Chapter 547: Fort of God and Horizon

? When Shepard and her Normandy II received the urgent mission from the Cerberus Phantoms, and then rushed to the
colony of the World God galaxy at full speed using super-light speeds to prepare to deal with those who came out again to make waves and attack human At the time of the'collector' of the galaxy, at the God Fort space station in the core of the galaxy, the Turians and insurgent mobs were beaten up in a mess, and the building damage was more than 20% armed with the'foundation' of the third guard The riot of the poor has finally entered the final stage.
Although the battle lasted for nearly half a month, it was only on the first day that the armed mobs rushed to the "ground" of the guard area and looted them for a long time, and then soon they were frustrated. The regular army of Turians rushed back to the world under the'foundation'... Then, the two sides began to start in those complex underground passages that were intricate and maze-like, even the'care workers' might not know all the passages. There was a battle.
This fight is nearly half a month...
In that kind of complicated passage, the armed mobs of the'foundation' world successfully limited the combat effectiveness of the Turians to the lowest point, and caused the Turians who rushed into the'foundation' to suffer thousands of casualties. Mechanical intelligent soldiers After losing more than 10,000 and consuming a lot of war machinery, the opponent barely occupied almost one-third of the underground world of the third guard area.
But now, the Turian soldiers received an emergency ceasefire order and had to temporarily stop for repairs, and temporarily confronted the mobs carefully in the pipelines, passages, or complex metal cabins.
The reason for the ceasefire between the two sides was not because the Turians felt that the casualties were too great to continue, nor was it because the military expenditures were too much to lose, but they are going to fight the rebels, or so to speak. A certain leader of the mob, the leader of the Krogan, who is said to be the leader of the rioters, conducts a'peace negotiation'!
Originally, the desperate Turians wanted to refuse to negotiate. They felt that they had been fighting for so long and had suffered so many casualties. As long as they continued to work hard and continue to casualize some soldiers, they would definitely be able to kill those soldiers. The increasingly embarrassed thugs were all killed, and they were all accomplished in the first battle!
However, after learning of the threatening signal from the Klogan, the hesitant Turian had to stop the troops under the'foundation' in surprise and contacted them immediately. After the Fortress Council, this extremely high-level meeting was arranged-led by the Fortress Council and the Turian military, a trial negotiation with the leader of the Krogan thug?
Of course, this is not a face-to-face negotiation. Basically, neither of the two parties can believe who, so they have a remote dialogue, relying on holographic projection equipment.
"Sure enough, the leader of their rebel army is really a Klogan..."
"It is said that this Krogan was a slave who was sold to God's Fort by the'Green Sun' mercenary, but this guy was too tyrannical, and soon attacked the merchant who bought him, and then ran away..."
"If C-SEC catches him early, things will probably not develop into this embarrassing situation."
In the arbitration room of the council in the circle of the gods, the four councillors of the four councils and other qualified ambassadors, consultants and some Turian officers who were present were in the middle of the hall. After the projected leader of the Krogan, after looking at each other in a little surprise, they started talking in low voices.
No one could have imagined that it was the Klogans who were tortured by gene phages and were about to exterminate them, and there was still room to come to the castle to make waves?
Then, they quickly realized subconsciously that this rebellion would definitely not be resolved so easily... After all, the feud between the Krogan and the God fort is not just casual Two sentences can make it clear.
In the Rickner War that year, in order to deal with the highly developed intelligent zerg of Rickner, the Castle Council first reused the Klogans and allowed them to grow... But later, in the park for 700 years, The Krogans, whose self-confidence became extremely inflated, began to rebel, and even made a terrible incident of occupying the fortress of the gods-occupying the Asari colony and refused to return it!
Whose turf are not good enough for them to grab the Asari’s head, really thinking that the Asari are the kind of ‘peaceful’ race that is constantly hoping for compromise and cooperation and rejecting armed conflict?
So, shortly after the Rickner War, the Krogan War was announced soon...
Immediately afterwards, the Turians were formally accepted by the Fortress Council and introduced into the Krogan War... When those Krogans continued to use weapons of mass destruction (nuclear weapons) to destroy countless numbers of Turians. After the colony, the frenzied Turians, at the instigation of the Serraru, the No. 2 race of God Castle, used the maddening biochemical weapon developed by Serraru genetic scientists on Klogan-Gene Phage!
