Chapter 389: Who is talking about me?

Above the Southern Great Six of the Eastern Kingdom, the Irvine Water System is the largest water system in the Southern Great Six. It is also the most important geographic nerve in the territory of the Stormwind Kingdom. It is one of the most important guarantees for the prosperity of the Stormwind Kingdom. . &1t;/
The Irvine River, which spans five regions, mainly stems from the mountains in the southwest of the Red Ridge Mountains, flows through the Twilight Forest, Irvine Forest and other places along the way, and lies on the border of the two forests. It joins with other tributaries of small rivers, and Westfall is separated by such a big river from Elwynn Forest and Dusk Forest. &1t;/
If you take a boat from Stormwind City to the south along the main Irvine and follow the direction of the river's flow, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the western wilderness and twilight forest on both sides of the road, and you can also directly Arrive at Stranglethorn Vale and Lake Nafirrigan at the southernmost part of the Big Six, and finally enter the reef sea area. &1t;/
At this time, Vanessa, who was jumping on the western wilderness to seek rebellion and resist the tyranny of the Stormwind Kingdom, and the new Defias Brotherhood created by her, they are from the venture capital company camp on the east bank of Lake Nafrigan Lots of weapons and equipment ordered here! &1t;/
For goblins who have always only considered money and have no morals, as long as they have money and enough money, let alone the trivial matter of selling weapons and equipment, even if they send troops to attack Stormwind, they may dare! &1t;/
Think about it, what does their venture capital company do? In fact, it is this kind of risky and profitable work! Otherwise, how do you think the name of their goblin venture capital company came from? &1t;/
If you don’t want to enter the endless sea from the reef sea, you can go ashore and follow the road of Lake Nafregan and go south. If you are lucky enough, you can avoid all kinds of monsters, bandits, and troll tribes such as Zantaga If you are able to survive and go south along the road to the first intersection and turn right, you can successfully reach a place that all races in Stranglethorn Vale like to live in, and that is the sale of Stranglethorn Vale. Golden Cave, Gurubashi Arena! &1t;/
At this time, the goblin pirate, nicknamed John Mithril, was presiding over today's duel in the Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale, the southernmost part of the Eastern Kingdom. &1t;/
This arena was co-founded by his little goblin and some partners, and the purpose... of course it is to make money! Otherwise, what else? &1t;/
As far as the goblin John Misriel knows, if you want to make money fast, in addition to going out to sea to rob merchant ships, which is a lucrative business, maybe, there is only a duel game left! &1t;/
Every time, let those gladiators be three-on-three, five-on-five, or arouse the enthusiasm of the audience with less to more, and then he can let the gamblers bet on both sides! In this way, John Misriel, the founder and banker, can adjust the odds according to the amount of money bet by both sides and win a lot of gold coins! &1t;/
You know, this kind of duel competition is not only risk-free, but also a lot of money, but it is much better than the situation where he went to sea to risk looting merchant ships and was chased by the Stormwind Navy from time to time! &1t;/
However, it is a pity: this kind of money-making competitions cannot be held every day. At most, it will be held once or twice every month or every quarter. No matter how many, it won’t work... The gold coins in the customers’ pockets are also limited. In addition, some of them are far away from here. It is impossible to stay in Stranglethorn Vale all day. People always want to make money and live or work. Then, You can come again with money, right? &1t;/
"My dear friends! Gentlemen and ladies! And those thugs, killers, pirates, slave owners and mysterious spellcasters from all over the world in Azeroth, welcome you to my Gurubashi Arena !"&1t;/
"Finally, it's time for the regular monthly competitions again... Now, do you have enough gold coins in your pockets? Or, are you ready for the howls when you win and the tears of regret when you lose? Already?!"&1t;/
This little goblin, who is less than four feet tall, the pirate chief John Misriel, with two sharp naval hook blades pinned to his waist, is standing triumphantly on the arena referee's bench. Several square wooden boxes formed a high platform shouting loudly, and constantly aroused the emotions of the audience in the arena. &1t;/
Because he, the little John Misriel, has been eyeing the gold coins in their pockets! &1t;/
Later, he will lower the odds a little bit according to the situation, and then take both sides, eat the winners and losers, and then deduct the prizes of the participating teams, or even cut back at least one third, or even Just bet more coins! &1t;/
"Damn goblin! Hurry up, we're already impatient!"&1t;/
