Chapter 82: Confession

Baizhu helped Huamu wipe off her sweat, and saw that she was sleeping soundly. She also applied an ice pack to the wound, and then began to search for herbs in the basket.
Although the fracture is not displaced, it is fortunate, but subsequent complications have to be prevented. Fractures in modern medical conditions have rarely caused osteofascial compartment syndrome. However, the white pillow has seen the danger of this complication-it is still light to open the skin once.
She was thankful that she had applied ice treatment to Huamu from the beginning, but later needed a lot of herbs to help Huamu get through the difficulties.
This time the two lost too much equipment and supplies. The only thing that was thankful was that Hua Mu took a jar with herbs before leaving.
To prevent this complication, one should pay attention to the fact that the splint cannot be tied too tight, and the other is to eliminate tissue edema as soon as possible to prevent muscle and nerve ischemia.
After experiencing this crisis, White Pillow experienced some overdraft both physically and mentally, but I don't know if it was because Hua Mu was on her body. She felt full of strength again.
The types of herbs are not uniform, and the amount is obviously not enough, but there are several kinds not far away from the cave. She can collect some now. Before Missie woke up, she had to put up the fire and make a delicious dinner.
Hua Mu had that dream again. He was kept in a closed dark and cold box and fell endlessly.
Why didn't dad come to save her? Why didn't aunt come to save her? She was scared and helpless, doing nothing but crying.
"Sister, sister ..."
She thought vaguely about who to call for help, but did not know why she called it. She is an only daughter and has no sisters, and those so-called cousins ​​and cousins ​​have never used such intimate names.
But a warm embrace wrapped her, and she suddenly felt relieved. Neither worry nor thought. She knew she was safe, which was enough.
I will protect you, Mu Mu.
Huamu is both hungry and hungry. She did not know how long she had slept, and there was a warm fire in the blurred vision. It was still raining outside the cave, and the sound of wind and waves continued, but the tsunami seemed to have stopped.
"White ..." She was speechless and her throat was sore. The left leg was already numb, and the white pillow seemed to be helping her.
"Miss, are you awake?"
The sentry lifted her slightly and fed some hot water.
Hua Mu saw her eyes soft and obvious, and suddenly remembered what she had done before she fell asleep, and the other party's response.
"Um ... um ..."
She looked away shyly and turned to see the kitten rescued along the way nesting beside her head and sleeping soundly.
"We will have dinner when I finish the medicine for you."
The white pillow put her down gently and returned to her original position to help her deal with the injury on the calf. Her movements were very light, but Hua Mu still felt very painful. She dared not look at her legs and asked in a dumb voice: "Is my leg saved?"
Although I feel pain, I can't seem to feel the presence of the leg. She was really terrified of psychology, and she didn't shed tears only by holding on.
"You can rest assured that I won't let you do anything. This recipe is very effective. In the past, many people in the village were much more seriously injured than you.
The white pillow is made from local materials. Equal amounts of nightshade leaves, gardenia leaves, myrtle leaves and golden cherry leaves are crushed into powder, mixed with cold water to make a paste, and Huamu is applied to the wound. The leaves of these kinds of plants are good medicines for relaxing muscles and promoting blood circulation, reducing swelling and water.
Solanine contains solanine, glycoside alkaloids, etc. It has the functions of exciting nerves and smooth muscles, constricting blood vessels, consuming histamine to promote the return of tissue fluid, anti-inflammatory and bacteriostatic, and enhancing cellular immunity.
It's just that these herbs are somewhat toxic. JIA group bar like dances next to wine
A person with such a white pillow should not lie to her. Hua Mu felt a little relieved, and then grieved: "Is that going to hurt? How long will it take for me to get better?"
"We said there was a hundred days of injury, you have to rest well."
"So long ?!" Hua Mu couldn't believe it. She had been wounded for so long, so her ... what to do with happiness!
Bai Zhen thought she was worried about her daily life and comforted: "I will take care of you."
Judging from her performance of White Pillow before going to bed, this guy should be awake to say anything, but considering the level of the other party's wood, Hua Mu did not dare to be happy first.
"Huh, we all have separated, and you are not my guard anymore ... Why should I take care of you?"
After she said this sentence, she felt a little uneasy in her heart: what if the white pillow still can't turn?
White Pillow helped her to bundle up the splint again and smiled: "Although I am no longer your guard, you said that I can be your friend. It is normal for friends to help each other when they are in trouble."
Hua Mu snorted because of pain. If it wasn't easy for her to move, she couldn't help but kick her face with a white pillow.
To put it bluntly, a few orders of magnitude more clever than before, but this is not the answer she wants to hear at all!
How could this be? This guy kissed her obviously!
Hua Mu was so angry that she cried, "Who wants to be your friend! Who wants you to take care!"
