Chapter 441: Don't mess with children

When the coalition forces of all nations and races in the world of Azeroth are preparing for war, building strong frontline camps or fortresses, they plan to besiege the roads of the Burning Legion south and east-west, and constantly attack with those small groups When the elite troops of the Burning Legion that flowed out were conducting low-intensity tentative
Little Annie, who was idle, and her bronze dragon queen mount Chromie, the two little loli went to a magical place together.
Here, it is the northernmost storm cliff in Northrend!
Just like its name, it is a steep mountainous area, covered with thick ice and snow all year round, and there are also those huge Titan superb buildings everywhere.
Titan buildings and fortresses, large and small, lie in the mountains of the storm cliffs. The huge rock gates, the temples as high as the mountains, and the common races are concealed in the smoke of the mountains. The cliff-crossing bridges, those buildings that far exceed the limits of mortal imagination and engineering, are everywhere here!
If you can't fly, don't know how to spell, or don't have a flying mount, any mortal who wants to climb those huge towering buildings will be an impossible task! Because one of their most common steps is at least as tall as one or two humans in the world of Azeroth! If they were replaced by a race of dwarves or dwarfs with innate deficiency, if they didn't carry a ladder with them, I'm afraid they would feel deeply desperate looking at the steps, right?
At this moment, Little Annie and Chromie sneaked into a place called the Rock Hall, which was just to the left of the main gate of Ulduar's castle. The two of them did not alarm any Titan creations, monsters, or inorganic wisdom along the way. Creatures, etc., they just came here anyway and slipped straight to this ancient court in the Rock Hall.
"Finally, it should be here!"
"Annie, if you want to get some accurate information about Titan's creation, the contents should satisfy your curiosity. If you want more, then you can only go to Ulduar's archive! But you also know that Ulduar is full of guardians corrupted by the ancient Yogg-Saron and various Titan creations. It is not so easy for the two of us to sneak in quietly, no matter it is you Ge Saron is still the guardians who have been affected, they will definitely find us."
Standing at the entrance of this peculiar golden huge hall, Chromie pointed to the two equally huge male and female Titan heads inside and the file data disk below, as if he was relieved.
Chromie felt that the knowledge of the Titans remaining here should be enough for this little guy to stop for a while. After successfully destroying the Burning Legion, she will think of a way to see if she can fool this little guy and Azeroth. The powerful heroes of the coalition team together to fight Ulduar, when that time, let Little Annie repeat the same tricks and directly capture that Yogg-Saron!
In this way, the ancient gods of Azeroth will only remain the best hidden nightmare N'Zoth of the Thousandbeards and the other on the southern continent, and they will not stop after death. Several clones of Y'Shaarj.
"Aha, it looks so beautiful."
Annie did not immediately go to the Titan Data Disk to read the information, but walked into the translucent floor directly cast by arcane and golden light, and looked up at this golden and glorious ancient. Court hall.
She could see that this place has at least tens of thousands of years of history!
But now it looks like it is still new, no matter from the construction materials, or from the arcane magic here, there are not too many traces of time. Moreover, many Titans can be found in it. A clue to the extraordinary use of arcane and magic technology.
"Pretty is pretty, but, Annie, you know, this is not a good place!"
"You just heard what I just said. This is the ancient court. It is a place specially used to judge creatures that violated the will of the Titans. In a sense, our guardian dragon also violated the Titans to a certain extent. Our will."
Thinking of this, Chromie couldn't help sighing slightly.
In fact, all creatures in the world of Azeroth, whether they are humans, trolls, dwarves, elves, elemental creatures, etc., are not very popular with the Titans or the guardians of the Titans, because all creatures of flesh and blood are actually Most of them are inseparable from the curse of flesh and blood of the ancient gods!
And now, except for the black dragon, the other dragons are very close to the flesh and blood creatures in the world of Azeroth. If the Titans or the Guardians of the Titans dominate the world again, it can’t be said, Chromie and the others. The dragon will be sent to a place similar to this ancient court for trial, right?
However, it is not entirely without good news!
Chromie, who has visited almost countless timelines, knows that the Pantheon has been destroyed by the fallen Titan Sargeras, and the power of the Titan Guardians on the planet of Azeroth is not as powerful as in ancient times. , They can also be defeated in the face of the rising mortal race, and they can no longer directly rule the world as a god.
And this is the inevitable result of countless timelines in the world of Azeroth!
