universe and trying to maintain the balance of the universe, he had already understood this! In the face of that cruel reality, Thanos had to learn to use external forces to achieve his ideals. This is a practical shortcut!
"You... still want to struggle?"
Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the distance, the earth woman who was still trying to mobilize her power while floating in midair, after feeling the stronger and stronger energy fluctuations in her body, Thanos did not intend to accompany this again. The two people continue to waste time here.
Since these people on earth are still obsessed with understanding, then he must kill them! Then, he has to do those things that he thinks are more important.
Ping! !
There was a muffled sound when the metal collided, and Thanos arbitrarily used the power of the Infinite Glove to forcibly knock the warhammer in Thor's hand.
Boom...boom...boom! !
After knocking down the opponent's weapon, Thanos did not give the opponent any time to react, just like that, forcibly withstanding the tingling and numbness of the thunderbolt on the opponent, and forcibly stepping up to the first two sets of fist combinations!
After the other party barely covered his dozens of punches, he was hit by his final majestic punch, slammed into the chest and knocked out screamingly.
At this time, Ms. Marvel, Carol, finally gathered her strength!
Regardless of looking at the life and death of Thor, who was lying face down on the moon ground in the distance, Carol hurried up and flew in the direction of Thanos.
At this time, her hands are condensed with the golden red powerful cosmic electromagnetic spectrum and gravitational energy. This is the maximum limit value that her body can withstand at present. If this can't be eliminated or defeated this Thanos Then, she is really powerless.
"Earth people, you really surprised me..."
After seeing this level of energy, Thanos was really surprised by the huge potential of the people on earth.
No wonder...
No wonder his Obsidian V was so unreasonably annihilated by the people of the earth when he attacked the earth... If the other mutants or superheroes on the earth, they are all like the woman in front of them. With such potential, then his next actions may really need to be treated with caution.
"Thanks! Go back to your universe!"
He flew quickly toward Thanos. When the distance between the two parties was less than ten meters, Carol suddenly folded his hands into fists, so that the energy gathered on both hands began to gather together, and then he slammed his fist. The intense golden light energy even illuminates the entire surface of the moon that was still in the daylight state in an instant!
At this moment, Ms. Marvel Carol is like a golden sun. The violent burst of super cosmic energy comes from between her hands, like a plasma beam fired from a battleship’s main gun, brazenly toward the one who is preparing to parry. Thanos bombed the past!
Thanos had only time to subconsciously lift his left hand, and the terrifying golden light beam hit him in an instant! Then, a huge sense of vibration began to tremble in the area where the two sides of the moon were fighting, just like a large earthquake of several magnitudes!
After the intense radiation energy of the burst of endless energy light began to work, the place where Thanos stood just now was like being hit by a meteorite directly at high speed, accompanied by those strong lights, and then the endless lunar dust was covered. The exploded energy blew up and directly blocked the line of sight in this entire area.
Soon, the cosmic energy that Ms. Marvel finally gathered was exhausted, and the infiltrating earthquakes and intense light radiation gradually began to calm down.
"Huh! Huh!"
That Thanos, is he dead?
Although there is no air here on the moon, Carol still subconsciously wants to take a few breaths, and if possible, she wants to take a break economically.
At this moment, after the attack, she fell tiredly to the lunar surface and stood staggering.
Now, Ms. Marvel Carol, who has already used her full blow, is almost out of basic energy to maintain flight! Moreover, her body is extremely fragile at this time, and the only remaining power is used to maintain her survival in the lunar vacuum environment. Without the protection of more power, I am afraid that a bullet can kill her now.
"It's amazing!"
"I have to say that the tenacity of your earthly people is really far beyond my expectations..."
After the energy gradually dissipated, a voice came out from the moon ash that was still filling the sky and had not completely dissipated, causing Carol, who was still a little hopeful, to instantly become cold underneath his heart. .
"The Tyrant..."
After losing the effect of power and the dust that settled quickly due to gravity gradually dissipated, Karl Luo could finally see: In the distance, the Thanos was emerging from a huge pit that was blown out by her. , Step by step towards yourself.
Although the opponent looks a bit embarrassed, not only the head and bare arms also have a lot of scars and blood stains, even the golden on the body also have several obvious cracks and defects, but... it is certain that the other party is still Fortunately, it didn't hurt much!
"People on earth, your tenacity has won my respect."
"So, I can promise you here now: After my plan is completed, you people on earth can at least survive the other half!"
Just now, if Thanos had not used the power of Infinite Gems in time to protect himself, maybe he would be really dangerous.
