Chapter 735: La la la, Troll Asia (????)?

The blizzard in the north is still going on.
The frost trolls, who have always been known for their brutality and coldness, are wailing desperately before they die, and ruthless flames are burning on the ice sheet...
On Freljord’s icy wind and snow-drifting permafrost tundra, in this land that has always been only cold and icy, a magical scene happened:
In this mountain col, there are patches, clusters, clusters of terrifying dark red magical flames that will not go out and can burn without any fuel, which is turning this mountain into a purgatory volcano. Ordinary place.
The thick snow that was originally thick has been burned and melted and evaporated. The ground that has been frozen for countless epochs has also been burned soft and black with signs of redness and melting?
Where you enter the eye, apart from the snow on the high mountains in the distance, the endless frost and snowflakes that are still whistling and flying down in the sky, what is left here is only the endless dark red flames and those that were impossible before. The various broken and charred corpses of the frost trolls, as well as the small ice crystal castle that was reddened by the fire...
'what! call! ’
at this time,
The last Frost Troll warrior who had dropped his weapon and was gasping backwards and rushing wildly, only ran a few steps before being overtaken by the cruel flame giant from behind. One paw caught its waist and was lifted high by one paw.
‘! ! ’
When the last deserter of the Frost Troll was caught in the dark red flame all over, the huge flame giant bear with a big mouth full of flames broke the part above the neck with one paw, and the Before the ridiculous red and blue object was pulled out, it was like the humans hunted and killed by them before, and it made a huge and distant scream.
It's just that it used to hold up the unlucky humans captured by their frost trolls, shred the bodies of the male and female villains, and enjoyed the blood of each other and the wailing before death...
But now, the status of the two sides seems to have fallen one by one. The frost trolls who were originally strong, huge and powerful, are now gently picked up by the huge flame monster in front of them. And struggling and wailing in the other's hands?
"What a powerful fire elemental creature!"
"It's really interesting! It looks like the energy mixture of shadow and flame? But if you look closely..."
Looking at the huge flame bear that was thrown out by the little girl Annie, holding the enemy high, he finally managed to brutally tear off the head of the last frost troll and kill it, and even burned the opponent with its own flames. However, the wandering mage Ryze didn't have much feeling.
Because what he had just warned them was that their evil and greedy creatures were seeking their own way of death, taking blame for themselves, and could not blame others.
So, now he didn’t look at those trolls at all. He was just amazed at the teddy bear that the little girl had been holding in his hands. The life and death of those ignorant and cruel frost trolls was simply Can't let any waves in his heart, a teacher who is busy saving the world!
In fact, if you hadn’t just seen the giant flame bear with ease, without any physical damage, and the magic weapon in the hand of the troll king would have minimal damage to it, a certain powerful little girl didn’t seem to ask him much. If he helps out, I am afraid that Ryze himself would have joined the massacre of those trolls long ago.
Those ignorant creatures, they are more than dead!
Tomorrow, he Ryze needs to go north to continue his mission of saving and guarding this fragile world, and the demise of the evil frost trolls who dare to stop him is better than the end of the whole world! Their current situation can also be said to be the best end for angering him, the old mage, and disturbing him to rest.
What kind of monster is that?
At this moment, his body was covered with burning scars, and he looked extremely embarrassed, Trundle, the king of trolls, was silently holding the ice-crushing hammer in his left hand, standing in a short breath. Gu Ju was just burned to death by that cruel flame giant in various postures, his neck was ripped off, his stomach was broken, a few pieces of claws, his body was crushed, and his head was crushed. There was silence beside him...
He also knew very well that just now, the last roar of his subordinate before he died was actually a distress signal sent to his troll tribe’s warband... if they could survive this blizzard. If they hear that voice in the weather, they will definitely come for reinforcements!
However, Trondel is not too hopeful about this...
This is not because he is worried that the wind and snow will be too great for them to hear the call, nor is he worried that they will be able to get here in time before he is killed, but he knows: even if they all appear here in the next second, then It doesn't make any sense! !