Of course, if it is not destroyed by various threats, such as Deathwing, the Ancient God, the Burning Legion, or Sargeras, etc., when the time comes, mortals will definitely dominate the world, and they will definitely be on the side. While struggling hard, he worked hard to protect the world.
"Oh, is that so?"
Annie didn’t comment on what Chromie said, so she walked directly under the two huge Titan heads. After looking up and delving into them for a long time, she nodded reluctantly, and walked carefully to the side of the data disk, and He stretched out his little hand and started to cast spells on this data disc.
She intends to try to bypass the defensive measures here and directly read the information that she is interested in.
This matter, for Little Annie, who is proficient in arcane arts and has a wealth of knowledge, the knight is not too difficult! After all, there are no operators and managers here, there is only a Titan's arcane data port, and it is impossible to defend her by simple triggering alarm measures.
As for the trials or courts mentioned by Chromie just now, such as this ancient court in the Rock Hall, in Xiao Annie's eyes, it is just a tool for the strong to rule the weak. In fact, it is just that. Going on.
If little Chromie can beat those Titan Guardians, who will be tried by this ancient court at that time, right? If you are not as strong as others, and if you dare to mess around, are you not afraid of being beaten up?
"Wow! Chromie, I saw something interesting!"
"Those creation Titans, they have been to this world at least twice! Moreover, when they first came, there were no ancient gods. Later, it was their Titan guardians who created the source species of inorganic wisdom biological will through the will furnace. If you have time, the melting pot, you must visit it!"
"Huh? Didn't they even know that the Titans did some secrecy measures? Such an important melting pot of will, there are also manufacturing methods and principles here? Really amazing things can still be used to make people like that? There are also ooze monsters that are different from the ones I used to make with magic!"
While reading the important information inside, Annie yelled like that. This kind of heart-warming behavior scared Chromie had to look nervously at the entrances and exits on both sides of this hall, for fear that some storm giants or other things would break in after hearing the movement.
If that were the case, they would have to fight a battle and rush out embarrassedly.
"Wow, that's amazing!"
Using magic to create life or something, Annie herself will of course, and she has also tried it herself!
After all, she had received all the life knowledge of Sarnagar and the gift of Iluvita. She is no stranger to pinching people and playing things, but she is not like those innate gods or inherited gods. She can directly call the power of almost the entire universe, but she will consume a lot of her own magic power!
So, since she pinched one out in the world of the Lord of the Rings, she has never played like that again!
But here, she saw another shortcut to directly create life, and that was the melting pot of the will of the Titans of the Temples!
This thing can be standardized and produced on a large scale a variety of arcane constructs with simple consciousness, just like those iron dwarves with reproductive ability, or frost giants and storm giants that can be seen everywhere in the cliffs of the storm. general.
"I'm telling you, Chromie! The archives of this court of life say that Aman Sur personally broke through the storm-shrouded sky of Azeroth, and firmly grasped the wriggling body of the ancient with one hand. Live. Then, with a violent pump, he pulled the ancient Y'Shaarj out of the world's surface in one fell swoop."
"Wow! How can their Titans do that? It's really too violent! Even people on earth know that if people are sick, they must be healed slowly. Take medicine slowly or get an injection in the butt. Just like the Titans, cut them out arrogantly?"
Seeing this, Annie suddenly exclaimed again, because the actions of those Titans were really too violent!
If they don’t think of a better way to slowly kill those ancient evil gods or come up with methods to restrain their targeting, they will only use brute force to get rid of them. No wonder this world of Azeroth will become as fragmented as it is now. . Fortunately, those Titans are not doctors or something. Otherwise, just their brutal practice of having headaches, aching feet, and their bodies being parasitized by parasites, they would be pulled out by force, and they would have to be beaten to death by doctors. No!
"Who are the earthlings? Are they really powerful?"
After a while, Chromie was quite sure. She seemed to have heard the word earth in the mouth of a little girl, but she didn't know anything about earthlings.
"Well, the people on earth, they are very smart creatures, they belong to other cosmic planes!"
"It's not that great but they like to fight!"
"All day long, I'm not fighting aliens or my own earthlings! But what is different from the world of Azeroth is that there are only earthlings on their planet, just a different face! So After there were no opponents such as trolls or orcs, they fought directly in their nests and started fighting by themselves."
After thinking about the Earth in the world plane of the Bear Shield, thinking about the situation where various organizations and countries are fighting all day long, Xiao Annie kept nodding her little chin, and she agreed with her opinion.
"Fighting? Why do they fight all day, just to grab territory?"
