Chapter 546: Target horizon

Shepard and her Normandy II successfully recruited old friends Galas Vacarian, Serrarui Modin Sollers, and one of the founders of the Qingyang Mercenary Group. After Zaid?? Masani, they soon left the Omega Space Station to continue her boring recruitment of team members.
As for the captives of the mercenary group who had surrendered, after a lawless little guy searched for that Jarrosh's star coins, Shepard laughed and laughed and released them all.
After all, she didn’t need to have too many hatreds with those desperadoes. Almost all the people on the Omega Space Station knew about her glorious deeds of Shepard, and also knew that she had released those
after taking over the arms. All evil mercenaries...presumably, those people will not come to make things difficult for them in a short time.
Anyway, she benefited from the efforts of a certain little guy and was stunned by the other person’s light, so that when they recruited Modin, they did not receive any attacks in the slums, which can be said to be effortless. Solved the plague problem and left the Omega space station smoothly.
After this battle, Shepard and Miranda once again looked even more differently at Little Annie’s talent. No one knows how the little guy shot at least two hundred mercenaries with a sniper rifle. Disarmed and surrendered...In short, whether it is Shepard or the sniper's Archangel Gallas, it seems that if they are replaced by them, they will definitely not be able to be like that little girl, one shot, one shot Those villains who did no evil fell apart and finally surrendered honestly!
But no matter what, they didn't worry too much about what had happened, except for some emotion, because they had more important things.
So, now Shepard is very contradictory. She doesn’t know if she is looking for a relatively safe Starlink colony to put down the little girl and let her live in a relatively safe environment, or continue to take the other party to herself, or say to The entire galaxy contributes?
Relying on the other party’s weird ‘talented marksmanship’, surely she can provide a huge help in her next actions, right?
It’s just that while she hesitated, she felt a little ashamed... I always felt that it was a bit too cruel to take advantage of an eight-year-old girl... Like that kind of age, she should be carefree in a certain It’s right to live and play happily while studying on a home planet, instead of following them around the galaxy and being ready to fight against powerful and cold enemies at any time. It shouldn’t be someone of the other’s age. What should be endured.
After thinking about it, Shepard sighed and shook his head after all, and went directly to a secret remote conference room on Normandy II.
She now needs to see her nominal ‘employer’ first-Cerberus’ Phantom Man!
Because, it is said that some major events have happened on the human colony of the World God Galaxy, and her mission is coming soon! This made her breathe a sigh of relief. While preparing to confront the collectors, she was finally able to put aside for the time being how to deal with the troublesome issue of Annie's little guy and arrangements.
Now they are very busy, and there is no time to find a relatively safe place to settle each other, so they have to continue to stay on the Normandy No.2, and they can help them when necessary... This is a helplessness. It wasn't that Shepard wanted to abuse little girls or hire child labor, did she?
After figuring it out, she happily stood in the middle of this small cabin.
"Start scanning!"
Walking to this small meeting room where only oneself can enter, Shepard walked to the middle of the empty small room and stood still, and then let the holographic device start scanning himself.
‘Command confirmation, scanning is starting...’
‘Identification is complete, Commander Shepard, is establishing a remote holographic projection conference...’
Following Shepard’s order, the artificial intelligence EDI of Normandy II began to activate the remote holographic encrypted channel of this secret communication room, and began to connect to Cerberus, who is not sure which corner of the galaxy is hiding. Leader-Phantom Man!
The level of security authority in this cabin is very high. Only Shepard can contact the Phantom of Cerberus after he has passed the full-body security scan and passed the EDI certification. Otherwise, anyone else will come. Here, you can only find that this is an ordinary encrypted remote meeting room, and you will not get more information and other valuable content.
"Real-time connection completed..."
‘The remote holographic call scene has been successfully established, and the current level of confidentiality: the highest! ’
Soon, after Shepard’s identity verification was passed, this small remote meeting room suddenly turned black, and then a holographic 3D scene was projected from the surrounding area, making Shepard feel like she was standing in front of him. In front of a chair, the room of the Phantom Man, the leader of the terrorist organization Cerberus, is generally...The background behind the opponent is still the weird red giant star that does not know where it is in the Milky Way, constantly emitting red or blue The weird light.
"Shepard! I'm sorry to inform you now: first suspend your recruitment action, now you have business to do!"
