Chapter 549: The general is out!

The battle in the ‘horizon’ colony is in full swing. The confrontation between Shepard and others and the collectors began to fight fiercely as soon as they contacted.
Whizzing! !
Da da da……
Whoosh whoosh! ! !
The low,
sound that penetrates the air is mainly the collector’s pretending energy weapon, and the crisp, metallic
dada da
popping sound is Normandy II. One party’s main standard weapons, after all, most of their assault rifles from Star Alliance’s "Avenger" assault rifle series or upgraded and modified gun family members, the gunshots are roughly similar when the main components have not changed.
"Quick! Miranda!"
"There are too many enemies, we will be surrounded, we must retreat back first!!"
He directly squeezed the trigger, hitting a heat-dissipating magazine that turned red, and finally succeeded in smashing the three corpse puppets that rushed in front of him and fell to the ground into a pile of tatters, but Shepard did not have time to relax. Take a breath or change the magazine, directly with a violent power shock wave, knocking several collector soldier pawns on the other side far away, and then slap Miranda's shoulder, who is shooting at the enemy, indicating that the other party and herself should hurry up. Evacuate this dangerous place right now.
In just a few minutes, the number of enemies around has increased...
Although the two of Annie and Galas in the distance have been sniping the enemy very efficiently, they are also a bit overwhelmed now. Shepard just saw that dozens of collector monsters are scattered towards the enemy. Fumbling and attacking from a distant sniper position, if it weren't for a certain little guy's shooting skills, and every time it was a weird fatal blow, maybe, whether it was Galas or herself and Miranda, They were already torn apart by those crazy collectors!
She was a little careless in this battle.
She didn't expect that there would be so many terrifying monsters in the collector's force here... They not only have the blue corpse puppets that are good at close combat, they charge fast and are not afraid of death, and the red ones are troublesome. Self-explosive corpse puppets, as well as those ugly monsters with poison sacs on their bodies, collector infantrymen who can fly short distances with pulse energy rifles, and finally the red lightning flashing on the body that just appeared. The weird monster that can shield the strength is so strong that it can't be broken no matter how to fight!
Just now, it was because she and Miranda had wasted too many bullets and abilities on that strange and weird collector monster that caused the large number of ordinary collector soldiers around to take advantage of it and rushed up in search of opportunities. Almost succeeded by the dozens of corpse puppets...
Alright... In fact, the corpse puppets just now have successfully rushed up. If it weren't for the little Annie and Galas in the distance to help them accurately snipe and eliminate most of them, I am afraid that they would be dead by now!
What made her feel even more grateful was that the armor module developed by Dr. Moding that interfered with the swarm was still very useful, even if the occasional abnormal poisonous bees wanted to attack them without interference, they were also affected by that. The passive defense mass effect'lava shield' instantly heats and burns wings, hands, feet and parts of the body, so that when they are fighting the collectors, they will not have to be distracted to pay attention to those flying all over the sky. A swarm of venomous bees, but only needs to pay attention to the energy of the shield.
"No! We are also surrounded behind us!"
"If we don't kill those collectors, we may not be able to get out!"
First, he grabbed a handful of pulse arc bombs viciously, and threw them far behind the row of colonial cabins in the distance, causing bursts of arcs and pulses to explode over there, and many corpses and puppets were seen. When the collector soldier was blown out, Miranda viciously stretched out the gun from the box to make up a few shots. After the impulse bombs overloaded the shield and exploded out of balance, she shot them indiscriminately. Changing the thermal magazine, he calmly replied to Shepard.
"If you want to retreat, you must hurry up, we don't have much ammunition now!"
"Wait here, that's a dead end!"
Now the battle lasted for less than ten minutes, but in this kind of high-intensity battle, the ammunition they carried was consumed very badly, and even more terrible: even if they were carrying a lot of thermal magazines, Their weapons are inevitably heated and overloaded, and they must find opportunities to change their weapons or trim them a little!
"Call Normandy!"
"EDI! How are the planetary defense turrets cracked now? When is it expected to control them?"
Finally found a space to replace the thermal magazine for his weapon, and while the overheated barrel gradually began to cool, Shepard finally couldn't help but urged the artificial intelligence on Normandy II again.
