Chapter 551: Chaos

In the ring area of ​​the Shenbao Space Station, in front of a huge French window in the aisle outside the Council of Arbitration, the four councillors of the four races looked at the outside of the window with almost the same invisible side. , The third guard city that has been devastated by war.
Now, the Turian army that had been fighting over there for nearly half a month is evacuating in an orderly manner, sending out the places where they spent a lot of manpower and material resources and killed countless elite soldiers before they successfully captured... …
The blue-skinned Senator Asari had a look of Gujing Wubo on her face. No one knows what she is thinking right now... This successful peace talks with the rebels can actually be said to have been The efforts of the Asari congressmen made it possible, and of course, the other congressmen did not object too much.
It's just that those other members of theirs do not want to oppose, but dare not to oppose...
Senator Serraru, who has a small head and a pair of big eyeballs, blinked his huge eyes for a while, looked at the situation outside the window, and sighed helplessly again.
Obviously, they Serraru don't want to see this kind of result in front of them...
Because the conditions that the Krogan’s rebellion put forward for them were too ridiculous and too harsh... the other party asked for an entire third guard area, but it’s not even counted, but they even named them the Serraruites and asked them. Hand over the details of all the'gene phages'?
This kind of thing makes them extremely embarrassed by the Sierra Rui clan...
I think back then, it was indeed that during the Krogan War that the Serraru gave the'Gene Phage' biochemical weapon to the Turians, which almost led to the complete Krogan race. Extinct!
But now, after they hand over those things... Once the Krogans really develop the antidote to crack the "gene phages", and then let those Krogans regain the terrifying super reproductive ability , I am afraid that within a few hundred years, there will be a new Krogan War... There is no doubt about it!
However, even if they think of the evil consequences of the future, even if they Serraru are not satisfied with the result of the negotiation, they have to do that...because they can't afford the risk of losing the God Fort space station now. ……Compared to that rebellion, the risk of losing the castle is obviously more serious?
"Members, please listen to me!"
After tangling for a while, the Turian legislator looked bitterly at the Turian soldiers and war machines in the distance who were evacuating the third guard area on the landing craft with their heads down and turned his head to scan the other legislators around him. .
Yesterday, the formal retreat order was issued. The Turians must complete a full retreat by tonight, and vacate the third guard area that was recovered at a huge price, and then leave it to the damned mobs. !
In the future, I am afraid that there will not be any third-guard city of the Fortress Space Station, but it will become the "Fortress Space Station Galactic Free League Autonomous Region". The gang of thugs actually want to fight the council.
"Do we really have to do that? We really have to compromise with the rebellious mob?"
"The condition that Grant, the Klogan man put forward, is simply blatant blackmail!!"
Whenever I think of all the outrageous conditions put forward by the other party during the third negotiation yesterday, Congressman Tunui bit his teeth with hatred! If possible, he even wants the Turks to kill all the mobs, leaving none!
Because this time the riot at the Fortress Space Station has caused their Turians’ army and prestige to be extremely severely hit!
It can be said that their abrupt face and lining are all lost...
In addition to their C-SEC SWAT and patrol staff who lost most of their losses, they also killed thousands of soldiers in the street fighting in the guard zone and the "foundation" world, plus the The'Super Ivan' nuclear weapons are given to the Turian naval port and nearly half of the defense fleet of the God Fort!
According to incomplete statistics, at least one hundred thousand Turians and several dreadnoughts are stationed in the Turian naval port far away from the God Fort space station, and there are countless other large and small ships! Until now, the exact number of casualties in that military port has not been calculated.
It can be seen that under such a heavy loss, their Turians did not get anything at the end, but they were also secretly laughed at by the various tribes of the fort... How could their Turians not hate this? ? !
You know, their Turians still have blood feuds with the Krogan people. From the Krogan War to the present, both sides can't wait to kill each other and hurry up! But now, those Klogans who were almost dead have caused their Turians to suffer such a big loss, how can they give up?
"We also know that this is not the best choice, but... Senator Tunee, do you have any better ideas now? If so, we will definitely consider..."
