Chapter 442: Takeover

When the Mithril Knight controlled by Nie Yun flew out of the body of the Elder, he was hitting Queen Rose who was going to rush inward.
"Hey! What are you doing!" Nie Yun asked Rose to stop him.
"Of course it's revenge!" Rose said resentfully.
Although it is a generational vengeance, Rose and the Eternal One who know the truth are now quite similar.
"Cough! Calm down, listen to me. Time has passed for more than three thousand years. Even if the period of legal proceedings has passed, I don't know how many centuries. Besides, is revenge important or the survival of civilization important?" Nie Yun coughed. Asked.
How can the legendary strange baby caught by you be easily moved?
"What do you mean?" Rose frowned.
"Look, the last refuge is right in front of your eyes. If you kill it, what will you do to provide shelter to the remaining Kara? A pile of rotten wood will not work." Nie Yun pointed to the longevity.
Rose's expression was stunned, and she reacted immediately, and she couldn't help but hesitate.
The longevity was originally the last hope of Kara civilization. When the longevity betrayed, she felt that Kara civilization was probably fierce, so her mind was hot. The only idea was to die with it. Now listen to the meaning of Nie Yun's words, this matter Is there a turnaround?
"Are you sure it will help us, not conspiracy behind us?" Rose asked a little later.
Once extreme trust collapses, it is much harder to build it again than before.
Nie Yun did not speak, but waved.
"I can assure you that it will never be detrimental to you. In fact, unless Tata wants to limit my growth, I cannot be an enemy of Kara.
Besides, now that I have surrendered, life and death are completely controlled by the elder brother, now we are a grasshopper on a rope, and they have a common threat to the Gemini, for my survival, for the continuation of your civilization, we are in harmony, please believe My wisdom for more than three thousand years will not do irrational behavior. "
The long-lived people should be counseling, trying to persuade Luosi in a low posture, and the word "Big Brother" is not blushing.
It is not clear about the relationship between Rose and Nie Yun. In fact, according to its ideas, the Kara civilization today is completely cumbersome, but since Nie Yun wants to retain the last fire of the Kara people, it can only consider itself as a temporary tree house.
"Life and death control in your hands?" Despite some expectations, Rose still felt incredulous when he heard the words spoken by the elders.
"How did you subdue it? Which weapon called the Life and Death Sign is so powerful? And, what about the silver octopus?" Rose asked.
"Cough! Those are just tricks and tricks. In fact, I always serve people with morals!
Just now, we have exchanged thoughts and thoughts, and under the influence of my follow-up and temptation, it has recognized its own mistakes. The inner little angel defeated the little devil, and finally expressed his willingness to reinvent the heart and rebuild the tree! "
Rose looked silently at the guy in front of her. If you're serious about talking nonsense, please find a reliable reason ...
Nie Yun apparently didn't want to tell her the detailed means of subduing the longevity, and Rose didn't know what to do. She was more concerned about the survival of her civilization.
After looking at the longevity and Nie Yun, Rose felt tangled in her heart.
Even if the long-lived people have been controlled by Nie Yun, their own safety is still not guaranteed!
Before the longevity did not betray, Kara civilization plus it, it still has a certain degree of self-preservation. Who can expect the situation to turn sharply, and his most determined ally actually hides the scourge, and the result of jumping back and failing is directly captured and became Nie Yun ’s Little brother.
Now that the strength comparison between the two sides has been completely unbalanced, Nie Yun's side has control of the absolute initiative!
Originally, I was wary of the unification of all things of unknown origin. Now, if I still follow the previous plan, the remaining population will be moved into the body of the longevity ...
Isn't the life and death of the Kara civilization like the longevity, completely controlled by Nie Yun?
But if this is not done, I am afraid that the Kara civilization will not be far from the end.
Looking at Rose in a dilemma, Nie Yun naturally understands her concerns. In fact, this is also the situation that Nie Yun wants to see most.
Putting Kara civilization completely under his own control can not only enrich his own strength in the neighboring galaxy, but also put the Kara civilization resistance army on the bright surface to compete with the Gemini.
With these people standing in front to attract the attention of Gemini, the earth civilization behind can develop in secret, silently accumulating power.
Originally he just wanted to support the Kara civilization to attract part of the firepower. Unexpectedly, the jumping reaction of the longevity gave Nie Yun a golden opportunity.
If the rest of the Kara people can migrate into the body of the longevity ... Then the cooked duck eaten into the stomach can make it fly?
Conquer the Kara civilization, now is the best time!
"Your Majesty the Queen, IMHO, even if your previous refuge plan can be implemented smoothly, it will only make the civilization go a long way. The Gemini is firmly in control of Karasin's air control, and its strategic advantage is too great, and their fleet firepower It is also destined that you will lose for a long time, and the invincible refuge does not exist! "
Rose heard Nie Yun's words, and couldn't help looking sad.
She didn't understand this reason, even if she could hold it for a while, but the longevity are just a refuge, where do their living resources come from? Does civilization need to multiply and develop? There are so many problems that they cannot be solved one by one.
But the first line of life is better than sitting and waiting for death.
"Now I have a plan that will allow you to completely escape from the threat of Gemini, but there is only a 50% chance of success. Are you ... willing to try it?" Nie Yun seriously.
"Five percent ?!" Rose's eyes widened.
Not because it is too little, but too much!
According to her previous plan, the chance of surviving Kara civilization is less than 10%, and 50% has far exceeded her most optimistic estimate.
"What plan?" Rose asked eagerly with hope in her eyes.
"Don't ask about the plan first. As your friend, of course I am very happy to help you through the crisis, but this plan needs to use a lot of human and material resources and precious resources of our organization.
Cough! You know, our organization has always pursued the principle of equivalent exchange ... "Nie Yun rubbed his fingers as you know.
"You ..." Rose gritted her teeth and glared at Nie Yun. "What do you want?"
"What do you think you have now?"
"I ..." Rose snapped.
Technology? It seems that it has already been sold. Besides, the technology of the longevity people seems to be no worse than them.
Use value? The hunter force, which can only tap on the surface of the planet, cannot continue to cause any trouble to Gemini.
"Yes, I regret to inform you that your Kara civilization has run out of water. Even if I pay for your salvation this time, you can't pay it anymore. The whole thing is insolvent. In other words, you ... bankrupted!"
Rose's face was a little pale, and there were no other valuable pieces. Apart from being abandoned, is there any other way to go?
"Cough! Actually ... you still have the last way to go!" Nie Yun coughed.
"The last way?" Rose looked up at him suspiciously.
Nie Yun looked at Rose with a smile. "Oh! In our hometown, in addition to bankruptcy, you can choose ... to be acquired!"
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