Obviously, the ruling races in the castle of God are all thick-faced guys...
As a result, the number of Klogans has been reduced to a shocking value in the number of births and survival rates for newborns in decades! Without the follow-up advantage in strength and population, Klogan finally collapsed thousands of miles under a sudden blow, and since then he has been devastated, almost on the verge of extinction.
Since then, Klogan has no place in the galactic fort society anymore... and they, who have an extermination hatred with the fort, have gradually moved away from here, generally only a few people are active in remote areas. In the galaxy of, live the life of a mercenary or a pirate who licks blood.
And now, they finally confirmed that the chaos in the Castle of God was really the Krogan that the captive said... This had to make the council members feel that things were a bit tricky, and they were not sure about the outcome of the negotiations. Do not hold too much hope, nor do you expect any good results.
"I finally saw you..."
"Asharis, Serraru, Turians and humans on Earth... That's right, you guys should be the council members of God Fort!"
The leader of the Klogan uprising—Grant’s projection first glanced around the surrounding environment, then used his bloodthirsty and cruel red eyes to look at the four directors of the fortress. Members of the club.
Originally, he didn't want to negotiate with the castle council, he just wanted to defend the ‘foundation’ world of the third guard zone of the castle and maintain his own existence. Then, from time to time, he can organize his subordinates to attack the bureaucrats and dignitaries on the ground, and let them know the existence of the poor in their ‘foundation’ world. That’s fine.
He still too underestimated the determination of the high level of the castle to clean up them completely, even if they have caused heavy casualties to those Turians who rushed into the ground, but the opponent's offensive strength has not been reduced at all, so they are in order to be able to If you continue to survive, you have to come up with the idea of ​​peace talks, and in the end, with all your efforts, you have today's meeting.
"Yes, you are now facing the council of the castle of God!"
"Klogans, you can say now, why are you carrying out an armed rebellion?"
After staring at the Krogan man standing in the middle of the conference room for a long time, Senator Asari, who exists as the chairperson of the council and is currently the most powerful and respected intelligent race in the galaxy, just slightly Frowned and asked first.
In any case, today’s matters must always be properly resolved, because no one knows the kind of things the Klogan people used to convey through the captives, whether they are true or not, whether they exist or not? !
"No... we have no rebellion! We just fight for our survival and for our future!"
Grant turned his head to look at the general Tu Rui who was gnashing his teeth for a while, and also stared at each other bitterly, and made a silent and fierce collision of each other's eyes. Turned back to the talking blue Asari.
He felt that they did not engage in any form of rebellion, they just waged a great freedom war!
"This problem doesn't exist at all! As far as I know, the recycling system of our Divine Fort space station is located in the "foundation". Those systems can make all kinds of artificial organic sauces, and they can sustain the survival of almost any race! "
"More importantly, they are free! You can get them in any recycling bin, and they are very nutritious... You have to learn to be grateful..."
Before the Asari on the side wanted to continue to say something, the Senator Serra Rui suddenly intervened and retorted.
Obviously, he didn't agree with the Krogan people's rebellion to survive, thinking that it was just a very bad excuse and a ridiculous excuse by an ambitious Krogan. That's it.
He knows that in the ‘foundation’ world of God’s fort, not only is the climate pleasant, warm in winter and cool in summer, but there is also free food that can be used at any time. Why is this unsatisfactory? Of course, as long as you don't think about where the food comes from, you can't ask for too much other things.
No matter how bad it is, those organic sauces are also non-toxic and harmless free food. The low-guarantee benefits are much better than the struggling creatures on other planets in the galaxy.
"Thank you? Humph, ridiculous!"
"You guys aloft, where do you know what kind of life we ​​bugs who live in the'foundation' world live?"
"It's a dark place, no sky, no fresh air..."
"There is no hope, no future, you can't even want to leave that place!"
"There... it's an invisible huge prison, cold and cruel!"
Klogan's Grant began to speak slowly. Some of these words were taught to him by his think tank, and some of them were thought of by himself. He is not that simple and rude, but just'do not counsel or do' The Crogans!
If these high-ranking bureaucrats feel that the underground ‘foundation’ world is good, then why not come and replace them?
"All right!"
"Klogan! Stop your stupid complaining behavior, that's what you asked for!"