Thinking about the wars between the countries in the world of Azeroth, Cromi felt that maybe only this kind of things that mortals like would trigger wars, right? The orcs and the Stormwind Alliance, the Flame Alliance and the Stormwind Alliance, aren't these three parties fighting for the territory?
Had it not happened to be invaded by the Burning Legion, which forced them to put aside their disputes and reunite, I am afraid they are still fighting now, right?
"I don't know, but Uncle Coleson and Uncle Heitantou once said that under normal circumstances, they are fighting because of money and something called energy oil!"
Continuing to read the data in the data disk quickly, Annie was just picking out some things she had heard about she knew.
"Money? There are wars for money, there are also in the world of Azeroth. But for oil. It won't be enough, right?"
"The inefficient and dirty energy of oil, I am afraid, can only be used by goblins. In the world of Azeroth, humans, dwarves and gnomes have begun to use various energy crystals and magic power! Dalaran and Quel'Thalas use more arcane magic, the draenei like to use holy light, and night elves use the power of nature. You see, there are so many cleaner and more efficient energy sources. It can be used. Why do people on earth like to use oil?"
A planet fought for oil, Chromie really felt quite rare. Those things that can pollute the environment and the smell of burning are particularly unpleasant, and can directly destroy a large piece of land as soon as an oil field is dug. Why do people on earth like it so much?
"I don't know maybe. People feel that the things they grabbed from fighting are more fulfilling to use?"
Little Annie herself is not a human being on earth, how would she know what a human on earth thinks?
Anyway, as far as Annie knows, there are other more energy sources on the earth, such as clean nuclear energy, electric energy, etc. But the people on earth just don’t promote it vigorously, or rush to develop and improve, even if iron People's fusion reactors have been manufactured in small quantities and in batches, but the people on the earth have done their best. They must fight for the oil. They're self-willed!
"Well, the earthlings you saw, they are so strange"
Now the affairs of Azeroth have not been sorted out. Where can Chromie take care of the affairs of the people on earth? This kind of curious thing, something that doesn't exist in any timeline, just listen to it.
After listening to the conversation between these two real little loli and a changed dwarf little loli, Tibbers wanted to refute it and told them: the terrible degree of the human world on earth is nothing but It used its master as a megaphone, and after thinking about it, I still didn't dare to jump out and disturb its little master at this time to grab the knowledge of the Titans.
"Ha! Chromie! It turns out that the ancient gods were not imprisoned by the titans themselves, but the guardians made by the titans did it?"
"I see what these materials say: When the evil creatures are slowly beaten and weakened, the guardian named Azadas will open up a cell underground to imprison them, and then A person called Mimiron created those huge organs and locked the ancient gods in them. After completing these, there was a person called Loken on the left and right, using the power that the Titans gave it to the prison Magic to ensure that all the evil spreading outward of the ancient gods is isolated"
"Look! And oh, the two men named Azadas and Mimiron joined forces and used power and wisdom together to create the will furnace and the origin furnace? It turns out that the will furnace came from this way. There is also written in it. These two extraordinary magical machines, they match each other, inject the powerful energy of the universe into the sleeping soul of Azeroth. The will furnace is set at the northern end of the world, and is used to shape the various senses that the star soul sprouts and the origin furnace in the south. , It will be placed at the southernmost point of Azeroth to adjust the rhythm of the deep underground and slowly consolidate the form of the star soul"
"It turns out that the star soul of Azeroth can become conscious so quickly, it is the credit of those guys.
Finally, after copying all the information she wanted, Annie's little hand finally collected it from the golden data disc.
Now, their task today is basically completed, and the rest of the time can continue to play and investigate happily!
Looking at today, she has actually gained so much interesting knowledge here. Sure enough, it is good to have Chromie, the bronze dragon leading the way. At least, if you want something, just ask the other party. If you run around the world, you can find things you are interested in or other interesting things by walking around. Finally, Annie has helped each other so much before!
"Huh? There is a situation outside!"
When Annie was about to consider whether to investigate deeper into the rocky hall to see if there was anything interesting, she suddenly turned her head in surprise, looked to the southwest outside, and frowned carefully. Perceiving.
"What's wrong, Annie, what happened?"
Thinking that there was a Titan creation coming here, Chromie quickly raised his staff, preparing to cast a spell to hide the two.
"It looks like someone is fighting outside! Chromie, let's go take a look, it must be wonderful!"
"Fighting? Who is fighting Annie, let's not join in the fun?"