The huge flame bear in front of it is really terrifying and powerful!
Moreover, he can also see that the opponent hasn't exhausted all his strength until now, but his troll king himself is already exhausted. He has been holding back without daring to turn and run away, and he did not dare to leave his fragile back. To that evil flame monster...
Not long ago, more than a hundred powerful frost trolls of their tribe, together in a blizzard, launched a decisive attack on the flame giant that did not know where it came from. Kill each other with fewer enemies?
The cruel facts proved that, except for the attack of this ice weapon in the hands of his troll king Trundle, which can damage the opponent's body and cause a very limited amount of damage, other trolls, no matter they are Using a knife, cutting with an axe, or smashing it with a stone hammer and a big stick, can't hurt it at all! !
After a long period of desperate duel, Trundle finally understood that the giant flame bear was not a normal creature at all, but a terrifying flame monster! Except for his own weapon with ice power that can affect the opponent, any other physical attack not only has no effect, but also the terrible magic that is constantly escaping from the opponent. The flame burns...
What's more terrifying is that even the ice ‘bone crushing stick’ in the hands of his troll king is actually extremely limited! Every time he dared to attack, he seemed to only hurt the opponent's epidermis, but basically, why couldn't the opponent hide some terrifying invisible body inside?
Therefore, Trundle knew that even if all his subordinates appeared by his side now, even if he had a whole tribal battle group of frost trolls, even if they had a bearman island in the northwest corner of the sea of ​​ice. The bear people have the ability to fight each other, and he can't guarantee that he can defeat the terrible, devil-like flame bear in front of him!
"I'm unlucky to meet them..."
The Troll King is a little confused...
Moreover, what made him even more frightened:
The opponent’s owner, the one who can order the giant flame bear, is standing in the window on the second floor of the small ice castle that was smashed by them, and the little girl mage who is looking at him coldly with terrifying eyes , The other party hasn't done it directly until now.
That little girl is a...
It was the one who made him feel terrified from the bottom of his heart after seeing the blue eyes of the other party by just looking at Trondell, and he couldn't afford any courage to resist. It was even more terrifying and more terrifying than the Frost Witch Lisandra Little human monsters who scared the trolls to death!
Trundle has seen countless humans, and has eaten many children from Avarosa or other Freljord barbarian tribes, but he swears that he has never seen anything similar to that little girl. And I have never seen eyes that are more terrifying than those blue pupils! !
damn it!
Now I can’t run away, because Trundle, the king of trolls, knows that even if he beats the seemingly clumsy flame monster, he certainly won’t. The two who are watching coldly do not seem to be weak. The human-sized mage of Lisandro, the Frost Witch!
If he had known this kind of bad situation a long time ago, he might not have been lucky to attack by force, and he would not ignore the bald old man's warning and forcibly expel the opponent.
and so……
"Spare, spare..."
Now that I can’t run away, I can’t win the fight. Then, Trundle, who once admitted to surrender in front of the angry Frost Witch and managed to escape his life, is natural, cunning, and embarrassed. The earth knelt down its knees again, directly on the land of Freljord, which was burned by the flames, and knelt on the land he claimed to be his own, begging loudly for mercy.
I originally thought that the remaining biggest and most powerful troll, the opponent would definitely fight with Tibbers, the bear who was forcibly suppressed by him, but I thought...the opponent didn't want to do so. Face, before yelling to kill, yelling to eat a child, eat her Queen Anne's meat, but now?
It's so treacherous, and when it sees it can't be beaten, it just begs for mercy. Why is there such a cheap thing? !
"Tibbers, give me..."
She broke her own castle, made her sleep, and clamored to eat her own badass. If she could be let go if she begged for mercy, she would definitely be laughed at by her mother when she returned!
So, Annie felt that it would be better for her little bear Tibbers to directly burn that kind of villain to death?
"Spare! Master Master...!"