"If you appeal to the parliament or submit bills in a peaceful way, things will not evolve to where they are today, and our countless Turian warriors will not sacrifice in vain!"
Some impatient Turians directly interrupted the other party's speech.
In this rebellion of the God Fort, their Turians not only suffered a severe impact and challenge to their authority, but their military strength here also suffered a huge loss! If they can, their Turians are the ones who don't want to make any talk!
He feels that today's ‘peace negotiation’ is completely meaningless!
"Appeals, motions?!"
"Huh! Does that kind of thing work? You guys, have you ever given any chance to people in the "foundation" world? I'm afraid you don't even know how many people are in the "foundation" world, right?"
These guys, really think he really came to negotiate for peace today?
Do not!
Not at all!
Today, he is actually only here to threaten the opponent and strive to gain benefits for himself, there is nothing else!
No one of the congressmen speaks again. Whether it is an Asari, Serraru or Turian, they obviously don't know how many people are in the "foundation" world of the various guards of the castle.
They only know that the population living in the circular, inner, and five David district cities is about 13.2 million. This is the official statistics of the castle of God, and it does not include those who have no one. Know the specific number of "guardians" of the fort.
As for those who are not on the register who will only hide in the ‘foundation’ under the Five David District... Then I’m sorry, no matter how many they have, it really doesn’t matter to them!
Those who are like parasites, they never paid attention to it!
Moreover, if it were not for the rebellion this time, I am afraid that bureaucrats like them would not have imagined that there would be so many fighting for several days under the city of the guard zone. The poor who caused heavy casualties, right?
"Ha! You definitely don't know, do you?"
"Then I will tell you that there are at least two million inhabitants in the underground of the third guard area alone, and possibly even more! That huge underground world is far beyond your imagination!"
Grande roared loudly. In these days of battle, his men were not killed less than those elite Turians! Anyway, the number of the more than 100,000 insurgents he armed is now estimated to be less than 50,000!
If it weren’t for the fact that they were more familiar with the
world than the Turians, and had an absolute home advantage, and the large automatic weapons of the Turians could not move and deploy in the
world, I am afraid they might be true. It was wiped out long ago!
The human member of the council, Admiral Anderson frowned unconsciously. He originally wanted to say something, but forbeared, after all, he held back his intention to speak. Because, Udina had warned him before that this was a matter for the Turians, and the humans of their Star Alliance should not get involved!
At least, before the dust settles, absolutely can not be mixed in! Just let the Turians toss themselves. Anyway, it won’t cause any loss to their Star Alliance and humans. There are not many humans in the "base" world of God Fort. They only came to God Castle. In 2015, there was still not much poverty that could not be created, and the unlucky person who had to run into the foundation.
Therefore, he has been standing next to the council members, listening in silence, not daring to speak casually.
He also never expected that there would be so many people in the underground of the third guard area alone? Counting this way, if the people in the five guard areas add up, wouldn't it be at least more than 10 million people, or even more?
Maybe, there will be more residents in the guard area than the registered castle of God? After all, the fortress was discovered and colonized by the Asaris, and it has existed for almost two thousand years. God knows how many people of the various races of the galaxy have been hiding in the ‘foundation’ over the years, and how much have they thrived?
Fortunately, the underground worlds of the districts of David are not connected to each other, otherwise, once this kind of rebellion spreads, then there will be great fun watching the castle!
If you are not careful, if the terrible thing that the rebels successfully control the castle and turn off all the mass effect repeaters, then most of the races in the entire galaxy will be blinded! No race can roam the entire galaxy without a repeater, even if it travels faster than light!
Because the diameter of the Milky Way galaxy is more than one hundred thousand light-years, and even the longest-lived Asaris have only been ordered for thousands of years. Once the fort is abolished, they must retake this place, with the current navigation of the various races in the galaxy. Technology, that is a long-running, even at least hundreds of thousands of years!
Thinking about the previous ‘Reapers’ who refused to be recognized by the Castle of God also wanted to plan this way, Anderson couldn’t help but feel a chill. If, in the first place, Saron’s conspiracy had succeeded, the consequences would be... simply unthinkable!
"Let's put an end to this meaningless conversation for now!"
"Klogan people, now state your request, if it is not too excessive, we will consider it as appropriate!"