"Oh, it doesn't matter if you look at it, hurry up, let's go back for a while!"
At the top of the Temple of Wisdom on the Cliffs of Storms, on this throne platform of Wisdom, there are two giant guardians of the Titan who are as tall as Annie's two blacks, they are facing each other!
Among them, one is Torim, the guardian of the storm. He is holding in his hand Clomir the Stormhammer recovered by a dwarf explorer. His serious expression carries a trace of hatred and incomprehension. , Staring at him standing in front of him, the head of the Titan Guardian who is also on guard, the wisdom king Loken!
"Loken, you don't seem surprised at all?"
"Sure enough, I should have known that you did it! For so many years, because of you, I have neglected my responsibilities and have been indulging in failure and self-blame. But today, I will never be like that anymore!"
The storm giant, Thorim, who holds the huge white warhammer surrounding arcane energy and thunder in his right hand, stared indifferently at the master of the Temple of Wisdom standing in front of him, the golden Titan giant, the guardian Loken, the leader of the people, the so-called king of wisdom!
He Thorim never expected that the initiator of everything, the source of all evil, would turn out to be the leader of the respectful guardian in front of him, the highest administrator of Ulduar?
Loken, the King of Wisdom, also stared at the Torim in front of him, stared at the opponent's warhammer, his eyes filled with jealousy, because he knew that his own ability in single-handed duels seemed far from the opponent opponent?
But, even so, he is not in a hurry now, because he still has a powerful back hand, guaranteeing that he can completely defeat the reckless idiot in front of him who has only brute force and is played around by himself.
"Loken! Can't you think of it? With the help of a mortal friend of mine, I have now found out everything!"
"I never imagined that you turned out to be you who killed my wife Sif and separated my relationship with my brother, leaving my storm giant and Hodir’s frost giant in a long-term hostile battle. , Let many innocent people die in vain, let my hands be covered with sins, it is you, you took everything from me, but today, everything will be judged!"
"I will definitely defeat you here today! Then, the conspiracy that takes Ulduar's control from your hand and restores this Temple of the Creator to peace with you will definitely not come true!"
Through the constant efforts of the new dwarf friend Thorim knew, he has now learned a lot of things and understood a lot of the truth, and he can even guess some of the reasons why Loken became so crazy but , No matter what, the most important thing for him is to defeat the opponent first, and then he can slowly sort out everything and save everything
Having said that, under the conclusive evidence, Torim didn't say much anymore. Whether it was public or private, she would destroy the other party! Therefore, he directly raised his warhammer, letting Clomir shine a powerful thunder power, and let the lightning begin to surround his body, and then directly rushed towards Loken.
He wants to smash the opponent's body and avenge Sif who died tragically under the opponent!
"Huh! My good brother, don't you think you are determined to win?!"
Loken frowned slightly and looked at Thorim, who was rushing towards him with the storm hammer, and after dangerously evading the opponent's first attack, he directly cast his spells with both hands and slashed towards the opponent's back With a powerful arcane arc, the powerful thunder and lightning struck the opponent's heart with a severe earthquake!
That's right, Loken, the king of wisdom, doesn't use any weapons now. In fact, he doesn't have any weapons to use because he is actually a mage, and his golden body made by Titan is the best weapon!
"Loken your power is useless to me!"
He himself is the king of the storm, representing the power of storm and thunder. The weapon he uses is also the hammer of the storm. The whole body is surrounded by powerful lightning. The power he uses is also the power of the storm. How could he be afraid? Loken’s arc attack?
This level of lightning is just a small charge for him, and it will only make him stronger!
"You know, there is no one in Loken, no one can beat me in a one-on-one fair duel!"
"Neither can the frost giants, nor the dragon guardians, including your other guardians. No one can beat me in a fair duel. Of course you can't! My brother, your spells, they treat me nothing. Meaningless! Your strength, your body, and my storm body are stronger and tougher!"
Turning around quickly, Thorim swung the warhammer fiercely again, and dashed directly towards Loken, who was quickly guiding the spell in front of him. Thorim also knew that using simple spell attacks would not be of much use to Loken, so he had to fight melee.
As long as he smashes the opponent, he will be able to win! He believes that he can do it!
"Huh! How do you know if you haven't tried it?!"
Super lightning nova! ! !
While speaking, Loken had already guided the spell, so when Thorim held up the warhammer and rushed towards him again, Loken raised his hand with a violent lightning star, directly covering the entire wisdom. The throne platform of the temple, and at the same time Thorim, who was about to hit his head with the storm hammer, blasted away fiercely!
