Chapter 228: Beggar

"Brother, why do parents suddenly divorce?"
Xiao Rui really couldn't figure out why he suddenly came to this point. He even wondered whether he had actually penetrated a book, and why the plot's direction became more and more strange?
Xiao Lin faced this younger brother's inquiry, even though he felt uncomfortable, but he also understood that everyone has the right to know the truth. Moreover, what the mother did was originally wrong, it was wrong, and she would take it after she separated from her father. With Xiao Rui living together, Xiao Lin didn't know if his mother would change any more.
"Because Qing Rong was not lost, it was lost by mother."
Given this answer, Xiao Rui was really blinded when he heard it. Looking at Xiao Lin in front of him, he could n’t believe this answer, because he did n’t write it in the book
The Tragic World
. Such a plot! Although the protagonist has received so many painful treatments, his life is still full of resistance and dreams. So after returning home, although there was a brief friction with the family, they gradually got better and better, but now ... now Xiao Lin said that the protagonist was abandoned by his mother ...
Thinking of my mother's upbringing and taking care of herself for so many years, Xiao Rui can hardly believe that such a gentle woman would do such a thing. After all, in everyone's mind, someone who does such things to her daughter must be very mad. People, but mothers have always been very peaceful and gentle people.
At this moment, Xiao Rui suddenly thought of a painting by the protagonist in the latter part of The Tragic World. The name of the painting was "Homecoming", but the painting was a woman's back, but he saw But after the meeting, I didn't think much about it. Now I take a look at what I know. I am afraid that the meaning of "Going Home" means that the protagonist is abandoned? Is that figure the mother's back?
Thinking of this, Xiao Rui's mood is even more complicated, because he never expected that all this would happen.
"Please take care of your mother in the future."
Xiao Lin reached out and patted Xiao Rui's shoulder. There are too many people to take care of now. His younger brother is back now. Although everything is normal on the surface, this kind of child who suffers outside is inevitably spiritual. There is a little bit of harm, so Xiao Lin has no time to take care of her mother, and the performance of her mother for many years has made Xiao Lin lose any patience.
"... Um." Xiao Rui could only nod. He didn't know what would happen if Xiao's father Xiao mother divorced, but everything that happened now is not something he can stop alone.
"Go and see Mom, she needs you."
At this time, the Xiao family was no longer standing by Wen Rusu, so now the only one who can appease Wen Rusu is Xiao Rui.
After the two talked, Xiao Rui went to his mother, but he sometimes didn't know how to say this.
Xiao Xiao, who had divorced Xiao's mother, was sitting in Xiao Qingrong's booked room. He had guilt on his face and didn't know whether he wanted to repent or what to do.
"Qing Rong, I divorced your mother."
He calmly spoke this sentence. Xiao Qingrong heard it a little bit unexpectedly. He didn't expect such an end to come so fast. He thought that the two people would still be tangled for a while. As a result, they did not expect it. Separated.
Turning his head to look at this father, in fact Xiao Qingrong didn't care about the feelings of these two people. It was indeed Wen Rusu's problem to see that he was left behind from his memory, but after so many years of guilt and torture, he could make this woman It's hard to forget his whole life.
"Actually, Dad's heart is upset, Qing Rong, because Dad feels sorry for you and your mother."
It seemed as if he was looking for someone who could tell. Father Xiao looked at Xiao Qingrong and looked at the child who had grown up but had experienced so many pains. The look on his face was full of guilt and pain.
"The reason your mother left you is actually because the father may have paid too much attention to the time, so he did n’t pay enough attention to your mother, so that your mother will be stimulated and lost you, child. I dare you not to ask if you would hate mom when you remember these things, but I want to tell you, at least your mom liked you when you gave birth to you, she, she was just sick, so she would You lose it, Dad doesn't ask for your forgiveness, he just wants to tell you exactly how these things happened. "
Father Xiao said, how much he hated his wife for being such a cruel and vicious person, how painful he was, how much he hated himself why he didn't discover all this at first, and if he found out that his wife was wrong If the measures are taken from the beginning, the son will not end up where he is now, and the wife will not do such ridiculous things.
