Chapter 399: Deadwind Trail

On this day in the twenty-sixth year of the Dark Portal of Azeroth, here in the Land of Fire, there is something that seems to be the greatest discordant factor for the fire elements: the fire element lord, one of the four element lord, that In the world of Azeroth and a certain black dragon prince, he was beaten to death and his strength was greatly reduced. He was originally planning to return to the land of flames to cultivate and rejuvenate. Ragnaros, the king of the Balrog, was occupied on this day. A certain little girl in its lair used some kind of magical frost and flames to kill them alive in the land of flames...
From this day on, Ragnaros, Lord of the Balrogs, has completely become an insignificant term in the history of Azeroth!
Of course, Ragnaros, the King of the Balrog, was not lonely because he was beaten to death on the same day with him, and there was also a certain Leolis who wanted to be a young man on the wall. Lord. Apex novels update fastest
This ancient lava giant, who has lived for countless tens of thousands of years, mistakenly estimated the situation of both sides, and thought that a certain little girl would never return to the Land of Flames, so it took it for granted that it planned to stand on the return of the king. This side of Ragnaros, the Demon Lord, then, of course, it died...
After the highly motivated Fire Demon Royal Guard Corps and a large number of elite fire element lords besieged Lord Leolis to death, they simply dug out the opponent’s lava core, completely severing it and returning to the land of flames. Any possibility of resurrection!
Therefore, when Little Annie handled the matter of the Land of Flame, repaired the hole in the space that was torn by the big screw that was dead, and once again reinforced the various safety protection measures in the molten fire field cast by Titan After that, she finally returned to the main material world of Azeroth by the fire elementals.
Because she still has to follow those fleets to go to the Westfall to meet her little sister Vanessa who hadn't seen her for a long time!
However, when she came to this entrance to the sea south of Lake Neferigen in Stranglethorn Vale again, it was as if some captured orc shaman thought she could not find it now. A team of goblin pirate fleets escorting weapons and equipment to the Westfall!
For this reason, after suffering for a short while, Little Annie decided resolutely: she could actually take the lead in the Westfall to wait for them. After all, it takes ten and a half days for the fleet to sail on the sea, and she once sailed in the Caribbean world, but she hates the speed of those sailing ships!
Immediately afterwards, Annie, who has always thought of doing whatever she wants, teleported directly north for a long distance, and instantly arrived at this strange place in front of her: this is a gloomy and desolate, strange wood, chaotic stone and deserted. The place.
As far as I can see, the trails that have not been walked for a long time are full of vines and fallen leaves, and they circling windingly between the high mountains and ridges, it seems that no one has walked for a long time.
At the same time, the sky has always been shrouded in a faint dark curtain, so that the sun cannot shine in during the day...
Anyway, Annie looked over, whether it was the surrounding mountains or the mage tower in the valley, which had obviously been abandoned for a long time, they were all filled with a strange or unknown breath of death.
In short, here, this place is very dangerous for ordinary people, and it can be felt from the breath alone.
In addition to the above information that can be seen by individuals, Annie also found some abnormalities hidden under the surface: near this abandoned mage tower, its causal law of space and time is very chaotic! For ordinary arcane masters, this seems to be a good place to build mage towers and to explore the world of Azeroth or other multi-dimensional planes.
However, this kind of place is actually useless for Annie!
Because, she has integrated and learned the rules of space gems, now she can freely shuttle between different planes and worlds, and she doesn't need to use this troublesome place to find it slowly!
"Hmm... dear Tibbers..."
"I guess... this time... we should... maybe come to the wrong place? Why don't you guess, where is this in the world of Azeroth?"
A long-distance random teleportation from Stranglethorn Vale to the north, Annie did not get to the western wilderness where she was going, instead she came to such a weird place! She also knows that this is definitely a desolate mountain area, presumably, it shouldn't be Farana and the western wilderness that the goblin pirate talked about?
She remembered that at the beginning, the little goblin John Mithriel once said that the Westfall is a large plain and an important granary in the Kingdom of Stormwind! There are countless mines and farms and ranches. At the same time, there are also many townspeople, handicraftsmen, merchants, farmers, and tenant farmers in the Kingdom of Storm. Of course, there must be more bankrupts, refugees, and farmers. Homeless person or robber robber!