The four large planetary defense towers built by the Star Alliance around the largest colony on the "Horizon" have actually been controlled by the technical team, and now they are also guarded by the turrets, but their military The facilities are easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the weapons and ammunition are all available, which is far more comfortable than her and Miranda!
However, those Star Alliance...
Shepard himself was originally a member of the Star Alliance. It seems a bit unwell to have such an idea? Anyway, some of the Star Alliance navies that are building planetary defense turrets have added a lot of security permissions to the turrets, and they are also faintly targeting and defending Cerberus?
So, now Shepard and the others who came here to support this colony have been pitted by some guys! Even if they successfully relieved the interference of the turret and turned on the energy supply battery pack, they had to let the artificial intelligence EDI on the Normandy II slowly crack the complicated permissions of the Star Alliance Navy. Otherwise, they would not It is from a few broken copper and broken irons that have become electrified broken copper and broken irons. It is absolutely impossible for them to provide any assistance to the spacecraft that strikes collectors and collectors!
‘Hello, Commander Shepard! ’
‘Zi...Xinglian’s security defense authority is perfect, Zi......cannot be cracked quickly...’
'Zi...According to my calculations and the current progress of the cracking, Zi......The distance Zi......There are still ten minutes and thirty-two seconds...31 seconds to completely crack and successfully control the planet's ground defense facilities. ...'
Almost instantly, the emotionless electronically synthesized voice of artificial intelligence EDI (EDI) came through the communication.
The communication of the other party is not as clear and smooth as the short-range communication channel of Shepard and his ground troops. Obviously, Normandy II, which is stealth in orbit, must also be continuously disturbed by the Collector battleship! Perhaps, that is the real reason why Yitty takes so long to crack the security permissions even if there is a technical team assisting in the turret?
Therefore, Shepard just had a fluke. He wanted to continue his defense in place, and he wanted to delay until the turret was restored before giving deadly bombings to those collected by the surrounding area. It was definitely impossible to realize.
"Oh! No, be careful!!"
Shepard and Miranda, who heard some kind of oozing noise from the bunker behind them, both glanced at each other tacitly, and then slammed toward them when their Mass Effect shield was still full. On the other side, a more material box rolled over in an emergency, and dangerously before his shield was lowered to the threshold, he hid behind the new bunker against the shooting of those collectors and soldiers.
A monster's exclamation sounded, and the collector who was cutting Shepard and the two of them just hiding with a continuous energy pulse laser in the distance, cutting the heavy alloy box into several petals, suddenly wailed. He staggered and fell to the ground...The high-energy laser particle beam in the opponent's hand was still irradiating, and before it was extinguished, many collectors beside the opponent were cut into several pieces.
"Huh! What a risk!"
Miranda breathed heavily after replacing his weapon with another thermal magazine.
That kind of terrifying collector laser particle beam is accurate and deadly, they already knew about it! High-energy particle beam weapons like that are very effective for mass effect shields, power barriers, and armor. When launched, they can generate a devastating beam of energy, which is much higher than those emitted through ordinary mass effect fields. The energy of high-speed projectiles is several orders of magnitude!
Once it is irradiated, it can directly overload anyone's individual armor and mass effect shield!
This kind of thing can be seen from the alloy material boxes that they used to avoid the pulse attacks of ordinary collector soldiers and the arc bombardment of the poison sac collector monsters can be quickly cut open. The power of it!
If they were replaced by them, they would have less than one second of reaction time after being irradiated... Once they couldn’t escape in time, they would be just like the collector soldiers who had been cut in half. Cut in half, there will never be a better ending.
"Annie! We need to retreat now and ask for support!"
"We are going to retreat to the independent colonial cabin at six o'clock. Can you cover us?"
In no way, I looked around, and quickly decided to retreat to the sturdy colonial cabin not far away and hold on to Shepard, so he had to speak to a little guy with good marksmanship in the channel. Road for help.
"At six o'clock..."
‘But...where is that at six o’clock? It seems it’s not six o'clock yet...’
?(–-)?? ?
A doubtful voice came from a little guy...
Obviously, six o'clock in the morning has passed, and the time of six o'clock in the evening must not have arrived. Xiao Anni remembers the time of dinner every day very clearly, and she will never remember it wrong!