It is precisely because of this that, in order to prevent these people from coming out to make trouble for himself in the future, he must now seize the opportunity and prepare to go forward one by one to make up for it, and completely eliminate the group of terrestrial militants who dare to resist him. !
What he said just now, the half of the earthlings who will survive in the future definitely exclude the guys who have caused chaos to themselves! He was a little rushed just now, and the heaviest of those people was just passing out, so it was necessary to make up for them.
"You don't have to resist anymore..."
"I have seen death, and I know the world of death... So, you don't have to be afraid at all. Death is not the end..."
Continually approaching the opponent, Thanos talked without joy or sorrow, as if he had nothing to do with himself about the things he was about to kill the people around him next.
"You villain!!"
Huh! Huh! Huh!
Seeing the enemy coming towards him, Carol did not hesitate to directly take out a self-defense pistol produced by their own people on his waist, and then instantly loaded it and pointed it at Thanos’ head quickly. Pulling the trigger, all the bullets were shot out at once!
Feeling the shock and sound from my own hand, a bullet with close to ten rounds in the magazine accurately hit the ugly big purple head of the enemy!
However, just as she originally expected, the other party did not make any evasion or resistance, and just let those bullets hit his face or forehead. Not only was he not hurt, but he was also ridiculously hurt. The tough skin bounced directly.
Click! Click!
Ms. Marvel, Carol angrily threw away the empty pistol in her hand, and began to gather the last trace of energy, planning to fight back even if she punched the opponent again.
"Stop making senseless resistance, trust me, everything will be over soon..."
After getting closer to the opponent, Thanos clenched his fists. He planned to end today's meaningless battle soon. Then, might he have to rush to Earth?
That's not right... Seems like someone sneaked on? !
Just as Thanos was about to strike a fatal punch at the backing Marvel Lady Carol, suddenly, at this moment, he felt something coming towards him behind him and glowing red, even Did you add another ghost to your shadow on the moon ground?
puff! !
Turning around and punching fiercely, Thanos just hit the thing that was coming towards him with his fist! It turns out that the person who just attacked him from behind was a fireball about the size of his head?
How can there be a fireball in this lunar environment?
This made Thanos feel a little surprised and puzzled when he smashed the flame embers on his fist.
"Great! She finally appeared!"
Compared to Thanos' surprise, Ms. Marvel Carol shouted in joy at this moment.
Of course she knows who will help her at this time! It is the little girl Annie who is rumored to be a very powerful Bear Shield magic consultant and is said to be the great arcane mage! At this critical moment, the other party finally appeared in time, and it was considered that their previous efforts and sacrifices were not in vain.
Then, when the feeling of exhaustion came, she just sat slantingly on the dusty icy lunar ground, as if she didn't have any strength in her whole body.
"This feeling is over there..."
After feeling the burning sensation in his hand and the weird power that had just been dissipated, Thanos’s originally relaxed expression suddenly stagnated, and then he no longer ignored the earth woman behind him, but went straight. Looking in the direction where the fireball just hit.
Sure enough, he saw a little human the rocky cliff of the moon. She was just wearing a homely red dress, with her white legs and half of her arms exposed, sitting on the edge of the cliff not far away without protection. , Still holding a plush teddy bear in his arms, while dangling his feet in red big-headed leather boots, while looking at him curiously and innocently, as if the fireball that had just sneaked over was completely with her Nothing in general.
Just squinting his eyes slightly, Thanos probably determined the identity of the other party. That should be the little girl he had been looking for, there was nothing wrong with it.
"Hmph, you finally appeared..."
"That little fireball just now, it is the so-called magic? must be the little girl mage with three infinite gems, right?"
After abandoning the Marvel Lady Carol, who was no longer threatening in a short time, Thanos leaped forward and jumped far to another moon rock not far away in front of the little girl. Then stare at the little girl sitting on the edge of the cliff opposite.
The opponent's strength made Thanos a little uncertain, so he planned to observe and observe again. If possible, it would be best to try it out first.
"What are you talking about, I can't hear you!"
Little Annie blinked, and then pretended to put her two palms near her ears.
"You are so strange, don't you know that voices in a vacuum cannot be transmitted? My elementary school teacher told us about it! Besides, I don’t have three infinite gems. Don’t ask. Me these things!"
(Tibbers suddenly had the urge to cover his face. This horrible little master who didn't speak his mind clearly just didn't confess...)
After speaking, Annie smiled so much and continued to pretend to be silly, saying that she had never heard what this weird said just now, and she didn't even know what infinite gems were!