Anyway, the environment that Annie sees now doesn't match the Western Wilderness. Presumably, no normal person would choose to live in such a blinding place! Because the shadows in the sky and the surrounding shadows or other negative attributes alone are enough to wither sun-loving plants and make animals and humans crazy or sick.
(I don’t know, I’ve never been to this place...but I’m sure: this is definitely not the Wild West you want to go to!
It doesn’t matter where Tibbs goes anyway. Besides, the fleet of elves and dwarves is still floating on the sea. They don’t have the convenient teleportation spells like Tibbs and their little master. "Swish", go wherever you want!
Of course, the premise is that you can’t fly in the wrong direction and distance. If it’s like its own little master, and chaos with his temper in a certain wrong direction, he must not go wherever he wants. of……)
"How do you know that this is not the Wild West? You have never been to this place! Maybe, the Wild West actually looks weird?"
Little Annie, who was never willing to admit defeat or admit her mistakes easily, even though she probably agreed with her little bear's point of view in her heart, she could not admit the fact that she made a mistake so easily!
Whether it is to maintain her majesty as a master, or to demonstrate her own master's expertise, her master can only be right, and the only thing wrong is Little Bear!
(Little master...)
(As the goblin said, the Westfall is north of Stranglethorn Vale to the west...If you take a boat out to sea, sail along the coastline to the northwest, you can reach a plain near the sea in Westfall...Since they can Arriving by boat, the Western Wilderness is definitely to the west, and there is still a coastline! But if you look at it now... it is obviously in the central mountainous area of ​​this continent. Regardless of the front, back, left, and right, you carefully perceive where again Are there signs of approaching the coast?
Moreover, if the small one remembers correctly, when you were positioning to the north and preparing to transmit, the direction of the fixed point should be northeast, not northwest...
Tibbers didn't dare to go any further when he said it, because it knew that its little master was now a little bit irritated, and if it didn't want to be punished for no reason, it would be better to shut up earlier. )
"Well then! Tibbers...I think we accidentally got lost again this time..."
That's right, it's just a small accident to get lost, and Annie won't admit that she is an important member of the Lu Chi Party! Besides, who made this planet so hot, it could only be the fault of this planet of Azeroth that it got lost, and it was absolutely impossible to blame her on Annie herself!
Isn’t it normal for the planet to be so big, accidentally mistaking one or two numbers and leading to the wrong place?
(Master, you got lost...)
(Tibbers thinks that this is a matter of principle. It is not a road idiot itself, but a professional shadow creature navigator, and its owner is a person in two worlds in terms of direction! So, that It seems that the word'men' is used a bit inaccurately?)
"If I hadn't been to this place before, where would I get lost? The big deal...Shall we go to that big house and find someone to ask?"
Annie herself firmly believes that she is not really a road idiot, she just loses sense of direction easily in unfamiliar places, just a little bit! Anyway, as long as it is a place she has personally visited once, then she will never go wrong again.
(Master, I’m afraid there are no living people around here...Look, in the wilderness, even the mage tower below is filled with an ominous aura. The energy fluctuations of the undead and the shadows are very strong, it should not be like living. Where people live.
The dark and dilapidated building in the valley below made Tibbers feel more like a gathering place for the undead! If there are real people living in it, how can the house be left to ruin like that? )
"If you don't have a living person, don't be afraid! Then it's the same if we go in and catch a ghost and ask!"
Annie already felt that in this abandoned mage tower, there were ghosts and other things!
Although ordinary undead creatures may have confusion in their thinking, as long as they forcefully ingest and sort out the remaining memory fragments in the opponent's soul, then they can definitely know a lot of things and figure out where it is.
"Let's go, Tibbers... we're going to adventure in a haunted house!"
There was no other good choice, she immediately grabbed her little bear's arm, and hopped down from the rugged rocky mountain path to the abandoned mage tower below.
The haunted house or something, definitely can't scare Annie herself, and it's certainly not enough to blame the sacred scorpion! In fact, there are not many things that can scare her to Annie now!
After all, fear comes from the unknown. Whether it is an evil spirit or a devil, it is nothing more than some strange negative energy creatures. If you really dare to come out and scare her casually, will you see Xiao Annie? Teach them to be ghosts with fireballs as big as faces?
