Chapter 224: Declare war

A high-level C5 heavy strategic transport aircraft is hovering high above Washington in the United States.
The interior of the transport plane has been transformed into a temporary command post, and the Minister of Defense is staring at the information from all over the place.
Yes, the Minister of Defense left the ground early and arrived at a safer altitude!
Having repeatedly confirmed that the ghost captain was out of touch and their scientists were powerless to the bomb, he had decided to retreat strategically and retain his useful body to play a more important role in the post-disaster reconstruction work.
Even if the president had an accident ... then ...
Maybe in his lifetime, can he be the president of the Earth Federation?
"Your Excellency Minister, the press conference is ready!"
"Okay! I have read the transcript, no problem, send it to Albert!
By the way, let me tell him by the way, as a bell ringer who rings the bell of the end! He will become a key person in the history book to witness history, leaving a strong pen! Rice and all mankind will remember him! The defense minister used a very solemn expression.
But in fact, he had despised Albert's idiot several times.
As a spokesperson for the United States, if you want to show your face to the reporter at the scene, then it is naturally impossible to make a notice to the world on a safer plane. If this is the case, you let the audience friends sitting in front of the TV How to accept?
Oh! You sit on the plane in peace and stability, and then say to our people who have no way but to wait for death, "Humanity is coming to an end, but don't be afraid, God is with you"?
Are you sure you didn't come to pull hatred? I'm afraid that if you haven't said anything, you will be directly suspicious of life by a series of 6 billion mouths of shielded words!
So ... this spokesperson must have the consciousness of going to Huang Quan with humans!
Despite this, the veteran spokesman of the United States, Albert, said that he is not afraid of crushing his bones and bones. Please leave it to me to do such a famed history!
So the Secretary of Defense readily agreed that as long as he is not allowed to come to power, whoever he loves!
The speech was sent out quickly, but ... Someone glanced at the satellite, and shook his head in dissatisfaction.
"Hey! This is the epitaph of all mankind! Are you still putting gold on your country's face? How do you say hello ... The pattern is not big enough, even the words are too good!
Have more time to see Hitler's speech! Is that good to be inflammatory? change! Must be changed! "Someone said a few splashes of ink, and they wrote heartily ...
Albert, who was preparing at the press conference in the United States, Albert quickly received the manuscript. He read the manuscript for a while and then froze for a long time. With this manuscript, it ’s hard for Lao Tzu to leave the history without a name! "
At the moment, the countdown has only half an hour left, and the news of the end of mankind has almost spread all over the world!
Although under the intentional control of Nie Yun, the speed of news dissemination was restricted to a certain extent, and those who were able to get the exact news and had time to respond were mostly dominated by the upper-class societies of various countries. Of course, there were also some three-religion and nine-religion groups with wider channels.
However, there is not much that these people can do, after all ... there is too little time left for them. For a few hours, even a run is not enough.
Because of this, the confusion has been confined to a relatively small area for the time being, and has not yet caused large-scale unrest.
Most of the governments in all countries are urgently discussing the countermeasures, and at the same time urged the initiator Mi Guo to respond positively to this inexplicable bomb.
At this time, more ordinary people just received more or less news on the Internet, and they are still swaying in surprise about the authenticity of this news.
And with the official's strange behavior of not rumoring and clarifying, the number of believers is gradually increasing ...
Accepting the fact that you will eventually die is not a difficult task, but suddenly being told when it will be greeted with death, it is not so easy to accept.
Especially ... Nimei ’s Laozi did n’t even know how he died. He ’s really dead. Hey ...
At this time, human nature is subjected to the most severe torture at the most critical juncture.
Then, on a topic like "If there is only one hour left in my life" with a little blue melancholy composition, use the deepest personalities in each heart to write the most authentic and profound answer to yourself in action.
Some people are restless, some are hysterical, some are quietly waiting for the fate to be pronounced, and others have the courage to pick up the phone and call the person who has been worried about ...
Everyone is going through a baptism of survival and destruction, some are going to the abyss, some are starting to sublimate themselves ...
At this moment, the United States finally announced to the world that it would confess everything it knew to the world!