Therefore, she is a little unfamiliar with the strange words that the other party suddenly said... She has a little knowledge of tactical language and so on... Because she has always been fighting by herself, even when in the Kepulu zone, Whether it's fighting those bugs or holographic simulation battles, she is alone. She really can't react to the strange words that Big Sister Shepard suddenly said.
Six o'clock or something... It is clearly a unit of time, where can I give directions?
"Okay! Shepard!"
"Annie! We are going to retreat to the larger colonial warehouse behind, the one with a blue antenna on the roof!"
Before Shepard could continue to explain, Miranda on one side yelled in the channel a little impatiently.
The enemy has slowly touched it, and their location is well concealed, so that the two snipers in the distance can't easily hit them! And although the two of them can now attack those guys, no matter whether it is Miranda or Shepard, they dare not just go out and shoot at so many enemies!
After all, it would be a huge challenge for their shields. She didn't believe that the collector soldiers would be like the ones in the holographic movie, and they would not be able to hit the protagonists! People who have that kind of thinking have long been lying in an unknown corner or a square pit in the cemetery.
'Oh! What you said is spicy! ? ’
‘I saw it! You can rush in now, who dare to look up to trouble you, I promise they won't live for a second! ’
After Miranda's effective explanation, a certain little guy's affirmative reply came again on the channel.
"start to act!!"
When Little Annie’s cute voice came from the combat channel, Shepard and Miranda looked at each other and stopped talking. They began to find a chance to take advantage of their Mass Effect shield to successfully restore its full value. At the time, his legs slammed hard, half-shortened his body, and rushed past the colonial cabin that had been shattered by a bullet that was less than fifty meters away!
Seeing that the enemies who were about to be surrounded wanted to run, the collectors and soldiers suddenly emerged from their respective hiding places, and started shooting at the two humans who were running away in the distance!
Some of them just fired one or two bullets; some, even before they even had time to aim, they were quickly blown to the head by a nasty sniper in the distance...
When other collectors discovered that the friendly forces had suffered heavy casualties and had to hide again and were ready to continue shooting the two human women in the distance, they only saw two silhouettes leaping up from the broken window and entering directly. In the colonial cabin that can even be used as a rescue capsule in an emergency.
They lost the opportunity to kill the enemy, and the opponent managed to hide in the strong steel house that was as easy to defend and difficult to attack as a bunker before the mass effect shield was overloaded and taken offline.
"Well, Miranda!"
"There are still a few minutes at most, our turret should be able to operate successfully, let's stick to it here now!"
I looked at the holographic display screen of the universal tool in my hand, and watched the mass effect shield sirens flashing frantically. The shield had reached the lowest line, and Shepard, who was already sitting on the ground next to the bulkhead, did so. Self-deprecating, she said to Miranda, who was silently waiting for the shield to recover, just like herself on the other side of the window.
Just now, under their full acceleration, within a short distance of 50 meters, they took less than five seconds to rush in... Fortunately, the little guy Annie was relatively powerful, so they did not receive too many attacks. .
"Huh! There is only one window in this broken place, and the line of sight is not very good!!"
With a cold snort, Miranda didn't think it would be a good idea to stay in the colonial cabin like an iron coffin!
Because, here you can only see the front. Once the enemy uses powerful weapons to bomb or make small movements from the left and right and behind, they will be blinded, especially now that the number of enemies far exceeds them. It will definitely happen!
But, if you think about it, it’s only a few minutes before the turret can recover. In addition, when there are two snipers in the distance, you should stick to it for a while. Isn't it too bad choice?
"Hey! Miranda... look at that!"
After slamming a sensor on the wall and completely closing and locking the automatic hatch that was opened only one or two punches wide, Shepard accidentally discovered that the door was opening. In the bathroom of this colonial cabin, a beautiful young woman was lying on the ground in a strange posture without patchwork, stretching her hands in vain, but when her eyes could turn, she stared at them both, and then moved from time to time. Now, it seems you want to ask them for help?
Shepard felt that the other party was supposed to be taking a shower when the collector came, and then... the other party's hatch was not closed tightly. Originally thought that only a small gap was left, people would definitely not be able to enter. How could I think that I would be attacked by a poisonous bee flying in, and I could only fall down by the bathroom door so stubbornly, there was nothing to cover?