He divorced his wife this time and gave 80% of his property to his wife. It was compensation and also added his own guilt, because he had already consulted his brother-in-law. The brother-in-law said that the mood of pregnant women is actually very emotional. It is easy to be affected, and it is easy to produce depression after giving birth. Maybe Wen Ruoxu ’s illness is false after the child is lost, but after the child is born, the wife should be affected by postpartum depression. Otherwise, It won't end like this ...
Therefore, Father Xiao resented himself, resentment that he did not stop the tragedy. Seeing now that if his wife continues to be with his son, it may be more stimulated. Father Xiao chose to divorce. This method may be to everyone. Is the best result.
Xiao Qingrong didn't say anything. He just looked at the man in front of him. He didn't forgive the other person, nor would he comfort him, because after everything had happened, it seemed to be futile and useless to say anything. Those injuries will not be lost in the past just because of one or two words of forgiveness, just like the one arm he has lost now will never grow out.
"Qing Rong ... Do you hate mom and dad for not finding you for so many years?"
Finally, what I always wanted to ask came out. This question is actually what many parents who lost their children want to ask after they have recovered their children. After they have recovered their children, they have suffered so much. Suffering, would you blame them for not finding them earlier?
Xiao Qingrong does not intend to make the people in front of him feel better, because in a sense, this man is also an accomplice to everything.
He uttered a word that made Father Xiao's face suddenly look bitter.
"But I hate it for a long time, I forget what you look like, just remember what my brother looks like."
Xiao Qingrong went on to say, inserting a knife in the heart of Father Xiao, a child who can never forget, and desperately forgot someone. Xiao Father knew in his heart what kind of feeling it was, and his eyes were red for the first time. Whether he is a husband or a father, he is not a good person.
No one talked about the father and the son, and the atmosphere was dull and quiet, but in another room of the Xiao family, Wen Ruxu was holding Xiao Rui's hand.
"A Rui, you can rest assured that although my mother is divorced, but my mother can afford you, my mother still has several houses. Will we move out after two days?"
She didn't seem to be in pain at all, but was full of expectations for life after divorce. Such a mother made Xiao Rui want to ask all the questions before, but she couldn't ask them.
He didn't quite understand why his mother would abandon the protagonist. The beginning of "The Tragic World" started from the moment the protagonist was dropped. Xiao Rui, who had read the entire book, knew that the one-year-old child What kind of pain has gone through, so it is even more wonderful to look at Wen Rusu.
He really wanted to ask, why did the mother give up the protagonist?
But in the end Xiao Rui still didn't ask, because he knew that sometimes when he asked something, it was a scar and he could no longer heal.
"Well, all listen to mom."
Now Xiao Rui's custody is in the name of Wen Ruxu. Of course, he will follow Wen Ruxu in the future. Moreover, Xiao Rui is not willing to let Wen Ruxu live alone. The Xiao family has so much happiness, and his mother But nothing.
Wen Ruxu was very happy to see his son's appearance, and he reached out and stroked Xiao Rui's face.
"Arui, my mother is only you. In this world, you are the person that mother cares about most. Don't you leave your mother in the future, okay?"
She looked at her son expectantly and wanted an answer. Xiao Rui looked at the woman who had just divorced and nodded.
He also wanted to protect the woman in front of her, even if the other party did something wrong, at least, she gave herself so many years of love.
A few days later, Wen Ruxu took Xiao Rui away. The Xiao family seemed to be empty all of a sudden, but it was not so lonely. Xiao Qingrong's cleverness made the Xiao family see another way, this time for Xiao Qingrong. The teachers are all very powerful teachers, and Xiao Qingrong is also willing to express his wisdom, and half a year later, with the support of the Xiao family, he officially created the pupil scanner again.
Such a pupil scanner, which is used to control the traffickers and used to identify the identity, was created and then connected with the country. Then it was used half a year later, and every newborn child was subjected to a pupil scan. , And then take a train or a car to go to any place, you need to perform a pupil scan for identity verification. In this way, the cost of crime is also suppressed invisibly, and criminals have no way to escape ...
And Xiao Qingrong finally entered the university after the research was finally carried out, the national first-level university Peking University.
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