Chapter 424: Warbringer world sa

Messenger of war
Unlike Admiral Dalyn Proudmoore’s Seventh Fleet, which was slowly heading to the northeast of Lordaeron by using the reverse crosswind, it was chased by the Seventh Fleet and finally rushed out of the Maelstrom. The fleet of the orc tribe dared not stop for a moment!
For fear of being chased by the enemy, they still galloped towards the sea to the southeast with the wind and the water. Coupled with the shamans guiding the squalls and ocean currents, they just took only a few days to arrive. Here is a western coast of Northern Stranglethorn.
By this time, they who landed on the coast were almost exhausted...
Finally, the soldiers of the tribes and races who have gone through a big storm, a chase battle, and desperately running at sea, now finally have time to rest for a while and start counting losses. When they arrive on the shore, the warriors of their orc tribe will no longer worry about the water ducks of the Seventh Fleet coming ashore to find their troubles!
At this time, under a simple animal skin tent by the coast, the tribal warchief Thrall, who had overcast spells in the storm zone and almost never stopped guiding the wind for several days, can finally take a good breath. .
At this moment, he was so depressed sitting on a stone as big as his head in the tent, holding a wooden bowl in his hand, and looked at the busy orcs, trolls, tauren and pig heads in the distance. He turned around and stared at the seashell soup in the bowl and the large bowl of beast meat next to him. Although they were delicious, he didn't have any mood to eat them.
This time, their orc tribe really suffered a heavy loss...
When they set off, the large fleet that had originally planned to go to the continent of Lordaeron to grab territory, under the storm created by their own people and the indiscriminate bombing of the Seventh Fleet, suffered extremely heavy losses, and the ships that could successfully escape, It is less than one-third of the time when starting from Orgrimmar Fist Blade Bay!
In that storm chase, because their tribe’s ship was not as good as the enemy, their catapults, ballistas, and those ridiculous guns, etc., in that kind of weather, there was no way to fight back, let alone a library. Opponents of the large naval guns of the Ul Tiras naval battleship... Therefore, they can only struggle and wailing in vain under the brutal attack of those giant ship artillery that gushes with flames and hot shells.
According to Thrall's own estimation, he blames himself even more: the enemy sunk or wounded and sunk, maybe less than one-third of the total fleet? And those more casualties were directly buried in the terrifying storm that they launched themselves... They were all sunk by those crazy waves or simply dragged directly into the abyss of death by the terrifying maelstrom. ...
Up to now, there are only more than twenty large and small ships that can successfully reach the northern Stranglethorn...The ones that can land alive and set foot on the hard ground again, even if the crew is counted, there are only more than 5,000. Warriors... and the other 20,000 people who set off with them all died under the merciless sea of ​​enemy fire!
Whenever he thinks of such heavy casualties, Thrall can't help but grieve...Think of the year when they faced the Burning Legion in the Battle of Hyjal, their tribes added up before and after the battle, didn't they have suffered such heavy casualties, right?
So, Thrall knew that this was actually the responsibility of his warchief... it was he who insisted on believing that human being and Jaina's words... That's why... But the matter is over, no matter how much you think about it, it's no use, warrior. We can't survive...
What can their tribe do besides swallowing this bitter fruit in pain?
The hostile relationship between humans and orcs is actually not a day or two. Even in northern Durotar, in Ashenvale or Azshara, the night elves have always had friction with their orcs and often have small-scale battles. ?
Think about it, too, the battle between their orc tribe and the human alliance has never stopped since they came to this world of Azeroth...Those false peaces are just like a piece of tattered linen, I tore it casually, under the fake smile, what you can see, it is destined to be only those sharp knives and guns that flash with cold light hidden by both sides.
The so-called peace... between the orcs and humans or night elves, there has never been any peace from beginning to end... that was just wishful thinking that Thrall took for granted... In the eyes of those humans or night elves, their orcs, I am afraid it will always be just an intruder, nothing more!
"You are here, Saurfang..."
"Understood? Here we are landing, this place...Where is it in Stranglethorn Vale?"
Finally, after King Saurfang, who had gone to count the materials, personnel, and arranged the construction of the camp, finally returned, Thrall quickly raised his head and asked out loud.
Their tribe has just landed here. When they are unfamiliar with the place, they didn’t dare to run around. They just quickly set up a temporary camp in an easy-to-defend and difficult place on this coast, intending to use it as a defense. And to explore the surrounding forward base.
"Warchief, why did you not eat at all?!"
Saurfang did not rush to answer Thrall's words, but frowned and looked at the big bowl of beast meat in front of Thrall and the bowl in the opponent's hand that was still full of seafood soup.