After reaching out his hand to stop the Senator Turian who wanted to say something, Senator Asari once again spoke slowly and said kindly.
So far, on the surface, it seems that only humans and their Asari and Klogan clan do not have much enmity. If the matter here in the castle can be properly resolved, their Asaris don’t have much. Opinion.
"Requirement? Of course!"
"Our requirement is: We want the entire third health area, and we want complete autonomy! We want to live in the sun, see the stars and breathe fresh air... We want seats in parliament!"
Grant, the Crogan, who seemed unwilling to waste too much time with these bureaucrats, also spoke out loudly about the conditions he had prepared before.
"Ha! You all listen, he still wants the entire third guard area?"
"I'm telling you now... this request of yours is simply wishful thinking!"
"I can also tell you that as long as we give us another three to five days, our brave Turian soldiers can easily kill all of you hidden under the'foundation', leaving no one behind!"
Regardless of his identity, the Turian general brazenly stood up, stood in front of the four council members' high platform, walked straight to the front of the Krogan traitor Grant, approached and stared at the opponent's eyes and threatened viciously.
In fact, he is the one who least wants peace talks between the two sides.
If it hadn't been for the other side's sudden threatening remarks that made him a little jealous, today the two sides would not have any kind of conversation here at all!
"That's right!"
"If it weren't for me to have some good things that make you afraid to mess around, I think you would definitely do that...but now, you don't dare, don't you?"
Grant started to laugh grinningly, and now he was really confident. As long as the things in his hands are not fake, they will not lose.
Because the people in their ‘foundation’ world are different from the bureaucratic dignitaries in front of them. They have nothing they can’t lose, and they have nothing worth protecting!
"You have nuclear weapons in your hand. We believe that... because those small nuclear grenades are enough to explain everything! But... we don't believe that you have enough weapons to threaten the safety of the fortress..."
"Even if you can blast a hole in the third guard area, the'guardians' can repair it soon!"
"Therefore, unless you can prove it to us, we refuse to accept any form of blackmail from you."
After meeting with Senator Asari and exchanging something, the Serraru spoke again.
And now, it is the focus of today's meeting-to confirm whether the other party has the kind of weapon that can threaten the safety of the fortress! The words that I said before were all trials between the two parties, and that didn't make any sense at all and would not change anything.
In fact, if the rebels are outside the fortress, then they don't care!
Because, even if it is the main artillery bombardment of the Dreadnought or the weapons of mass destruction launched, it is easy to do nothing about the Fortress Space Station! What's more, they also have fleets of various races stationed outside the castle, and the most powerful Destiny Transcendent!
They are not afraid of external enemies, but they are a little bit afraid of the rebels who are making trouble inside the castle.
"Of course, I knew you would definitely ask about this, so we were already prepared!"
After speaking, Grant snapped his fingers.
Immediately afterwards, it seemed that someone had helped him turn on a certain projector. The next second, the holographic device projected a quadruple...missile launch box directly beside him? Looking at the height of the launch box, at most it was just a little bit higher than his Grant?
"Let me introduce it first..."
"You see, this box, there are four missiles in it, its name, uh... it seems to be called'Super Ivan'? The seller told me that each of them is a full 100 A fusion weapon equivalent to 100 million tons of TNT!"
"Ha! Although I don't know how powerful it is now, it does not prevent me from liking it very much..."
Pointing to the missile launcher holographically projected next to him, Grant began to grin and said, with this thing, he was not afraid that the bureaucrats would not give him what he wanted.
"Super Ivan..."
For some reason, Admiral Anderson's right eyelid jumped up unconsciously.
He is a soldier and has extraordinary experience. Of course, he has seen the history of the development of their weapons of mass destruction and some representative historical materials.
The number of "Big Ivan" is AN602 (Russian: АН602), nicknamed the "Tsar Bomb". It is said to be the largest hydrogen bomb manufactured by the Soviet Union during the Cold War... A total of two have been manufactured, one of which was in October 1961 It was detonated on Novaya Zemlya in the north of the earth on the 30th, and another one was stored for research and backup.
It is the most powerful bomb in terms of size, weight and power among all types of bombs that have been detonated on Earth so far!
Even the current Star Alliance has never done such terrible things...