Once her flame is thrown out, whether it is a ghost or a human being, if she is accidentally hit, it will burn so much that there is no residue left!
However, just as Annie ran to the wall of the bridge, preparing to enter this strange and abandoned mage tower, a black raven suddenly did not know where it flew to a broken stone pillar in front of her. , Then, Annie stopped in surprise and began to look at each other curiously.
Because she could tell at a glance: This raven's body has a wave of deformation magic power, it should be a direct change of someone, not an ordinary animal.
"Hi! Hello, little crow...Who are you, why are you blocking my way?!"
It just so happened that Annie wanted to go into this mage tower to find ghosts for questioning, but since a deformed mage appeared here, she didn't bother to do other more troublesome things.
The raven did not scream again or spit out human words. Instead, he first turned his head sideways with its small black human eyes, and then carefully looked at Little Annie for a while before trying to pat its wings. It jumped down from the stone pillar and stood in front of the rock bridge. Then, its body began to burst out with bursts of turquoise light, causing its entire body and feathers to dissipate and quickly expand!
Soon, as the dazzling light and the weird mana fluctuations gradually disappeared, a strange old man with a wooden walking stick in his hand, a dark red hooded cloak, and a raven feather shawl on his shoulders, He appeared in front of Annie alive.
"Your Majesty the Flame Queen, powerful immortal... you are finally back to the world of Azeroth..."
The old man in the black-haired cloak that appeared directly bowed to Annie in an orderly manner, and then began to constantly look at the little girl with his uncertain eyes.
Because he found that compared to the last time he saw this little girl, the opponent now, although the mana fluctuations seem to be weaker, but her strength is stronger... Regarding this point, it is absolutely impossible to deceive him. eye!
"Huh? You know me?"
"But...who are you here? It seems so familiar... Wait, don't talk, let me think about it... let me think about who you are. I think I will remember it!"
This weird guy who can turn into a crow by magic, don't know why, Annie always felt like she had seen it somewhere, so she began to search for the other party's information from her memory urgently. Of course, it must be the little bear who secretly asked himself.
"Aha! I remembered that you were the McDonald who pretended to be a prophet and tricked me to beat the great demon Archimonde more than two years ago, am I right?!"
Finally, combined with the other's maverick image, Annie quickly found the other's information from the corners of her messy memories! She even remembered that back then, it was the fake prophet and the bronze dragon dwarf who went to find herself together. This must be correct!
"I'm sorry, Her Majesty Queen Anne, my name is actually Medivh... Or, you can call me Magna Medivh. The last time I went to see you, it should have been six years ago..."
"The current I am not only an astral mage, but also a true prophet who sees through a little bit of future fragments. I am not a fake..."
Hearing that the other party had called his name incorrectly, Medivh humbly corrected the other party and reaffirmed his identity as a true prophet. Although, in front of these mighty ones, his prophet's statement is indeed a bit untenable, but it can not be said that he is a fake.
Think about how he guided the people of Lordaeron to cross Kalimdor westward and organized them against the Burning Legion. In the end, he succeeded, right? Relying on what he saw in advance, he guided the people of Azeroth to successfully defeat the evil and won another great victory against the Burning Legion!
"Medivine? Forget it, your name doesn't really matter!"
"I'm asking you now, where is this place? You may not know. We originally wanted to run from Stranglethorn Vale to the Westfall, but I was not careful. I used a little more mana, and the teleportation distance became longer. So I ran to this strange place somehow."
Now that she came across someone who could speak human language, and seemed to be an acquaintance, Annie quickly asked about this and dispelled the haunted house adventure plan she had planned before. Although she is not afraid of those undead, but she really hates that kind of damp and wet house that smells stinky and full of musty!
"Uh... Are you going to the Westfall?!"
Medivh felt a little strange. If he was going to the Westfall, he would just send a random teleport from Stranglethorn Vale to the northwest, right? Why is the opponent so far behind now that they ran to the Deadwind Trail?
"His Majesty Anne, this is actually the Deadwind Trail, located in the middle of the southern continent of the Eastern Kingdom... Surrounded by the Twilight Forest, Elwynn Forest, Stranglethorn Vale, and the Cursed Lands, Swamp of Sorrows and Redridge Mountains in the west... "
"And the Western Wilderness you are going to is directly west of our place. You can reach it after crossing the dense twilight forest."