"You, you will only get the body of a troll if you kill me... and if you let me go, you will get an entire army of trolls! Freljord's most powerful troll clan! !"
In the past, the cunning troll king used this trick to escape from the angry Frost Witch, so he took it for granted that this time it would definitely work! For him, there is not much entanglement in this kind of thing, it is just a change of the allegiance of a stronger master, it is not a big deal, and he is very happy to do it.
Because he is a unique troll, a unique troll king! And the last troll chief, that idiot, has been smashed by his head!
Therefore, he did not wait for the little girl to give an order to the giant bear, so he hurriedly interrupted the other party and expressed his wishes.
"I can swear that I will only obey your orders from now on, the king of trolls!"
"From now on, the entire Freljord land will be yours! You are the king of Freljord!!"
As long as you spare your own life, you can obtain the allegiance of a troll warband. This is a very cost-effective business in Trundell's view. Is the other party's kindness that it will definitely not and cannot refuse?
" me...burn it!!"
The most, greatest and greatest Master Anne does not need such useless cunning trolls, nor does she need a troll army, because she has an army and an endless star fleet!
and so……
Just let the evil trolls outside that eat children directly die, so she won't accept such subordinates! !
‘Roar! ! ! ’
A huge flame bear covered in terrifying dark red flames, after hearing its little master's command, it excitedly waved its paws, and moved towards the distant one almost at the same time grabbing the big ice club from the ground' Bone Breaker's cunning troll king jumped up! !
Sure enough, Annie knew that the troll was not a good thing!
While pretending to surrender, it is still preparing to escape? Moreover, its weapon is placed so close to it, it can be caught by reaching out, it doesn't look like the one sincerely surrendering...Does it really think that Queen Anne is a child and it is easy to fool it? Is it? !
"Hey! Grandpa Ryze, there is no strong magic attached to the top of the castle, you can be careful, don't fall off!"
No longer watching the battle between the cunning troll and her bear Tibbers below, Annie snorted and poked her head out of the window to talk to a bald master who was still standing on the spire of her castle. After greeted, she clicked and closed the window cut by ice crystals. She turned back to her room without looking back, ready to continue on her own small crystal bed. Sleep well.
Although this small ice castle was beaten badly by the bad guys and trolls, many of the windows, doors and walls on the first floor were damaged, but it can barely support one night... and , The second floor was basically not destroyed, and there was no cold wind leaking in, so she was not worried at all!
As for a certain optical head teacher who lives on the first floor, then she doesn't care...
That lazy guy seems to be a thief, he has been guarding himself, not playing with runes, seeing the troll, but he doesn’t want to play hard, and runs fast... So, will the opponent be caught? The icy cold wind was freezing, and that was his own business.
'Roar! ! ’
Soon, after a little girl hatedly closed the window and went back to sleep, on the icy, snowy and cold wind roaring in the distant ice field, under the reflection of the flame light on those giant bears, the troll that Sa Yazi escaped Unfortunately, Wang Trundle was finally caught up by the huge flame bear.
One body was dark red and glowing, one skin was icy blue like frost, one directly used its paws and the endless shadow flames in the body, and the other used the two figures of the ice big mallet full of Freljord's powerful frost power. Finally, between the snow-capped mountains in the distance, they started fighting together...
In an instant,
The huge roars of the two sides roaring and fighting each other began to sound and spread back from afar. This made the wandering mage Ryze, who was looking at the distance, could only vaguely see countless flames and frost from the snowstorm. Power began to wreak havoc on the mountainside of the snow-capped mountain.
"Huh! It's time to go north and take away the rune. Enough has happened during this time..."
Ryze looked at the messy battlefield in a large area outside the castle, looked at the troll corpses everywhere, and then looked at the huge shadow flame bear and the flame giant that were killing their lives in the distance. The self-proclaimed king of trolls... For a long time, he just sighed, not intending to waste his energy on what happened tonight.
So, in the end he just shook his head, and a flash disappeared on the spire of the small castle and returned to the ground.
"Hopefully, no more changes will happen tomorrow..."
