Chapter 81: For Quel'Thalas

   Located between Ellanda and Silvermoon City, there is a tall tower that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It was not far from here, and Sylvanas knew that the death knight Arthas would definitely find a way to overcome obstacles and continue to march, and continue to cut purple-black scars on the ground.
   That tower will be a good defensive stronghold! Because the ramp there is very narrow, the mountains and narrow roads on both sides can effectively prevent zombies and ghouls from attacking in groups like before! In this way, they can prevent them from causing a devastating blow to their own side.
   Moreover, if the undead wants to forcibly break through that building, they must pass through many levels of completely exposed steps. She and the archers of the ranger army can inflict considerable damage on them until they...all are killed!
Sylvanas Windrunner, the ranger general of Silvermoon City, took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She spooned a handful of water on her hot cheeks, and then took a big sip. So he stood up and arranged for the uninjured elves and the wounded to walk to the tower, ready to be in place for battle. She knew that what she had to face next was undoubtedly their last battle.
   Although they hurriedly hurried, they were almost late.
   Before reaching the tower, the elves could discover that the originally sweet magical air had been polluted by rotten smell.
   The archer riding the dragon eagle hovered in the sky above his head. Those golden-red giant creatures pinched their snake-like heads unhappily and tightened the reins. They also seemed to smell the scent of death and began to riot.
  These beautiful beasts have never been used in such terrible battles, after all, Quel'Thalas has been peaceful for too long! Above the sky, a rider sent a final signal to Sylvanas, indicating that the undead would arrive soon.
"The Dragonhawks have already seen the undead, you should know." She calmly told her subordinates, wanting them to understand what they are going to face next. However, none of them flinched, all just nodded resolutely. ,that is it.
   "Very good! Brothers and sisters, let's go to your place, hurry up!" Sylvanas knew that they were all ready, even to face death! Therefore, she does not need to say more. They are her most brave subordinates! The most tenacious elf! The cutest brothers and sisters!
  The rangers swiftly moved like oiled goblin machines, and the Dragonhawk Riders rushed south towards the attacking enemy. A team of archers and melee soldiers also set off at the same time. They will be the first line of defense, the first batch of elves to die, just to let the brothers and sisters behind them prepare a little more time! The best archers have run up the spiraling tower steps, they never thought whether they could walk down alive! The rest are deployed in situ at the bottom of the building.
   The first line of defense gave them a not too long time to prepare for battle. After only a while, the undead will be in front of them. This is really too fast! With so many lives of their brothers and sisters, they won this mere less than a minute?
   If you say, Sylvanas originally had a glimmer of hope, hoping that the number of enemies would decrease when they crossed the foothills of the river. So, now, this hope is like a good crystal shattered on the stone.
   At this time, she can already see those ugly pioneers: the huge abomination with giant weapons in all three hands, skeletons, and the carrion, ghouls that followed! There are also flying, stone-like monsters hovering above them like flies.
   They are about to break through this line of defense...
   Thinking this thing is sometimes strange, Sylvanas thought with a hint of dark humor. At this moment of death, an old song echoed in her mind: a song that she and her brothers and sisters love to sing.
   At that time, the world was still beautiful. The oak trees in Qingfeng Village were still golden, and the three sisters did not have separate parties. The elder sister Alleria, the younger sister Vereesa, and the younger brother Lilas, in the dim light of the evening, when the soft lavender shade spreads the soft cloak, the sweet scent of the sea and flowers is transmitted on the earth with the wind , Their three sisters will sing this song.
  Anar\', anar’belore, quel’dorei, shinduna... In the name of light, in the name of sunlight, high elves, the enemy is about to break through the line of defense...
   Unconsciously, her hand lightly held the necklace hanging between the slender neck. Close to the white and tender skin was the last gift from the eldest sister Alleria. She could not give it personally, but was handed over by her subordinate Lieutenant Valena. At that time, the elder sister Alleria had already left and disappeared on the other side of the Dark Portal in order to prevent the Horde from invading Azeroth again. Since then, there has been no more news...
   Big sister Alleria was gone. Before she left, she melted the heirloom necklace passed to her by her parents into three pieces, and used three gems to represent the three Windrunner sisters. Sylvanas had a sapphire. The inscription above was deeply imprinted in her heart: Present to Sylvanas, the eldest sister who will always love you, Alleria.
She took a deep breath, waited, and squeezed the necklace tightly. As usual, she seemed to feel the connection with her dead sister... But then she could only slowly remove her hand reluctantly . The undead have come up! Sylvanas took a deep breath and shouted: "Offensive! For Quel'Thalas! In the name of daylight!"
   "In the name of Nikko!"
