Chapter 74: 1 wall

"I think we can do it in the medium." A voice came, awakening everyone from meditation.
"Oh, to elaborate?" Chen Qiang said with interest, and everyone set their sights in the direction of this voice. He is Wen Yong, the person in charge of the waste treatment project. This is the first impression of everyone.
"We all know that plant cells divide when they differentiate, and when they divide genes, they can get the cells we need. We can use plant rapid growth fluids to make plant cells quickly The division of the gene, in this period of time to enter the gene. "Wen Yong organized his own language.
For the fast-growing liquid of plants, many employees of Xingkong Biological also know this thing, and even many well-informed companies and countries also know the news. But what Wen Yong is talking about here is not the kind of fast-growing plant liquid with side effects, but no side effects. This plant fast-growing solution is only used in the laboratory now, otherwise why the research and development time of the clean gas plant is so short.
"Well, yes, it is a way. Everyone has no other way." Chen Qiang looked around.
Everyone shook his head, this is the only way. This problem has been troubling biological humans for many years, and it cannot be solved because of a discussion at this time.
"Okay, then follow this method." Chen Qiang ordered, and the laboratory began to move again. The first is preparation for the experiment. Because this experiment uses the shotgun method, a large amount of carrier is required. Before the experiment is carried out, the division cycle of the grass cells must be determined, which has the characteristics of each period. Finally, determine the concentration of the plant's rapid growth fluid.
These experiments are very simple experiments, some people have done it in high school. For those who have done sophistication for decades, it is pediatrics, but the workload is very large. Generally, these experiments are done by assistants, but none of these people complain now, and everyone has done their experiments seriously.
The time passed day by day, and the experimental preparations were slowly finished. In Xingkong Biology, Anderson waved more than 1.5 billion yuan of orders and began to bid for construction enterprises. The main construction this time is a fence, which was arranged by Chen Qiang. He intends to fence the entire 1,000 square kilometers of land with fences.
The order price is high, but the construction is difficult. Therefore, those who are able to take this order in China are the ones with strong strength. But one of these large companies is particularly prominent. This company is the construction company Tianfeng Construction of Xingkong Biological. This company has greatly expanded its cooperation with Xingkong Biological, but it is still small with other companies present.
"Well, everyone will submit your construction plan, and the company's son-in-law's system will judge." Anderson said. Today all the high-rises of various construction companies are coming, so the tender will be presided over by Anderson himself.
After hearing from Anderson, various companies began to submit their own construction plans. Just a fence, I know that the environment is not very good, the construction is very simple, there is nothing to remember the content, this money is not profitable. This is why many companies participate in bidding.
But after the final evaluation results came out, all the companies were shocked because the winning bid was a well-known company Tianfeng Building.
"I'm not convinced. There is a shady" Someone put forward his own speculation on the spot. However, after Anderson released the rendering of the "Nuwa" check, all the doubts disappeared, because the design of Tianfeng Technology is indeed very reasonable and beautiful. And other designs are just to make some money by the way.
The bidding meeting was open and many media came. Because the desert greening is known to everyone all over the world, there is a company that wants to turn deserts all over the world into oasis, so the media is now paying close attention to the actions of starry creatures.
For such a big deal of starry sky creatures, many media have already thought about the report title,
Starry sky creatures throwing 1.5 billion is a wall? ’
And these media also discovered the powerful performance of the star creature 生物 Nu Wa. A total of fifteen companies participated in the bidding, and Xingkong Bio's 'Nüwa' made the renderings of these tenders in less than ten minutes. How can such a powerful performance not be reported? .
It is important to know that the most popular language in the world today is the Chinese language, and the first program made in the world in the Chinese language is 'Nuwa'. Even to a certain extent, the son-in-law has become the elder sister of all Chinese language programs.
After the press conference was over, the matter of starry sky creatures repairing walls with 1.5 billion yuan became a hot topic on the Internet, but even though everyone discussed how hot, the starry sky creatures were still so calm. Net gas plant sales have not weakened in the slightest.
在 At the time when the construction of the starry sky was in full swing, Chen Qiang's experiment was also entering the final stage of gene expression.
However, the experiment was not performed by one person. Everyone in the laboratory used the shotgun method to insert genes into the cells of grass ~ ~ This experiment is still a probability experiment, which may be successful on a large base. One or two, sometimes there may not be one, and everyone's experimental methods are different.
结束 The experiment is over, and the next step is screening. This process is also time-consuming, but because of the rapid growth of the plant, the experiment is simple. As long as all the cells that have been shotgun have been cultured once, they are divided several times. Then use the marker gene for screening. Finally, if the gene is inserted into the cell, the marker gene will play a role in the screening.
Chen Qiang, they used fluorescent labeling, and then the electron microscope observation, as long as the fluorescently labeled cells were observed, they were successful. Everyone was nervous, the electron microscope swept slowly, observations one by one.
"Look, there is a light spot." Wang Jin shouted at this moment. Chen Ming, who operated the electron microscope, adjusted the magnification of the electron microscope higher. As the magnification increased, the structure of the cell became clearer and clearer. Finally, it was clear that a cell was emitting a little fluorescence.
"Okay, go on." Chen Qiang was very happy, but was not dazzled by the victory. This matter was fluorescent, and the gene was not tested for expression.
As the observation time became longer, more than 160 cells with fluorescent markers were found in the end, and only 87 cells were detected for expression activity.
The next step is to select the cell with the highest expression activity and prepare hybridoma cells. Everyone knows that cancer cells can differentiate indefinitely, and hybridoma cells are an important way to preserve cells. The preparation of plant cell hybridoma cells is a branch of Chen Qiang's cell fusion technology. You thought that so many seeds came from the same cells that Chen Qiang originally prepared and then differentiated artificial seeds.
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