"When I'm done with Freljord, it's time for me to take a good rest."
Soon, the night will pass, he can now squint for a while in this somewhat cold castle, although the magic flame in the middle of the hall has been extinguished, although the violent cold wind is blowing from the broken doors, windows and ice walls It leaks in, but it's always warmer than outside!
He just needs to squint here for a while...
Then, when the day breaks, he will definitely set off to the north, to the tribe of his ‘old friend’, to completely end the matter! As long as he finds the rune, his Freljord trip will come to an end.
As for the troll named Trundle outside...
That kind of ignorant stupid, let them die soon, then dissipate in the world, return to the energy ocean of the rune world, and make their final and most reasonable contribution!
In this disturbing world, too many people have ushered in the same fate. The death of their stupid trolls is a little bit more, and the end of this world will be slower...
‘Wow~! ! ’
When the wandering mage was resting cross-legged in his own felt with his eyes closed, finally, between the snow-capped mountains in the distance, there was a faint scream...
Ryze, who looked up slightly from the broken window of the castle, facing the wind and snow that was pouring in frantically, seemed to see a huge burning figure on the mountainside in the distance, holding a round one. Is the object held high, and let it burn in its paws?
So it seems that the king of trolls, the king known as Freljord, the ridiculous chief of the trolls, should be dead now?
That is meaningless death...
Another stupid person, but Ryze felt that the opponent obviously had no chance to learn from his mistakes!
The place where the Gray Order is now has been completely changed, from a peaceful and quiet refuge town to a veritable majestic and domineering city of wizards! !
Regarding this point, the female ambassador Katerina and her assistant who came here to exercise the power of the Noxian envoy agreed with her!
There are spacious and tidy streets, magical street lights exuding bright magical light, smooth roads that are as flat as mirrors, beautiful and uniform urban residential buildings, exquisite and gorgeous small parks, newly transplanted towering trees, The spring water flowing in the city, and the towering mage towers with red and white as the main body...
What are the magnificent buildings that no one can imagine, they are really like miracles, all made of steel?
Those mage towers are towering high in this not too big city, giving this city a strong offensive and defensive power! Because Catalina could see that the magic energy radiating device on the top of them, like magic gems, shining violet light, and radiating a huge spherical energy shield, directly covering all directions. The sky and underground here ensure that no creature or enemy can easily invade here.
The current gray order does not fear anyone attacking, even the most powerful army of the Noxian Empire! !
Of course, this sentence was not said by the mystic sorcerer Gregory Hasta and his wife Amorim the Shadow Witch, nor was it said by a certain mage or any new magical citizen in the city, but Came here to negotiate and mediate for several days, but I still couldn't get a satisfactory answer. The messenger from Noxus that Catalina Duquecao came to a terrible conclusion?
Although her only deputy still doesn't quite believe that all this is true, this is the cruel truth of being naked!
Catalina knew that with this magnificent city of wizards in the gray order and the harsh voodoo land where the opponent is located, they have enough confidence to be the most powerful in the world of Runelands. The Noxian Empire challenged! !
So, now, after the two of them met the cunning shadow maiden Amorim for the last time, they ran into a wall in front of each other again and did not get any satisfactory results, they came again to this prisoner Noxa In the strange prison of the three high-level leaders, they silently watched the Noxian commander Jerry Koswin and the Noxus Hand, who were all locked in three separate cells side by side. Laius and Lady Ji Lefran, one of the three council members.
This is the last time her Katerina has visited the prison. She has stayed here for too long, and many people are waiting for news from her... So after today, she will leave this already veritable city of wizards and return Going to the Immortal Fortress, it can be said that she is now here to say goodbye to the three people detained here.
"Katrina, I know when you look at your faces. I'm afraid the negotiation should have completely failed... They rejected all the conditions given by you and me. In any case, they were unwilling to let the three of us leave, I said. right?"
