Chapter 18: Dissatisfied!

The two had lunch and did not take long breaks to start their afternoon work-Hua Mu, who had never been to work, had already begun to define this ascetic experience like this.
Wild Mint and Miswak are at the junction of the coconut grove and the coast. Huamu let the white pillow insert a wooden stake as a mark. The sentry will naturally not make a mistake, but Hua Mu always feels that it is better to be prepared.
The original plan was to continue to search for water in the afternoon, but I haven't thought about going to the west side of the island or the mountains in the middle or simply going to the north along the coastline.
The island where the two are located is located near the equator, which is a typical tropical marine climate, and the precipitation should be very abundant. But I don't know if it was because the storm that fell on the island had completely drained the rain these days, and there has been no rain for more than ten days.
However, the island is not small in size, and the terrain is also high. There is a mountain of several hundred meters in the middle. The precipitation on the windward and the leeward may be very different.
If possible, White Pillow wanted to take a look north of the island.
But whether it was to cross the mountains or walk around the coastline, it was not possible to complete it in half a day. She finally decided to go to the west of the island first.
Finding the coconut grove is already a great harvest, and you should not be rash at this stage.
The sentinel's plan was natural and secure, but Missy also had her own ideas. After listening to White Pillow's consideration, Hua Mu asked her to focus on finding materials and spices for assembling the distillation device.
Clean water is naturally important, but it is not particularly urgent for the current two. Hua Mu is numb to bathing without water, so he is not in a hurry at this moment.
The white pillow naturally looks forward to Miss Ma.
For sentinels, it is not difficult to find plants with a strong smell. But she does not know most spices, so it must be judged by Hua Mu.
White Pillow has preliminarily determined that the area of ​​the island is not less than 100 square kilometers. Based on what is currently known, the area of ​​rainforest is likely to account for more than half of the total area.
The origin of many spices is tropical. After years of cultivation and cultivation, they have become one of the economic crops in many tropical countries. Hua Mu was right about the wild spices on the island. The two found a cinnamon tree without much effort.
Cinnamon grows in a warm and humid environment. The saplings like the shade and the trees like the sun. They are not suitable for stagnant water. They like loose soil and well-drained sandy loam.
The two started walking south from the periphery of the coconut grove and found this cinnamon plant less than a kilometer away.
Hua Mu is very tangled.
The term spice actually contains a wide range of definitions, and plant spices used as seasonings are only a small part of them. Huamu first learned this part of the knowledge mainly because of the homemade essential oils popular among the noble ladies. Because she loves food, she has a deeper understanding of its role as a seasoning.
Cinnamon is generally used as a seasoning in the bark, and the bark can of course be used directly without cutting it.
"Miss, is this okay?"
Seeing that Hua Mu had not spoken to a tree for a long time, Bai Zhen couldn't help feeling a little nervous.
"... Forget it, let's find something else."
Then, things got deadlocked. Even with white pillows, finding spices is much more difficult than Hua Mu's imagination. There are indeed a lot of scented plants, but Huamu found that most of them didn't know, and some of the ones that he knew were really useful.
The two spent more than two hours, and the final harvest was only a pepper of unknown variety. Huamu has a light taste, and she was absolutely unwilling to pick those red peppers if she didn't want to let the two hours of hard work go to waste.
"No more, no more, let's go find the material of the distillation unit. Collect some wooden stakes, and don't look for any glass. You go to the pile of debris to find an iron plate rack to try."
Hua Mu lying on the back of the white pillow is a bit frustrated, the reality is never better than imagined. It was clear that last night I wanted to save some face today, but in the end I still rely on the sentry.
The coconut grove was found by the white pillow, and Miswak only discovered it because she found wild mint. It depends on her to find water, to rely on her to find spices, and to rely on her to make a distillation device.
Hua Mu subconsciously touched the muscles with clear lines on the shoulders of the white pillow and couldn't help but burst of despair.
Not to mention, you have to rely on her to act in the rain forest!
"Little, miss?"
White Pillow listened to Hua Mu's dispatch and was carrying her back to the South Coast. As a result, her bare shoulder skin was suddenly attacked, and her feet almost did not trip.
"Why do you tell me?"
Hua Mu was full of energy for a whole day, and was now frustrated by setbacks, and the tone of his reply was particularly chatty.
The white pillow was tingled in the back with her soft little hands and itchy, but she didn't dare to comment.
"No, it's okay, are you tired?"
Hua Mu is tired, his body is tired, and his heart is tired.
"You think everyone is like you, as strong as a cow."
Or is it a horse? Or is it a wolf?
No no no, in fact it is more like a silly and energetic big dog.
This is a compliment to the sentry, but it is not a praise for women.