After taking a sip of the cigarette in his hand and exhaling a bad breath, the Phantom Talent calmly looked at Shepard and said softly:
"Those collectors, I think we caught them again!"
"Just in the World God galaxy, belonging to a colony of our Cerberus, the'horizon' colony planet suddenly lost contact, and just now! This clumsy method and the previous collectors sneak attack on our human colony The technique is exactly the same-it is still the first interruption of communication, then a raid on the colony, and then capture all those paralyzed by the swarm..."
"I firmly believe that if they are not being attacked by collectors, they are about to be attacked!"
"So, you'd better move faster, if you still want to catch the tails of those collectors and figure out their situation... By the way, the Serrarui Modin you recruited the other day, he found a deal Is that the way to detect swarm bite control?"
Without waiting for Shepard’s initiative to ask, the Phantom Man of Cerberus simply stated the real reason for meeting Shepard this time, and directly announced the emergency of the
colony of the world’s gods galaxy. task!
Fortunately, his data shows that Shepard and her Normandy 2 just left the Omega space station a few days ago, and now they turn around to support the ‘horizon’, it must be too late! Of course, the premise is that Dr. Moding of the Serraru has found a good way to deal with those bee colonies, otherwise... Shepard and the others are running now, I am afraid they are just providing the collectors with more advanced human specimen materials. .
"Horizon Colony..."
"Although Dr. Moding's progress is very fast, I guess he hasn't completed it completely. After all, the time is still a bit too hasty. It's only a few days... But I believe he will find a good way."
"Even if he doesn't, I will leave immediately for a trip to the Horizon Colony."
Although Shepard has a bit of a grudge against the leader of this terrorist organization, she will never refuse to rescue human colonies and investigate collectors! What's more, these two things are now coming together, so she must be going to the ‘Horizon’ colony.
As for the bee colony, they will use fighter jets or heavy equipment in the big deal!
"I hope he can hurry up... Collectors don't usually stay in the same place for too long. You may not have much time..."
"By the way, there is something to remind you now!"
"The old teammate of yours, Kayden?? Aranko, is now stationed in the Horizon Colony. If you want to save him, I advise you to move faster!"
As if for fear of Shepard's excuses and delays, the Phantom Man thought for a while and told Shepard the news truthfully!
Because he knows that this woman is very important to all the players before her, and because of this, she is very much loved and supported by her former players! Otherwise, she would not have been attacked by the enemy and successfully killed in order to save the little helmsman "Joker".
"Heh! This is really funny!"
"The leader of Cerberus, your honorable Phantom Man! Excuse me... my former players, how many of them have been taken by Cerberus? Do you need such a deliberate idea to guard me? "
Hearing that one of his former team members had been sent by Cerberus to garrison the'Horizon' colony, Shepard was stunned, and then he began to stare a little bit angrily at the one who happened to sit on the office chair for a while, expressionless That nasty guy who stared at himself!
She felt that all the things and people or things she cared about seemed to be controlled by the other party, and then used it to pinch and threaten herself? She has obviously promised to investigate the conspiracy of Collectors, Reapers, World God Galaxy, and the destruction of Collectors for the other party. What she has promised will definitely not go back! But why, the other party still didn't believe it, and deliberately guarded her?
Even if Shepard really wants to draw a line with Cerberus in the end, she will definitely return after she has solved the collector’s affairs, completed all the other party’s tasks, and repaid the life-saving kindness. Go to the Castle of God to be her "castle of God", or return to the Star Alliance to continue to be her lieutenant colonel.
Of course, the chances of returning to God's Fort will be even greater. After all, she is now reinstated as an official, but that will definitely be after solving the Reaper's troubles!
"No! Shepard, I think you might have misunderstood something?"
The Phantom Man did not have any other emotions, still smoking his cigarette, and then unhurriedly explained:
"First of all, I want to make one point: Although the planet and colony of Horizon is an industry under the name of Cerberus, the navy stationed around our colony is indeed the Star Alliance's navy!"
"That Kayden?? Aranko is now the commander of the Star Alliance Navy. He was actually appointed by the Star Alliance Council to garrison and build fortifications on the Horizon!"
"That guy with poor abilities, the reason why he appeared there has nothing to do with Cerberus' arrangement!"
"I’m afraid you don’t know yet? We, Cerberus and the Star Alliance, apart from a little bit of disagreement in dealing with aliens and the positioning of humans in the galaxy, the relationship between us is actually not yours. As bad as you imagined!"