"That's right, who is in the mood to care about you, little dwarf, hurry up and get off! We are going to watch the game, and there is no time to look at your green face!"&1t;/
"We want to compete, don't look at you ugly goblin!"&1t;/
"Yes, hurry up and play!"&1t;/
The dwarf goblin John Mithriel just said a few words. A considerable number of spectators of various races in the audience holding swords or staffs used Azeroth's lingua franca to make noise, and some used them. Cursing in his own native language. &1t;/
Looking at the impatient and aggrieved looks of these people, it is not difficult to guess that when the last competition was held in the arena, these people must have lost money! And this time, I came here with full of resentment and thoughts of overturning. &1t;/
So, this time they think they will be able to make a lot of money and come here, they are very upset with that little John? Misril! If it weren’t for the fact that the opponent’s pirates were numerous and their strengths were relatively strong, I’m afraid they had even had the desire to kill people, rob treasures, and steal money directly. &1t;/
"Shut up all of you! My ears are very good, but I just heard you guys scold me! But, being generous, I am not really angry at all..."&1t;/
"Actually, I also want the game to start quickly, and I also want to win the golden coins in your pockets sooner! However, we still have to go through some necessary procedures. Anyway, it's still early today, no Is it?"&1t;/
John Misriel was really not at all angry about himself being cursed by a gang of villains. &1t;/
Because of this situation, he has long been used to it! &1t;/
For greedy goblins, there is nothing more fascinating than gold coins! But now, these audiences are all here to give him money, how can he get angry? So, don’t care how fierce and nasty they are, as long as they bet and pay the money honestly later, as for other things, it’s just a trivial matter and doesn’t need him. Too concerned! &1t;/
"Okay, okay! Dear viewers, time is money! So, let me start the first process now: Next, let me introduce the two members of today's duel match!"&1t;/
The little goblin who was actually more anxious than the audience saw that the enthusiasm of the audience had been successfully mobilized by him, and more and more people scolded himself, and more and more people vowed to win their own money, he Nodded with satisfaction, and began to enter the next step: &1t;/
"Today's three-on-three match is still the last competitive champion. Now there is a team that invites the ogre chief Larabac, and a three-person tactical team of two-headed ogres-power and spells!
Soon, following the introduction of the goblins, three double-headed ogres with a giant sword in one hand and a staff in one hand lined up to the field, and stood in the middle of the arena so presumptuously. &1t;/
"Just like I said, these big guys, in addition to having high martial skills and strong physical strength, can also cast terrifying lightning spells at the same time!"&1t;/
"Today, they have actually defended the championship three consecutive times!"&1t;/
"So, not long ago, some participating slave owners and a small number of red-eyed audience members told me arrogantly: Three two-headed ogres should be considered as six people? Although, those three guys. They are all holding a stick in the left hand and playing with a sword in the right hand. It is indeed a bit of a suspicion of cheating... But the rules here do not recognize human heads, I only recognize individuals!"&1t;/
"Here, even if you have the ability to catch those hydras or three-headed sea snakes, I will only treat them as one! Or, do you also ask some powerful warlocks to get you more heads? If you can't do it, then you all shut up!"&1t;/
John Misriel still remembers that the last time the slave owners and gamblers who dared to trouble him after losing their red eyes had been sunk by him into the reef sea west of Stranglethorn to feed the murlocs. . &1t;/
In Stranglethorn Vale, no one can question the authority of John Mithriel! &1t;/
In his territory, in this Gurubashi Arena, everyone must abide by his rules! If anyone dared to have unrealistic ideas, and even dared to grab money after losing his eyes, he must be prepared to be caught and fill the sea to feed the murlocs. &1t;/
"Well, I just introduced the triple crown team of the defending side! Now, let's talk about the team of the challenger side! It is the very qualified orc gladiator, the big shaman, and the current senior slave owner— —Rehgar? The Fury of the Earth!"&1t;/
The words of the little dwarf pirate just fell, and the spectators on the ring-shaped seats made of huge stones in this Gurubashi Arena began to roar and cheer again! &1t;/
Originally, they thought that today's game might not have much to look at. After all, the three double-headed ogres with both demon and martial arts are really shameless! The team that competes with them is equivalent to facing three powerful fighters plus three powerful Thunder Wizards at the same time. This is definitely not something ordinary gladiators can afford! &1t;/