Seeing her anxious, Bai Zhen finally dare not look at him again and again. She didn't mean to squander Hua Mu, and of course she didn't deliberately tease her. It was only the introverted personality, the shy expression, and the suppression for many years, and the worries were unresolved, which unconsciously started haha.
"Then I am not your friend, your ... lover? Can I take care of you?"
"Who wants you to be my guard, who wants ... what do you say?"
Hua Mu felt that she was stunned, and then auditory hallucinations appeared.
White Pillow looked at her seriously and repeated: "I mean a lover. You asked me if I liked you ... I like you, I only like you ..."
There was still a lot of uneasiness and anxiety in her heart, and her dazzling happiness and fear of blasphemy made her excited and frightened.
But at this moment, only at this moment, please let her forget the past and the future.
"If you don't mind, can I be your lover?"
Ah, it's a confession!
Hua Mu could hardly believe what he heard. The dark and dark pupils of the white pillow made her heart feel dull, her breathing was short, and her head was dizzy, like she could not feel the pain in her body like falling into a dream.
She has imagined countless confessions, romantic, passionate, and sweet, which are not comparable to this one.
Even if there is no grand dinner, even if there is no dreamy flower field, even if there is no overbearing and exciting competition, even on such an island, even if the outside is desperate and bitter, even if she is seriously injured ... Even if the next moment is the end of the world It was still the most beautiful, sincere and most beautiful confession she had ever heard.
Just being real is enough to make her scream with joy.
of course can!
She can't wait to promise.
"When, when is my lover or something ... you are really, really bold. Miss Ben had long known that you were coveting me, and now she is finally exposed."
Oops, what kind of Joe do you still take at this time? Hurry up and promise!
The white pillow smiled, rarely showing a sense of warmth.
"Sorry, I know this is my wishful thinking ..."
When Hua Mu heard it, she thought she was going to back away, and hurriedly said, "I didn't say that seriously!"
White Pillow continued: "But if I am fortunate enough to win you pity, I will reward you with all my own."
I can't see it, this silly big man is still a literary girl, so eloquent in speech.
Hua Mu cleared his throat embarrassingly, "Since you have said that, it is a bit impersonal for me not to give you a chance. For your sincerity, I will reluctantly promise you."
They are finally lovers! ! !
Hua Mu screamed inwardly, but his eyes swept back and forth, daring not to look directly at the white pillow's eyes.
How can I celebrate with a kiss at this time?
But she waited for a long time, the other side was still sitting on her lap, watching her affectionate, no point to move.
How could this be! She hurt her leg, not her mouth!
Sentinel is really not savvy, Hua Mu is desperate.
"You, even if you want to kiss me, don't keep looking at me ..."
The white pillow raised her eyebrows, showing a puzzled look, "Miss, I don't have ..."
Not OK!
Hua Mu interrupted her, "Since you are so eager, it doesn't matter if you kiss, then ..."
The white pillow suddenly realized, and respectfully fell down obediently.
"Then please allow me to kiss you."
Do n’t wait, just a few more.
Hua Mu closes her eyelids nervously and gently "huh".
The white pillow was a little nervous, and gently embraced Hua Mu's back brain, carefully dropping the kiss on her slightly pale lips.
Relatives of the sentinel have no skill at all, and when they touch their lips, they think they have done a lot of things. The last union fever apparently did not enlighten her completely, and she was still like a child in a calm state.
Hua Mu hates nothing but steel and can only take the initiative to stick out his tongue and lick the lips of the sentry.
White pillow froze for a moment, and raised his face to look at her. Hua Mu pretended to be dead with his eyes closed, and his face was flushed, and his thick blond gold eyelashes twitched slightly, like a hooked butterfly.
The sentinel swelled in his heart, and once again bowed his head in embarrassment, whispering: "Please forgive my offense ..."
If it is offensive, please offend her heartily.
Hua Mu involuntarily hugged the neck of the white pillow, gently opened his lips to accept the clumsy tongue of the sentry.
Although the white pillow was cautious and careful, and the movement was not flexible at all, Huamu still tasted the sweet taste. This is the first kiss in the true meaning of the two. Kissing as a lover turned out to be such a happy thing.
Hua Muqing couldn't help sucking the other person's soft tongue tip, sending out an ambiguous bang from the nasal cavity, no passive gesture at all, much less like an injury.
She waited for so many years, at least let her kiss her enough.
White Pillow finally couldn't hold herself any more, embraced Hua Hua in a heartless manner, and entangled each other's soft and smooth tongue.
She admires the people who have never been able to reach it, and is now in her arms, sharing this upside-down mess with her.
She should not forget that her loyalty only exists because of Missy. If this is also her expectation, then no matter how hard or difficult ahead you are, you should not be afraid.
The author has something to say: In fact, White Pillow's loyalty and love are not contradictory, after all, her loyalty is actually just flowers.
Missy is really not easy, and finally came to the end.
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