Yes, in the inherent domain of the Star Alliance or within the law enforcement scope of the God Fort, they Cerberus are terrorists wanted by both sides, and they are to be suppressed and eliminated! This is a matter of political stance, even the Star Alliance dare not mess around!
However, in the World God galaxy where the three do not care, in the World God galaxy where the law enforcement forces of the castle will never reach, Cerberus is not hostile by the Star Alliance like in other places, and both sides have acquiesced. The existence of each other, working together for the colonization of mankind in the new galaxy, is at best not much contact.
Both Cerberus and Star Alliance's desire to colonize the World God Galaxy and the purpose of protecting human colonization are actually highly consistent with what Star Alliance is doing!
Therefore, when Star Alliance and Cerberus’ colonies were both attacked by so-called
a while ago, Star Alliance waved a big hand and directly sent more to all colonists in the World God Galaxy. Reinforcement troops, because of this, the Star Alliance troops rushed to help defend Cerberus' colony and build large turrets to defend the planet.
"Well, I'm sorry, I seem to have misunderstood you a little bit!"
Spreading his hands together, Shepard generously apologized for his wrong words and actions. However, to be honest, she was quite puzzled about the fact that the Star Alliance troops ran to help Cerberus' colony defense.
"It doesn't matter, it's not a day or two that we Cerberus was misunderstood by outsiders..."
"The relationship between Starlink and us is not as simple as you think. In many cases, we all have some secret cooperative relations."
The Phantom People have always felt that the only difference between them and the Star Alliance is that at most one is an official organization that maintains the status and safety of human beings, and the other... is a private organization that works hard for the future of mankind. That's it. That's it!
To a certain extent, they, who are extreme in doing things, just form a complement to the tall and glorious Starlink.
This is why the Star Alliance has always declared Cerberus as terrorists, just like the Castle of God, but as long as they don’t take the initiative to take the initiative to leave others behind, or do something too excessive. You can do business honestly and make money without worrying about the root cause of being too much suppressed by Star Alliance.
"Okay, Lord Phantom Man!"
"You don't need to instill the common sense that your politicians care about. No matter what kind of organization you are, I don't want to have too much connection with you!"
"Now, please send us the coordinates of the ‘Horizon’ colony planet. I’ll order to go to that place now. I believe that this time the collectors will be caught!"
Hearing that the other party was involved in some shady entanglement between Star Alliance and Cerberus in private, Shepard quickly reached out and interrupted the other party.
She is a fighter, a front-line commander, not a politician who specializes in not doing business! Although she knew a little about some things, she didn't care, and didn't want to care!
This is just like the old Anderson veteran who served as a council member in the Castle of God said:'He is obviously an admiral of the Star Alliance, but he has become a politician... I wasted my life in the rest of the political ball? So, the kind of sloppy things that the other party said just now, I am afraid that only guys like Udine will be keen to discuss it?
And for professional soldiers like them, it’s okay to earnestly complete every combat task and try to do the best. As for other things, let those who are more good at it. !
"Of course! The encrypted coordinates will be sent to you now!"
"Almost forgot, there seems to be one more thing here, Shepard..."
"The little girl's matter, I have received a report a few days ago... How, have you considered giving her to us Cerberus? Please believe me, we Cerberus have the best With resources and the best educational environment, with our intentions, she will surely become a superhero far beyond all of you within a few years!"
"We human beings urgently need good seedlings like her who are qualified and talented!"
He had already heard about the fact that a little girl shot nearly three hundred well-armed elite mercenaries and surrendered with a sniper rifle! He even carefully watched all the data and investigation reports about the little girl that Miranda presented to him!
Although there are some things he still feels a little weird now... But this incident is definitely not fake!
Whether it is the personal investigation by the intelligence officers at Omega, or the report passed on by Miranda, they will not deceive him! And if it wasn't for the critical period, and he didn't want to provoke the useful Shepard, I'm afraid that little girl, no matter what means he used, he would have to coax Cerberus into his hands. Up.
He felt that such a talented good material, after the Reaper's affairs were completely ended, he must find ways to get that little girl into his organization!
"Don't think about it!"
"Do you think I will give Anne to you Cerberus and train it as a killing machine? Just dream of it! Even if I send her to the special school of Starlink, I will not give her to you !"
Like a female cat stepped on its tail, Shepard screamed in an instant, took two steps forward fiercely with her fists, staring at the phantom of the boss of Cerberus who wanted to beat that little girl. People are like two punches.
