Chapter 737: The fox's tail is long and long, and it can be cut to make clothes (?...

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Probably because this land is full of various spirits of nature and original magic, and the entire land is infiltrated in the ocean of magic, Annie discovered that animals and other places in this land of Ionia are very different. same!
Under the action of the ocean of magic power, they not only possess a lot of peculiar abilities similar to the magic of population talents of different powers, just like those magic creatures that she deliberately transformed in Demacia? Moreover, they are far more intelligent than other creatures in other places, even, there are many animals, they are actually some intelligent people?
In this land, they all have a common title, that is-Vastal!
Not just animals, even plants...
The plants that grew in the magical ocean even began to give birth to primitive spirituality. Although they may not be as capable of moving and talking as the treants that Annie has seen, but now Little Annie is now This young lady named Ari is spontaneously entwined by the branches of trees and vines, and there is a tree hole or a tree house'built' by dense rainproof leaves on the top. It is the best proof of the spirituality of plants!
Of course, even if Annie has a better way to verify these strange phenomena, but now she is busy with the more important ‘big events’ and does not intend to entangle those insignificant things.
No matter how magical this land is, it is not something she needs to care about. She just has to play happily and go shopping and eating here. As for the other things, whether it is animals or plants, then It doesn't matter!
o(?′Θ?Θ`?)o really delicious...
"It's a really beautiful little house. There is no toilet or bathroom. It may be a little troublesome... By the way, Miss Ari, are you the only one in your family? And oh, these sun fruits are really delicious Well, it must have a lot of magical power and flame power. It will feel warm all over the body after eating one. If you can transport it to the Freljord across the sea, it will definitely grow bigger. Fortune!"
Little Annie, who is a guest at Miss Ari’s home, who is dragging a full nine big furry tails behind the big chubby in front of her, is eating each other’s food while the little adults are generally facing each other’s strange tree house or The tree hole, and the other party took out the fruit to entertain him commented.
She felt that if the merchants of Avarosa could come to this Ionia and transport back a ship of sun fruits, transport them back to Freljord in the ice and snow, and ensure that they would not deteriorate or rot If it is, it must be sold more expensive than those Zhenbing?
Of course, this is Little Annie’s own thoughts, and she can’t guarantee that it will be like that... Anyway, if it were in Freljord, those vendors had such fruit in their caravans. If so, she would definitely be willing to buy them with a large amount of gold coins, even if they were exchanged with gold coins of the same weight, there would be no problem.
Thinking of the wonderful taste and experience of enjoying the sun fruit in a world of ice and snow, she almost couldn't help but retransmit herself back to the icy plateau of Freljord...
It's a pity that she finally held back.
Because ah, she wouldn't throw herself into a trap, and ran back to get caught by the bad old man named Ryze! Although, Queen Anne is not afraid of each other, and she is not so rare about a certain orange world runestone... But she racked her brains to get something that she managed to get, even if she didn’t need it, even if she glanced at it. It's rare, even if you throw it away or give it to someone else, she won't easily return it again!
After hearing the little girl's words, the girl who was still a little surprised and perturbed subconsciously lowered her head and glanced at some accessory on her waist. It was a pair of twin gemstones that could be joined together, her most precious thing.
"I have no family, I am the only one here now..."
The water beads that have been contaminated on his body, the pair of hairy wet ears, hair, and the nine large white tails of water dripping with water drops behind him, are successfully wringed out of Ari, hearing the little girl's words After that, I couldn't help but fell into contemplation.
That is a very luxurious word for her...
Because she really doesn’t have any family, at least, it’s always been like that in her memory... She was abandoned since she was a child in the snow-covered woods in northern Ionia, and a group of primitive and obscure ice fields. The fox is the team...until she grows up and learns to extract magic power from the world around him, and use them to shape magic power to serve and attack her prey...
∑( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝ?
"Is there no family? That's really pitiful..."
"Well, Miss Ari, I will be your friend from now on! Of course, you can also treat me as your family!"
To be honest, Annie really likes this young lady who has nine big furry tails, not because the other party looks good, nor because the other party looks pitiful, not because the other party’s tails feel very touchy. Comfortable, very soft, very creamy, very...
Anyway, she definitely didn't like her specifically because she thought that the other party could hold it as a pillow while sleeping at night, when that kind of fluffy ‘automatic constant temperature’ warm bed!
"I'm actually a monster... a man-eating monster... I am destined to have no family and no friends..."
Although the other party said that Ali was very surprised, but after recalling the reason why she lived in seclusion, she had to droop down the pair of fox ears on her head and dance behind her ass. Nine big tails that are gradually drying.