I sighed in my heart, watching Catalina Duke Cao, who came here again and stood silently without taking the initiative to talk to him, looked at the daughter of the opponent whom I looked up to and promoted, Swain laughed at herself. He smiled, before he waited for the other person to speak, he shook his head again, got up from his bed, and walked to the door of his single cell that was shut down by energy.
Apart from a cold steel single bed, a thin quilt, and an interesting ‘toilet’ that can be washed in his cell, there are no other extras...
Of course, it cannot be said that there is nothing at all.
At least, on the wall of this cell, there is the kind of magical'TV' machine that can pass the time, and the kind of shining extremely powerful energy restraining'rune', which can have an effect similar to forbidden magic. Yes, so that the power of the devil in his body was suppressed, and he couldn't even lift any trace of strength. He could only be locked here like an ordinary person, without any resistance device. ?
"I'm sorry... but you are right, it is true!"
"Your Excellency Swain, when I came here to see you last time, I have already offered to the shadow maiden Amoryn the additional compensations you proposed. Although she seems to be very excited, but..."
"But she refused in the end!"
"She quibbleed: You weren't caught by her, and they weren't their ‘gray order’ people who held you here, so... she has no right to order you to be released?!"
Speaking of this, Catalina turned her head bitterly and glanced at the few people outside the two rows of cells that had their bodies and faces hidden in that kind of heavy mechanical armor, only a hideous bear head visor was exposed. Cell guards.
For so many days staying in this emerging "Mage City" of the Gray Order, she has been committed to negotiating with the Gregory and the Gregory in addition to the high-levels of the Gray Order, and there is still a little bit with the Noxian Empire. In addition to the subtle contact of the Gray Order Masters mediating and seeking help, she also roughly understood the related matters in this'Gray Order' magic city.
It is said that
Is this city built in just a few days with the help of soldiers wearing strange mechanical armor? This kind of thing, to her, Catalina looks like a part-time job is like a joke, but, obviously, it is a fact that it is a tiger?
The number of those steel mechanical soldiers is only a few hundred, but they have many very powerful weapons and huge war machinery, and there is a portal that can connect with other planes of the world? Catalina could not approach that place because they guarded it so strictly that even the local residents were not allowed to approach it, let alone her envoy from the "enemy country".
In short, it seems that those of them really do not belong to each other with the mages of the Gray Order, but belong to a little girl, the youngest daughter of the Gregory couple? <>
It was precisely because of staying here for a long time that she finally knew that before Katerina, she seemed to have really killed the war stonemason of Noxus and the intelligence officer by mistake?
It’s just that that kind of thing, and that little sense of guilt, just flashed in her heart, and it didn’t make her too much trouble, because she never would Have pity! Neither her heart nor her dagger! !
"We really weren't caught by their gray order mage... Well... It seems that the three of us still need to stay here for a while..."
Thinking of what happened before, Swain nodded, and finally shook his head with a wry smile, and sighed helplessly, unwilling to say anything more about it.
Think about it at that time, they almost succeeded in razing this small town in the gray order to the ground, and completely wiped out the other side’s threat to the empire... but never thought that at the most important moment, they didn’t know why. The group of soldiers wearing strange mechanical armor appeared?
Had it not been for the spoiler of the group of people, I am afraid that they would have already completed the scheduled task and returned directly to the Immortal Castle of the Noxian Empire.
At this time, Dreyus, who had been listening next to him, suddenly roared and rushed out of his cell. He grabbed the beam of energy at the door of the cell and yelled at him. The loud voice made his voice very loud. Loudly, it immediately attracted the attention of Catalina and the guards outside.
Zizi! !
But soon, bursts of white smoke and the pungent smell of burnt flesh came out of the palms of his hands, which made him have to cry again and let them go for the first time.
"I promise, it was just the botched excuse that Gregory and Amoryn deliberately found. It was their own daughter. How could they not be able to order these soldiers?!"
"They must be determined to be the enemy of our Great Noxus. They are ill-intentioned and want to subvert our great country, just like the meaningless coup they launched more than ten years ago! It is possible that until now, they have not let go of that shameless conspiracy without honor!!"