"Tsk tusk! Shepard, I found this chick has a pretty good figure, it makes me look very hot!"
Fortunately, Miranda herself and Shepard are both females. Otherwise, if a male team member comes in, it would be a blessing... Maybe, would you use a universal tool to secretly record?
"Madam, don't worry!"
"We are fighting the collector monsters outside. If we win, everyone, including you, will be saved. Please be patient!"
She shook her head at Miranda who was gloating over misfortune, and Shepard had to lie on the ground in a funny posture. There were still a lot of water droplets that were not completely dry all over her body, looking at them helplessly. The little girl, who was only about 16 or 17 years old, gave a little comfort.
There is no doubt that the other party must have been attacked by that kind of poisonous bee! Then, I was paralyzed and unable to move in this way, but my consciousness was so clear that I could even move my eyeballs, and I knew everything that was happening around me. I just couldn’t move...this state, and Shepard The information they obtained about those poisonous bees is exactly the same!
However, facing the situation of the other party, they now express that they are powerless...
The kind of poisonous bees that are controlled and used by collectors to capture humans are very strange. Anyone who is stung and attacked by them will immediately enter the strange state of the little girl in front of them. It's like some kind of paralyzing toxin, and it's like some kind of stagnation field...In short, before this weird state ends and dissipates, there is no good way for anyone!
Including all the researchers on Normandy II, including that Dr. Modin, until now, they have not been able to develop any effective method to effectively deal with this toxin or stagnation field. They can only wait for the victim to automatically Slowly recover. Fortunately, this automatic recovery time is not long, about twenty-four hours or so?
"Shepard is right!"
"But if we accidentally lose, you will definitely be carried away by the evil enemies outside! Just don't know, they will catch you, a beautiful girl, and cook it. Or for other purposes?"
While the collectors in the distance were still shooting at the window of the colonial warehouse, and while waiting for the recovery of his shield, Miranda whistled like a rascal female gangster. , Joked at the bare, unknown beautiful chick.
But how can I think, she has just finished speaking, and the other party's teardrops are dripping down like money?
Obviously, the other party must have been shocked by the irresponsible remarks Miranda said! Actually... anyone who finally sees hope from despair, but in the end is hit hard, he will definitely be like the other person.
"Come on, Miranda, just a few words, you scare her now!"
Seeing that his rifle had been successfully cooled by the heat-dissipating clip and the shield was fully restored, Shepard, who was about to shoot at the enemy from the window, shook his head and smiled at Miranda on the other side of the window. He said, and at the same time he loaded his weapon.
It's fighting time now, not for Miranda to molest the little girl in the colony of Horizon.
"I didn't scare her, I was just stating the facts!"
"You know, Shepard... once we lose, let alone her, even if it is us, we will all have to be unlucky together!"
Like Shepard, after he had loaded his rifle viciously, Miranda unceremoniously glanced at the immobile chick in the bathroom, and then slowly stood up from the edge of the window.
Then, she signaled Shepard to get ready. Later, they will take advantage of the opportunity to make a joint counterattack with the collectors outside to suppress the opponent's offensive momentum, but they can't let them keep shooting them in hiding. This colonial cabin.
Fortunately for the collectors outside, most of the weapons in their hands are pulse rifles similar to those of Jies, and they fire the kind of high-speed, high-energy phased bombs!
Things like that are very effective against mass effect shields and ability barriers, but they are very powerful for armor... The armor that wants to destroy their hiding is very high, and the thick colonial cabin wall is obviously not that kind. What individual light weapons can do! Even those collector assault rifles that fire metal enamel balls, they want to deal with such thickly armored targets, they are not very reliable!
And the only thing they need to worry about at the moment is probably only those high-level collectors with abilities and those who use heavy weapons.
Of course, it must also include the huge collector battleship standing in the middle of the base in the distance!
It's just that... the opponent hasn't activated yet, and the opponent's naval gun seems to be at the bow position, which is not suitable for direct bombardment of ground targets in this state, and for them, it is already a blessing in misfortune Up.
