Chapter 73: Last question

没有 There is no doubt about Chen Qiang's technical staff of Starry Sky. This is like belief. No one will doubt his own belief. This is one of the ideas that Chen Qiang has instilled in the company's employees. Although Chen Qiang does not actually manage the company, Chen Qiang has many ways to instill it into the minds of the company's employees. This is also some technology that Chen Qiang obtained after this memory burst. Chen Qiang does not want to use these memories as technology to make products. , But it does not prevent Chen Qiang from using it to do something beneficial to starry creatures.
Maybe Chen Qiang will never leak this technology out.
After arranging all the work, Chen Qiang released a retreat message. And with Chen Qiang closed, there are also the heads of various laboratories. This time Chen Qiang convened all the elite soldiers of the Starry Research Institute to enter the desert project team. Even if they have not participated in this project, this is a great learning opportunity. And the desert green plant project team is technically consistent with all the projects carried out by Xingkong Biology.
Because the information released by Chen Qiang is released by all employees by default, the news that Chen Qiang led the company's researchers to develop desert plants quickly leaked out.
At a time when the outside world was speculating about this, a press conference for the signing of a contract between Xingkong Bio and the Alxa Right Banner Government was held.
"Mr. Anderson, may I ask Xingkong Biology to contract 2.5 million acres of desert this time just for testing?" The reporter from Huaguo Daily asked.
"Yes, it was prepared for the experiment of desert plants. For star creatures, it is not impossible." Anderson said very aggressively.
"Manager Anderson, if Xingkong Biology fails to develop, what will your company do on this land?" Asked a reporter from an unknown tabloid.
"Excuse me, Mr. Reporter, when did our starry creatures fail, even if it failed, the land contracted by the starry creatures is only desert, what can we do." Anderson was very upset about the reporter's unclear affairs.
In the interrogation of the outside world, the starry creatures entered everyone's field of vision once, but this time it was not optimistic from many media, especially in the media industry.
"Hello everyone, enjoy watching the new issue. Today we will talk about the amazing enterprise of Starry Sky Bio. Starry Sky Bio was founded in May 2018. The founder is Chen Qiang. Chen Qiang was 23 years old. Starry Sky Bio The first product is a clean plant, which is a plant that can absorb harmful gases in the air. I believe that there is more than one in your home ....... Why is this company amazing? Because this The company is too low-key. The last time I saw the starry sky biological news was because of the Chinese language. But this company has recently published the news because the company has contracted a thousand square kilometers of land to experiment with desert green plants, but I do n’t like it. The following is the reason why I am not optimistic about this move ... "
Countless people are not optimistic, even some experts come to join in the fun, some special fake people can not help but be lonely to express their views. However, the starry creatures did not react at all, as if they disappeared again, and the matter about the desert plants slowly dropped, but another news about the starry creatures once again heated the topic.
The emirate and Xingkong Creature held a press conference to announce that Xingkong Creature has established an experimental field of the same size in the emirate and has entered the construction phase.
发布 This press conference is very popular, and most media in the world have sent reporters over. Also made Anderson the general manager of the starry sky creature feel a bit of pressure.
"Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, will starry creatures publish technology to humans after successful experiments?" A Japanese reporter stood up and asked.
"No, this reporter friend, I can tell you that Xingkong Biological has invested two billion yuan in this project so far. May I ask Japan to announce the technology of super-precision machine tools to human beings?" Anderson said politely. After going back, this kind of reporters are all people who can't eat grapes and say sour grapes, don't be polite.
"Excuse me, Mr. Anderson, the way the desert green plants are sold." The reporter from the Washington Daily asked.
"This is inconclusive, but the starry creatures will inform you as soon as possible." Anderson answered very officially.
The launch event was broadcast live worldwide, and no one is skeptical of the starry sky creatures developing desert plants. Because this conference is organized by the emirate's government, since the emirate can invest so much energy to do these, the chances of success are very high.
In fact, careful consideration will slowly understand that since starry creatures can make a new species of net plant, it is not impossible to create another desert plant.
The reporters at the press conference were confused, but officials from various countries who had been waiting for a long time in the background of the conference were not confused. It can truly turn the desert into an oasis. This technology has great appeal to many countries, especially countries in the Middle East and North Africa. But they were destined to be disappointed. Anderson didn't give them any promises. Even if they asked Star Creatures to build a new experimental base in their country, Anderson refused.
At this time, Chen Qiang and a group of experimenters are distressed in the laboratory to drive the newly constructed gene vector into the expressed cells ~ ~ This is an important drought-resistant gene. After genetically sequencing all known plants, it was found that this gene was the last one. What they have to do now is to re-encode the gene, construct a vector, and introduce it into a stubborn grass, but the gene excision of this grass is difficult, and this vector cannot be introduced into the grass's cells for expression.
Chen Qiang They used the shotgun method. After simulation of ‘Nüwa’, they found that the success rate of the shotgun method was very high. However, many experiments have been performed, and eventually failed.
Chen Qiang has been thinking, in fact, the principle of this technology is the process of gene reconstruction, cell fusion, and finally cultivation into plants. But in the simplest place, Chen Qiang was a little reconciled.
问题 This problem will be encountered in many genetic engineering experiments. All living things have an immune rejection instinct. When a foreign substance enters the body, it must be identified first, and then entered. This is why many botanists generally choose the same parent when they do experiments.
No surprise, the experiment failed here. So Chen Qiang held a seminar.
"Everyone think about it, how to solve this difficulty." Chen Qiang looked at the elite of these starry creatures. For these people, Chen Qiang is very satisfied after these days of observation.
Everyone fell into silence, and Kong Yuan, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, fell into silence. In fact, these days, because of Chen Qiang's rich knowledge and Kong Zhi's rich experience, the experiment went very smoothly. This is the last problem they encountered. As long as this problem is solved, the experiment is successful.
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