Chapter 545: You guys are late!

? "Quick! Take this opportunity to attack!"
"No, they have three more people, and the firepower is too fierce to rush in, so we should withdraw first!!"
This area inside the Omega Space Station that has been scared of people out of people by the battle is being besieged by armed soldiers of the three mercenary regiments of Qingyang, Eclipse, and Blood Bag. Their goal is to break through the'archangels'. The easy-to-defend and hard-to-attack safe house of Galas the Turian
Da da da! !
Da Da Da Da! ! !
Huh! !
When a Batari blood sac mercenary with a probe was about to show up and ready to shoot inside, he was shot with a headshot by a sniper bullet fired from it! After making it let out a sigh of unknown meaning in consternation, it fell back to the ground...
That kind of special warhead with impact and armor-piercing ability pierced his original mass effect shield, which was not too powerful, and directly pierced his forehead without any head protection, making him directly Pour in a pool of light green liquid.
Obviously, he, who accidentally appeared just now, was accurately killed by the "archangel" Gallas inside.
"Those three guys are really ghosts! Brothers get out first!"
Huh! Huh!
Da da da! boom! ! !
However, the death of the Batari and other mercenaries does not mean anything, because there are at least two or three hundred armed mercenaries outside them. When they found out that the enemy inside was planning to rush out, they soon Retreating back, and found a favorable position or bunkers to hide, from time to time, he tilted bullets toward the inside of the steel bridge, or threw out a few pulse grenades, to prevent any enemies inside the metal bridge from rushing out.
"Quickly, hold on here first, don't let their two paper mounts and the Turians rush out!"
"Just hold on to this bridge and wait for them to come out and die by themselves!"
"Our blasting team has already started work in the basement. At most half an hour, it will definitely be able to break through to their position. Whether it is the Turian or the traitorous bitch, they are dead this time!"
Jarros of the Eclipse Mercenary Group angrily commanded the mercenaries, and asked them to guard the place outside the bridge! If it wasn't for the three guys who got in for a sudden rebellion and their infiltrating assault team was wiped out, maybe the Touareg was dead!
But, now those people can't escape!
He is going to catch turtles in the urn this time and kill the Turian named ‘Archangel’!
Of course he knows who the ‘archangel’ is, Jarrosh knows, and the Turian mangled is C-SEC’s thornhead Galas! When they were in the Castle of God, when their Eclipse mercenary group was going to smuggle those Zero Elements, they had been stupefied and disturbed by the new C-SEC patrol by Galas!
Where is the sacred castle, he has been in the business for many years, and he has clearly arranged all the officials, and he has also given a lot of filial piety to the bureaucrats. Others have long been accustomed to the small things he did, and they have always Open one eye and close one eye... But as a result, that unruly Galas, that abrupt choppy, went so far as to investigate all of his Jarrosh's goods? !
Under the name of C-SEC anti-smuggling, the smashed Turian wandered around the God fort space station all day long, and most of the smuggled zero elements collected were his Jarrosh!
That guy, dare to say that the zero elements he smuggled are all contaminated, isn't that nonsense? !
You must know that now the number zero element of the Milky Way galaxy has become less and less, and the resources are being depleted day by day. What is found is far less than what is consumed, so that its price in the black market is also getting higher and higher and more popular. It is very good to find so many goods like him. Who would even dislike whether it has been contaminated?
Anyway, the official of the castle has purification equipment. Buying his Jarrosh's goods at low prices, and then selling them at the market price after purification, it is a very profitable business! But as a result, the Turian who was transferred back and joined the C-SEC newly joined C-SEC, but his mother did not follow the rules, and the rules formed by everyone secretly opening their eyes and closing their eyes were instantly destroyed...
Had it not been for the fact that he hadn't had a chance to start, he would have tried to kill that nasty guy!
However, before he could think of a way to kill the opponent, the gangster chased him to the Omega space station, he just killed a lot of his capable men, and was still making the Omega space station "black smoke" and "popular grievances"... …It’s good now, they finally caught a chance, found the other party’s residence, and surrounded it tightly!
"Brothers are all cheering up. Anyone who shoots that ‘archangel’ turu will be rewarded with fifty thousand stars!!"
"A hundred thousand rewards for alive capture!"
"Also! If you kill the two rebellious mounting papers, you will get a reward of ten thousand!"
Jarrosh, hiding behind a safe bunker at the end, opened the universal tool in his hand and spoke directly to everyone within a kilometer of the other party using a full-band signal broadcast channel.