But now, since it's a veteran gladiator who is going to play, there may be fun to watch. &1t;/
However, to their disappointment, what came out of the iron gate below was an unshaven dwarf musketeer, a tall elf archer with multiple welts on his body, and a back almost equal An elf-tall lava dog? &1t;/
Although it is a big guy, the audience does not think it will be the opponent of the three double-headed ogres. &1t;/
"Hey hey hey! Don't rush to make trouble, I haven't finished what I just said!"&1t;/
"Today's challenger is actually a brand new team of gladiators under Rehgar, not Rehgar himself! Although he is here today, he is not going to play!"&1t;/
When the cheers and noise of those guys stopped, John Misriel sneered disdainfully and explained that the situation had ruthlessly shattered their unrealistic fantasies. &1t;/
Those idiots don’t even think about it, now Regal? Earthfury, he is a senior advisor to the tribal chief Thrall, and he is also a rare powerful shaman in the tribe. Now he is definitely an important figure with status and status in the tribe. , Whether it is in the tribes or the Theramore of the Stormwind Alliance, there is not a low reputation, how can it be shirtless for some money, and some small deflated battles? &1t;/
"Damn it! I'm so happy!"&1t;/
"I thought it was the old orc who was going to play. Fortunately, I didn't rush to place a bet!"&1t;/
"Oops, I just bet as soon as I was happy..."&1t;/
"Damn orcs, cunning goblins, and the three two-headed ogres who see the undead!"&1t;/
"There is no suspense at all in this game. I think we should almost go back."&1t;/
The audience became noisy again, some wailing, but also fortunately, there were more gritted teeth trying to desperately kill a certain goblin standing on a wooden box in the distance. &1t;/
"Don't make any noise! ​​If you want the game to start quickly, please be quiet! Time is money, my friends, so please don't delay my money!"&1t;/
"Where did I just say? Okay..."&1t;/
"Let’s first introduce Lord Regal’s squad-the Flame Alliance squad! The two of them are a dog, and they are said to be prisoners of war captured by the orcs from Outland! You have also seen: the team consists of a Quel'Sala The ranger shooter of the elves, a dwarf hunter musketeer from the Eagle's Nest, and a fire element, the majestic two-headed lava dog..."&1t;/
Speaking of this, even the little John Misriel paused. Anyway, the organizers of his game are not very optimistic about these three Flame League guys. In this team, except that the mighty lava dog might be a bit threatening, the other two people are probably here to deliver food? &1t;/
"As for the Flame Alliance, everyone here may not be unfamiliar, yes! It is located in the northernmost part of the Great Six of our Eastern Kingdoms, the place where the powerful Kingdom of Lordaeron used to be! And here in Stranglethorn Vale, It’s on the southernmost side of Big 6..."&1t;/
"Think about how powerful the Flame Alliance was a few years ago... I once thought that they would fight from the north to the southernmost Stranglethorn Vale one day! But look now, whether they are in Azeroth The world, or in Outland, is said to have suffered unsustainable fiasco, and it is said that it has become an evil alliance that the Stormwind Alliance and the Horde have jointly attacked? Tsk tusk tusk... Look, it is estimated that the kobolds may have suffered better than them. A little bit?"&1t;/
The more I went down, the more the goblin John Mithriel shook his head and sighed... That flame alliance, rising too fast, and declining faster! Presumably, that word will become the dust in Azeroth's history soon. &1t;/
"So, given the fact that the Flame Alliance team is too weak, today's betting method is slightly different from the past! In addition to the most basic buy-in, you can also bet on how long their Flame Alliance team can last?" &1t;/
Actually, he who knew Rehgar, this time deliberately let the other party get some prisoners of war that could be seen in the past to make up for death! Anyway, after today’s game, when he finally finishes this deal, John Misriel will secretly send someone to kill the three double-headed ogres, saving them every time. All come here to block his way of making money. &1t;/
Therefore, he has decided in his heart now that people will secretly adjust the odds later, and use those complex calculation formulas that only their goblins can understand, and take a good look at the rich idiots present! &1t;/
"That's right! The ogres below, and the guys from the Flame Alliance, please listen to me: Today the great John Misriel is very happy, so I decided to give you both of you who will win. Reward some extra goodies!"&1t;/
"Have you seen the small box in the middle of the venue? There are some special alchemy medicines and enchanted treasures in it, and a blue high-quality arena master accessory! Of course, only the winning side is qualified to open it! So! , You should prepare quickly. After ten minutes, when you hear the sound of the gong, you can start fighting!"&1t;/