"Eat first...I'll talk to you carefully after eating! Don't worry, it's definitely not bad news!"
Saurfang sat directly opposite Thrall. As soon as he reached out his hand, he pulled a piece of meat away from the big wooden bowl like a washbasin and took a bite for himself. Then he squeezed it directly into Thrall's hand unreasonably and motioned to him. Eat something first, if you don't eat, he won't say anything.
However, Thrall was still not in the mood to eat, he just put it in a large wooden bowl, and then directly drank the soup in his other hand, and soon looked firmly at his own again. Saurfang, a friend and consultant, was waiting for the information that the other party found out.
"Oh! Let me just talk about it... Warchief, first look at this map!"
Seeing the appearance of the other party, Saurfang no longer insisted, but directly spread out a pair of animal skins and spread it on the fairly flat ground.
Obviously, this is just a temporary map drawn temporarily, and it seems that it shouldn't be the handwriting of the orcs, because ah, the lines are a bit too fine, not like the abstract style of the orcs.
"Look, this is the information we just met with a group of goblin raiders, and then bought it from the other side with gold! This is the topographic map of Stranglethorn Vale that the goblin leader himself drew for us, although it is detailed The location does not guarantee its accuracy, but other approximate locations should be relatively reliable."
"Look here, it's the big island Yojamba Island we encountered before we landed!"
Goblin creatures can be said to be too many in Stranglethorn Vale! In Stranglethorn Vale, apart from the massive trolls scattered throughout Stranglethorn Vale and among countless tribes, the most are the goblins.
Therefore, it is not too strange that Saurfang and the others went out to find the way and easily met a group of goblins.
"Our current coast is called Savage Bay, and we are in this position now..."
Leading Thrall’s sight, Saurfang spends places on the map, because this is what the goblins said while drawing, and many of the characters are not common in Azeroth. If he doesn’t explain it, I’m afraid it will be too big. Chief Thrall couldn't understand.
"To the north of us is the territory of a group of Zukunda trolls. They live in the huge ruins of that ancient city. The number of them may exceed 10,000 or 20,000. Therefore, we better not provoke them casually..."
"And in the northwest, living on the coast like we are now is a group of tribes named Zudanya trolls. They also live in the ruins of a town of their ancestors. If you walk along the coast, it’s far from us There are about three to five days away, and they will also build some small boats. It is actually them who have been following our fleet in the open sea! However, their number is relatively small. According to the goblins, their number is probably only Three to five thousand are like this, shouldn't you dare to come down south to trouble us?"
"If you go further east, it will be the territory of the Balar, Kalai and Gash..."
"In short, our surroundings are now full of trolls or other wild creatures! If we want to go out, at least we must conquer the Balar or Gash trolls in the east, because they are blocking us. Go north to the Twilight Forest of Stormwind Kingdom or take a boat along the Irvine River north to Westfall and Stormwind City!"
"As for the southern part of Stranglethorn Vale, there is even more chaos there! Countless ogres, goblins or trolls have their own spheres of influence, I think they will not welcome us too much..."
Soon, King Saurfang introduced the general information on the map and the distribution of power to Thrall, so that the warchief could have a more intuitive understanding of the situation and would not make wrong judgments.
"Wait! Saurfang... You just said that along the Irvine River, you can go directly north to Stormwind City?"
Thrall pointed at the thick line marking the river, and suddenly a very bold idea came to his mind!
Because as far as he knows, the main force of Stormwind City is definitely still in the continent of Lordaeron and Outland. If thousands of orc warriors can go northward by boat, they will definitely be able to teach humans a severe lesson and take revenge. Hate it?
In short, Thrall felt that their 20,000 orc warriors must not just die in vain!
If it is at sea, now the navy of their tribe is not the opponent of those alliance warships... But if they come to the shore, the warriors of five thousand tribes are enough to compete with double the number of humans! What's more, they now have a large number of shamans and sorcerers in their fleet. This is something human wizards can't resist. Even if the other party defends the city, their shaman's earth magic can destroy their walls!
"Warchief, your idea is good! But... I'm afraid it can't be realized..."
"You see, apart from the road from our east, from here to the north, to the dark forest of twilight, where we can try to invade Elwynn Forest, we really have no other way to reach Stormwind City directly from the waterway! ...This reef sea will sink all of our remaining twenty or so ships to the bottom of the sea..."
"If you have to go north by boat, you can only go east and go to the venture capital company camp next to Lake Neferrigan, to hire those goblins merchant ships to carry us north! But... I'm sorry, Chief, We don’t have that much money now! Even now, even our food rations can only rely on killing alligators on the surrounding beaches and the Velociraptors in the woodland.
After drawing a large circle on a place on the map, Saurfang had to sigh.