She doesn't have three infinite gems. In fact, the authentic infinite gems she owns are indeed not only three, but five!
And the sixth one is now inlaid on the infinite glove on the opponent's left hand. Now Xiao Anni is already discussing urgently in private with her kowloon warrior Tibbers, thinking about how to take the opponent's hand. A true soul gem was fooled.
After all, Annie herself is a very peaceful girl. She hates fights or something! As long as the villain with the purple sweet potato face is willing to give her the soul gem for free, then she will reluctantly let him go!
But if the bad guy insists on not giving it to her for free, then...
ヽ(`⌒′)? Then burn him directly! Then, grab the stone again!
"Little girl... have you seen my gloves now? I think you must know them?"
Hearing the other party’s words, the facial muscles twitched a little, and the blue veins on his forehead jumped involuntarily. Then, Thanos finally stabilized his heart that had just started beating violently, and slowly lifted it up. The golden infinity glove that he was wearing on his left hand turned his back to the little girl and motioned for the other person to look over.
Somehow, the more he perceives, the more the opponent makes Thanos feel very jealous and creepy, which makes him even more puzzled. Therefore, Thanos has always endured it, and did not dare to rush.
Besides, whether it was from the opponent's past record or the fireball that was just thrown at him, he knew a little about the opponent's approximate strength, so he planned to try another method first.
"Huh? What a beautiful gem..."
"Are you going to give them all to me? Just like those grown-ups, do you like to give a meeting gift after seeing cute little children? That would be so embarrassing... that would be better. , My teacher, she taught me to be humble and modest... Then, I only need one. Oh, how about you give me the orange one? People have always liked the orange one the most. It’s a color!"
After seeing the orange gem in the opponent's hand, Annie jumped to her feet, and then looked at the opponent expectantly while blinking her big cute eyes.
Although she was embarrassed and full of humility, she was not polite at all to ask for her gems!
( obviously like the red like flame! Don’t think it’s a small one. The reason you only want the soul gem is because you know that the red reality gem and the purple power gem are actually two gems. Fake! It's just the undesirable thing you threw on the Saka star!
Listening to his little master speaking as if it were true, Tibbers couldn't help but utter a spit. This is what it is. If you change the person, maybe you really believe it! )
"No! In fact, I never meant to give them to you! And, do you see the three pits in this glove in my hand? I need to inlay them all... So, I actually I also want those three infinite gems on your body, they are of great use to me!"
After a while, Thanos patiently and tactfully refused an unreasonable request from the other party!
He had never thought about sending infinite gems to the other party just now. Why did she dare to think about it? Moreover, if the opponent's strength were not strong enough, he might have rushed to it long ago, so where would he be here for a long time with this little kid?
"Huh! My gems are mine, and the ones I fancy are mine!"
"So, I warn you this purple sweet potato head crooked star: you want my infinite gems, you are just wishful thinking, don't even think about it! Also, I advise you to hurry up and see me. The little orange piece of baby dug it out and gave it to me, otherwise, I'll hit you later!"
Seeing that she failed to pretend to be a fool, Annie turned her face immediately!
Then, while she was carrying her little bear Tibbs in one hand, she also began to grab a mass of unneeded air in the palm of her right hand. In the vacuum environment of the moon, it could burn flamingly and exude terror energy fluctuations. Fireball.
She has already decided: The soul gem is now in front of her, and she has not let go of the mistake! Since he refused to give it, she would grab it!
Anyway, it is not the first time that she has done something like robbing others, but she is very good at it! Besides, there is no uncle of the Universe Police in this universe. She just robbed this sweet potato head, and he might not have any place to cry!
"If I remember correctly, more than two years ago, in order to protect the earth, you smashed the useless Loki's conspiracy and eliminated most of the Cherita Legion! And not long ago, in order to protect the earth from being swallowed, He went on an expedition to Ygor again, and destroyed the ancient gods called Ygor and saved the world again..."
"So, little girl... I guess... you should be the guardian of this earth, am I right?"
Thanos first took a guard glance at the magic fireball in the opponent's hand, and then felt and confirmed that the opponent's body did have the special energy fluctuation of infinite gems, and then asked with a sneer.
Although it was only his guess, but with the strength of the opponent and his repeated actions to protect the world, it is not difficult to imagine that the opponent should be the kind of secret wizard that guards the earth, that kind of guardian. A general role!
"Huh? Guardian?"
"Bah! People are not guardians! Speaking of which, you may not believe that the guardian on earth was stabbed to death by their own people on the earth more than two years ago because of infighting. I feel pitiful..."