He shook his head slightly, and didn’t want to look at the guard city outside the window that would soon no longer belong to the fortress. Senator Asari turned his head dimly and was still angry at that one, and even his expression was very similar for a time. The ferocious Congressman Turui asked with a wry smile.
This time, the third guard area was handed over to that group of thugs to establish a so-called "free city". Their Asaris can be said to have suffered the most!
You know, they were the Asaris who first came to the colony of the castle back then!
Therefore, in the third guard area in the distance, the most is their Asari industry... In the past few hundred years, how many retired Asaris have successfully sold the land of the "capital" of the galaxy to become The super rich, she doesn’t want to count...but now, they have to send them out to the thugs in vain...Just thinking about this matter, you can know that she, a member of the Asari Council, is in the future. , How much abuse and pressure will they endure in their Asari group?
Therefore, not only does the Asari congressman feel not the slightest sympathy for what happened to the Turians, but he also complains and hates each other faintly in his heart!
Because the C-SEC SWAT team and patrol team responsible for arresting smuggling are all Turians! She felt that it must be their own inaction by the Turians, who allowed countless dangerous goods and weapons to be smuggled and flowed into the fortress, which led to this bad result today!
They are all Turuis who asked for it! The reason why this happened today is that they blamed themselves and dragged down their Asari.
Obviously, the Turian Congressman is just venting his emotions, and he has no better ideas.
"I think you should all know that the greedy Krogan, he would never be satisfied like this! And our tolerant compromise this time will only increase their endless greed... Who knows What kind of outrageous demands will they make next time?"
"At that time, what should we do?!"
In fact, after the fusion weapon bombed the military port of Tunis a few days ago, the frantic General Tunis and his council member once suggested that the council directly cut off the third guard of the castle and abandon the guard. District cities, and then let the Fortress Space Station fly away from this star field, and then gather forces to annihilate those thugs who dare to provoke the Fortress Council!
However, that bill was quickly rejected after discussion...
That's because it would be a huge project to cut and discard an entire huge third guard area...
In short, that kind of movement is definitely not trivial, and it can't be done in three or five days! And once it is spotted by those mobs, who knows what serious consequences it will produce?
and so……
After discussion, the council had to give up the idea that seemed tempting, and finally had to accept it and began to formally compromise with the mobs, even if the other party’s request was a bit outrageous, even if they themselves were actually very unwilling. But I have to do that.
"Please don't be fooled by anger, Senator Tunee..."
"Of course we know what you said... For these things, we have actually discussed many times... But now we have to do that, because we have to temporarily stabilize them!"
"Otherwise the consequences..."
Otherwise, Senator Serra Rui didn't say clearly, he just drooped the eyelids of his huge pair of eyes, gently lowered his head and sighed.
The Krogan thug, the guy named Grant, has a terrible weapon of mass destruction in the opponent’s hand. Once detonated here, it can directly threaten the God’s fort space station and the Thousands who live in this space station. The lives and property of millions of residents are safe!
Therefore, apart from compromise, they will never have a better choice.
The Krogan person Grant, the other party does not need to have the power to defeat them, only the courage to die together, they have to satisfy most of the other party's not too outrageous'blackmail'... Otherwise, once the other party is not What should they do if they are satisfied or feel threatened, threaten to detonate that terrible fusion weapon?
"All right!"
"We have reached a conclusion on this matter, now don't waste time arguing about it! Let's think about the future..."
"Actually, for the time being, this is not bad...In the future, we will either use gentle means to slowly influence them, bind their interests to the fortress, and impose corresponding restraints and supervision on them; or Find the right time to completely remove their threat?"
After speaking, Senator Asari shook his head mockingly.
The idea is very good, and it will definitely not be easy to implement... After all, no one is a fool. The Krogan will definitely guard against those three fusion bombs in a short time, even if they really have to deal with them. The thugs must also be patient and slowly plan and arrange until a new opportunity arises, until they confirm the three fusion bombs and are sure to disarm their detonators!
It's just that it will be a long process, and it cannot be easily solved in a short time.
"Yes, Senator Asari is right."
"We have no other better choice now. We have to temporarily abandon this third guard area... As for whether the thugs will make more excessive demands in the future, then we can only negotiate at that time..."