If the little girl in front of her is not an ordinary person, and the other party seems to have powerful spell abilities and a faint smell that makes herself feel dangerous, I am afraid that she has long tried to absorb the other party’s life and spirit and enjoy the kind that has always made her feel like Have you gone out of the primitive hunting desire that was so intoxicated?
After all, she resisted the impulse, because she knew that it was wrong to do that, and the reason why she lived here alone was to overcome and control her cruel and primitive desire.
"Miss Ari, let me tell you that it is wrong to eat people! Although it is normal for people to eat animals and animals in turn can eat people, you are not the same! You have most of your body in human form. How can you eat human flesh?"
Annie doesn't understand what people are delicious, so she thinks it is necessary for her to correct this beautiful young lady's diet concept!
This nascent land of Ionian Island is full of delicious animals of the size and the delicious plant fruits she is eating right now. If you are hungry, just go out and catch a few beautiful Doesn’t the cute little animal eat well when it’s roasted or cooked? Why do you have to eat people?
For example, the giant dragon bird flying in the sky in the outer forest, the "little matchmaker" squirrel crawling on the tree, the flying deer with beautiful red horns and long feathers that run on the ground, Or maybe there are big fish without scales and big rock turtles swimming in the water. They look so beautiful and there must be a lot of meat. Why not eat them?
"I didn't eat their meat, what I ate was their life essence and soul memory fragments..."
"I even robbed the life essence and soul of everyone in the entire village on a moonless night..."
"I am actually the legendary nine-tailed demon fox on the continent of Ionia..."
"I am a monster..."
I don't know why, Ah Li was able to let go of the most basic kind of vigilance and guard in front of this little girl, and directly told his secrets.
After looting and absorbing the spirit of a hunter, she learned the horrible legend about a demon fox from the memory of the other party... and it is precisely because of that time that she truly understood it. What kind of existence I am, and I felt deeply guilty and deeply blamed myself for hunting the lives and souls of others.
She was very worried that she would really become the kind of monster in the memory of her prey, and worried that she was really a cruel cannibal monster... So, she also wanted to be patient. Just like other Vastayas, they only eat ordinary animals, plants and their souls...
However, as long as she does not eat for too long, she will feel her strength gradually dissipate, and the cruel addiction will torture her day and night, making her unable to eat and sleep at night, and have to go again Look for prey with wisdom and enjoy the kind of delicious meal that makes her entangled.
She has also tried self-control, grabbing only a small part of the life essence and soul fragments of the prey, only a few memories of one or two paragraphs, and not directly killing the other party...At that time, her attempt almost succeeded Understand.
But the good times didn't last long. The endless hunger like addiction continued to torture her, and soon made her succumb to the temptation of primitive greed, and after doing the original thing, it was slaughtered overnight. A whole village’s people’s wrongs caused her to be tortured by conscience...
It is precisely because of this that she has always been unable to forgive herself, sad for her existence, and confessed for her evil deeds... Therefore, she had to hide in the forest, alone in this one who was willing to receive her In the cave of the big tree, she lives in isolation, hoping that this kind of solitary life away from all kinds of humans will allow her to successfully control her cruel and cold cannibalism.
"It turned out to be like this..."
∑( ̄□ ̄;)
This lady fox with nine big tails turned out to be a creature addicted to life and soul, just like those high elves with devilishness she had seen before. It is uncomfortably powerful and easy to enter without smoking. All kinds of bad conditions and lead to the decline of magic power?
"People don't seem to have any good solutions right now. I will tell you if I think about it!!"
If it’s the kind of magic hidden like the high elves in the world of Azeroth, then it’s simple. Just get a sun well or a source of magic power with the same attribute energy. That’s for the omnipotent Annie For the Queen, that is not too difficult.
However, if she is fascinated by others' souls, vitality, and memory fragments like the other person is now, she can't do anything...In the soul gems she copied, although there is huge energy, there is no other party. The kind of soul fragments and vitality needed.
"Annie, can you show me your stone?"
In fact, from the very beginning, when Ari was by the small pond, she had noticed that the strange stone that she was holding in her hand was exuding powerful magic power. After all, it was very conspicuous.
At this time, the stone was randomly placed by the little the side of the table formed by the twisting and spiraling roots of the tree spirit in her home. As long as she stretched out her hand, she would definitely get it!
However, she was a little afraid...
Annie subconsciously followed the other's eyes and looked at her side...There was a stone emitting orange light being thrown there by herself, and there was a mysterious rune mark on it. , The magical energy was continuously dissipating from it, even in Ionia, a land with powerful magical tides, it was particularly dazzling and noticeable.