He is not afraid of the enemy inside receiving his signal, he did it on purpose!
He wanted to let that Turian know what it would be like to offend Jarrosh of his Eclipse Mercenary Group! Since the Turian dared to cut his way of wealth, then he would cut his way of life!
Anyway, his eclipse mercenary group has a wide range of ways to make money, whether it’s slave trade, drugs, arms, smuggling, assassination, guest star pirates, etc.... They do not take money seriously. ! As long as the Turians who dared to offend the majesty of their eclipse were killed, he could still afford such a small price.
"Boss wise!"
"Don't grab anyone from me, the head of the Turian is mine!"
"Just you idiots? Humph! The reward must be from the Krogan Pioneer Group! Because our grenade launcher is ready, wait for him to come out, be sure to blow him to pieces!"
"Our M-77 missile launcher is already ready!"
"Aaagh! aaagh!!!"
(The M-77 missile launcher is a powerful weapon that is very popular among the mercenary organizations of the World God galaxy. It is not clear which race or factory it was produced by... However, its power is unclear. Doubtful! Each tracking device installed on this small missile has a miniature identification friend or foe system to ensure that it can detect hostile targets during the flight, even if it is launched into the sky. The sight must be aimed at an enemy in the distance!
Of course, it is better to aim the front sight at the approximate position of the enemy, otherwise you never know which enemy it will hit first in a complex combat environment?
In short, in an urban environment, it can be used to deal with snipers and other enemies hiding behind bunkers. It is very easy to use. Even if the price is a bit expensive, it is still affected by the "Qingyang" and other mercenary organizations. Of praise. )
"Brothers all cheer up, and when they are forced out by our blasting team, they will start a little more neatly!"
"Sir, just take it easy!"
"That Turian can't escape!"
"Yes! They really dared to rush out and killed him with one shot and one shot!"
Originally, the people of the other two mercenary groups, Qingyang and Xuebao, were not very happy to follow the command of the Eclipse mercenary, but when they heard that there was a high reward to take, they were all excited. Spirit began to cheer loudly.
Because tens of thousands of stars is not a small amount, as long as you don’t learn from a picky little human being who specializes in buying expensive luxury foods, 10,000 stars can almost be worth a year of hard work by a mercenary who licks blood. Hard-earned money.
"One hundred thousand..."
"Wow! Tibbers, listen, their bad guys are really rich..."
"You tell me, if I kill that Turian later, will they also give us a lot of stars?"
In the sight of Annie's X-97D'Viper' sniper rifle scope, she was scanning the bad guys one by one... It was obvious that she had just heard the bad guy servant from her universal tool. The high bounty offered by the soldier leader.
With such a large sum of money, you should be able to buy a lot of delicious things!
(Little master, you should hurry up and clean up those guys. Anyway, they are all evil villains. They won't get hurt by mistake. You deserve to be killed.
The little master of Tibbs just now has used the spell to determine the alignment. The mercenaries in the distance are all chaotic and evil bad guys. If you kill Tibbs, you won’t feel anything wrong! Moreover, their group is besieging the Shepard people who have a good relationship with the little master of the family, even if they are really the righteous party, I am afraid that the little master of the family will not spare them lightly. )
"Tibbers, you are so boring!"
Annie doesn't like this kind of war, because even if she doesn't use magic to bully them, those guys will definitely not be able to beat her!
Even if those of them have that kind of mass effect shield or power shield, she can easily use this X-97D rapid-fire sniper rifle in her hand to easily penetrate their shield!
Because, every mass effect shield or power shield is not constant at a peak of maximum strength, it fluctuates like a ripple in strength and weakness, as long as she seizes the opportunity to calculate the quality of the flight. The moment the effect bullet hits the enemy's shield is just at the lowest trough and weak point of the shield, it can easily penetrate.
Unless it’s the last time you encounter a transforming monster with powerful abilities, that kind of guy called a "banshee", only like their high-strength shields can she force her to cheat or something with magic. .
(Little master, you don’t have to be jealous that they have money... Try to take them all captive, don’t you have their money?
Bounty or something, where is the money from the thieves who snatched the bounty come quickly? Tibbers barely knew this simple little truth. )
"It seems to be like this! Okay, then I have decided!!"
After hearing what Tibbles said, Annie was stunned, and soon thought of something extraordinary.