Finally, he glanced at the third guard area that was being abandoned by the Turian soldiers in the distance. Senator Serra Rui sighed with a bleak expression in his eyes, intending to end today's meaningless topic, and then leave here and just have a look Not seeing is net.
In any case, the third guard area has become a foregone conclusion!
Although the mobs lost in the end and suffered heavy casualties under the encirclement and suppression of the Turians, they got everything they wanted! In this matter, the Castle of God Council has now been forced to make a big concession, and no matter how to argue it is meaningless, unless someone can take away the three large equivalents left by the Krogan man Fusion bomb!
Anderson of the Human Star Alliance has been holding back without saying a word, because this matter does not have much to do with their human beings, let alone sending out the entire sanctuary city of the Shenbao space station that can inhabit millions of people. Even if they send out another piece, their Star Alliance does not matter.
After all, their Star Alliance is still too young compared to the Fortress Alliance... In the Fortress Space Station, which is equivalent to the "capital" of the Milky Way, most of the humans from the earth can't afford it. Land or real estate... So, of course, Anderson would not feel too much about giving away other people's things.
"Members, please wait a moment, I have some important things here!"
Seeing that Senator Serra Rui and Senator Asari were about to turn around and leave. After tangling for a while, Anderson finally couldn't help but gritted his teeth and made up his mind to talk about a more important event at this time.
"It's actually like this!"
"Some time ago, didn't we have restored Shepard's position as the "Spirit of the Castle"? Now, she has made major new discoveries in the World God Galaxy! She has captured some collector monsters and successfully destroyed them. A collector’s spacecraft, and now the crashed spacecraft is under the control of our Star Alliance!"
"I believe that soon, she will find conclusive evidence of a connection between collectors and those harvesters!"
"By then we can..."
Anderson didn't care about Udine's consultant who was constantly winking at him, but he was excited and said loudly. In fact, even he himself did not expect that Shepard and the others would have done such a good job. They caught the tails of a group of collectors in the'Horizon' colony of the World God galaxy, and Chen Chenggong also caught a living and Destroyed the opponent's spacecraft?
"You mean... soon?"
"So, it is obvious that now it is only possible to barely confirm the existence of the so-called ‘collectors’, and there is still insufficient evidence to show that they are related to the ‘reapers’ that you have fabricated?"
"I'm not surprised by this..."
Senator Serra Rui, who was about to leave, turned his head and stared at the human Senator Anderson, who was looking excited, and then he didn’t know why. He stared at the opponent curiously for a while, and finally regretted. Shook his head.
"Well, Senator Anderson..."
"We have more important things to deal with now. There are enough things here in the castle. Regarding the world galaxy, please don't mention it again! get enough iron evidence to convince us?"
"I'm sorry, we're lost first."
Senator Ashali politely said a few words towards Anderson, then turned around and talked quietly with Senator Serra Rui, and walked away slowly together, disappearing into an automatic hatch. after that.
As for the collector’s matter, Senator Ashali did not want to pay too much attention...because, as early as hundreds of years ago, the castle had already received reports from the Turians about unidentified creatures attacking the colony in the world galaxy. ... Now that those mysterious and dangerous races once again ran out to make trouble and attack humans, it seems nothing strange?
Besides, the matter of the World God Galaxy and the Omega 4 repeater, they have already warned humans that they have to go to that chaotic and dangerous place to colonize, outside of the law enforcement power of the gods. They will definitely not take care of it!
"Huh! Please let me!"
Seeing the other two congressmen leave, the Turian congressman also turned his head and looked at the two humans aside coldly. He was in a bad mood. He didn't even want to say polite words, so he snorted and squeezed brutally. When the two of them drove away, they walked quickly in the other direction.
This time, the Turians planted a big somersault here in the fortress of God. He had to find a way to wash off his responsibilities first, otherwise, in a few days, he would have to go home and stay away from this beautiful place. Place.
"They, how can they do this?!"
Seeing the irresponsible and prevaricating attitudes of the three council members, Anderson suddenly felt confused and stunned...