Although I didn't understand what the little girl was up to, Medivh answered this simple question honestly.
"It turned out to be like this... By the way, is this strange mage tower yours? Why do I seem to find that it has some kind of connection with you?"
After figuring out where she was, this was another issue that Annie was concerned about.
After this guy named McDonald appeared in front of her, she was very sensitive to energy, and she easily discovered this!
The astral energy on this guy seems to be a bit similar to the chaotic space energy in this abandoned mage tower, and the abandoned mage tower seems to be connected to this strange old man, if he and here If it doesn't matter, she will definitely not believe it!
"My home? No... Karazhan... Although it used to be my home, now it is no longer mine..."
"In fact, now I don’t have enough power to control and suppress this place... Inside, without enough power to suppress, various power monsters and illusions are starting to be active unscrupulously... There are those everywhere inside. The demons that ran out of the mirror tower, the creatures that invaded from another space, the experimental creatures I had back then, the cursed souls, and the mana residues of the powerful forces that have been left behind, those arcane elements..."
"So, I had to discard it..."
"Now, Your Majesty Queen Anne has also seen: In addition to some restrictions I set, this place has become more and more out of control... Under the long-term effect of those mana residues, the space and time in this Karazhan have become It is extremely chaotic, and if ordinary people enter, it will not have good results... Moreover, the space at the top of the tower has been torn apart, and the twisted void is slowly devouring it."
"If it is allowed to develop like this, I don't know what kind of terrible place it will evolve into in the end..."
That’s right, the current Karazhan is indeed not Medivh’s home. After losing the power of the guardian, he can no longer suppress this place. He can only leave it to waste like this, and let the space rift in it deteriorate. He is really Inability to improve or do more.
Moreover, now he is gradually retreating from the sight of the world, and he has discovered an important fact: this Azeroth world, it no longer needs a guardian! Because even the Guardian can't fight the Burning Legion, the huge power will only cause some worse results!
This is like the things that Medivh did before...
"It's like this... Then what are you planning to do here now? Is it... you want to go home and see?"
Since this guy keeps saying that he doesn't want this place anymore, Annie is very strange: If he doesn't want it, then why is he making trouble here again?
Isn't it... like her, sometimes, even if you don't want something, even if it is thrown on the ground, others are not allowed to take it away?
"No...That's actually because I recently discovered that something is wrong here, so during this time, I have been silently observing it from the periphery..."
This is also the reason why Medivh was able to discover Anne's presence here for the first time, because he began to come to Karazhan and began his observation operations more than a month ago.
"Your Majesty, you also know that although the Burning Legion’s plan to invade this world suffered a terrible failure a few years ago, even their overlord Archimonde died on Mount Hyjal... However, the Burning Legion has recently become active again. Come up... In addition to Outland, I also seem to faintly feel the presence of powerful demons in it..."
"So, I came here, I want to go in and do some investigations. If possible, I will make some necessary arrangements to prevent this special place from being used by the Burning Legion!"
Karazhan is a magical place. It can be easily linked to many astral planes. Therefore, Medivh is very worried that it will become an important stronghold for the demons of the Burning Legion! Because, here when he was possessed by Sargeras, it was directly linked to the Twisted Void. Now, the Twisted Void slowly swallowing the surrounding space at the top of the tower is a clear proof!
Although this space gap is not big, if it is really used by the demons, it will also be a huge problem! If you think about the small group of demons starting from here, raiding the core hinterland of Stormwind Kingdom, or using the unstable space here to establish a stable legion portal, then a big event is really going to happen!
Although he Medivh intends to retire and hand over the safety of the world of Azeroth to the people of the world of Azeroth, he is still very concerned about things like the Burning Legion! And once he discovers that there is really a plot of the Burning Legion here, and if he himself is powerless, he can't say that he will continue to go out and pretend and pretend to be that great mysterious prophet?
"Oh... it turns out to be Jiangzi..."
"Then you have to work hard here, I am now going to the Westfall!"
It's nothing to do, hang up high, and Little Annie doesn't care about the things about the Burning Legion or the demons!
So after speaking, she pondered slightly, and began to guide the spell to open the portal! This time, she was not going to send it directly, but instead opened a door to see if the opposite side was Westfall. After seeing it clearly, she then decided whether she could pass it or not.