The true guardian of the earth should be the Supreme Mage Gu Yi of Kama Taj! The other party had already died more than two years ago, and there was nothing to conceal about this matter, so Xiao Annie said it openly.
In fact, Annie has always been very skeptical of the name of the Supreme Mage Gu Yi! Because, she could never imagine how a supreme mage could be successfully stabbed to death by a traitor under her own hands? Could it be that the supreme title of the earth people is equivalent to the senior mage?
Maybe it's like this, right?
"Huh! It's useless for you to deny! Now, my cosmic mothership Temple II is on the periphery of your planetary system. As long as I give an order, in just ten minutes, countless troops under my command Landing on the spacecraft will tear your atmosphere and completely submerge the earth! Maybe in less than an hour, we can easily destroy the world you are responsible for guarding..."
"So, little girl, please hand over those three gems honestly, and don't test my patience!"
Thanos has done a lot of homework before, and also specifically investigated what kind of profession a mage is. Therefore, he knows that if he fights with this mysterious existence that does not belong to his own power level, it is really unpredictable... Therefore, he thought of a good way to deal with this kind of wizard with weird abilities, that is: use the person or thing that the other party cares about!
And now, no other existence can threaten her more than the planet she is responsible for guarding! Thanos believes that it shouldn't be too difficult to force the little girl to hand over the three gems.
If the other party dares to refuse, then he will definitely do that!
When the time comes, he will drag the opponent here, and his army can drown the entire earth and destroy everything on it in an instant! At that time, he can slowly figure out a way to deal with this helpless little girl.
"Then do whatever you want! Anyway, the earth is not my home, just do whatever you like!"
Annie looked at each other with a disdainful expression of contempt. She felt that the guy with the purple sweet potato head in front of her might be really a bit stupid. He would threaten her with this earth?
This is so funny!
What she said is the truth, the earth is really not her home, whether it will be destroyed is actually something that the earth talents will care about! If she is in a good mood, maybe she will help them, but... if she is in a bad mood, it is very likely that she will burn the earth first by herself, maybe? !
Therefore, the proposition that the other party threatens her to hand over the infinite gems with the survival of the earth is simply impossible! It is a false proposition, and there is no need to verify it!
"So...then, we might as well give it a try!"
With a cold face, looking at each other with some uncertainty, seeing that this little girl is indeed that kind of careless and indifferent expression, but the still uncertain Thanos in her heart, after thinking about it seriously, she still I plan to give it a try first.
He believes that this cunning little girl must have deliberately put on such a relaxed and indifferent expression!
She pretends how indifferent she is, then, the more she cares, the more nervous she is! This kind of trick played by a kid will never hide him from Thanos!
So, in front of the little girl, he opened a communication device with a grinning smile, letting light project into it and a holographic image of a semi-mechanical blue-skinned female alien appeared, that was his goddaughter of Thanos. Nebula, the commander currently in charge of the Temple II and on standby outside Neptune's orbit.
"My father! Excuse me... what's your order?!"
It seemed that it was really a nebula far out of the solar system. When she saw Thanos contacting her, she quickly stood up and humbled her head and waited for the other's orders.
"Little girl, have you really considered it? Once my order is given, your earth will be destroyed! And now is your last chance! Hand over those three dollars immediately Infinite Gems, we will leave here immediately!"
Thanos did not care about the Adopted Daughter Nebula who was respectfully waiting for his order, but first turned his head and looked at the little girl opposite.
It's a pity that even at this time, the other party still looks indifferent, which makes him a little strange. Is this the other party's mentality too good, or is it because of the relying? Or, as the other party just said, she doesn't care about the life and death of the people on earth at all?
"Huh! Now is your last chance. If you don't give me that orange gem, I will beat you too!"
Annie still looked indifferent and very impatient. She was never afraid of being threatened by others. What's more, the other party had taken the wrong things that threatened her now! She really doesn't care about the life and death of the earth, and don't think that there are too many people on this strange purple sweet potato head!
You know, Annie, who owns many infinite gems, can open the space door at any time! If this bad guy really dared to invade the earth on a large scale, maybe she would just open the space door in the Kepulu region, and then summon a large number of Leviathan motherships and at least 100 million units Army of bugs!
At that time, who has more people is not always certain!
"Little girl, I believe you will regret it later!"
His eyes were cold, and after realizing that the little girl in front of him was still stubborn, Thanos turned his head and looked at the nebula that had been silently waiting for his orders.
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