Now the Reaper’s threat to the Milky Way has become more and more serious, and those collectors who are closely connected to the Reaper have also begun to become active in the World God Galaxy. In addition, two years ago, Saron, Overlord and Jies... Anderson seemed to see At that time, a huge conspiracy is covering their entire galaxy and all races. Various circumstances have already shown: The Reaper is likely to come back again. By then, no one will be spared in front of the powerful enemy!
But now, those guys of them, can they turn a blind eye? !
"Look what are you doing now?!"
"I told you a long time ago, this matter must not be brought up in the near future, because the timing is not right at all!"
After all the council members were gone, and only after Anderson and Udine were left here, Udine gritted his teeth, stepped forward and stared at Anderson’s eyes two steps, lowered his voice and said coldly. Sneered fiercely.
He finally knew that this council member who was a military general was a politically failed idiot at all!
Shepard’s investigation and the intelligence he obtained, he naturally also attached great importance to Udine, and even Star Alliance is now discussing it specifically, but... this kind of good card should never be at this time. I brought it up when I was overwhelmed by the riots and was messed up by the riots!
He had warned Anderson before...
But how can I think that the other party actually said it at this inappropriate time? Look, this guy finally got the worst result as he wished! The other members of the People's Council didn't want to pay attention to the matter at all. They were blind to what Shepard had gained when he tried desperately to rescue Horizon.
"But now the threat of the Reaper is imminent, I have to do that!"
"Udina! Isn't the safety of the entire galaxy a little more important than the Fortress Space Station?!"
Anderson also stared at his adviser with some irritation and snarled in a low voice. He just wanted to remind the congressmen kindly, but who would think that they are still so stubborn? !
"Threat? Huh!"
"Anderson, let me tell you this: Now, even our Star Alliance is hesitating, unable to deduce the truth of the matter, and why do you think that you can take those specious things at such an inappropriate time? 'Evidence' to persuade the Castle of God Council?"
The "Horizon" incident and all the information, images, monster corpses, living bodies, spaceships, and testimonies of the Star Alliance officers and residents after the colony was arrested, have been submitted to the Star Alliance headquarters by Shepard for the first time ! However, Star Alliance is still studying and fiercely demonstrating. Those high-level people who are willing to believe that there must be a connection between the ‘reaper’ and the collector are less than one-tenth, right? !
Because of this, he warned the political idiot in front of him early: at this time, unless the army of the Reapers appeared directly in front of the castle, otherwise, the lawmakers would never believe them. It really exists!
Even if this matter really has to be brought up, it should be a better time, but no matter what, it should definitely not be at the worst time when the energy of the fort has been completely involved by the rioters!
Udina didn’t understand. Even if the Reapers really came out to harvest the various high-level civilizations of the galaxy, they were not the only ones who reaped the Star Alliance and humans. Among those Asari, Serraru and Turian When he is not in a hurry, what is the use of Anderson being in a hurry?
Anderson did not continue to speak, but stared coldly at Udine, who was in the offender, who was teaching him as a member of Congress as a consultant. It is not unreasonable that he hates such politicians, of course, including the other members of the Council of Gods!
"So, obviously!"
"Anderson, you messed up everything! With your word, all Shepard's efforts were wasted!"
"Although you are a good officer, you are not a qualified council member!!"
Udine continued to criticize mercilessly, ignoring that Anderson's face had already begun to flush.
"I'm still the same saying: Although Shepard elected you as a member of Parliament... But, Anderson, you are not suitable for God's Castle. You are not a qualified politician! And you, you should return to you sooner. Fight your battle in the Star Alliance Navy!"
"I think... is it time for you to consider finding a suitable opportunity to resign and cede the position of council member to a more suitable me?"
"In the castle of God, your military's set is not working!!"
After speaking, Udine no longer looked at the ugly face and trembling fists of a certain Star Alliance Admiral. He flicked his hand and turned away bitterly, leaving the huge aisle to stay. The other party alone.

After successfully completing the'Horizon' rescue mission explained by the Cerberus Phantoms, successfully smashing the conspiracy of the collectors, rescuing almost most of the colonial people and annihilating the invading enemies, Normandy II only repaired After two days, they left the colony planet and began to return to the voyage to deal with their gains.
