Chapter 145: shipwreck

The heavy rain did not stop for two days. The sailing boat was like a thin leaf, which was bumped by the huge wind and waves. The whole boat was creaking, and the lights were gradually turning off because of insufficient voltage.
Huamu barely eats anything, and even spit out the sour water in his stomach. The white pillow was held tightly, and the two were fixed on the ship's wall with ropes. The sway angle of the sailboat even reached 120 °, and everything on the boat had to be fixed with rope.
In the face of this power of nature, any manpower is extremely small.
The grain storage nest is between the two, and it seems to be in poor spirits, and can only make a low "meow" sound.
"I'm sorry to reserve grain." Hua Mu saw that the situation is getting worse and worse today, and he couldn't help regretting his decision to take the reserve grain away from Neverland.
"Meow ~" The reserve grain licked her face, as if comforting her.
The sentry hugged one person and one cat tightly, and his brows never stretched out. The light in the light strip is getting weaker and weaker and seems to go out at any time.
"White pillow ..."
Looking at the increasingly solemn expression of White Pillow these two days, Hua Mu's heart gradually sank to the bottom-she had already made the worst plan.
The sentry touched her head and whispered: "Don't worry, don't worry about Missy ..."
Her voice did not fall, the cabin flashed for a while, and she fell completely into the darkness.
The outside world was squally with wind and rain, thunder and lightning, and huge waves. It seemed that only this small world was isolated from the world. But Hua Mu knew that this was not true. A lot of rain and seawater had leaked into the cabin for a long time. If there was a continuous operation of the pump, the sailing boat might have sunk.
When the light in the cabin was lost, the pump stopped working.
Hua Mu involuntarily made a short cry, and White Pillow untied the ropes of the two without hesitation.
"White pillow?"
The sentry did not answer her, but took her quickly through the passage to the cabin where the diving cabin was placed at the stern.
"Wait for white pillow, what are you doing?"
The white pillow opened the door of the diving cabin. While trying to tuck her in with the grain storage, she replied: "Miss, you stay inside first, and press the start button if something goes wrong."
Hua Mu opened his limbs and grabbed the door, refused to enter, anxiously said, "Is it only me? What about you?"
The space for the single dive cabin was originally small, and after the white pillow was stuffed with emergency food and water, it was only able to accommodate one person and one cat.
Bai Qi pulled her hands and feet down with some force. "This is just the worst case. I'm going to drain now. The boat will not necessarily sink. It's just that you are not in a safe place. I can't feel at ease.
"Then I will help you together, the two are always faster than one."
"No, the space is so small, neither of them will increase efficiency. I will be fine if you are obedient, Miss."
Hua Mu didn't believe it! Every time this sentry is in danger, she will only send her away first.
"You said the same thing last time!"
She struggled, kicking and tapping, and refused to sit in the diving cabin.
"Did I have no words last time? Was it safe to come back to you?" White Pillow grabbed the two legs that held her around with one hand, and looked serious, "This time is the same. I have to protect myself One ’s ability is safer. A lady, as long as you know you ’re okay, I have the motivation to live.