However, at this time, Loken did not have the slightest joy on his face!
Because he saw that Torim, the other party seemed unscathed to stand up from the big pillar on the edge of the temple, and the other party didn't mind that the lightning power of the new lightning star he had just used was still there. It was raging on him, but he turned his head viciously and stared at himself again.
"Your crime disgusts me, your spells are only delaying time. Now, my patience has reached its limit!"
"My brother, since you like to use the power of Thunder so much, then try this trick of mine and prepare to despair under the power of the storm!!"
Torim didn't want to waste time fighting with his brother. The opponent's power had no effect on him. If he continued to fight like this, it would be a waste of time! Moreover, this throne of wisdom here is not far from Ulduar, and if the opponent's help comes, he may not be able to resist it.
Therefore, he raised his storm hammer high and poured the power of his whole body into it. After the warhammer began to burst with violent light and fierce thunder and lightning, he slammed towards the distant one. Loken, who was casting a spell, and a little stunned, threw it away fiercely!
Klomir, the Storm Hammer, infused with almost all of Thorim's power, whirled like a bolt of lightning, and instantly hit Loken, who had just had time to interrupt the casting and barely put a simple shield on himself.
In the next instant, an endless violent lightning storm swept across the throne platform of the Temple of Wisdom in an instant, and even lit up the already dark sky nearby!
"Do not!!!"
Loken only had time to scream, and in the next second, the warhammer with powerful lightning power instantly smashed the simple shield he had just displayed, and violently knocked him directly into the air!
In an instant, countless lightning poured in, and terrifying power began to wreak havoc on him, eroding every piece of golden body on his body and the core arcane bones and lines deeper in him. There were even countless lightning bolts. With nowhere to vent, it gushes directly from his mouth, eyes, ears and other parts of his roar
A violent bright light lit up on the top of the Temple of Wisdom and lasted for a long time
After the lightning smashed countless huge stone pillars, it gradually dissipated, making the countless rune craftsmen, giants, iron sentries, wind elemental, etc. nearby the servants of Loken horrified. They did not know at all, their What happened above the master’s temple? Why did such a powerful thunder force explode at this time?
But curiosity belongs to curiosity, and they did not think about rushing to support them, because their owner Loken did not call them, and their consciousness is simple and chaotic, and they have no independent will, and they don't do too much complicated thinking.
"See, you failed Loken, my brother"
"You coward, you a villain who only hides behind and performs your intrigues! Today, I will avenge my wife and my love Sif for those who died innocently because of you!"
When the lightning gradually dissipated, Thorim stepped forward step by step, bent over to pick up a large hole that had already smashed this temple of wisdom, and picked up the storm hammer, which was still surrounded by lightning, and sank like that. As he spoke, he turned and walked in the other direction, and walked towards Loken, the of wisdom, who was hit by his thunder and was seriously injured. He was holding his chest and lying in a pile of stone pillar debris for a long time. Walked over.
"Hahahahahatorim, you can't kill me, nor dare to kill me"
Seeing the other party forcing him towards him, Loken not only didn't worry about being afraid, but also laughed bizarrely?
"Heng! It's too late for you to repent of your evil now!"
Torim didn't care about the opponent's words, but once again gathered energy on his warhammer, intending to completely crush his brother and wipe out the opponent!
The vengeance between the two of them about murdering their wives, it was useless to persuade the Titans!
Besides, although the guy in front of me is his brother in name, they are actually just giants made by the Titans using various elements and materials at the same time. That superficial relationship is calculated from the fact that the other party killed Sif. Since then, it has ceased to exist.
"Hahahahahaha, you may not know yet, right?"
"I falsified Ulduar's archives, you know. So, once I die, the stargazer Algalon will come to that time. What kind of ending will this Azeroth look like, I thought, You will know better than me, my good brother?"
As he spoke, Loken laughed proudly again. I thought he did that unintentionally at the beginning, but he didn't expect that now it really became a life-saving talisman.
"What? You, you bastard, how dare you?!"
Thorim, who had just walked to the middle, was stunned for a moment, and stood still.
Then his expression began to change, and then gritted his teeth and shouted at the Loken who was half lying in the ruins. He couldn't believe that when did the other party tamper with the file? Could it be that the other party was crazy? Or is this guy already completely degenerate? !
"It's now! My master, please help me!!!"