In addition to obtaining collector equipment that is similar to the Jies technology of the year but a little more advanced, and it is speculated that the collectors and Jies, or the collectors and the "reapers" have an inevitable connection, Shepard and others have also obtained more Valuable things:
In a material warehouse on No. 2 Normandy, there are full of frozen dormant cabins.
Inside are frozen and imprisoned one by one Shepard and the rest of the collectors who were finally caught and still alive! They have the kind of ordinary blue corpse puppets, venomous sac monsters, all-like collector soldiers, and the killed collector ‘pioneer’ elites and collector’s archons!
Except for the dangerous guys who would explode if they didn't care, they didn't dare to accept them, and they didn't have any troublesome corpses for them to store as specimens. Basically, they kept one or two of the corpses of all collectors!
In short, they caught a lot of collectors, and frozen them to fill the entire cabin! Even, they even caught a guy who looked like the big boss of a collector!
"Commander Shepard, the leader of the collector inside is not simple... Its powers are unparalleled, and the level of danger is very high! I suggest... You better'dispose' it now? "
Dr. Modin Sollers approached a large-scale frozen dormant cabin that had been modified, and looked through the transparent glass at the collection that was being trapped by liquid nitrogen pressurized freezing and related facilities. The monster... Then, after thinking about it, he finally shook his head and suggested to Commander Shepard who was following him.
Because the power of this monster is really too powerful...
When his detection equipment is close to the opponent, it is directly in the outrageous full value, and it is completely impossible to estimate the opponent's true ability level? And judging from the ‘Archon’, the collector they had encountered before, who fired the eye-beam power laser, the big boss of this collector would certainly not be far behind.
This kind of existence, once out of trouble, it is simply a disaster!
"You mean... want me to kill it directly?!"
After a moment of stunned, Shepard came back to his senses for a while, and probably understood the meaning of the other party's "processing"... It seems that Dr. Moding wanted to kill the collector leader who they managed to capture alive. ?
"No, absolutely not!"
"It was only after we had worked so hard to catch it. If it weren't for the serious injuries when the spacecraft crashed, maybe we would have to kill it!"
The weird thing in front of her, but the evidence of alive she finally collected, whether it was handed over to the castle or given to Cerberus to study the torture information, it is very valuable, where can you kill it casually Drop?
It lives, but it is definitely more valuable than dead!
Now, the colonial residents and the soldiers of the Star Alliance Navy who were captured and taken away by the collectors were rescued from the crashed collector spacecraft. The battle to take advantage of the fire was not too difficult.
Although the casualties counted by the people of the colonies after the event were not small, there is no doubt that they did win! They successfully smashed the collector's conspiracy. Both they and the Star Alliance navy that arrived later captured many collectors and directly obtained a fairly complete collector spaceship! And now, this guy who seems to be the Collector General, is their biggest gain, is that they managed to steal the trophies left over from the hands of the Star Alliance Navy.
"So this is ah……"
"But, Commander Shepard, what do you want me to do? Do you want to dissect it... or study something about it?"
Since Commander Shepard was unwilling to kill this powerful monster easily, Dr. Moding himself had no good way, so he could only look at the heroine of the galaxy with questioning eyes.
When almost most people are unwilling to believe in the existence of collectors and reapers, it is this human female who is running around giving up her life, shattering the conspiracy one after another by the enemy, and she even died for it once... Therefore, Dr. Moding feels that this is a truly noble human being, and it is worthy of him to do his best to serve the other party.
"I need you to allow me to have a normal conversation with it while ensuring safety! Are you sure you can do it?"
Shepard doesn't care about anatomy or research, she just wants to learn what she wants to know from the other person's mouth, nothing more!
The leader of this collector cannot be easily released. If you release it casually, with the opponent's abilities, something big will definitely happen! The brainless corpse puppets and collector soldiers who were not afraid of accidents did not seem to have enough communication skills, which made her worry about this matter.
From the fact that the dead collector ‘Archon’ could talk, she knew that there must be something she needed in the head of the collector!
"Do you want to communicate with it...?"