So, after she scanned the enemy’s approximate location and determined who was the enemy’s head and could not be killed casually, she protruded from the window of the building about 300 meters away from the enemy’s back. She pointed her weapon at the box of grenade played by several Krogan mercenaries in the distance.
"Tibbers, let's get ready to fight!"
"It's time for those guys to see the power of real ghost agents!"
Although Annie has not come up with her own exclusive ghost equipment and weapons, but this does not prevent her from using this mass effect weapon to use her shooting expertise. Therefore, after the front sight was aligned with the bullet point of a certain grenade in the distance, she gently pulled the trigger.
puff! !
The weapon equipped with the ground muffler made a small sound, and then the next moment...
Rumble! ! !
The group of Crogans hiding behind a low metal protective wall, playing with the whole box of grenades, seemed to feel something flying at high speed, and then before they had any reaction, they opened. The grenade that hit the safety device exploded violently!
After bursts of fire, shock waves, and billowing smoke, the Krogan mercenaries who were blown up were thrown high by the shock waves amidst the roar, and then they were either complete, or The broken bodies fell one by one to the ground.
There are one or two with tenacious vitality, who can barely struggle to climb forward, intending to get up... However, most of them are still motionless at this time...
At this moment, the group of mercenaries who had been clamoring to use powerful and heavy individual weapons to solve the enemy's bounty was suddenly stunned, and the noise came to an abrupt end!
They didn't understand. The group of guys were fine, but why did they suddenly explode? !
Is it possible that it was an operating error, and the insurance was unscrewed and hit the ground forcefully?
If it's those Klogan's idiots, this kind of thing seems to be really possible?
"Asshole! What the are those guys up to? How did that explode?!"
When the smoke slowly dissipated, Jarrosh, who was still hiding behind the bunker, looked at a messy area full of flames and the Krogan Pioneer Group lying on the ground, mostly dead and injured. After a while, He scolded loudly and desperately.
Now that the enemy is clearly still in that steel fortress-like safe house, how did those Krogan fools let the grenade blow up by themselves? Is it possible to see that the bounty is too high and hit the ground in excitement?
"It's a sniper! The scanner found a small heat source behind us, which seems to have been left behind after a certain sniper weapon was shot. The enemy must have done it!"
Before others could answer, a technical soldier of the ‘Eclipse’ mercenary group that had been monitoring the battlefield shouted loudly to the leader of the mercenary group who was reprimanding in the distance.
Before he reported the specific location and more information of the enemy he was monitoring to their regiment leader, his Mass Effect shield suddenly flashed, and the armor on his head broke through a large hole and broke many pieces. Fragment... Then, the head of his Serraru's exclusive pair of huge eyes crooked beside the instrument.
Obviously, the battlefield enemy technical officers of this group of mercenaries had not had time to play more roles, they had already been named and killed instantly!
In fact, he shouldn't shout so loudly... that would be too much to attract the attention of a mysterious sniper behind.
Another mercenary who raised his muzzle and stood up trying to check the situation behind him, just about to aim at a certain window in the distance, he screamed and fell straight up and fell down. After twitching twice, he moved. Not moving anymore.
"damn it!!"
Seeing this situation, Jarrosh of the Eclipse Mercenary Group scalp numb, and hurriedly rushed to a building next to him, not to expose himself to the enemies inside the bridge and In the sight of a new sniper behind him.
"Attention everyone!"
"There is an enemy sniper behind, look for a cover! Repeat, there is a sniper behind us!"
In fact, there is no need to remind Jarros, those old oily mercenaries, after the enemy reconnaissance technical officer uttered a reminder and were shot down by the enemy, they changed their original positions immediately and found them separately. It can prevent the enemy inside the bridge from seeing it, and also prevent the snipers behind it from attacking each position to hide.
No one in the business of mercenaries is a fool. They pin their heads to their waistbands all day. Either their opponents died under their guns, or they couldn’t evade and died on the spot. That’s how it happened. The ground is simple, people with inflexible minds will definitely not live long!
"Head! Where is the enemy now?!"
A Batari mercenary who also hid in the same small metal house with Jaros, first poke his head out of the window and glanced at the dark and dim street behind, then quickly shrank. He came back, and then asked Jarosh, the boss who was operating the battlefield map on the universal tool.
"You want to know? Then you hurry up, run over there, drag the technical officer's equipment here, and we will know soon!"