The young girl over there lying next to the bathroom door, Shepard must be in no mood to take care of it now! Therefore, she only reminded Miranda in a low voice, and then suddenly exposed half of her body from the window of the colonial cabin, and with the weapon in her hand, she began to shoot at the collectors and soldiers in the distance. Up.
Da da!
Da Da Da Da...
With the X-96J'mattock' heavy rifle in Shepard's hand, this upgraded version of the'Avenger' series of assault rifles, a heavy individual shooting weapon, aimed at the collectors and soldiers in the distance. The semi-automatic burst and Miranda’s S-4b automatic pistol continuously assisted in the suppression. Most of the bullets could only hit the Reapers on the thick metal walls of the colonial cabin. After being killed several times , Was suppressed and had to shrink back.
At this time, the mass effect shields on Shepard and Miranda had dropped by less than half.
It can be seen that in the absence of heavy weapon bombardment, Shepard and the others are in a position like a simple infantry bunker. When they attack each other, they must be collectors on the offensive side. To suffer.
With just one shot, Annie knocked out the head of a collector whose back had a big malignant tumor in the distance, and then the ugly head was hidden in the poison sac! The kind of weird guys who thought they could fool Annie's eyes by hiding their heads, then they were quite wrong.
Queen Anne’s eyes are sharp, much stronger than eagle eye surgery, and it’s useless for them to hide their heads!
(Little master, there are at least a thousand enemies on the opposite side... When are you going to sniper one by one? Or else, take out all the remaining recoil rockets and shoot them out in one breath. , In that case, the enemy's spaceship and those collector monsters are all over!
I can only watch others playing, and I alone can only watch helplessly. This kind of thing is very unfair to Tibbers! Therefore, it once again began to encourage Tao to its little master. It intends to let its little master use the ‘big killer of the former Mengsk Empire’ to carry out a large-scale intensive indiscriminate rocket bombing! Such a scene will definitely be spectacular, right? )
"He is a powerful sniper now. Have you ever seen a sniper who uses rockets to bomb the enemy? Anyway, I won't do it like you said!"
Without thinking about it at all, Annie directly rejected her cubs' nonsensical suggestion that sounded outrageous.
If you really want to use rockets to bomb the enemy, how can she slowly attack those monsters like this so fun? Now she is like a hamster, shooting the monsters who dare to take the lead in the distance. Now it is very fun, so why does she go to play the kind of rocket bombing mentioned by the bear?
(But you are also a ghost agent at the same time! In addition to using a sniper rifle, doesn't the "ghost agent" seem to be able to guide fusion strikes? That thing is much more exciting than rocket bombing!
Thinking that when it was on the planet JNO.3, the little master of Tibbers quickly guided all the fusion bombs on the No. 1 base of the Hope! At that time, all the Zergs that had hit the entire planet bombed... I don’t know what happened to the planet rich in resources now. Presumably, they will definitely be retaliated by the Hero Federation that has obtained more Zergs to join and grab the territory. Right?
Of course, it is also very likely that those high-level female insects of the Zerg were directly controlled and incorporated...)
"Fusion Strike?"
"However, there is no command center here, and there is no such fusion bomb to guide me!"
"Huh! Besides, where do you need fusion strikes to deal with such a small number of collector monsters? Tibbers, you are optimistic, fight for a while, they will definitely be killed by me!"
After thinking about the fun of her own three nuclear bomb bombing swarms at the beginning, Annie shook her head regretfully. If at that time, she had that kind of big Ivan, she would definitely not be chased by those densely packed, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions of bugs and run away!
At that time……
She didn't even think that that planet would be a huge insect nest with so many spicy bugs hidden inside, just like a large hornet's nest, it would explode when she stabbed it!
Fortunately, she was running fast at the time, and they couldn't catch up with her life and death.
(little Master……)
(Although there is no fusion missile strike to guide you, but you still have a lot of big Ivan's! Throw a past, and the world will be clean...)
"Tibbers, your conscience is already terrible! Fusion strikes are tactical nuclear weapons, and the super Ivana are strategic nuclear weapons. How can you play the same thing?"
"Fusion strikes can be littered, but nuclear bombs weren't at the time! If I really want to throw them down here, I would accidentally blow them up myself!"