"Um... not impossible... I think I should be able to pierce the probe into this guy's brain in freezing conditions, and then perform local activation to amplify its brain waves... And if their biological composition and If most creatures in the galaxy are the same, then I should be able to do what you want to do, Commander!"
Regarding technical matters, especially biological matters, Moding is a very authoritative Serraru! Otherwise, Cerberus' Phantom Man would not recommend Shepard.
"It's just, what's the point of that?"
"Your Excellency Commander, please be blunt: you should know that in a short period of time, we may not be able to communicate in any form with this kind of creature we have never seen before... Translating the language of a new race is a huge project. , According to our Normandy No. 2, it will take many months to be less."
For Dr. Moding who is proficient in biology, it is a trivial thing to communicate with a monster that can't move. However, communicating with unknown species is not an easy task. It requires comparison and translation of a large number of unfamiliar words, and the cooperation of the other party is required.
Otherwise, language barriers will become an obstacle to communication!
"No! We don't need any translation! Yitty's database should allow us to communicate with each other directly!"
Shepard said categorically, her tone was very determined and confident.
"No need to translate...?"
"Unfortunately, Commander, I don't think any of us can communicate with it, even artificial intelligence EDI shouldn't work! Because they should be a brand new species, I have never seen a creature like this. "
Modin once again looked at the prisoners frozen in the survival capsule and behind the glass cover, and then looked at the other soldiers similar to the opponent, and then he came to his own conclusion: Obviously, this is definitely a brand new one. The species, except those corpse puppets, should all belong to the same race, which can be guessed from their triangular heads and two pairs of eyes.
"Because they are the ‘Proscenes’ who were harvested by the reaper fifty thousand years ago! It was the reaper who made them like this, and then wanted to use them to harvest us?!
"As for the words and language of Prosin, I think that Itty of Normandy can definitely translate it for us!"
Shepard is almost certain now: These collectors, they are the ‘Pluo Immortals’ harvested by the harvesters in the previous cycle, undoubtedly! This could be inferred from the beacons she had seen before, as well as the Pluoxian ruins, language, writing, etc. that have survived to the present.
And what she had heard on the battlefield before was that the monster that was killed by Little Annie, the language spoken by the opponent was confirmed to be the language used by the ‘Proxian’ after Itibi’s verification!
And this seems to be able to vaguely explain the relationship between the collector, proxian, and reaper.
This is just like what she just said... Fifty thousand years ago, the Proxians who had almost dominated the entire galaxy were defeated and harvested and transformed by the harvesters, and fifty thousand years later, these transformed monsters began to become active. Come up, if you guess boldly, it is likely that the collector is the forward of the Reaper? !
"Pluoxian...I remember, it turned out to be like this?"
"This is really shocking information... Well, Commander Shepard, you can send someone to move it to my laboratory, and you can communicate with it without barriers by tomorrow. !"
"Of course, it's only linguistic."
With my eyes wide open in surprise, I went to the glass again and looked at the collector inside for a while, then walked aside and looked at the others who looked alike to each other, but were similar to the extent to which the collector's leader was transformed. After watching the different ordinary collector soldiers for a while, Modin nodded in satisfaction.
That’s right, although there are many traces of alteration, these collectors, especially the collector soldiers with a relatively low degree of alteration, are very similar to the figures in the Proxian ruins that Tamaudin has seen. Features like... a triangular big head and two pairs of eyes... are really easy to recognize.
"In addition to the guy you need Commander Shepard, I still need these, and these..."
"Move all the corpses of these collectors to my laboratory!"
"Tonight, as long as I first dissect and study their specific structure, at this time tomorrow, I can do what you command commander."
Reapers, collectors and proxians...
Moding felt that the great discovery of a century was about to be revealed by him! Maybe they can really become the savior of the entire galaxy?
"Very good! I will arrange it now!"
Hearing Moding's confidence, Shepard finally let go of the hanging heart. She believes that as long as she can have a normal conversation with the leader of the collector who seems to have high intelligence and can even speak Proxian, she will definitely get a lot of valuable information!
"Kayden... it's you? Aren't you supposed to be stationed in the colony of Horizon, how did you get to my Normandy Two?"