   The other rangers followed her and shouted loudly! They may also know the fate they are about to face, but at this moment, they are not afraid! No regrets! Each one is exquisite or beautiful, filled with only perseverance! Everything is just for their country! For their home!
  In the name of the sun! For Quel'Thalas!
   The enemy is overwhelming and overwhelming! In fact, she did not expect to be able to stop them. From the stern blood-stained faces around, she could see that the rangers under her, like her, already knew that death was about to be their destination.
Her face was already covered with sweat, and her hair was wetted tightly against her cheeks. Her muscles were draining the last trace of strength. However, her Sylvanas Windrunner was still fighting. As long as she does not fall, she will not stop attacking! As long as she is not dead, the enemy will never pass here!
   She kept shooting arrows and letting them go so fast, and soon, the quiver was empty! When the ant sea of ​​zombies and monsters crossed the effective shooting range, the general ranger threw down the longbow and drew the last daggers and daggers. She spun and stabs and let out a fierce battle cry, ready to do the final Fight!
   Another enemy fell, and its head rolled down, crushed by its own feet like a melon. But then, two monsters came up. Sylvanas was still fighting like a wild lynx in the Eversong Forest, turning her grief and rage into infinite power. Before she died, she had to pull as many enemies as possible, even if she killed one more!
   They are about to break through the line of defense...
After exerting all her strength and kicking a ghoul that was about to pounce, Sylvanas took out the last fire element summoning rune from her combat backpack. This stone was also her last Now she is exhausted, and these undead will not even give her time to breathe and regain her strength!
   This rune stone was a magic item that she had exchanged with an old-fashioned mage in Silvermoon City a long time ago. Although as a ranger general, she doesn't like the wizards who live in the wizard tower all day, but it is undeniable that the magic items they make are still very useful!
Sylvanas had only two of these summoning runes at the time. It could summon a relatively powerful fire element to help fight. Not long ago, when defending the first gate, she had already used it. One piece was dropped, and now, this piece in the palm of the hand is the last!
  Although Sylvanas also knew that the summoned fire element did not have much effect, at most two or two, it would be broken into pieces by the undead! However, the situation has reached this point anyway, and it will not get worse. It is always good to be able to kill more undead! so be it……
When the last fire element summoning runestone was activated, the stone shining with beautiful blue arcane light was thrown by the ranger general with the last of his strength to the top of the undead monsters that surged like a tide. Then, she A staggered, collapsed on the ground, and slowly closed her eyes, she has no strength, and now she is ready to meet her final destiny! At this moment, she seemed to see her older sister, Alleria...
   It turns out that death is not terrible. If there is a world of souls, she can tell her elder sister with a smile that she has been fighting until the last moment for Quel'Thalas...
   "Wow! What's the situation! Go away! It's stinking! Magic: Burn! Burn! I'll burn again!" Annie, who just rushed out of the portal, was shocked when she saw the situation in front of her!
   She just used other people's fire elements to summon the door to slip out of the flames! This was originally something that was worth her happiness, but could she imagine that this would happen to the portal? Now, take a look! What kind of ghost is these dense sea of ​​undead waves? How could there be so many?
   So, Anne, who saw that she was about to be surrounded almost immediately, didn't even think about it. She just waved her hand at the undead who planned to encircle and released three large-scale flame magics in a row: burning!
  The violent flames surging from Annie's instantly emptied the semi-circular area hundreds of meters in front of her, and all the undead in the burning range were instantly burned to ashes by the high-temperature flames...
  In an instant, the undead’s offensive formation was immediately cleared of a large gap! Just like being gnawed by a prehistoric behemoth on the sea of ​​undead, the deadly residual flames are still whizzing around, taking away a few unlucky zombies rushing too fast from time to time. Annie's blow will let the undead The offensive was stopped immediately!
   In fact, it was not only Little Annie who was shocked, but Sylvanas Windrunner who threw a rune stone to summon her was also shocked!
  The Ranger General really just planned to make the final counterattack before she died, she was already determined to die! But where can I think that that inconspicuous runestone would summon such a ferocious little human girl mage? Three fires came out, which burned at least thousands of undead! What is going on here? In fact, she was really only planning to summon a fire element out, and in the end she would jump and kill a few more undead!
   "Huh? Tibbers? Why did you come out by yourself?"
Annie had just set off the fire and prepared to land on the ground with a feather fall technique. Before she could see the situation clearly, she found that the little bear in her hand, Tibbers, suddenly broke free from her hand, and then became the biggest Complete form, directly pounced on a high-speed charge... knight?
   ask for a recommendation ticket
   For Her Majesty the Queen! Four changes today, let's go! But nothing!
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