Now I think about it, more than three hundred years ago, those Soviet people’s frenzied madness, Anderson couldn’t help but squeeze a little bit for the earth. Their earth was not the same as the Krogan home planet Tuzenka. , Reduced to the wasteland of nuclear radiation, it is really a blessing in misfortune!
Fortunately, the Soviets themselves were afraid of being too powerful, afraid that they would accidentally break the earth? Therefore, they reduced its explosive equivalent. It should be equivalent to the equivalent of 100 million tons of TNT explosive. It was directly halved to 50 million tons of explosive power... But in the end, the mushroom cloud produced by the explosion was also enough. The highest peak on earth-Mount Everest is more than seven times the height! The emitted electromagnetic pulse waves have caused more than an hour of radio communication window period...The atmospheric disturbance caused by the explosion has also circled the earth several times.
And now, someone actually provided this Krogan super nuclear bomb, using the name of a terrestrial weapon?
What do those guys want to do?
Moreover, the nuclear bombs provided are still more frantic and big guys with the equivalent of 10 billion tons of TNT? This...This has seriously violated the provisions of the "Sacred Castle Convention" that restricts weapons of mass destruction (MD) related treaties. Once it is found out who produced it, it will definitely be a member of the group. Fight!
"Are they small fusion weapons?"
"It seems a bit unreasonable..."
"Everyone, what do you think?"
"Hard to say……"
"It's too small, probably only as thick as a thigh?"
"makes sense……"
After the Klogan introduction, the four council members finally began to whisper to each other in disregard of their image, and even Anderson was forced to participate in the discussion.
Then soon, they seemed to have reached a certain conclusion?
"After our discussion, we don't believe that a fusion weapon of such a large yield can be made such a small size... Therefore, we reject your unreasonable request just now, nor accept any form of blackmail from you!"
After many military technicians and Serraru representatives who knew science and technology well, they quickly came to the conclusion that the missile launch box next to the Krogan was Something is not enough to pose a threat to the castle, at most... just damage the third guard area of ​​the castle. For this kind of thing, they have already had relevant plans.
Therefore, after knowing the opponent's real hole cards, they plan to end this stupid negotiation and let the Turians continue to attack, and strive to eliminate the group of insurgents entrenched under the third guard as soon as possible.
They have now decided to support the idea of ​​the Turians: to kill one and not tolerate a hundred!
Only when this rebellion is completely quelled can other people, or the insurgents in the "foundation" world of the guard zone lay down some unrealistic delusions, and honestly act under the management and rule of their fort council. An obedient?
"You are right! Actually, even I myself don't really believe that they can be so powerful... So, we might as well try to shoot one now?"
"Anyway, I have enough four. If they are really so powerful, maybe only one will be enough to destroy the fortress, hum!"
The Crogan grinning grinningly took out a data cable and connected it to his universal tool, then connected the missile launch box to the other end, and began to quickly operate on the holographic screen in his hand.
"and many more!"
"You are going to launch from... the foundation, are you crazy?"
Senator Asari thought for a while, but couldn't help but shouted at the other party.
She couldn't believe that the other party would actually do such crazy behavior? In the world in the foundation, it is said that the highest place is no more than four meters, and the largest cabin is only a cabin with a radius of a few hundred meters. In such a place, she really doesn’t know how the Krogan man wants to launch. understand.
Launched in a sealed environment, even if the missile's power is not as powerful as imagined, that guy will definitely be killed instantly, right?
Could it be that the Krogan man is crazy? Or is he just a fool?
"Don't worry, this missile is very magical. It is said that it also has a telescopic ‘folding’ function? Anyway, it’s like a mass effect repeater?"
"Okay, we'll know soon... Don't worry, I won't launch into your circle area, because I may still need you to come forward to agree and meet my requirements..."
"My people told me, I still remember, the Turian fleet fortress seems to be in the (A65.64, 33.264, H5.56) area, am I right?"
"We Krogans have always had great feuds with the Turians. Let's use them as test targets this time..."
After speaking, Grande called up a holographic red button on his universal tool, and then took a final look at the nervous but a little skeptical council members. When he found that the Turian General After staring at him disdainfully, without paying any attention to his threat, Grant became so angry that he pressed the button fiercely!
Whoosh! !
A white missile quickly rushed out of the missile launch box, and then disappeared in an instant...
"Ha! Stupidly Klogan, I absolutely don't believe you..."