After speaking the last words, the little John Misriel quickly jumped awkwardly from the square wooden box that was built up, and signaled his clerks to quickly calculate the odds and collect the bet, then he stepped forward. In a short eight-stroke step, trot to the bottom of a gong, began to place an hourglass, sneered and waited for the time to come. &1t;/
"Davor...I'm really sorry, I was the one who dragged you down..."&1t;/
"If it weren't for you to protect me, you and the fat boy wouldn't be caught by those tribal beasts. I'm really sorry, everything is my fault..."&1t;/
There are still ten minutes before the start of the game, so when the high elf ranger Farana of Quel'Thalas looks at the three tall and strong two-headed cannibals who are not far in front of them. After watching for a while, the demon sighed, then bowed his head to apologize to Davor, his companion dwarf hunter next to him, and at the same time offered his animal companion, the two-headed lava dog fat boy, apologize and guilt. Eyes. &1t;/
She knew that perhaps, the ten minutes of preparation was the last time in their lives as a dog... No matter how you look at it, it seems that they will not be the opponents of the three powerful ogres on the opposite side. The gap is really too great. The disparity is huge. &1t;/
Think about it half a month ago, when they blocked the tribe’s army from marching towards Shadowmoon Valley in Terokkar Forest in Outland, she was besieged by the enemy on a big tree when she did not retreat in time, and then, there At that time, it was Davor and his partner Fat Boy who broke into the siege desperately and successfully saved her! &1t;/
Originally, with the fat boy’s powerful flame power and the precise shooting of the two, when she and he were about to rush out of the orcs’ encirclement, they accidentally ran into the shaman Regal? Earthfury... and then , She and he were escorted here. &1t;/
It is said that this is Stranglethorn Vale in the world of Azeroth, located at the southern end of the Eastern Kingdoms Big 6? &1t;/
However, it is still a bit far away from their home. No matter how she looks north, she can't see the light of the familiar new sunwell over Quel'Thalas...&1t;/
"Actually, you don't need to mind, Farana... After all, our alliance is a whole, a big family! Like the fat boy, you are also my family, right?"&1t;/
After gently stroking the hot head of his partner's fat boy with heat-insulated gloves, Davor sighed a little, but he did not regret his behavior in the Terokkar Forest. &1t;/
The reason why she is depressed right now is that the goblin’s words just now are actually correct...&1t;/
Once upon a time, their powerful flame alliance actually fell into this field in front of you? &1t;/
Moreover, they can see it faintly in Outland: Those Stormwind Alliance and Horde didn't fight at all when they were in Outland, but they showed signs of alliance! They concluded that someone must have secretly connected the Horde and the Stormwind Alliance together, and seemed to want to destroy their Flame Alliance together first? &1t;/
It's a pity that it seems they have no way to pass this important information back. &1t;/
He Davor is just an ordinary musketeer hunter, while Farana is a high elf ranger shooter, not those wizards with magical spells... Now, not only can they not send information back, they don’t even know the Northern Great 6 What is the situation? &1t;/
"There are still three minutes. Those of you who haven't placed a bet will hurry up! Don't even think about it. Is this unclear?"&1t;/
"The guys who buy these Flame Leagues can hold on for one minute, and the odds are one! If you buy them for two minutes, the odds are two! And so on, the longer they can hold on, the odds are The higher the higher, the upper is not capped! Of course, you can also directly buy them to win. We support parallel play here. The odds of victory can be superimposed with the odds of time!"&1t;/
At this time, the goblin John Misriel standing by the gong once again agitated the audience vigorously, hoping that they could buy more of the high elves and the dwarves of the Eagle's Nest to win or hold on for a longer time. In this case, he can operate a little more room. &1t;/
Like... let the ogre deliberately delay time? Or, let them kill the hapless two people and one dog as soon as possible? &1t;/
Anyway, after his clerks bring up the registration form for the bet, he will know what to do before he announces the official start of the game. &1t;/
This kind of cheating game, as the only dealer, if you don't do anything to the contestants, then you are simply sorry for his reputation as the goblin Lord John Misriel! &1t;/
In short, he had already dealt with Rehgar before, and the two below were here to die. All he needs to care about is how much money he can make this time! &1t;/
"Falana, it's useless to think more, hurry up and prepare for battle!"&1t;/
Click! &1t;/
After hearing the last three minutes of the goblin’s reminder, Davor, the dwarf from Eagle’s Nest Mountain, stopped talking. He directly loaded his large-caliber double-barreled musket and pressed the primer, and then checked the hanger. Hatchet at the waist. &1t;/