Hua Mu couldn't resist the sentinel's power at all. He cried, his face flushed, "No, really?"
White Pillow kissed her on the cheek. "Of course it is true. I can't bear you. You can sit in and keep yourself safe. I will keep the grain with you. Don't be afraid."
However, the last situation could not be compared with this time, and now there are only a vast ocean at the feet of the two.
"Miss, we are just wasting time like this. If I deal with it now, things may turn around ... don't you believe me?"
Hua Mu looked at her with tears, and finally nodded, "You must not be in trouble, if you are in trouble, I will also ..."
The white pillow prevented her from finishing her speech and kissed her fiercely. Then she stuffed her with the rusty leopard cat into the diving cabin.
The diving cabin is fixed on the bracket of the cabin, because there is a gravity rudder inside to adjust its position, but it is not as bumpy as in the boat. The interior of the cabin is also spherical, and the white pillow is filled with food and water in the limited space as much as possible. Hua Mu was sitting in the driver's seat, and there was really only one place to stay. The light brain started when she sat in, and a faint blue light radiated from the screen.
"Meow ~" Reserve Grain realized Hua Mu's uneasiness and leaned quietly in her arms, making a cry from time to time.
"Reserve grain ..." Hua Mu hugged her, feeling uneasy. The diving cabin is sound-insulated, and even outside noise has been reduced a lot.
Time passed by one minute and one second, the continuous huge shaking even the Hua Mu sitting in the cabin was turbulent. She wanted to go out several times, and thinking of the white pillow stopped her impulse again.
Just as she was about to vomit, she finally appeared in front of the glass door. The drenched sentinel approached quickly, and behind her was a flood of seawater.
"White pillow!"
The sentry's eyes did not meet her line of sight. Hua Mu only saw the figure of the other party washed by the water wave on the diving bulkhead, and then did not know which switch was activated. The diving cabin suddenly floated from the shelf.
"White pillow!" Hua Mu wanted to open the door of the diving cabin, but his fingers were so nervous that "I will open the door immediately, and you come in!"
"Water pressure is detected and the safety lock is locked. Do not open the door."
Hua Mu didn't hear what he said, still pressing the open button with his finger.
"White pillow, white pillow ..."
The sentry was close to the glass door, and his expression was peaceful, with long black hair floating in the water, like a mermaid in a fairy tale.
"White pillow, don't leave me ..."
Hua Mu cried while leaning towards the door, and pressed the palm of the white pillow across the glass.
The sentry seemed to smile at her, and then the diving cabin was sucked out of the cabin with a huge suction. The hatch at the rear of the ship did not know when it was opened, and the diving cabin finally fell into the sea.
The sky was dark, and only lightning like dragons and snakes occasionally penetrated the thick black clouds. The sea is like a stirred water tank, and the waves that are more than ten meters high can seem to touch the thick clouds. Hua Mu can no longer see the sailing boat, and it is even less likely to find the figure of the sentry.
"White pillow!"
She was crying almost desperate, and she was helpless with grief and pain.
"Third-level wind and waves are detected, water pressure environment is detected, and the automatic driving mode is now turned on. No gpS signal is detected. According to the preset dive 50 meters, the signal is scanned every half an hour. After successful linking, automatic navigation is started. Longitude and latitude of destination: 119.22, 34.60. "
"White pillow ..."
The dive module began to dive slowly, but after a while the current gradually stabilized. The storm on the sea seems to have nothing to do with it, and the surroundings are as quiet as the last days.
Hua Mu shivered as he listened to the soundless wave of Guangnao tablet.
"White pillow ..."
She could not think of anything, her brain was blank, her eyes were black, her hands and feet were cold. It turned out that she had never lived on an isolated island before-she was really sitting on it now.
"Woo ..."
A burst of pain suddenly hit Hua Mu's heart, and then he felt a choking sensation in his throat. She had a similar experience, so she immediately understood its meaning.
The sentry must be in trouble.
"White pillow, white pillow, white pillow ..."
Hua Mu whispered the name of the sentry while covering her chest, and Luna let out a sad whisper in the picture.
"Okay said ... Okay said that ..."
She finally couldn't hold it, and gradually fell asleep because of fatigue and heartache.
"... gpS signal detection ... signal detected ... try to access satellite network ... successful access ... send a distress signal ... open automatic navigation ... navigation ... now going to the destination Nebula port ... detected The dragged item is too large, the power mode is turned on, and the speed is 20 knots. The expected time is two weeks. "

"Miss Catherine, I just received a satellite distress signal on board!" Captain Asma has been more than 70 years old. He has been with the sea all his life and is a top expert in the marine field of treasure hunters. Only this time, he spent half a year in the waters near Niles but not for treasure hunting or adventure.
Catherine was tall, full-bodied, beautiful, and even more popular. As the granddaughter of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Padin, his bold and hot style is very famous in the circle of ladies. Unlike the general noble lady, this elder lady likes to do everything by herself, her ability and decisiveness are astonishing even the experienced captain like Asma.
"The signal for help? Yes, where did it come from? Didn't they care for them?" And the petite and fair girl next to Catherine, who looked like a little white rabbit, was a princess daughter of the Sheng Dynasty, An ancient family that has survived as one of the branches of the royal family.
"Long, don't worry." Sister Catherine's head generally hugged Huaman's shoulders, and as she calmed her, she said to Asma, "What did you say?"
"It should be the military secret code of the Sheng Dynasty, we can't crack it. But the other party also sent a navigation map, it seems that he wants to go to Nebula Port."
Catherine pondered for a while and quickly made a decision.
"Regardless of whether they are or not, they should be able to save people. But it is said that there are pirates in the nearby waters. It is best to join Brigadier METTLER before going. Under normal circumstances, they should also receive this help signal.
Hua Mu, the second heir to the empire of the Sheng Dynasty, was missing. He didn't want to, but it was due to civil war disputes, and he could not invest a lot of resources to search. The two young ladies who are good friends of Huamu hired shipwreck search experts in their own names. It was only half a year.
Although Asma knew they had royal support behind them, she was still moved by the friendship between the girls. Therefore, under such circumstances, he should have made a suggestion to abandon the search, but it has been dragged to today.
"Then I will inform the others that they should be able to pull out five ships."
The author has something to say: Catherine and Manman finally appear!
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