Fortunately, she remembered that here, it was just a holographic simulated scene dialogue, not that the other party was really in front of her.
"Give it to the Star Alliance... and give it to us Cerberus. Is there any difference? Shepard, you are still a bit naive, and you haven't seen the essence of the matter."
Flicking the soot, the Phantom Man continued to look at Shepard blankly, and then shook his head helplessly.
He felt that if the little girl was really handed over to them Cerberus for training and arrangement, in the future, the combat power that the other party would be able to exert would be terrifying, and it would definitely be far better than staying in the Star Alliance navy. Those who do not know the so-called rules and regulations!
Their Cerberus fighters can perform tasks by unscrupulous means, as long as they can be guaranteed to be completed, they are much better in freedom and safety.
Moreover, they Cerberus are more willing to spend more money on elite fighters. The best weapons, equipment, and ships are how they come from! Rather than being like the stingy Star Alliance, building a spaceship requires a long period of wrangling and budgeting!
At that time, Cerberus might even have built a fleet.
"Annie's affairs should be chosen by herself, and I will not let any of you interfere easily!"
After being silent for a while, Shepard decided that he would never make any concessions on this matter!
She feels that what the little guy wants is to wait for the other person to choose for himself in a few years, instead of unrelated people like them to set the future path for the other person. That is too much for a little girl. A little bit ruthless.
"Let's do this first, the coordinates have been sent..."
"Shepard! This time the situation is likely to be very serious. It is the highest level of security alert we have received so far!'Horizon'... It may be dangerous now, whether it is our Cerberus colony or All Star Alliance troops have lost contact!
"So, good luck to you!"
After that, the Phantom Man is no longer wordy, and he doesn't want to argue with each other when Shepard is about to perform a dangerous mission! Therefore, after he took a look at the woman standing in the middle of the meeting room who he had spent a lot of money to resurrect, he nodded indifferently and directly turned off the remote holographic communication.
"You should have received the'Joker' coordinates? Now let Normandy No. 2 turn and set off immediately, setting the nearest route to'Horizon'!"
"I will go to the laboratory to see Professor Moding's progress, and let me know if I have any situation!"
Seeing that the surrounding area regained the cold and dark steel cabin, Shepard was silent for a while, took a deep breath, decided to ignore some annoying things for now, and finish the most important task now. !
Therefore, she directly called the helmsman Joker in the bridge command room and gave the latest order.
‘Oh, sir! ’
‘The coordinates have been entered, and the fastest route is selected! ’
‘Our ship is expected to reach the orbit of the colony planet ‘Horizon’ on time in 36 hours and 24 minutes! Commander, I think, you should be able to take a good day off first? ’
Soon, from the call sensor on the bulkhead, the sound of the helmsman clown at the bridge was directly heard, and the spacecraft began to bump up a bit. Obviously, that was when the clown began to control the direction of the spacecraft and enter Flying above the speed of light.
"Thirty-six hours...I hope it's still too late?"
After a little hesitation and estimation, Shepard heaved a sigh of relief, turned and walked quickly outside the door of this secret meeting room.
"That little guy Annie, why did she go to Moding's laboratory again? Tsk! I hope she will not be too stubborn, which will affect Moding's test progress! Otherwise, this task will be in big trouble. !"
Turning on her universal tool, when Shepard saw that Modin was busy in the laboratory of the engineering department at the bottom of Normandy, and at the same time, she saw the signal of a little girl who was there at the same time, her heart was excited. , He turned his head and walked quickly towards the elevator of the spacecraft.
Dr. Moding’s research on the control and paralysis of the stinging bee colony is vital to their next missions, and once they are disrupted by the imp and the progress is affected, then their actions in the'Horizon' colony may be miserable. Now, maybe it will be hard to move?
Therefore, she must stop that little guy immediately!

The boring little Annie is staying in this laboratory with Dr. Moding Sollers, the Serraru, studying together a certain animal that is being kept in a large box made of explosion-proof glass, about the size of a fist. The wasp...or should it be a giant alien mosquito?
That's right, just study together, definitely not making trouble!
After all, interstellar voyage is really boring. You can't go anywhere except to eat and sleep! And after she has walked around the entire spaceship several times, and can't be familiar with it anymore, there is really nothing fun to give her except for a monster with big eyes and a small head in this laboratory. To kill time or play.