There are only two ammunition in his barrel. Later, the enemy may not give him time to reload. He must make a plan! It's just... against the double-headed ogre who is using magic to shield himself, he is not sure of a fatal blow, and even two ammunition damage is a bit difficult...&1t;/
He believes that his companion, Farana, who is a ranger next to him, should also be like this. Her strength is actually not much better than himself. &1t;/
Maybe they can only hope for the two-headed lava dog fat boy? &1t;/
But... how can it be one enemy three? It's a bit difficult to face a spellcaster who has both magic and martial arts. &1t;/
"Woo..." &1t;/
After feeling Davor's care, the two-headed lava dog fat boy slowly lowered his two heads, half-crawled his body, his limbs slightly arched stoutly, his mouth was still dripping with hot molten saliva, and started Roaring in a low voice, ready to pounce on the ogre opposite and start a battle! &1t;/
"You are right! No matter how difficult it is, we will never give up lightly!"&1t;/
Tightening her bow, the high elf ranger Farana drew the last wind-type demon-breaking arrow from her quiver. This is her only kind of magic shield that can break the opponent. And hurt the enemy's weapon! &1t;/
Enemies are very difficult to entangle. If she can't shoot through the two heads of one of the ogres with one arrow, then they have no chance of winning the slightest...&1t;/
"For our Flame Alliance, for Quel'Thalas, for Her Majesty Queen Sylvanas..."&1t;/
Finally, after a sigh from the bottom of my heart, Farana lightly put the magic arrow on her bowstring, and after a while, once the start of the gong sounded, she would conceal her ears with lightning speed. , An arrow shot through the head of the two-headed ogre standing at the end! &1t;/
Only it is the least vigilant, and if she attacks the two in front, she can shoot through one head at most, and in that case, it has no meaning to their battle! &1t;/
"My friends, there is one last minute! I'll leave it soon! Exciting games, battles, and the screams of death. This grand carnival is about to begin!"&1t; /
Seeing that the gladiators underneath were ready, the little John Misriel excitedly waved the small hammer on his hand, ready to knock the gong to announce the start of the game. &1t;/
If the Flame Queen and Her Majesty Anne were still there, how could the Flame Alliance fall to this tragic situation? &1t;/
Somehow, less than half a minute before the start of the game, Farana could not help but think of such a thing after watching the hot and burning body of the lava dog fat boy block in front of the two of them. &1t;/
That Queen of Flame, that kind of powerful immortal, that Anne? Queen Hasta, who defeated Archimonde on her own? Where did she go? I really hope that she can reappear and save the alliance that is on the brink of destruction...&1t;/
Her Majesty Queen Anne, have you heard our cry? &1t;/
Finally, after shouting such a sentence in my heart, Farana's somewhat lonely expression became dialectically determined again. &1t;/
She knew that the cruel and duel match was about to begin... This place is full of powerful enemy guards and those crazy villains, even if they have weapons in their hands, they can't escape! &1t;/
So, this will be the last battle between her and Davor...&1t;/
Perhaps the only rejoicing is: can she and him die on the land of Azeroth? &1t;/
"The game is about to start. Please listen to my instructions for both sides of the gladiatorial fight. You can only attack after the gong rings, otherwise... my guards will directly kill the offending party!"
"Uh? What's the situation..."&1t;/
The little goblin raised the hammer in his hand, and when he was about to scream and beat the gong hard, his hand suddenly froze. &1t;/
Because, he saw: Right above the arena, a blue space door suddenly appeared for some reason. Then, the space door got bigger and bigger, and a little girl floating and flying started looking curiously from Popped out of it? &1t;/
"Well, how are you guys..."&1t;/
"Actually, I was going to go straight back, but...for some reason, I seem to hear someone calling my name just now? So, do you know what happened here, and who was just talking about? Me?"&1t;/
⊙(?◇?)? &1t;/
In the stunned eyes of all the audience and the the one wearing a red dress with a cute and beautiful red turban on his head, holding a soft toy bear in his hand. The little blue-eyed girl, with curiosity on her face, slowly drifted down from the disappeared portal to the ground in the middle of the arena. &1t;/
Seeing that no one answered, Annie stood directly in the middle of the Gurubashi Arena and was placed in the middle of the arena by the little John Misril, intending to reward the winner on the beautiful little treasure chest. &1t;/
Now Annie only knows her approximate position in the world of Azeroth, but she doesn't know what so many people around her are doing, or why someone here just called her name. &1t;/
However, she looked at the surrounding buildings, as if... They were watching some kind of game? &1t;/
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