In fact, once it is really thrown out, I am afraid that except for Annie, she can escape in time, most of the creatures in the vicinity, and even on this planet, will soon be over! If it is not done properly, this not-so-large planet might be directly shattered by that kind of firecracker?
If you think about it, Annie herself seems to have accidentally sold a group of big Ivan in four packs in the castle of God? !
I hope...that toad won't use them to mess around, right?
However, even if the other party misuses Annie, it is not afraid! Anyway, she is not in the castle, and she is not afraid of being investigated! This is just like the words she said last time in the castle of God, even if she said it, no one would believe that those things were sold by her loving and cute little girl!
She is an obedient child, where would she go and play those scary and powerful cannonballs casually?
(That one……)
(Little master, there seems to be a situation. Shepard and Miranda in the distance are going to be unlucky!)
(Suddenly, Tibbers dutifully and promptly reminded his distracted little master who was already thinking about other things.)
Annie stopped chatting with her little bear and babbling, and when she raised her eyes, she really saw a slightly different collector appeared in the distance.
The other side unexpectedly opened up a hemispherical shield, allowing another monster that used the collector particle beam heavy weapon to irradiate and cut the colony to hide behind it, whether it was Shepard or Miranda. Bullets or supernatural powers are all blocked by that strong shield!
"Huh? Really?"
"Don't be afraid, look at me, kill it!!"
(?Д?)▄︻┻┳═一……?? (
A shot passed, and that solid hemispherical round shield was able to block the weapon attack in Annie's hand!
At the moment when the bullet collided, only a hemispherical shape, composed of hexagonal shields of subtle powers, appeared. It looks like that shield seems to be great, not only very strong, but also has many layers? Every point of them is the same, and they are not like mass effect shields or power shields. There are weaknesses in the shields that can give her opportunism.
"It's weird! Those guys called collectors seem to have suddenly learned to be smart!"
( ̄^ ̄゜)
Seeing that her attack was blocked, Annie was a little embarrassed.
Because she can see that the trick of the collector who can open the shield in the distance does not seem to be like the mainstream mass effect shield in this world, but like another thing?
‘Annie! We need support! ’
‘If you can get rid of the collector, please hurry up, our colonial cabin won’t last long! ’
'brat! Come and help...’
‘Damn it! They are cutting our colonial cabin! ! ’
'fast! Shepard, go and pull that naked chick, or she will be cut into two pieces by collectors! ’
At this time, Shepard and Miranda shouted in exclamation on the channel.
Obviously, the outer wall of the colonial cabin where they are hiding has been severely cut with high-energy particle beams by collectors who are not afraid of being attacked, and a bulkhead has been seen in their cabin. Being cut and melted by the enemy, the flying sparks and the infiltrating particle beam made them suddenly unable to advance or retreat, and they were trapped in that cabin.
Therefore, they can't do anything except call for support quickly...and they don't even dare to rush out from the door or window to face the collector soldiers who have at least three figures.
"Oh! Don't worry, of course the Lun family can do it!"
Since the power of the bullet was not enough to penetrate the opponent's shield, Annie confidently attached the armor-piercing enchantment to the mass effect weapon in her hand, and then once again pointed the front sight at the collection that could open the shield. Bad guys.
Will they upgrade their shields to be great?
Humph! Her Queen Anne can also upgrade her weapons! Moreover, that is the kind of endless temporary upgrade, guaranteed to be a little bit higher than the enemy's armor!
(You are really cheating now, little master...)
(Tibbers, who caught his little master's cheating on the spot, pointed it out unceremoniously on the spot! She just said that no magic is needed. No, it still uses it after all.)
"There is no direct attack magic, it is not cheating!"
"And Tibbers, think about it, I don't really blame me, I'm just to blame for the bad weapons they provided me!"
That’s right, if you change to Anne’s own 20mm caliber, code-named "Flame Goddess I" SS-01 specially manufactured super electromagnetic sniper rifle, let alone the shield in the distance. Even with two more shields, she would be able to smash them with one shot!
In fact, except for the tough biochemical skull of Thunder Beast, which is a bit anxious, her weapon can almost be used to fight small fighters and battleships!