"This is obviously a big mosquito, where is the bee?"
"The bees of your Crooked Stars, they all look so strange? Will they make that delicious honey?"
Anyway, no matter how Annie looks at the glass, she feels that the other person is definitely not the kind of bee that can make sweet honey!
The big guy inside, looks weird, a bit like four legs like a frog, sharp claws, a sharp mouth like a bird's beak, and a thick shell and dragonfly-like wings...that's disgusting. How could it be called a wasp?
The opponent has nothing to do with bees or wasps at all, just a little monster!
Snapped! !

A muffled sound!
Just as Annie leaned over and wanted to continue to take a closer look, the strange thing flying in the middle of the transparent box was suspended, suddenly accelerated, and slammed into it fiercely, seeming to want to pounce on her face and bite. She took a bite?
It's a pity that the sturdy explosion-proof glass made it ruthlessly blocked from the innermost side, so that its pounce can only hit the glass in vain, and the sharp claws stuck to the top, but there were claw marks. Or no white marks are left.
"You little thing dare to scare me, I'll kill you later!!"
(`へ??) ○~
Annie, who was fascinated by the research just now, was really taken aback by the other's behavior!
She was a little puzzled, just such a big bug, still wanting to pounce on her face? Humph! Give it a hundred courage to try, it won’t be burned!
Not to mention that there is a glass block now, even if it is not, if it dares to rush to her face like this, it will definitely die miserably!
Snapped! Snapped! !
Obviously, the little bug couldn’t understand what Annie said. It probably didn’t know what glass was. It just kept flying around inside like that, desperately trying to rush out and bite the one outside who was watching it. Yes, a human girl with a pink face.
"Annie, please don't provoke it. We will have no material when it accidentally killed it. That is the last living specimen."
"There are only five of us, and now you have killed three of them..."
On the side, the Serraruite Dr. Moding, who was designing and optimizing an armor component on an instrument, had to stop his work at this moment, and turned his head and whispered to the little girl.
The lifespan of the Serraru is very short, and the Serraru over forty years old is very rare!
Therefore, they usually think fast, speak fast, move fast, think and move very actively and efficiently! And like Moding, it means that he has entered ten thousand years, not many years to survive.
"Please stay away from it, otherwise, it will always want to attack you."
In the past few days, except for Moding who solved the plan and studied one by himself, the other two were played alive by the little girl...the other one was accidentally flew out and was preparing When he attacked that little guy, the stuffed bear that the other party often carried with his hands was knocked to the ground alive, and then went up with his little foot... and it was squashed!
Originally, Moding still had a lot of doubts about the legendary story of this little the Omega space station. After all, he hadn't personally seen that situation? Therefore, he has always been a little reluctant to believe that such a little guy like her can really fight three mercenary groups and surrender!
But... when he saw that the other party killed the bug cleanly, he was a little bit willing to believe it.
He is very clear about the power of those insects. Even ordinary adults, without weapons, will inevitably be bitten and paralyzed by the opponent! But as a result, the bug was played as a toy by the little guy and trampled to death, which seemed to explain some problems.
At least, Moding feels that no matter how bad this human little girl is, she is also a quick-eyed little guy. Maybe this is human talent? It is not unreasonable that they can develop to where they are now in just a few decades.
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
"Anyway, you have now researched out the kind of armor that protects against insects. What does it matter if it is not dead now?"
"Let me tell you, is it ugly and spicy? When I see it is not pleasing to the eye, I want to trample it to death!"
( ̄へ ̄)
Annie doesn't like this kind of alien bug called the ‘Wasp’. If possible, she even wants to let the other party out directly, and then secretly set a fire to burn it directly!
Besides, Big Sister Shepard said that these bugs are bad guys sent by a group of ‘collectors’ or ‘reapers’, and you can’t go wrong if you burn them.
"Although you are right, Anne, you have to know..."
"We have only developed two effective methods to protect against bugs, but the funds have not yet developed an attack against them... So, do we still need it to stay alive?"
After thinking about it with their Serraru’s keen observation and non-linear thinking, Moding still said a statement that should be understood by this little girl, and this is that he wants to keep this living bug. And the reason for keeping it.
Engaging in genetic research, having a complete specimen of a living body, is definitely better than preserving living cells! Maybe it will be of great use at some point!
"The attack method against this kind of bug? Then what's good for research?"