Ignoring the sharp pain from his palm that was instantly scorched, Dreyus just cared about himself roaring loudly, staring at his big eyes in his cell, and leaning directly on the cell’s energy railing. In front of, loudly refuted those claims that Katerina had just relayed.
He Dreyus didn't believe that that little girl could have the ability to order these powerful soldiers!
All that must be the conspiracy of Gregory and Amorim! And the daughter of the two is just an extremely clumsy and ridiculous excuse that the other party made to keep them detained?
That's right, he felt that it must be like that, even if the guards outside opened their visors and glared at him, it was the same. He would not change his opinion! !
Swain groaned. He didn't care about the growl of Dreyus who was separated from him by a thick metal wall. Instead, he silently watched Catalina who came here to visit the prison for a while. He glanced thoughtfully at LeBlanc, who was silently standing inside the opposite cell, before sighing helplessly.
Now that the negotiation has failed, he has nothing to say. Besides staying here, he can't think of a better way.
Because, last time, when this Catalina came to visit him, they had already confessed everything to the other party, including everything that the other party needed to convey after returning to Noxus and returning to the Immortal Fortress!
So now he really can't do anything except stay here and wait for the enemy's late judgment.
beep! beep! beep!
'alarm! ’
‘It was detected that dangerous energy was being transferred, and the automatic defense device began to suppress cell three! ’
beep! beep!
‘Suppression is over, target number three failed to escape! ’
At this time, before Catalina and Swain or Delius could say more, suddenly, inside the prison, there was a burst of strange sounds, I don't know who shouted in a strange tone. The alarm sounds.
Then, on the opposite side of Swain's row of cells, the energy railings and the gratings that looked like rune forbidden in the cell that held the magic demon Ji LeBlanc suddenly turned red! Then, a certain woman who was standing silently inside suddenly disappeared?
When other people were delighted, hesitant, or confused, as the light twisted, the woman suddenly appeared in front of the energy rail, and then was shot fiercely at a faster speed. I went back and fell to the ground.
What is this, this?
Catalina didn't dare to move, she just turned around with some doubts and stared at the abnormal change behind her... She didn't understand at all, what the was LeBlanc doing! Anyway, she definitely didn't want to be treated by the guards as the external response of the woman who wanted to escape from prison, and then locked up in the free cells next door!
She swears that she really doesn't know anything, she is really unfamiliar with that LeBlanc, in the name of Great Noxus? !
Sure enough, it failed once...
Seeing a certain woman who fell to the ground again, Swain shook his head regretfully. The magic enchantress, the black rose LeBlanc, had been so many days, it seemed that he was still a little unwilling to give up!
"Hello? LeBlanc, wake up, are you okay?!"
Seeing the companion who was bombed and squatted on the floor of the metal cell and couldn't get up for a long time, Dreyus quickly asked aloud with concern.
Just now, after seeing the wink that LeBlanc gave him, he deliberately roared and took the risk to grab the energy barrier, and successfully attracted the attention of the guards, but he never thought that the other party would once again The escape operation failed after all, which is really a pity.
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Of course, after a female prisoner tried to escape with suppressed force and failed again, the familiar, heavy footsteps of metal boots hitting the metal floor rang.
Soon, Catalina, Thinker, Delaeus and others saw that a soldier in mechanical armor was holding a weapon, and from the outside with several guards in the same costume, strode towards the cell and trot. Came in.
drop! drop!
‘After testing, the cell data is normal...’
Another stiff, weird woman's voice that Katerina, Swain and others couldn't understand, rang somewhere around them.
"Idiot! I tell you: This kind of cell is the latest technology that the Protoss Secret Biological Research Base specially supports and shares with our Marine Corps. It has even imprisoned an alien god! Woman, I advise you not to waste it If you have a heart, you still want to come out secretly with this little ability of you, stop dreaming!"
"If you dare to escape from prison, I will'freeze' you! If you don't believe it, you will try again?"