Bai Zhen didn't know whether she should be happy or sad, but she couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed again. But only strong enough to protect the safety of Missy, which made her do not regret growing up to be a sentinel like today.
Hua Mu said casually, and found that the other party no longer talked, and felt depressed again. This is the normal way to talk to White Pillow, and the topic always ends inexplicably. For example, at this time, the other party can obviously say from the perspective of caring for her, "Miss that you go back and have a good rest" or from the perspective of expressing loyalty, "Only in this way can you protect the elder lady", and as a result she is silent.
This person is too boring!
What White Pillow thought was that Missy was tired, so it was better not to talk to her.
But Hua Mu is bored.
She has been worried about whether she can go back all these days. There is no entertainment except for worrying about survival. There is only one person to talk to. The other party is still a dull gourd, and today it is almost suffocating.
Most of the day did not fall down on the white pillow, in fact, not as easy as imagined. For example, she has to worry about whether her chest is too close to the white pillow, whether the white pillow's hand is not honest when holding the butt, but also to guard against the attack of insects and branches that don't know where, and, the legs Is it also tiring to separate?
"What's wrong, Miss?"
Her only pleasure is to touch the muscles of the white pillow.
Even a sentry, girls are girls. The white pillow is not as burly as the other male sentinels seen by Hua Mu. The lean body and tight muscles make her full of power, but the smooth and delicate skin does not make her appear too cold.
Black is a lot of tanning-Hua Mu unhooked the strap of her vest and found that there are already very obvious sun marks, but to say the quality of the skin, compared to her 18-year-old, she is a famous name for skin care The lady is not much worse.
No, Hua Mu has begun to suspect that he has not rubbed skin care products for more than ten days, and his face can no longer be seen.
"What are you doing?"
Bai Zhen didn't expect Hua Mu to ask such a question, and he didn't know how to answer it for a while.
"Are you saying ... after coming to the island? I all--"
"No, just before."
White Pillow has been Huamu's guard for five years, rarely communicating with her, and even less talking to her about herself. After all, her job is to protect Huamu's safety, not to chat with her.
"I'm your guard ..."
"Of course I know!" Hua Mu patted her and dismissed her as being stupid. "I mean what are you doing when you are not working? You also have a fake ... Hey, do you have a holiday?"
White Pillow is a member of the Jinwei Army. As Hua Mu's personal guard, his freedom of work is not even as good as that of his personal maid.
Hua Mu suddenly found that, except for returning to his job in the tower, Bai Zhen never left him more than 20 meters away. Even at night, the sentinel lived closest to her bedroom.
But Bai Zhen said she had a holiday.
Why doesn't she know?
"One day at the end of every month."
"Isn't that the day you returned to the tower to report your work?"
Hua Mu was a little angry. According to this, wouldn't it be a vacation if she left her?
Bai Zhen seemed very affectionate to the tower, "Because the tower is my home, I can see the leader and other friends when I go back."
The leader is the highest power in the tower and the spiritual mentor of the sentry and guide. Every leader comes from the royal family, but after becoming a leader, he will be removed from the royal family and transferred to a dark place. The leader belongs directly to the queen, and even Hua Mu has never seen her.
It is said that this leader is also a female sentry.
But Huamu's focus is not on it. She was as surprised as she discovered the New World: "Do you still have friends?"
Of course, White Pillow has friends. Whether it was training together in Tazhong or years of working together, she has gained a lot of life and death.
This kind of friend does not need to be in constant contact, but will always be in mind.
Hua Mu is not a taste.
White Pillow turned out to have friends, and it looked like a lot.
She has always thought that Mu Neng is like her, she is silent like her, dull and tasteless like her, there must be no close people!
"Then, do you know many guides? Do you have guides in your friends?"
That's natural.
Although the sentinel and guide courses are very different, collaborative training certainly needs to be together. When performing tasks, there are many cases of temporary partners.
"There are indeed a few guide friends."
Well, it looks honest, but it's actually a communicative flower.
Hua Mu didn't know why, looking at the back of the white pillow, there was an urge to bite down.
"Then they helped you calm down the spirit?"
Missy's tone has begun to get colder, but the sentry doesn't know that she is in trouble.
"I have done the task, but most of the time the public guide in the tower helped to sort it out."
The sentinel and the guide have a matching problem, so even if they have a good relationship, if the matching is not high enough, the general guide will not help the sentry to sort out the mental body unless it is an emergency.
Most of the public guides in the tower are gentle and stable in spirit, highly harmonious and experienced guides.
Hua Mu bit her lip and couldn't help pinching the shoulder of the white pillow.
It's not painful, it's not much worse than the mosquito bite. It's just that White Pillow didn't quite understand what she wanted to pinch herself, and was puzzled.
Hua Mu didn't know why she pinched her.
"I will see if your muscles are hard."
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