The universal tool in Jaros's hand has the authority to link with the enemy detection equipment, and from the feedback displayed on the hot spots of the two guns fired by the enemy just now, he found that the enemy is in two different places. The shot...maybe there is only one enemy, but the opponent has rich experience. One shot to change the place? Of course, it is also possible that there are two or more enemies?
Unless they can get the equipment next to the technical officer and start the active scanning search, otherwise he can only passively receive the enemy's location now! In short, thinking that there are still an unknown number of enemy snipers in ambush behind these people, it makes him feel like a chill!
This place was originally suitable for them to contain the Turks inside, but when someone ran behind them and surrounded them, it was a bit unfavorable.
If now, the Turian ‘archangel’ and the human ladies in the safe house recoil and reconcile themselves, then they really can’t do well!
" can really be kidding..."
Barry's other mercenary reluctantly smiled, holding his own weapon and shrinking back, trying to stay a little further away from the leader of the mercenary group who fudged him to death.
He is not stupid. Let him run out and use the instrument at the risk of being sniped by the enemy. Wouldn't he let him die for nothing? He wouldn't do this kind of errands even if he gave money!
If this guy dared to persecute him, maybe he would hit him with a bullet? Anyway, it is now one-on-one. Between his own life and the authority of the leader, he must take care of his own life first.
He was a mercenary only for money, not to be cannon fodder for this guy!
"Everyone is listening!"
"Who said that there was an M-77 missile launcher? Hurry up and fire directly at the windows on the left of the street behind. The identification friend or foe system in the missile will catch the sniper by itself. !"
After thinking about the two points on the map where the heat source had appeared, Jarrosh suddenly remembered that there seemed to be a member of the'Qingyang' mercenary group just now. They seemed to have that A kind of M-77 missile that can specifically deal with snipers and automatic enemy-searching in bunkers?
In this situation, there is simply no weapon more suitable for dealing with a sniper hiding in the distance!
He just calculated the distance. It seems that the distance between the two parties is three to four hundred meters, which is just within the best range of the M-77 individual missile. As long as the missile is successfully launched, the other party will not think about it!
"Captain Jaros, our Qingyang automatic missile is very expensive..."
The Batari of the ‘Qingyang’ mercenary regiment, who was holding the missile launcher and his two companions, huddled in a recessed ramp on the left side of the street, said hesitantly at this moment.
Obviously, the Batari race, which is famous for its wealth of profiteers, still wants to ruin the other side's reward even in the current battlefield environment?
"You of'Qingyang'!"
"Don't be long-winded, as long as you quickly kill the sniper behind me, the reward will be the same as that of the Turian!"
Whether the snipers behind them are one, two, or more, in fact, Jarros doesn’t know, but that doesn’t prevent him from fooling those'green sun' people to try. He believes , He will know soon.
"You are optimistic about Chief Jarros, get ready to pay!"
Hearing that there was also the same reward as the "archangel" Turian, the "Qingyang" mercenary shrunk in the ramp was excited, and quickly opened the system of insurance and identification of enemy and friend for his weapon. Then, after taking a deep breath, he suddenly exposed half of his body from the ramp, and at the same time pointed the launch port of the missile launcher at the approximate location of the enemy that Jarros shared in the distance, and slammed it viciously. Fired the trigger.
Whoosh! !
A missile with a red tail flame left the launch tube for the first time and started flying towards the enemy's position!
boom! ! !
Only after leaving the launch tube less than two meters away, the speed of the missile that has not yet increased, suddenly burst into a bombing for no reason!
The shrapnel that exploded, the firelight, and the shock wave instantly overwhelmed the Batari who was just bargaining and his two companions hiding by the side! That kind of huge explosive power and fragmentation damage, exploded in the air at such a close distance, even with a mass effect shield, they would definitely not be able to survive!
At the same time, in Jarrosh’s universal tool, the enemy’s detection device gave him an enemy’s red dot, which let him know that the enemy must have been hit by a single shot and just flew out. The missile of the cartridge, and directly detonated the missile!
What I didn't say, that terrible sniper technique must be a top-level sniper who is not defeated, or can be said to be far better than the sniper ‘Archangel’ in the safe house!
At this moment, Jarros knew subconsciously that things had become a bit bad.
"We, what should we do now?"
After discovering that the missile team of the Qingyang Mercenary Corps had been wiped out, and the others were so scared that they dared not take their heads easily, the Batari who was hiding in the same house as Jaros stammered a bit. Asked in a low voice.
He has been there, but he can see clearly!