"Look, they are so weak. It's actually super easy to deal with this kind of bugs. I can squash them directly with one foot!"
(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~
Isn’t it just a big mosquito with a big fist that can use paralytic toxins?
If Annie is allowed to come, she has 10,000 ways to deal with them! Whether it's hitting to death with a stick, slapped to death, or squashed after knocking down the ground, or using magic or something, it is very simple anyway, there is no need to study how to target them!
Moding opened his mouth, and finally shook his head, and continued his work. While modifying his shooting, he wanted to reduce the power consumption and volume of a certain module a bit, while dealing with the little human girl next to him:
"Annie, these'venomous bees' are not just three or five. When they appear, they are overwhelming. At least dozens or even millions of a black cloud, they can directly destroy the entire colony. It's all covered...Unless they wear thick solid fully enclosed protective armor or stay in a fully enclosed house, no one will be their opponent!"
"So, what we are doing is not enough. We still need to deal with them most effectively, instead of passively interfering with them and not letting them attack."
Modin explained patiently that he had seen a short video of the'bee swarm' attacking the colony in the Cerberus data, so of course he knew that the humans in the colony were faced with this terrifying massive flying monster. Despair...
What's more, these'venomous bees' have conclusive evidence that they are controlled by those'collectors', then this is terrible. Their stings can pierce ordinary soft protective clothing. If you don't find restraint and If the method of mass killing them, whether it is humans or other races, when this kind of "bee colony" is released for free, except for heavy armored units, other soldiers will not be spared.
Therefore, the next research is necessary!
"Are they so many?"
"In that case, can't you just burn them all with flames?"
~( ̄0 ̄)/
Anne is not afraid of the quantity, whether it is driving her lava shield or directly burning it with magic, it is not enough for her to burn it! Want to use quantity to defeat her, that is an impossible false proposition!
"Flame? Oh... I see."
Moding thought that the other party was talking about a flamethrower. After hesitating for a while, he nodded, but quickly shook his head again.
"Using flames to deal with the'bee colony' is indeed a good way, but the cost is a bit too high, and there are many limitations, I am afraid it is not practical..."
Flames can certainly burn these weird flying insects. In fact, flames can destroy almost all creatures and machinery. Even in the current wars, flame weapons in close quarters also have a great effect, and they often appear in Among the various weapon options of the Marine Corps, such as the human M415 Firestorm?
It's a pity that when dealing with the ‘bee swarms’ all over the sky, those flame jet weapons with a limited killing distance and a limited killing area are not enough, far from enough.
"Then what do you say?"
"Didn't we just make out the high-temperature version of Mass Effect Shield? As long as the bugs come up, they will be burned directly. Are they dead?!"
This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, Annie really doesn't know what this little old alien with big head and big eyes wants to make trouble. This seems to be a very simple matter. Why is it so complicated?
"Annie, the mass effect'lava shield' you suggested to me is a great invention! At least, it was like this when dealing with these bugs... But that was too wasteful of energy. The worms besieged, the shield may soon be overloaded and offline!"
"By the time……"
Having said that, Moding smiled bitterly and clicked on the simulated data on the console. He quickly figured it out. Under normal circumstances, the number of shields when they are overloaded by bugs is... about three hundred?
In other words, even if the high-temperature version of the Mass Effect Shield is on, it can only resist at most 300 flying insects, which is obviously far from enough.
"You saw it two days ago. Once they come out, they will madly launch attackers on our living people, without any fear or hesitation... And from this point of view, my protection that interferes with their frequency bands A is much more practical than the "lava shield" you suggested..."
Moding didn't want to hit the little guy's enthusiasm too much, so he said a few more words hardly. He was more patient with this cute and talented guy.
"Neither does this, nor does that work, it's really troublesome! Then you can tell, how do you want to deal with them?"
( ̄. ̄)
Annie is gone. The best way to deal with bad guys is to set them on fire directly. When one comes, they will set a broken fireball, and when two or a group come, they will be set on fire. Once a large piece is burned, it will never fall!
If, ah, come from a bad guy who can't be burned by incineration, then she still has big Ivan. Once she throws it down, she will run away, and the whole world will be clean...
"I think……"
"We may need to study a more efficient and targeted genetic insecticide..."
At this point, Moding's big eyes suddenly became a little dim and uneasy.
At that time, he participated in the Krogan genocide plan...At that time, the genetic weapons he improved and researched made the Krogan newborn’s death rate reached a shocking 99.9%... This incident has caused his conscience and morality to be condemned and tormented all these years!