"Your Majesty Queen Anne, can I ask you, what are you going to do in the Westfall?"
Seeing the other party wasting magic power so wantonly, they began to release one by one portals, and when they saw that the scenery on the other side was wrong, they cancelled them one by one, Medivh couldn't help asking a little curiously.
"Actually, it's nothing. I have a younger sister over there, who is planning to trouble the Stormwind Kingdom... so I plan to check it out, and if I can, I'll help her!"
There is nothing to say about this, and Vanessa hasn’t seen it for a long time. Since the world of Azeroth has passed for six years, she really wants to talk about the old, anyway, she is idle now. Also idle.
"You are going to attack... Stormwind Kingdom?!"
Medivh was really shocked. He never expected that this little girl planned to do such a thing!
"His Majesty Queen Anne...Although I know that your Flame Alliance is now antagonistic and in a hostile war with the Stormwind Alliance, taking advantage of the other side's time to do this while fighting the Burning Legion in Outland, I'm afraid it's not so good, right?"
"We all have a deep understanding of the horror of the Burning Legion... No matter who it is, even the guardian who once possessed a powerful force, it must be impossible to fight them alone... Therefore, I hope that the various races in the world of Azeroth We can unite with all alliance tribes, and stop doing those fearless confrontations..."
After a few years, Medivh couldn't see the strength of this little girl anymore. However, he knew that the opponent was at least a strong demigod or above! If an existence like this really ran to make trouble for the Kingdom of Stormwind, it would definitely be a terrible thing!
Think about it, when the powerful Archimonde made a move, he showed the kind of terrifying power that destroyed the world when he destroyed Dalaran... Then, this little girl, would she be angry? Do terrible things like blowing up Stormwind?
The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible, Medivh was frightened by his own thoughts, and the cold sweat began to flow down.
"Huh! They are allowed to fight my Flame Alliance, and I are not allowed to fight them. Where is there such a saying?"
"I don't care about that Burning Legion or something! Anyway, I'm not afraid of it Burning Legion. What will it do if it destroys the world or not? So, I have decided: I will fight Stormwind first! Let them know what will happen to those who bully my family while I am away!"
Waving her small fist, Annie glanced at the strange old man before continuing to guide her spells.
It seems to make sense, but Medivh is a bit speechless...
"Well, your Majesty Queen Anne, let's not hurry about the Westfall or Stormwind! Look, now here, I plan to go to this Karazhan to find out, I don’t know... Are you interested in being with me? Go in and try?"
Although he is no longer a member of the Kingdom of Stormwind, let alone a guardian, King Lane has been dead for many years... But if he can help Stormwind City, Medivh will still do it.
Like now, use other things to attract this little girl's attention?
Moreover, there may be some difficult opponents in this Karazhan, for fear that Medivh, who is not able to deal with him, has encountered each other here, then I really hope this little girl can help him.
He thinks it, I believe a lot of time has passed since the completion of the mission from Karazhan. By then, maybe this little guy has forgotten about Stormwind?
"Huh? Do you want me to join you in this high tower adventure? It sounds interesting... but is it fun?"
Annie, who had already found the location of the Westfall, when she was about to step into the portal, when she heard Medivh say that behind her, she cancelled the portal out of curiosity, and looked back at it with a little expectation. Huibulaji's abandoned mage tower.
If there is something fun in it, it is not impossible to delay a little time.
"Of course, please believe me, Her Majesty Queen Anne..."
"This Karazhan is a magical place inside. I think you will be satisfied by then! Moreover, there are many spell books in UU Reading, all from my collection back then! If you help If I am busy, maybe you can just take them away?"
"Although you may not be able to use them due to your great strength, you will definitely be interested in some knowledge of the astral planes and some interesting world coordinates I have been to..."
Medivh, who probably understood a little girl's personality, began to seduce each other in a seductive way.
Of course, he wouldn’t say that most of his books and treasures have been secretly moved by Dalaran’s Violet Eye, and the rest are generally related to superb spells. Irrelevant things!
But Medivh believes that this little girl will definitely be interested in the planes and knowledge coordinates of other worlds like travel notes!
"Then what are you waiting for, lead the way!"
There must be knowledge and coordinate records of other planes, and Annie can't sit still immediately, let alone, this thing can tempt her like any treasure!
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