As soon as she left the house, Shepard, who met an acquaintance, couldn't help but exclaimed.
She clearly remembered that when they defeated the Collector and repaired the Horizon for two days, this Kaeden Aranko, who was rescued from the Collector spacecraft, should have returned to the Star Alliance Navy to report... …Why is it now appearing on her spaceship?
When did this guy get on her boat, and who approved it?
"Commander Shepard, since you are dealing with collectors and those harvesters, then Kayden will join!"
After giving Shepard a solemn salute, Kayden Aranko, who was still wearing the Star Alliance uniform, stood upright on the spot and reported loudly to his former chief Shepard.
"Are you sure? I am not a lieutenant colonel of the Star Alliance, nor the ghost of the Castle of God. I am working for Cerberus now..."
After hesitating, Shepard still truthfully told the other party the truth. She must make it clear, she doesn't want any conflicts in future coexistence because of this.
"I don't recognize Cerberus, and whether you are a lieutenant colonel or a ghost, I only know you, Chief Shepard!"
"Please let me return, Commander Shepard!!"
Kaden Aranko still stood at attention and said loudly with a serious expression. Obviously, he is already on the spaceship, he must have made a certain decision.
"Now, I agree to your entry request! But I can't give you any military rank or position, and even salary is difficult to guarantee... Regarding this, Kayden Alanco, can you accept it?"
Kaeden Aranko’s skill, Shepard, is very clear. The opponent is not only excellent in combat ability and skilled, but also her former subordinate. It can be said that she is a well-known person and can safely put her back on the battlefield. Handed over to the other party's existence, so for Shepard, who is in urgent need of his men, the addition of the other party is the best.
"No problem, Commander!"
"As long as it is your order, even if we are to associate with the Cerberus terrorists, I will gladly accept it!"
As long as he can fight under the hands of his own Chief Shepard, and work together to protect their humans and the galaxy, he Kaiden will not have any complaints!
Moreover, in these years, under the joint star team, he has been working on the defensive planet. He Kaiden has had enough for a long time. He still yearns for the days of the year, the kind of shuttles around the galaxy, constantly fighting against Saron, go to fight against Jie Si's fighting life.
Although those Jies are rarely seen now, they seem to have retracted, and Sarun’s conspiracy has been completely shattered... However, more powerful collectors and the reapers behind the collectors have emerged again, he He must follow his leader, whether it is for the leader Shepard he admires, or for their own homeland of humanity, he must fight and fight!
Even if it fails, it is better than waiting to die on a broken planet!
"You running dog of the Star Alliance Navy, what happened to us Cerberus, are we as unbearable as you think?!"
Just passing here, when Miranda heard that the newcomer was actually saying that Cerberus was a terrorist, she immediately became angry, and like an angry lioness, she walked over quickly and pressed her hand. The opponent pushed his chest fiercely, staring at the guy who seemed to be Kayden Aranko in a provocative manner.
This Star Alliance officer still remembers that when Normandy 2 was about to take off from the Horizon colony, it was Miranda who approved the other party’s boarding of the ship, but she didn’t know that the other party turned out to be a running dog of the Star Alliance, dare to say that they What bad things about Cerberus? !
Kayden didn't fight back, but looked at the mad woman with some scorn.
In fact, he didn’t have much preconceptions about Cerberus... On the contrary, when he was in charge of the garrison mission in Horizon, it was the colonists of Cerberus who treated him Kaiden and other Star Alliance soldiers. There are prejudices, but the residents are hostile to their Star Alliance navy!
Otherwise, Lilith in the colony should have been taken by him long ago.
"Okay, Miranda, what are you going to do?"
Sherpard asked curiously after holding this partner who came from Cerberus, but was more compatible with him, and cooperated relatively tacitly on the battlefield.
Because, she could see that the other party's face seemed a bit wrong?
"Oh! I'm looking for the little guy Annie, do you know where she is now?"
Seeing that Kayden didn't dare to oppose him, Miranda could only spare Shepard's face temporarily.
"I seem to have seen her eating in the restaurant just now?"
Recalling for a moment, Shepard quickly remembered where the little guy was.