‘Good job, Annie! ’
‘Little guy, I’ll give you a snack when I go back tonight! ! ’
Da Da Da Da Da...
After discovering that the small activation really succeeded in killing the collector who was able to open the shield and the two monsters that hid beside the collector and cut their colonial cabin with one shot, whether it was Shepard or Miranda, they were happy to be on the channel Li cheered, then emerged from the window again and shot at the enemies fiercely.

At this time, in the collector's battleship, a head looks like countless collector soldiers outside, but the body is a little different. After watching the battleship central control screen for a while, he again Using its two pairs of golden eyes to select a collector soldier who was hiding behind the bunker.
"Kaiyue control!!"
It didn't understand why the powerful collector soldier that it had just remotely controlled and stimulated the potential was killed by the enemy before it could perform?
Originally, it also wanted to use remote control of that powerful soldier, and then use the opponent to destroy the few stubborn humans, and move the remaining human materials back to the spacecraft!
But what do you think...
But now that the enemy's resistance is unexpectedly strong, it might as well control and stimulate the potential of a soldier, and quickly get rid of those stubborn enemies who don't know where they come from! It still felt that the weapons of those enemies in the distance shouldn’t be able to kill the pioneer that it had controlled and inspired with a single shot. That kind of situation was very wrong, so... after thinking about it again and again, it decided to inspire a look. Look, see what's going on?
A collector soldier who was about to shoot at Shepard and Miranda’s hiding place with a gun suddenly dropped his weapon, and then began to hold his head with both hands... Then, it made a sound almost the entire battlefield. The roar that can be heard!
Afterwards, Shepard, Miranda, and Galas in the distance were all surprised to see that a collector monster with a powerful shield and red lightning appeared just now!
puff! !
The one who had just had time to announce his own existence, just stood on the open space in a daze, without any intention of avoiding, letting the enemy's rifle shoot on him, and was planning to gather a powerful stranger in his hand. Yes, when preparing to blow up the colonial cabin in the distance, its head suddenly disappeared...
That's right!
It's just gone!
Its huge and ugly big head broke directly from the part of its neck, and no one could see exactly where the dropped thing flew to. It shook twice on the spot, red lightning and blue The black power ball collapsed directly and collapsed without a sound.
"What the is... what's the matter?!"
The collector leader who was staying in the collector battleship was confused with dandruff, and began to quickly click on the holographic screen of its spaceship, and then soon, it discovered that the subordinate it had just overtaken had already fallen down. On the ground, the triangular head above the neck is gone? !
"They can't have that kind of weapon! What the is going on?!"
The leader of the collector was a little frantic and roared, and the octopus-like hands and feet under the triangular head began to operate quickly, locking the screen on the battlefield of Shepard, Miranda, the Marines of other groups, and Xiao Annie. And Galas and so on!
However, no matter how it looked, it didn't seem to find that those humans had weapons that it could not understand or had not seen! Those humans use all the equipment it has seen and recorded!
But here comes the problem...
How did its two powerful remote-controlled doubles lose their heads inexplicably?
"Keong more control! Together more control!"
Soon, the leader of the collector who couldn't understand what happened, he roared, and once again used its best remote control and the ability to stimulate the potential of soldiers! It's just that this time it directly controlled two of its subordinates, allowing them to directly control its spirit, which once again stimulated the potential and became a powerful pioneer!
This time, it wanted to see, those human beings, could it be easy to get rid of its men? !
With two roars, the collector monster with a powerful shield and red lightning appeared again...
The collector leader felt that this time, they would definitely be able to clean up those stupid humans!
puff! puff!
Almost at the moment of completing the transformation the two pioneers who were evolved and remotely controlled, once again lost their heads!
"Do not!!!"
After an angry roar, the monster with a triangular head quickly flew up and flew toward the outside of the spaceship cabin!
This time, it will go out in person! It vowed to figure out what happened, and then kill all the humans who dared to provoke their collectors, and bring back their bodies as specimens and materials to develop the most powerful new weapon!
The three powerful pioneer soldiers that he remotely controlled and created, just stood there in good shape, so how big a head, how can it be gone?
Among them, something must be wrong.
Therefore, even if it is dangerous, it must be seen. This is the mission of their collectors!
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