At the moment when the people of "Qingyang" attacked, the heat source of the enemy's fire was detected almost at the same time, and then the missile exploded in the next second! Now that he knows that there is a sniper with that terrible technology outside, he will never show up again!
He decided, he would stay with this leader, not for merit, but for nothing! Just stay here and wait for the end of the battle. Whoever loves to be a hero will go. Anyway, he will definitely not go.
Jarrosh didn’t care about the timid guy around him, but quickly manipulated it in the holographic operation interface of the universal tool in his left hand. He wanted to continue to test again to see if there was a chance to solve it or to run away. That sniper!
"Listen to me the first and second groups of the commando!"
"Throw a smoke bomb in front of the moon-white building behind, covering the entire street! Then let the remaining twenty reconnaissance robots charge in front, and you will follow. There is only one enemy, charge Go up and we will win!!"
"Be fast and ruthless! As long as you rush up together, you will find a chance to destroy him/her!!!"
According to the analysis of the gunfire and heat source of the three guns just now, the results show that the heat sources of the three guns are all from the same weapon, and the speed of the bullets and the gunfire are highly consistent, then the enemy behind should... …Maybe there is only one?
If that's the case...
Jaros snorted, his eyes full of cruel red light.
The enemy should have destroyed their enemy reconnaissance equipment in the first time, but now, since he knew that there was only one person behind and he was still hiding in the building, the matter became easier. too much!
"Yes, sir!!"
Naturally, following the order of Jarros, the silver smoke bombs, which were billowing with heavy smoke and with weak boosters, were given away by the commandos who were just named. Parabolic past the bunker where they were hiding and threw it on the street about two hundred meters away from them, and then those little things kept emitting bursts of red dust that could be suspended in the air, directly blocking the two sides. Aim at sight.
Soon, after the area covered by the smoke bombs was arranged, as a mercenary in the commando team's appearance was waved fiercely, twenty reconnaissance robots jumped up from their respective bunkers. , While madly firing at the distant buildings, while running at high speed!
They are deliberately to attract enemy firepower and provide cover for the subsequent commandos. Although they are expensive, they are the property of the mercenary group anyway, not the private property of one of them, and it doesn't hurt if they are broken.
"The first and second teams! Follow the assault!!!"
When the robot soldiers rushed forward less than 20 meters, the skilled commandos opened the mass effect shields that could hide part of the infrared radiation, and moved towards the skirmish line towards the distant one that was blocked by smoke bombs. The buildings in the line of sight rushed towards the waist, covering each other!
puff! puff! puff!
However, before the commandos rushed to a distance of 20 meters, a series of low gunshots came from the opposite side of the smoke. They were rushing forward in the smoke, only to see those robots. Through the smoke, they were all headshots accurately by the enemy, and they were quickly beaten into a pile of broken copper and iron on the ground!
Immediately afterwards, when the dozen or so commandos who rushed the fastest were also hit by bullets shot from the smoke by quick spotting soldiers one by one and lying on the ground, the remaining dozens of people did not dare to rush forward! They all hid behind the nearest bunker, house or wall, and said nothing to stand up.
Because they found that with the cover of red smoke, they could not see the enemy, but the enemy could see them!
"Sir Jarros!"
"There are too many enemies, so there must be more than one sniper! They must also have professional equipment, and our smoke bombs are not effective against them! Just now, the auxiliary combat robots have been wiped out. The commandos lost twelve people. Go up and die, please tell me!"
Gasping for breath, the commando captain leaning against a thick metal wall first relieved the suffocation of the danger, and then reported loudly to their leader through the universal tool.
"Do not!"
"There is only one enemy, that is the X-97D "Viper" rapid-fire sniper rifle..."
After listening to the sound of the enemy just now, and the heat sources detected by the detection equipment were all shot out of the same window quickly, Jaros knew how many people there were and what weapons they were using!
It is a rapid-fire military sniper rifle, which is very accurate and deadly at medium and long distances, and is very effective for armor, and not bad for shields and power barriers!
More importantly: the opponent's marksmanship is very terrifying, with a rapid-fire sniper rifle, it caused him to lose so much at once!
From now on, every time the opponent fires a shot, whether it is a robot or his subordinate, one of them will fall down, and no shot will be empty! In that case, I'm afraid no one would dare to just show up or rush out anymore.
There are nearly two hundred people here, and they were actually trapped here by an enemy sniper. Counting those who were just killed by the bombing, the loss is estimated to have reached dozens of people, right?