"Thank you! I'm going to clean up that little bastard!"
After thanking Shepard, Miranda turned her head and left directly.
"Miranda! What happened?"
Seeing that Miranda's clarity was a bit wrong, and she walked quickly towards the elevator, Shepard was puzzled and asked with some confusion.
"I asked that little guy to give me some of the souvenirs that the'Horizon' colony gave us, and gave her permission to pick up the goods, but now, I have been waiting for a long time, and I haven't even seen her shadow! "
"Maybe your share is gone. I heard the quartermaster say that she seems to have abused her authority to take all the shares, all!!!"
Thinking of this, Miranda is still a bit unhappy! The little guy who eats alone is a bit too much this time. Those good things should be reserved for them more or less, right?
But that little was fine, and took advantage of the permissions she gave him, and he took them all at once! She said that Miranda ordered it? She dare to swear that she herself never let that guy do that!
Well, Shepard originally thought that he could continue to eat the special delicious souvenirs produced by the "Horizon" at night, but now, I am afraid it is hopeless... because the colony after the collectors attacked is not produced There are too many, and it has only been a few years for humans to test and settle on that planet, so I just gave them a little bit of gratitude.
"Forget it, Miranda?"
Shepard felt that Little Annie was also a great player in the battle of the Horizon Colony, and that the little guy who made a lot of credit can give a little extra favor.
"Hmph, leave it alone! I must teach that dishonest fellow well!"
"Come on, Kayden, go with me to find some people to help Dr. Moding carry something."
She shook her head funny, and Shepard waved her hand to let the newly enrolled Kayden keep up with her. She was going to find some people to help Dr. Moding. Then, she wanted to find some Marines to Dr. Moding. Stand guard around your laboratory just in case!
As for the little Annie's affairs, let Miranda and the other party fool around...

The Normandy II spacecraft is not too big, and it is not too difficult to find someone... So, when Shepard was busy with business affairs, Miranda managed to catch someone at a table in the restaurant. A nasty little guy!
‘Why is this Miranda sister waiting for me so eagerly? People seem to have done nothing bad recently, right? ’
Annie secretly communicated with her little bear in private.
At this moment, in front of her, after the Miranda found herself, she sat angrily on the opposite side of her table, blowing her nose and staring at her, still holding her arms and staring at herself, she must have been unkind!
"Little guy, don't you plan to say something?"
After confronting each other for a while, looking at the innocent and cute eyes of a little bastard, Miranda finally couldn't help but speak first.
"Say what?"
"Oh... Sister Miranda, have you eaten lunch? If you don't eat it, it will be too late, because it is already past the restaurant's serving time. If you want to eat something else, you have to pay for it yourself?"
After thinking for a while, Annie, who felt that she really didn't do anything bad, bit her finger and licked some memorable smell on it, then blinked and said something tentatively.
"It's wrong for a child to lie! Little Annie, you shouldn't pretend to be me and Shepard to deceive things!"
This is why Miranda wants to hold on to this matter. She doesn't want this little guy to learn crookedly, and she shouldn't be kidnapped!
"I'm not fooling things! You asked me to get things, so I just said that I wanted to help you get those copies out at the same time, and then the little aunt in the warehouse gave me..."
Annie said this blatantly at the time, and she still had authority. Where did she cheat?
"Oh? Help? Well, what about those things I asked you to take?!"
Miranda asked, squinting, knowing that the other party would be able to argue.
Although she doesn't actually care too much about those, some bad habits can't be learned by this naughty little bastard!
"Of course I ate it!"
"Then what else do you have to say?"
"I asked you to go to that thing, but you took it all and ate it all?!"
Miranda slapped the table with anger, and said viciously.
Abusing the authority granted by herself, deceiving oneself, misusing materials, stealing food alone, etc., are all crimes that Miranda cannot tolerate!
"I only agreed that I can pick it up for you, but I didn't say that I wouldn't help you eat it together!"
Think about the delicacy that I had just eaten up in one breath. Although I was full, Annie still couldn't help wiping the saliva from the corner of her mouth.
Those things are delicious, but they are missing...
"You guy!!"
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