The Turian general just wanted to say something, suddenly...
A burst of blazing, powerful light shone out of the window of their council arbitration room!
That extremely strong light directly irradiated the various guard areas and ring belts of the fort, like a small sun shining in the distance, so that almost everyone could not open their eyes!
Fortunately, this is a vacuum zone in cosmic space, except for light and strong rays, nothing extra can be conveyed here! And the strong defense of God Fort can cope with this kind of strong light scattered around, it is obviously more than enough, and it will not cause any damage.
The light comes quickly and disappears quickly...
Finally, when the light faded away, apart from some people's eyes feeling a little uncomfortable, they didn't see anything extra...The universe outside the window was still dark, and of course, there was blue in the distance. Beautiful nebula.
It's just that the radiation and strong light that just appeared in the distant universe, that thing like a small sun, will definitely not be fake!
At this moment, everyone at the Council President’s Office knew in their hearts what happened just far away!
"Super strong light radiation is detected, and there is a strong fusion reaction in the distance! In terms of conversion... it seems to be more than 10 billion tons of TNT explosion equivalent?"
"And the target of the explosion was indeed inside the garrison of the Turian fleet..."
"Sirs! Now that the main fleet of Turui has confirmed that all of them have lost contact, a large number of fragments were found in the distance, some of which are attacking towards the fortress. It should not break through the shield to pose a threat. Please give instructions!!"
Without waiting for the congressmen to ask questions, a certain technical officer who was listening quickly got up on the operation console, and then soon, she cried out in exclamation.
The one just now turned out to be a super-yield fusion weapon? If the other party really detonated inside the fortress of God, then there are more than 13 million people here, including all the poor under the ‘foundation’, that’s not a single person who wants to live!
I'm afraid, the entire God Fort space station will really be torn apart by a powerful internal explosion into a lot of garbage in the universe, right?
( ̄□ ̄)(??????)∑(O_O;)(⊙_⊙)?
"This is really a good treasure, the money is really worth it! It seems that I have to carefully hide the remaining three things..."
"Now, members of the council, should we talk about it again? I seem to have thought of a lot of very unreasonable blackmail terms. I think now you will definitely listen to our demands with your heart. Am i right?"
In fact, not only members of the council were scared, but even Grant himself was scared!
Even he didn't expect that when he was sold here by a ‘Qingyang’ mercenary, and then he escaped by himself, the little human girl he met when he was accidentally brought so many good things with him? At that time, he just gave almost all the money he robbed from the slave owner to the other party, but now he has received such a huge return?
"The negotiations should be suspended first!"
"We need to have an urgent meeting before we can make the next decision!"
Without waiting for anyone to speak, Senator Ashali spoke out his own arrangements promptly.
"Of course it can!"
"But, I think you better hurry up! I think my patience is very limited!"
Feeling that he had completely occupied the active Klogan person Grant, he generously patted his chest, and then directly closed the holographic image.
Now, he also needs a little bit of time to discuss it with his own think tank and his men, especially the Quali woman under his men, who will definitely give him a lot of good suggestions.
"Members, I think we should eliminate the ghost, raid the other side's nest, and find the bomb!"
Looking at the empty space in the middle of the empty arbitration center, General Tu Rui said his thoughts savagely after his face changed for a while. Because their Turian station and fleet were bombed by the Klogan, and their Turians lost at least hundreds of thousands!
He would never let go of this feud, absolutely not! !
"Are you sure?"
Senator Serraru asked softly.
However, even in the midst of anger, General Tu Rui did not dare to make any guarantees about this matter.
"You should know that we can't take that risk, General Tu Rui... Once the God fort is lost, it will be a devastating disaster for all of us!"
"Then we were threatened by the Krogan mob? You should also know that after they succeed this time, they will definitely make even more outrageous demands next time. We can't give him the entire third guard area! "
"You guys, I feel that for safety reasons, the council has moved to a spaceship far from the castle?"
"This...this is not appropriate..."
"Yes, we must not give up the castle easily!"
"Members! Our Turian intelligence team has just locked the exact location of the opponent's signal. As long as the council agrees, our cruiser's main gun will directly fire and cover the opponent's coordinate point, and it will definitely kill the bandit leader. !"
"This is absolutely not possible! What if the opponent is not dead, or the missile is killed directly?!"