The authenticity of this map they bought from the goblin at a huge price should be reliable, so he had dispelled the crazy idea of ​​raiding Stormwind that he had thought about earlier.
The Stormwind Alliance set a trap for them, gave them false information and lured them to fight against being ambushed by the enemy, so much that they ruined so many warriors of the tribe. This hatred, Saurfang must have wanted Reported, and of course I want to go to Stormwind City!
But... the reality is very cruel. Now in the situation of their tribe, if the surrounding trolls are not cleared out, they may not even be able to get out of the savage coast. Then, maybe they will. Was trapped alive here.
"Let the warlocks hold a ceremony to build the portal...We need to transport the seriously wounded back, and then, if possible, let more warriors come to this land..."
"Saurfang, since the humans of the Stormwind Alliance have prevented us from getting what belongs to us from Lordaeron, then we must get it from them now!"
"This place will soon become our tribe's foothold in the Eastern Kingdom continent!"
Standing up, walking to the animal skin map spread on the ground by Saurfang, Thrall groaned again, and after looking at it carefully for a while, he squatted down and slammed his fist to the location of the deep twilight forest. Above!
"Warchief! Have you really decided?"
Seeing the position of Thrall's fist, Saurfang nodded in agreement after taking a look at it, and a fierce and cruel red light began to shine in his eyes.
"Since the Stormwind Alliance is not willing to share peace with us, then we will give them war!"
Looking at the golden beach outside the tent and the endless blue sea in the distance, Thrall involuntarily remembered the tragic scene of their tribe’s large fleet wailing in the storm and enemy naval guns a few days ago... Therefore, he will never allow such terrible things to happen again, never!
"Saurfang, you will go back with the wounded later and explain the situation to the elders of the tribes. tell them that because of my mistakes, the tribe has been humiliated and suffered a huge loss... so , Starting today, Thrall is not worthy to be their warchief anymore. Right now, I am just the vanguard general of the Stranglethorn Vale tribe, the messenger who brings war to the Stormwind Alliance..."
"Besides, whether they agree or not, I may not return to Orgrimmar again in the short term... So, if you can, you can ask them to choose another wise warchief... For example, the Tauren Chieftain Kane, I think that elder is pretty good. He is more familiar with Kalimdor than I am, and he has a little friendship with night elves. Maybe he is more suitable than me?"
Thrall has now decided: Since the humans in the Stormwind Alliance want war, then, now, he, Thrall, as they wished, will bring them war in person! He wanted to let the humans of the Stormwind Alliance take a good look. He wanted to let them know that the blood of the tribal warriors would never be lost in vain!
Blood debt must be repaid with blood!
"Warchief! How are you..."
Hearing the other party's reckless decision to directly request the removal of the Warchief's position, Saurfang stood up abruptly. However, when he just wanted to say something, he was roughly interrupted by Thrall's hand.
"It's so decided! must go back, our orc tribe needs you!"
"Tomorrow, I will lead a part of the orcs and troll warriors to the east. I want to explore the details of the Baral troll tribe to see if they might join us? After all, we need a lot of them now. Soldiers, if they were all teleported from Kalimdor, the warlocks would definitely be overwhelmed! And we don’t have so much soul energy to maintain that expensive warlock portal..."
At this moment Thrall's determination to fight against the Kingdom of Stormwind will definitely not be shaken. This is his salvation for the heavy losses of the tribe caused by his wrong decision. He must do that!
However, he will not lead the remaining five thousand warriors to the north without hesitation. He needs a little bit of time to slowly clean up the large and small troll tribes nearby. It is best to let the other party join them. tribe!
Anyway, whether it is entrapment or annihilation of slavery, or negotiation and inclusion, there will always be a way.
Since the Darkspear trolls can join the big family of their tribe, Thrall has enough reason to believe that other trolls will surely too! If he encounters stubborn ones, then he can only use some unkind methods to persecute them...
And the relatively weak Balal troll tribe was his first target!
"I see, Warchief, I will go back!"
"But... I won't agree with your hasty decision to step down as the warchief! No one can avoid making mistakes, please believe me, Thrall, even Orgrim Doomhammer, he has made many fatal mistakes. So, this is not the reason you want to shirk responsibility!"
"That's it. When you are away, the elders of the tribe can discuss things together. We will definitely wait for you to send back good news!"
Finally, he glanced at Thrall, the silent tribal warchief. Knowing that the other party was still blaming himself, Saurfang suddenly turned around and walked directly outside the simple animal skin tent.
Before going back, he needs to arrange some things, such as the warlock's portal, the wounded who need to be brought back as soon as possible, and staying as Thrall's deputy and the military commander in charge of the forward base, etc. ...
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