Although, if they rushed up in a swarm, they would definitely be able to rush to the distant house with the enemy’s shots, but obviously, no one would choose to do that, whether it was his Jarros or others. Mercenaries, there must be no one who would rush past like that.
"Or...head! Let's call for support?"
The Batari's men who were following by Jarrosh were already frightened, and he could only tremble and suggest. Fortunately, he didn't die just now and then ran out, or else there is a share of him among the people who are not sure to die now?
The charge was less than 50 meters away, all 20 robots crashed, 12 commandos were headshots, and the two commandos were forced to take a step forward. He encountered such a terrible enemy. It is certainly not easily exposed to the opponent's muzzle or front sight!
"damn it!"
"Talak! Are you there? Get your fighter over quickly, we seem to be in big trouble!"
Now there is really no other way, so Jaros quickly followed the advice of his subordinates, opened his universal tool directly, and contacted the security door that directed the blasting team to blast the basement on the other side, intending to go from the basement. The head of the'Qingyang' mercenary group that rushed in urged for help.
Since the enemy's marksmanship is too powerful, let the heavy armored units that are not afraid of the opponent shooting to deal with it!
'what's going on? Could it be that those guys rushed out of the bridge? ’
A questioning voice from an irritable man came from the universal tool. Judging from the noise coming from the universal tool, it was obvious that their blasting team was about to rush into the safe house.
"That's not it!"
Jarros suddenly felt a little hard to speak, not knowing whether he should tell the embarrassment they are now facing.
‘No? ! ’
‘So what’s the situation, we’re busy now, I’m going to open a tunnel first and fly in directly to kill the Turian! ’
‘He’s mine, don’t grab anyone from me! ’
‘I’m going to personally beat that ‘archangel’ into a pile of rotten meat, and then hang it in the residential area, so that everyone in Omega will know what will happen to those who oppose our ‘Qingyang’! ’
Tarak in the communicator was obviously a little irritable, and he was reluctant to pay attention to Jarros' request for support.
During this period of time, they have lost a lot in order to beat up the ‘archangel’ and Turians! Therefore, he was going to fly in his own fighter directly, and give the guy inside a good look! Anyway, his armor and shield can completely defend the enemy's individual weapons from firing, and the space inside the safe house like a large factory building is basically enough for his fighter plane to barely float and fly.
He swears that no one can fight with them, "Qingyang", he must kill the Turians and the three guys who betrayed them!
"Well, it's like this..."
"Talak! Our back path was blocked by a powerful sniper. You'd better fly over from behind and provide us with some fire support!"
"Up to now, we have lost 20 robots and a similar number of people. Now we are trapped by the opponent... If the Turian takes the opportunity to rush out, we can't stop it!"
No way, Jarros had to bite the bullet and tell the current dilemma of these people.
However, he did not dare to say that they had actually lost dozens of people, but only implicitly stated a figure that the other party would not become too irritable. To be honest, being beaten like this by an enemy is indeed a bit embarrassing.
‘Are you all rubbish? ’
‘There are more than two hundred people in front of you! He was copied by someone, and still have the face to ask me to support? ! ’
After being silent for a while, as Jarrosh guessed from the Universal Tool, there was the incredible sarcasm and violent sneers of Talak.
"If you don't come here soon, I can't guarantee how many of you'Qingyang' people will survive!"
Looking at the three groups of mercenaries from different organizations outside the door who were shrinking behind the various bunkers, reluctant to show their heads alive or alive, Jarrosh faintly laughed ‘persuade’.
The members of the ‘Qingyang’ mercenary group were bombed and killed. Anyway, they would definitely not be far less than their eclipse mercenaries, so he was not afraid that Tarak would not be able to come.
‘Asshole! ’
‘Wait, I’ll fly over! ’
Soon, after the other party finished speaking, Jarrosh did not wait long, and he heard the howling of the fighter engine. The other party just flew up here from behind the safe house of the Turians, and it didn't take much time, which was just a turning and speeding thing.
Whoosh! !
However, without waiting for Jarros and the other mercenaries to start cheering and pointing out the enemy’s position, suddenly, from the window of the metal building in the distance where the smoke did not completely dissipate, a sudden flew out. A missile with a bright white tail flame, it roared at high speed and accurately hit the fighter plane that was unable to move and evade freely due to terrain restrictions!
boom! ! !