This is why he would go to the slums of Omega and sacrifice his life to study the antidote to the plague! This is the real reason why he has to research and treat those innocent people no matter what, even at the risk of death!
In fact, it was just his own salvation...
This of course also includes the real reason why he agreed to Shepard’s call and wanted to do more for the galaxy in order to save the world! If, in the future, he can really make a contribution and successfully save the world from the hands of those "reapers", it must be the invisible condemnation of the Krogan people’s affairs that should be counteracted. Reduce a lot, right?
Originally, he didn't want to touch something like genetic weapons again in his life, but if it was to protect the galaxy from threats, he would still be willing to do it.
Of course, the Krogan gene extinction weapon had never been mentioned to others, and he had always been silently hiding it in his heart.
At this time, the door of the laboratory at the bottom of Normandy was suddenly opened from the outside, and then Modin and Xiao Annie saw the Shepard stepping in.
"Dr. Moding, how is your research progress? Are there any results?"
"Also, Annie, please don't come here to make trouble, go and play elsewhere!"
After asking Dr. Moding first, Shepard hugged his arms and stared at the little guy who looked like a little adult with a headache, ready to start chasing people.
The other party can go to play anywhere, but it can't be here, especially when she really needs Dr. Moding to develop a targeting method against the ‘swarm’!
"I didn't make trouble!"
Annie has helped a lot in the past two days, and also gave a lot of valuable suggestions. Where did she mess up? At most, she accidentally killed three living specimens! But there is still one left, so those things don't need to be too tangled.
"Make trouble? No, no, no..."
"Commander Shepard, you may not know that this kid has given me a lot of inspiration and helped me develop a more efficient mass effect ‘lava shield’ anti-swarm armor!"
"Of course, there are also bees that mislead the armor."
"Please come here..."
While talking, Moding motioned to the other party to come to the console in front of him so that he could explain carefully.
"I found out that the wisdom of those poisonous bees is not high?"
"So, this bee colony misleads the armor. I researched it based on the connection between the colonies and the special bands they emit. It can make the colony mistakenly think that you are a member of their own tribe, and then they will not Launch any attacks on you!"
"The Mass Effect'Lava Shield' is the inspiration given to me by Annie!"
"You also know that Mass Effect Shield can only protect against high-speed kinetic bullets and particle streams. For low-speed approaching targets, its reliability is so low that the swarms can easily approach us and launch stinger attacks... so , I just changed the shield settings a little on Anne’s suggestion, and let it change the resonance of the mass effect shield so that it emits a super-high frequency band when a foreign object touches at a low speed. Heat the parts touched by the enemy, and then directly grill and burn the bugs!"
"Look at..."
"That's it, it's a great idea! It can also assist each other in the anti-insect misleading armor, minimizing the risk of facing insects!"
Modin called up a model of armor on his holographic test bench, and then explained happily.
"It doesn't need to be produced separately, just add a new module to your armor to do it."
"If there is enough time, I can optimize it to be smaller... But, does it take a lot of time?"
Moding finished speaking in one breath, and then nodded to some arrogant little girl.
"Have you seen it, I'm amazing!"
( ̄^ ̄)
"Well, I'm sorry Annie, I take back what I just said..."
Although Shepard couldn't believe it, he still encouraged people to touch the head of that well-behaved little guy, but unfortunately, he was easily avoided by the other party.
"By the way, Big Sister Shepard, when are we going to land?"
"Drop, what do you want to do?"
They have only left Omega for a few days. Where do they need to find a place to dock and supply so early? Moreover, it is about to go to the'Horizon' colony to perform rescue missions, and it will not even be docked at this time.
"Of course it's shopping for food!"
"We are going to perform the task, I am afraid that we won't be docked in the short term..."
"Huh? Where are you going?"
"A colony planet called'Horizon' can be reached in the morning probably!"
"Where is there any good food?"
"I don't know, there should be?"
"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up and set off!"
"We are already in a state of superluminal flight!"
"Huh? You wouldn't fold the horse directly?"
"Zheyue? What is that?"
"Just teleport!"
"There is no Mass Effect Repeater near We are already in the World God Galaxy, and we can only fly directly over!"
"It's terrible, your shattered spaceship can't fold!"
"Where is that kind of teleportation method?"
"My spacecraft is there!"
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