"Look, this is the destination of our mission-the Horizon Colony!"
Normandy II is flying in stealth in the orbit of the colony planet Horizon, and using the equipment on board to silently observe the largest colony under attack!
It is a habitable home planet, with vegetation, atmosphere, and living things. It can meet the survival requirements of all human beings on earth! And this is why Cerberus and the Star Alliance unconsciously went to colonize the World God Galaxy and ignored the decree of the God Fort!
However, in addition to colonial buildings and a small number of fallen and immobile humans, there are also a large number of monsters wandering around. Obviously they are the kind of "collectors" that Shepard's team has seen many times Monsters and those puppets!
Of course, there are still a large number of swarms of bees! Presumably, the people in those colonies must have been attacked by those'venomous bees' that can paralyze humans just like other colonies that have been attacked.
"Look! There are many turrets that have been built by the Star Alliance below. They seem to have never been used. Is there any good way to make them run again? If possible, deal with the Collector Warship and those huge numbers. It’s definitely easier!"
After looking at the holographic map with other people for a while, Miranda pointed to the huge Star Alliance turrets and asked.
The kind of planetary defense facilities that can not only attack the air but also attack the ground, if they can really be controlled by them, this battle will definitely be much easier.
"That's Starlink's automatic equipment, whether it will work or not, you have to go inside to know! If it is because of the interference of collectors, I think we can control them!"
"Well, we will send a few technical teams to take action later, and we must be responsible for restoring those turrets as quickly as possible, and then control them to make a fatal blow to the collectors!"
After thinking for a while, Shepard nodded and agreed to Miranda's suggestion.
After all, their ground combat power is too little. If those planetary defense weapons are activated, they will definitely be enough for the collectors and the towering spacecraft docked on the ground to drink a pot!
The suggestion is very good, she can't think of a reason for rejection.
However, their elites are still too few. She has only recruited a few people now. In addition, the Marine Corps originally equipped by Cerberus for Normandy II is still not the opponent of the collectors below. They must control those planetary defense facilities as soon as possible!
"Then, it is the arrangement of the commando. We must attract the attention of those collectors and put pressure on the technical team occupying the turret!"
"Wait, little Annie, what are you doing here?!"
Shepard, who was arranging missions based on Normandy II's stealth shooting of the screen for the team who was about to set off, exclaimed and looked at a heavily armed, with the X-97D'Viper' sniper rifle on his shoulder, The little guy who came over and looked at the map pretentiously asked.
She didn't plan to arrange this little guy to fight in the dangerous colony below. Anyway, letting a little girl participate in the battle would still challenge her moral bottom line. She couldn't do that kind of thing.
"Of course I want to play together!"
Being able to secretly land on the planet to fight those monsters, Annie will definitely not miss this good opportunity! Also, after the monster is finished, she can also find some delicious food on the planet below, whether it is delicious fruit or hunting for a few delicious animals.
Without adding her Queen Anne's name to the top of the food chain of the planet below, she would never leave here easily.
"That's fighting, not playing, it's dangerous!"
Shepard shook his head straight when he heard what he said.
How dangerous the next battle is, she knows better than anyone! So, she hopes this little guy can stay in the safer Normandy Two!
"But, I'm obviously better than you!"
Even without magic, Annie can play hundreds of them by herself, but this big sister Shepard wants not to bring herself, how can she do it?
These guys are so hot and weak. Without her help, they would definitely not survive the next chapter!
"Better than us..."
Shepard suddenly felt that this seemed to make sense, she was a bit speechless?
"Okay, Shepard, Little Annie said it right, take her!"
"I believe it would be a good choice with her sniper support from a distance?"
Before Shepard wanted to say something else, Miranda quickly spoke out to persuade him.
Miranda was completely convinced by this little guy's marksmanship! If they are only sniping from a distance, and they attract the attention of the enemy in front, there shouldn't be any big"
Some hesitating Shepard looked up at other partners and comrades in arms, wanting to hear their opinions
"Let her and Galas support us from a distance, it should be no problem."
At this time, the Jacob also responded to Miranda's suggestion, supported the shooting skills, and beat a group of little girls who surrendered their weapons to the planet to provide them with necessary remote support.
"OK then!"
"Long live!!"
"Then what are you waiting for, let's hurry up!"
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