After a huge explosion and a large group of flames, fragments, and shock waves raged, when the mercenaries who had shrunk behind the bunkers reacted, there was no longer the leader of the'green sun' mercenary group Tarak in the sky. That fighter... there are only the debris of the fighter on the ground, the burning unknown objects, and the wreckage of the fighter scattered everywhere.
Of course, there are still many mercenaries who are wailing or have no way to wailing after being affected by the aftermath of the explosion in the sky behind the bunker.
"Chief Tarak is finished...?"
Got it!
Their most powerful reinforcements, originally thought to have been able to deal with the sniper's space fighter, were directly killed by an enemy missile! At this moment, neither Jarros hiding in the house nor the mercenaries outside knew what to do.
"Damn it!"
"What should I do now?"
"Why... everyone rushed out to fight with him/her?!"
"Good idea! You go first, we will follow you!"
"Apart from the iron bridge inside, is there any other place to leave here?"
"Of course, just stand up and climb the wall!"
"you are vicious!"
"Everyone, think about a way, so many of us, can't we just lie here?"
Soon, the all-purpose tools of the mercenaries rang, and the desperadoes who squatted behind the bunker had no choice but to use the communication tools to get together and whispered to discuss countermeasures.
Now the smoke bombs are useless, the missiles will be exploded in the air, and the group charge has proved to be of little effect. They are right now and there is no other good way.
'Hey! ’
‘The bad guys below, please listen to me! ’
‘You are surrounded by me now, immediately throw down your weapons, stand up and squat against the wall with a headshot, otherwise, you will be dead! I secretly tell you, like the recoil rockets just now, I still have a lot of them. It's useless for you to keep hiding! ’
‘I’m a little hungry now, I can only give you one minute! ’
Finally, when the mercenaries were silent and contemplating plans to retreat or counterattack, or the courageous guy was about to encourage everyone to charge together, the voice of a milky little girl was in all of them There was a soft sound in his universal tool.
Obviously, someone used the universal tool's broadcast channel to give them a ultimatum just like their Jarrosh boss just now.
"That language... seems to be from an earthling?"
"Yes, I am a human being, that is indeed the official language of our Star Alliance!"
"Wait, why am I listening, the other party seems to be a little girl?"
"The voice sounds like..."
"You mean, we are now surrounded by a little human girl?"
"should be……"
"It turned out to be just a human little girl?"
"Hmph! I am the best combat master on the planet Klogan Tuzenka. You cowards dare not go, then I will go first!"
At this time, a brave warrior is finally ready to take the lead!
After a hideous-looking Klogan loaded the weapon in his hand, he held his modified mass effect rifle with a grenade launcher in his right hand, and grabbed a handful of pulse grenade in the other hand. He rushed out from behind the bunker, then used his powerful hind limbs to jump up high.
After a charge flashed with violent blue energy, he slammed into the door of that building at a very high speed while firing!
Da da da……
In the high-speed charge that would be overloaded, he could fire at the same time and accurately suppress the window where the missile’s tail flame just appeared in the distance. At the same time, he also raised his left hand vigorously, ready to hold his hand. All of the pulse grenades were thrown into those windows!
He believes that with his ability, he can definitely do it!
Once he was rushed inside by him, the Krogan vanguard combat master, no matter how powerful a sniper was, he couldn't beat him to death with one punch!
"Quick! Cover him!!"
Da da da! !
Seeing that someone dared to take the lead and charge, the others didn't help much, and they simply stretched out their weapons from behind their bunkers, accurately shooting all the windows of that building!
Da Da Da Da Da! ! !
The brave Krogan battle master failed to successfully throw out the pulse grenade in his hand. He just rushed to the building and was still posing in the air. He staggered and squeaked. Able to fall to the ground...
He didn't understand, how could the enemy appear in another building? Just now, the other party obviously shot and launched missiles at them from here and knocked down the fighter plane of Leader Tarak. Why did it run into the building across the street?
This thing... it's not scientific...
Then, the Krogan combat master finally accelerated directly with the inertia of the charge, and hit the metal wall of the building with one head, and after a burst of dust, he stopped moving.
Obviously, the enemy is not the monsters on their planet Tutzenka, nor is it the kind of giant sand demon that only fights with the flesh, his enemy is a powerful sniper!
Or is there more than one at all? !
Da da da! !
Da Da Da Da! ! !
No one cares about the life and death of the Krogan battle master who attracted the enemy's attack. After finally having the opportunity to attack, they started to ask for money, and frantically tilted their firepower toward the building!