As Loken saw the opponent standing still in the middle of the Temple of Wisdom, Loken shouted directly.
Then, in the middle of the throne platform of the Temple of Wisdom, a large number of huge transparent tentacles sprang out from the ground and around the place where Thorim was standing, and they directly confided the original mind and were a little caught off guard. Rim, just tied it up so fiercely!
Countless shadow tentacles directly trapped Thorim, whose strength had declined after the war, firmly in the air! Then, countless sucker-like tentacles began to crazily roll on Torim's body and arms. While binding the opponent, they greedily absorbed the strength of the opponent.
"No! This is Loken! How dare you do this?!"
In the ancient times, he had fought with the ancient gods, and even participated in the sealing of Torim of Yogg-Saron himself. Of course he knew what these entangled himself were! Therefore, he quickly tried to resist, or used the power of thunder to destroy this terrifying tentacle of the ancient god!
However, he soon discovered to his horror: Under the power of the corroding shadow, his own power is constantly passing by? That ancient god, drawing his own strength through his tentacles, and suppressing himself firmly?
This is a conspiracy!
This message naturally flashed in Thorim's mind.
Soon after a feeble, beast-like struggle, the storm hammer that Thorim was holding tightly in his hand quickly fell to the floor of the Temple of Wisdom because of its loss.
Immediately afterwards, a few yards above the ground in midair, only one was left strangled by the phantom tentacles, unable to speak, and after the strength was gradually absorbed by the tentacles, the limbs began to hang weakly. Thorim the Storm Keeper
"You mean"
Seeing the other party slowly stood up again from the broken pillar Sha Shuo, and walked to his front and back triumphantly, Thorim only had time to say these words at the end, and his head drooped deeply.
"Hahaha my brother, I never said I would have a fair duel with you!"
Seeing Thorim who finally lost consciousness, Loken smiled triumphantly.
This is all right, the last guardian who was still in Northrend was also successfully caught by himself! Immediately after that, no one can stop his next plan, right?
The next task he planned to release the ancient Yogg-Saron, create a dark world and finally counter the Pantheon, there will be no one to stop him, no more!
"Wow! I blame you, Chromie, and I let you fly faster! Look, it's late now, everyone has finished the fight!"
Just as Loken was thinking about things triumphantly with his hurting body, suddenly, in the sky above the Temple of Wisdom, there was a little girl with a crisp voice with complaints.
"who is it?!"
When Loken heard someone talking, he suddenly raised his head! Then, he easily saw a bronze dragon and a little human girl sitting on the dragon's head.
"Where are the little flying insects and the offspring of a twisted, deformed Vrykul? Get away from me and leave my temple! Otherwise hum!!!"
Seeing that it was the heir of a bronze dragon guardian and the deformed and distorted offspring of a flesh and blood Vrykul, Loken cursed and drove away the other person without thinking.
The opponent is just a big lizard and a small mortal. How could Loken, the king of wisdom, take this kind of ant-like existence to his heart?
"Cromi, the twisted deformed Vrykul, do you think he is scolding me?"
Looking at the dark sky around it, it seems that in the sky nearby, there must be no other people besides the little flying insect in the other party's mouth and himself! So, just now, that guy must be scolding himself, right?
"It seems it should be counted?"
The humans in the world of Azeroth are indeed twisted by the curse of flesh and blood. Vrykul was born with deformed offspring. It’s not wrong that this is the same group of Vrykul who went south with Tier, King of Order, so Kromi felt that the other party should be sure. It was cursing the little Annie who was sitting on her head.
It's just that she is now busy looking at Loken, the head of the Titan Guardian below, and Thorim, who is entangled by the tentacles of the ancient god, and now has apparently fainted, without trying to explain too much. She was thinking about where the timeline is going now, and how much time is left for her to make arrangements.
"I bah! Return your temple?!"
"A remnant Titan construct, do you really consider yourself a Titan? You dare to scold me to see if I won't kill you!"
Evil started in her heart, and the angry little Annie stood up from Chromie's head, then raised her hands high and began to mobilize the magic power in her body frantically.
In line with the principle that even the bad guys who dare to scold him should not survive when he is sick, Xiao Anni immediately mobilized more than half of the huge magic power in her body, and then within three seconds, she slammed towards Waving down the opponent's head!
In the little girl’s playful babble, a huge, huge flame sword composed of pure fire power, under the control of Little Annie’s crazy magic power and violent emotions, is so vicious The earth was stunned, the King of the Guardian, who had not been happy for more than half a minute, moved towards the head of Loken, who was also the King of Wisdom, and smashed it down with a powerful force of thunder!