People who received the news all over the world turned on the TV and started to watch the live broadcast of the press conference. Governments of various countries basically chose to broadcast.
America, Africa, Europe, Asia ... People of different races and ethnic groups are either at home or gathered in the square, waiting quietly for the judgment of fate.
The screen flashed, and a press conference room filled with reporters appeared. Then, the camera turned to a middle-aged white man, the spokesman of the United States, Albert.
"My fellow countrymen from all over the world, I am Albert!
At this most critical moment in our human history!
I deliver this message to everyone, no matter where you are!
I feel the same about your mood! I even hope to be able to tell you from door to door ...
Perhaps many of you already know this sad news, yes, most of us are about to die! Including me ... "
As soon as Albert's words came out, the whole world seemed to be quiet for a moment, and people's eyes began to panic.
Albert's speech continues. As a veteran spokesperson, his speech ability is very good. His voice gradually increased from the beginning of grief and aroused people's emotions!
"We have done everything in our power to seek a peaceful solution to the dispute ... but everything is in vain!
Those outsiders from distant planets did not give us the opportunity to negotiate! They are about to use brutal weapons of great destruction on our home earth! And we are helpless!
Yes! We were forced into a war, a war against aliens!
After ten minutes, we will either lose our lives or lose loved ones, and the world is about to reach its end ... "
The reporter at the scene was in an uproar, and the whole world was suddenly in an uproar.
What did we just hear? Alien? This is the truth that humanity is about to be destroyed? !
"Damn it! What's the matter with this speech? This is not the speech we prepared for him at all!" The Defense Minister first stunned, then shouted angrily.
When he heard half of it, he felt that something was wrong. This line was not written by the director himself!
"This ... we don't know what's going on. The manuscript has repeatedly confirmed that there is absolutely nothing wrong. Could it be a problem with the ground system?" A staff member next to him said.
"Enough! Now what is the use of these, please inform the suspension there, and pass on our manuscript again!" The Defense Secretary growled.
"Yes ... Yes!"
"At the last moment of this life, I was worried and scared!
I am not worried about the end of my life, but for my fellow citizens who survived the disaster!
Yes, you are lucky, but also unfortunately!
You will be homeless and need to endure the pain of losing your loved ones and hide around. Some of you will be enslaved or reduced to playthings, and you will continue to breathe in the ruins of civilization.
The torch of the Statue of Liberty has dimmed, and you will lose dignity and freedom!
The deceased rests and sleeps forever, but it takes too much courage to continue living ... "
Albert's eyes burst into tears, and the whole world fell into a speechless anger and sorrow under his infection.
"These aliens are cruel and inhuman. They wantonly trampled on the order of civilization and treat us humans as ants!" Albert echoed every corner of the world with an angry voice. .
"However, since the slash and burn, humans have been fighting against fierce beasts and nature ... never succumbed! They can destroy my flesh, but they can never make me lower the proud head of human beings!
We are not machines, not slaves, we are humans! Human beings who have never succumbed!
If possible, I want to pick up the gun to fight, not for others, but for dignity and freedom!
Even if I die in battle, I will enter heaven with a smile! I will meet those glorious ancestors. I can walk to the great ancestors with my head high, and I can proudly say to him: I, your children, have not embarrassed you, I have shed the last drop for the great mankind blood!
Evil enemies from afar, you want to succumb to me with death and fear, and I just want to say to you: Fuckyou!
Long live the earth civilization, my fellow citizens! Long live humans! "Abbot lifted his right fist exhaustingly and gave a final cry to the whole world!
The whole world seemed to be quiet for a moment, then ...
"Alien, Fuckyou!" "Fuck you!" "Never succumb!" "Long live the earth civilization! Long live humanity!" ......
The reporters at the press conference boiled, and the audience in front of the TV sets all over the world boiled!
The world is almost drowned by the sound of waves, this is the cry of unyielding civilization!
The Minister of National Defense stood blankly at the same boiling temporary command post, a bit lonely.
How could this be? Why is this so?
How to make a good doomsday declaration like declaring war abroad? This script is completely wrong ...
"The recording of the large-scale disaster documentary" Human Doomsday (Middle) "is finished!" A black hand's intellectual brain sounded a hint ...
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