They seem to have made the same mistake as the Kroger battle master who rushed to the front and was about to see the enemy!
puff! puff!
"No! She's in the building on the other side!"
"No! More than one of them!!"
There was another gunshot that was almost inaudible in the chaotic battlefield. Then, when the mercenaries were horrified, they discovered that the enemy had appeared at the window of another building and killed them all at once. After a dozen people, they had to retract again.
It turned out that enemies also appeared in the building on the opposite side of the moon-white building, which means that there is more than one enemy, and they are really blocked here this time!
Soon, the battlefield became quiet again... The three groups of mercenaries once again lost nearly 20 people, but they did not even see the enemy's appearance, let alone how many enemies there were. !
‘You don’t surrender, do you? ’
‘I’m telling you that if you don’t surrender, I will use a recoil rocket. You just saw it. It’s very powerful. Just a few shots and you’re all done! ’
After immersing for a while, the universal tools in the hands of all the mercenaries who were still alive rang again.
"Chief Jarros, what shall we do?"
"Yes, boss, tell me!"
"Brothers, shall we pretend to surrender first?"
"Hey... I'm completely planted this time!"
"Whoever uses the native dialect to be wild, I will kill him!"
The mercenaries quarreled again. Obviously, when they found that the opponent had more than one sniper and weapons of mass destruction, they were unable to advance or retreat. They were still more inclined to surrender, and they couldn’t explain their lives here. .
Of course, this kind of thing still needs their surviving head Jarrosh to speak.
Listening to the words of the subordinates who had no fighting spirit from the universal tool, Jarrosh could only close his eyes, slumped his punch, and slammed it to the ground fiercely.
What else can he do?
Just look at the Batari’s men who are staying in a house with him now. The opponent is holding a weapon and staring at him. If he really dares to order to fight the enemy, he doesn’t need those outside houses.

'Hey? ’
‘Annie! Are you ready outside? We are about to rush out now! ’
At this time, the universal tool in Annie's hand rang again, it was Shepard's voice.
"But... I'm obviously finished, you can come out directly..."
Looking at the distance, those mercenaries who dropped all their weapons under her sight and walked to the empty wall and squatted with their hands on their heads, Anne just spoke to her indifferently. Shepard said something.
'what did you say? ! ’
Obviously, Shepard couldn't hear clearly.
"You know when you come out!"
"this is……"
"Ha! What happened here?"
"do not know……"
Soon, the four Shepard who rushed out saw a messy battlefield and the mercenaries of nearly two hundred men who were squatting on the wall with their heads...In the open space on the other side, they were full of them. All kinds of threatening universal tools, rifles, grenades, pulse bombs and other weapons are all piled up in a small pile.
"Is this already disarmed and surrendered?!"
Shepard and Miranda were focusing on dealing with the group of enemies that ran to the basement just now. They tried their best to push back the group of opponents. They didn't even notice the situation in front of the outside gate. They thought it was Galas and The enemy is fighting!
Then, when the three of them came out, a little girl carrying a mass effect sniper rifle with a red barrel appeared at the gate of a building in the distance, and carried a stuffed bear towards them. Quickly ran out.
"That one......"
"She is the helper Shepard you said? A little girl?!"
Gallas pointed to the little girl and said in surprise, he thought there were many helpers outside! But where did he think that he would be such a little guy? !
"Yes! And this helper costs 5000 stars for 10 minutes!"
Shepard gritted his teeth a bit, this little guy...
Seeing the mercenaries around him, she was shocked by the excellent combat effectiveness of Little Annie, while Shepard was thinking: Just now, what did this little guy who took advantage of the fire bought?
"Well... it doesn't seem to be very expensive..."
Five thousand star coins have cleaned up a group of mercenaries. This deal seems to be a good deal? !
"What are you doing?"
Seeing that she ran to the side and then turned on the universal tool to get to a little guy in front of a mercenary captive, Shepard was a little confused.
"Of course it's collecting money!"
After glaring at Big Sister Shepard behind him, Annie said to the leader of the mercenary group again:
"Hurry up, transfer all your money to me, or else you will be dead!!"

( ̄0 ̄)
That's it, Xiao Anni just said, as long as she surrenders and hand over the stars, she will let them go! Anyway, she doesn't have any grudges with them. She doesn't want to care if they are bad guys. As long as she can rescue Big Sister Shepard and earn some money for snacks by the way, it will be fine!
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