"Don't kill him!"
A sound that made Little Annie seemed to feel a little familiar sounded. However, where did she care so much in her anger? If you have anything, you can wait until the opponent is killed!
Boom boom boom! ! !
After the lightning that just burst, the servants of Loken, who wandered near the Temple of Wisdom, once again saw a fiery red super giant sword suddenly appeared in the sky, and then slammed down towards the Temple for an instant. At the same time, after the loud bang, after shaking the tremor around Ulduar, half of the Temple of Wisdom collapsed like that, and only the remaining half stood there in the distance.
Here in the tomb of Galakrond in Northrend, the forge camp of the Burning Legion has been connected!
So far, the number of demons summoned by the Legion Portal is about to reach 200,000! At the same time, all kinds of weapons, equipment, fel cannons, self-powered fel tanks, etc., were driven out by the hard-working and crazy Morgar engineers day and night.
This is the efficiency of the Burning Legion! In countless years of conquest, they can always be like a crazy-running machine before they reach a new world. There is no need for someone to supervise them. Every demon knows what they should do. They don’t know. , And will not hinder others.
At this time, whether it was the young dragon scouts of the Wyrmrest Alliance, or the Griffins, Dragonhawks, Hippogryphs, or steam helicopters of the Azeroth Alliance, the air force reconnaissance units of all races no longer dared. Near here
That is actually because those fel cannons that can shoot into the air will surely shoot down any daredevils who dared to approach and peek! The corpses of the dragons, young dragons, and other airmen of various races, and the fragments of the aircraft, that are outside the demon camp, are enough to explain all this!
Now, not only the air forces of all races cannot see the clues of the Burning Legion camp, but even the magic of the Dragon Sleep Temple to observe this piece of dragonbone wilderness is not very useful.
Because, in and above the devil’s camp, at some point, a cloud of green evil energy mist that will not be blown away by the wind began to gather. They seem to be deliberately made by the demons to make Azeroth coalition forces. We have no way to easily snoop into what is inside, nor can we accurately judge the movements and strength of the demons, etc. They can only passively wait until they come out to get the enemy's movements and other intelligence.
"Master Kil'jaeden, the omnipotent master, you want me to prepare the 150,000 demon army. I have already dispatched. I can go north at any time to attack the undead camps in the Crystalsong Forest and capture the icecrown fortress. !"
In front of Kil'jaeden's throne, the fel mage Kael'thas Sunstrider was crawling at the feet of Kil'jaeden, who had a huge size, trying to lower his posture and humbly flattering his own. task.
His mission, in addition to summoning the great demon in front of him, must also work hard to get the Burning Legion north to the Icecrown Glacier to fight the undead natural disasters. It is best to lose both! And now, after the advance troops invaded the Crystalsong Forest, the opponent really asked him to assemble his troops again, that must be to fight the undead natural disasters, right? If this is really the case, then it will be perfect, and there is no need for him to play more.
"Well, I see, you can wait here first, little bug!"
Kil'jaeden the fraudster just squinted at the little bug Kael'thas crawling on the ground and waved his hand impatiently. Now, he has to wait for another news, but he has no time. Waste time with each other.
Originally, his plan might have been implemented earlier, but I don’t think that a few days ago, the ancient evil who was descended from the sky by the little girl mage destroyed his plan and had to lose a lot of troops. It has been delayed until now.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
When Kael'thas was in doubt, what surprised him was that he saw an abyss lord Brutalus who was almost half as tall as Kil'jaeden, stomping on the ground with his huge and thick hoof, There were dull noises before rushing directly to Kil'jaeden's throne.
"My master"
"According to your instructions, I have assembled the most elite Eredar mages, who can best fight high-level fear guards and doomguards, as well as those fel lords, and some high-level priests of Shivalar and the fear of extinction. Devil, wait, there are 5,000 people in total, ready to execute your orders!"
Brutalus waved the hideous bronze war blades on his arms, and glanced sideways at the thin mage next to him, and then shouted to Kil'jaeden in a loud voice.
"Very good! Brutalus!"
"Now, Kael'thas, listen to my order: tomorrow you will lead the soldiers of those legions to the north, invade the Crystalsong Forest, and then make a posture of storming the steel dam and Echo Valley. Remember, you just need to bluff and do not waste too much. More troops to attack"
Standing up, Kil'jaeden turned his head and glanced at the north coldly, then he muttered to Kael'thas, who had always been humble in his attitude and was quite capable.