At this time, the officer of the heroic Union Marine Corps who seemed to be the captain of the guard or the prison leader, he walked over, first lowered his head to check on the instrument in his hand, and found no abnormalities before raising his head. She ridiculed and cursed loudly at the female prisoner in the cell.
"As for you..."
"Here is being monitored for twenty-four hours. Don't think about playing with your crooked ways under Lao Tzu's eyelids. You definitely can't get out.
"By the way, these two Noxus'messengers'? Hey, listen up, you still have the last ten minutes to visit the prison. If you have any nonsense, please hurry up. If you don't have any, get out!"
After sternly warning the guys who didn’t know what they were making, the Marine Corps officer didn’t even look at Katrina, who was visiting the prison, and the other two prisoners in the cell. In response, he turned his head and left.
In his opinion, these idiots don’t want to think about the fact that there are more high-level energy beings in the Protoss’ secret biological research base... Monster, which one is not honest in the hands of the protagonists? And now, the woman with the strength of the eleventh level and more than the nether energy level wanted to break through this cell and ran out secretly, it was a dream!
"and many more!"
"This sir, I want to guys, aren't they really those in the gray order?"
At this moment, Catalina, who didn't know what was going on, suddenly asked the mechanical armor officer who was planning to leave the cell with his men.
"What you just said is correct. We are indeed not under the control of the mage here. We only listen to the orders of our great head Anne!"
"So, whether these people are dead or alive, or when they can be released, that's our head of state who has the final say!!"
Halfway through, I stopped suddenly and hesitated for about three seconds. In the end, the Marine Corps member of the Hero Federation finally had a terrible scar on the face, and then said this to the woman who was very pleased. .
"Then where is your head of state now?!"
Seeing that the other party was about to leave after speaking, Catalina hurriedly asked again.
If it is said that the mystic warlock Gregory Hasta and his wife Amoryn of the Shadow Witch have reason to deceive her, then there must be no soldiers in front of them who do not even give the face of the mages of the Gray Order. It was necessary to deceive her, so Catalina suddenly felt that some things might be able to go directly over the upper levels of the gray order and talk directly with the leader of these mechanical armor soldiers, that is, the'head of state'?
"Sorry, no comment!!"
"Maybe, you can ask our General Dreyus? But I can't guarantee that he will know..."
After a moment of silence, the Marine Corps officer finally shook his head, directly led his subordinates in a neat line with strides, and walked out with heavy steps.
In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to say it, but where is the great head Anne, who even they don't know about them! Moreover, not only these people, but even all the high-level leaders of the entire Hero Federation, no one knows exactly where their head of state will be at this time! !
Unless the other party takes the initiative to contact them, the whereabouts of that little head is a huge They don't even know if the other party is still in this runeland world plane.
Catalina, who was a little expectant just now, couldn't help being suffocated after hearing the other party's words!
She almost couldn't help taking out her dagger, and then stepped directly in front of the opponent, then cut the opponent's throat with a knife from the open mask of the opponent, and then began to kill and kill here, and then directly Swain, Dreyus and others are rescued?
She understands that such a thing is definitely impossible, and she dare not do it, because if it does that, the success rate is too low and too low... Unless she is absolutely sure, otherwise, she can't do it anyway. , And will never risk the lives of Lord Swain and others easily! !
"I'm Dreyus!!"
"Soldier, your Dreyus is the defeated general of my Noxus hand. He is a shameful coward! You are all cowards!!"
Originally, Dreyus, who was a little embarrassed when he saw LeBlanc’s escape from the prison once again failed, heard the words of the mechanical armor soldier, and once again roared and cursed at those who left behind... ....
"Katrina, you go back, remember what you told me...I think what you should do yourself."
Swain didn’t care about Dreyus’ roar, he just glanced at the turned around Katerina for the last time, then waved his hand to indicate that the other party could leave. He has said everything he should have said. What an explanation.
"Yes! Yes! Lord Swain!!"
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