"You were talking about it... It is a world runestone with powerful energy. I found it from a... from an unowned iron box! Now, there is a very bad bad old man looking for it……"
Now, without thinking about Annie, the big bald head of Ryze will definitely jump his feet and start to wander around the world looking for her and the runestone in her hand, right?
Although, she doesn't like this kind of thing, and she wants to return it to the other party so that the bad old man can take it to a place with the so-called ancient tree of forbidden magic and seal it up properly, but... now It didn't take long until she got it, she returned it so quickly before she could pull down that face, and let the bad old man make a joke for nothing!
After the two sides gradually got acquainted with each other, the eyes of Ari who put down his defenses were full of surprise, and stared at the rune stone with that curious, greedy and cunning gaze.
Of course, greed and cunning or something, it is just the true expression of her nature, she has not thought about making any crooked ideas.
"You... can you show it to me?"
Ari doesn’t care what the monster’s powerful magical stone is called, or how the other party discovered it. Now, she is like taking a good look to see if this stone can be useful to her. Can't let her absorb the magic, so that she can slowly quit her bad'hobby'?
Because, Ari can see that this little girl doesn't seem to attach too much importance to the stone. Maybe, she can use some of her collection to exchange it with each other?
"No! You can't touch it!!!"
"why not?"
Ah Li was puzzled, she almost touched it with her outstretched hand, but in the end, the little girl with quick eyes and quick hands snatched it first.
"It's not impossible!"
It's just a stone, why not show it to yourself?
Regarding this, Ari felt very wronged... Fortunately, she had just entertained the other party enthusiastically, and revealed all her secrets to the other party...
"No, it's because your current magic is too rough, and your spirit is not tough enough, and there are other people's fragments in your soul? So, if you touch it casually, you will definitely be unlucky. !!!"
In the past, Annie did not really believe the rhetoric that the old man Ritz had explained to herself, but when she truly obtained a complete world rune and studied its utility, she understood the old mage’s Worry about time.
Although her mighty Queen Anne will not be easily affected by anything, nor will she accept the meaningless power of that tattered rune, but the kind of old man who used to be. Worry is not without reason.
So, now, Miss Ari, who is not strong enough, definitely can't and shouldn't touch this world rune easily. That's not a joke, but if you are not careful, something big will happen!
"Sure enough, I am a monster, no one likes me..."
The pair of fox ears and the nine big furry tails that Ari had just lifted went down again, looking listless and pitiful.
She felt that what the other party said must be an excuse, a clumsy excuse...
Fortunately, the other party just kept saying that she would like to be his own friend and her own family... But now, she doesn't even want to show her a stone... She just wants to see it, not necessarily Take it away!
Annie suddenly discovered that now...she seems to be playing a role she has met before? Is it like the old man with a light head who has been refusing to show her stones?
"It's not impossible to show you, but you have to show me why you have nine tails? Can't you only have one?!"
There are many animals with a tail, such as tigers, foxes, orcs, draenei, snake monsters, etc. Anne has seen a lot of them, it is not a rare thing! However, it was the first time she saw a human-shaped fox with nine tails!
So, in anger, she threw away the stone in her hand and flew forward directly, intending to take off the other party's skirt, as if she wanted to study what happened?
If you can, cut a few or all of them to make a small skirt or bib for Queen Anne, then the best... She really likes the smooth touch! Anyway, you can't die without a Look at her Queen Anne, she has never had a tail, so there is absolutely no need for such extra things to grow!
Regardless of looking at the world rune that was thrown aside, Ari pushed away the opponent's face with both hands for the first time, and firmly protected his tail.
"Show me your tail, and see if it won't die!!"
Queen Anne said: The scissors that she turned out in her hand are very sharp, and they have been treated with advanced disinfection and painkillers from the Kepulus area to ensure that they will not bleed, nor will they be painful, and they will not be chubby. There are nine ugly scars behind the ass!
"Stop! I don't want your stone anymore!!!"
If the price of getting the stone is that you might lose your tail or all the hair on the tail, then Ah Li will definitely not agree!
"Just cut it, and I will help you grow it later?"
~( ̄0 ̄)/?
"Don't think about it!!"
Deep in the dense forest of Ionia, in the beautiful original garden in front of the house of a nine-tailed demon fox, the two quickly frolicked in the dense jungle and flowers...
As for the treasure that a wandering mage has worked so hard to get, even if he kills his old friend, he no longer knows which corner he has been thrown into. If you know that the world runestone was abandoned by a bad little girl so quickly, I am afraid that someone has traveled all corners of the runeland and is determined to protect the world, and it is The wandering archmage who was rushing around on the ice field of Raeljord would surely vomit blood three times and fell dead in a snow pit, right?
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