The little guy in front of him, although his strength is a little weak, can always be used with a little training, at least much better than the guys in the legion who can only fight and have no brains! For example, this Brutalus?
"My master doesn't understand, aren't we going to attack those undead traitors? With our strength, it can be attacked completely, so why bluff?"
Kael'thas couldn't help but his heart no longer beating for a long time, and quickly asked.
He felt that now things seemed a bit beyond his own expectation, Kil'jaeden, the demon, the other party seemed to not want to smash with the undead natural disasters, why is this, what the is the other party doing? !
"Did you not hear? Brutalus has prepared the elite I need, so I ask you to reach the two places I said within ten days, and let the undead know , We have the ability and determination to attack!"
Kil'jaeden, who was preparing to set up a task with Brutalus, narrowed his eyes, and explained this impatiently.
"Master, I still don't quite understand"
Although it might irritate the opponent, Kael'thas could only bite the bullet and continue to ask.
"Huh! That's because when you are besieging those two places, I will lead my team to directly attack Icecrown Citadel, kill the Lich King Arthas who refuses to submit to us, and his helmet of dominance. Rather than wasting troops to kill those undead, now, should you understand?!"
This is the main purpose of Kil'jaeden!
He is not stupid in Kil'jaeden! If you use force to attack the Icecrown Fortress, maybe there is no problem, but the loss of the dead and your own army will definitely be huge! In that case, what's the use of the helmet of dominance he snatched?
"I understand the wise master! Little begs you, let Brutalus lead the main force to attack the Crystalsong Forest. I will accompany you to kill that Arthas, please!"
I hesitated for a while, a little worried about the gains and losses, Kael'thas still made this request, even if it was to provoke the other party!
Hearing that this little bug dared to disobey his order, Kil'jaeden narrowed his eyes again, and now he was a bit dissatisfied.
"Please, Master, this is the reward you promised to me"
"Well, it seems that this happened before"
"Well Kael'thas bug, I am fulfilling your wish! But let's not take it as an example!"
After the other party’s reminder, Kil’jaeden remembered what the other party didn’t want to reward. Now thinking about it, the other party’s request seems a bit reasonable. Therefore, after hesitating for a while, he reluctantly nodded and agreed request.
"Thank you for your generosity, my master!"
Kil'jaeden didn't care about this thin fel mage anymore, but turned his head directly and looked at Brutalus, the Demon Lord of the Abyss:
"You heard all Brutalus? Change to you to attack Crystalsong Forest. Remember, I only give you ten days! After ten days, I will raid Icecrown Citadel, if you can't satisfy me."
For this Brutalus, Kil'jaeden is quite relieved, after all, the opponent is his own old subordinate, and his ability and combat effectiveness are beyond doubt! However, he was afraid that the other party would attack the undead indiscriminately, causing too much waste.
"Master, please rest assured! Brutalus has never let you down. I will surely make the undead be shocked when they see the banner of our legion!"
After sneered and waved the sharp blade in his hand, Brutalus responded happily.
Anyway, it doesn't matter whether he is leading the main force to attack the Crystalsong Forest or following Kil'jaeden to raid the Icecrown Citadel! However, in fact, he prefers the thrill of leading an army to rush to kill, so that he can have more killings, more credit, and more rights!
Since this idiot mage Kael'thas gave himself this kind of beauty, then he definitely had no reason to refuse.
"Very well, I'll hum and wait and see"
At this time, Kil'jaeden remembered the dreadlord envoy he had sent out to persuade him to surrender two days ago. He was beheaded by the Lich King Arthas, took his soul and sent his followers back. Looks like, he is secretly angry and gritted his teeth a bit!
He doesn't actually care about the life and death of the After all, the opponent is just an insignificant little pawn, but he cares about the attitude of the new Lich King named Alsace! The other party dared to ignore his majesty and humiliate himself naked. The other party really thinks he can't use it?
You know, the Lich King Ner'zhul back then, Kil'jaeden personally took the shot, imprisoned the sad soul in the ice and threw it to the Icecrown! Therefore, Kil'jaeden must let Arthas, who didn't know the height of the sky, understand who is the master of the helmet of dominance and who is the real master of the undead natural disaster!
That foolish Lich King Arthas, he must pay for his ignorance! Also, the former Illidan, the demon hunter who played with himself many times and exploded his own planet and countless demon legions, he would never let go of him!
They all have to die!
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