Chapter 443: Kara Branch

On the Fallen Angel, Nie Yun regained consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and smiled at the corner of his mouth.
In the current situation, Rose did not have a second choice, and the result was not unexpected.
The two sides agreed that the remaining forces of Kara civilization will be fully integrated into the Oneness of All Things, becoming their "kara branch", and Rose is the branch president.
The two parties are called subordinates. In fact, they are more like an employment relationship. The Kara branch maintains its independent sovereignty. Nie Yun ’s side must not interfere in internal affairs.
However, the Kara Branch is obliged to complete the tasks issued by the organization, and receive corresponding remuneration according to the contribution, with the organization's universal currency unlimited currency as the settlement unit.
As a membership benefit, Nie Yun provided a one-time settlement fee of RMB 10 million in total.
At the same time, as the fixed assets belonging to Nie Yun, the elders will be leased to Kara Branch for a rent of 300,000 yuan per month as a temporary refuge and branch residence for Kara Branch.
Longevity: "..."
The above are the general terms agreed by both parties. Of course, the premise of the establishment of all terms is that Kara civilization can get rid of the threat of Gemini, otherwise everything is just empty talk.
After the agreement between the two parties, Nie Yun and Rose immediately began to act.
Innumerable hunter forces were transformed into engineers under the direction of the Kara, and collected the resources needed by Nie Yun, including the wreckage of equipment destroyed by the Gemini, various metal minerals, and various survival materials needed by the Kara.
They rush into the underground space where the longevity lives with all the resources they can find, densely packed like the most diligent worker ants, the ants are attached to the longevity and place these things in the designated area.
The Kara survivors scattered around began to be migrated in batches and gathered towards the longevity.
In the body of the longevity, Nie Yun opened a fully enclosed mechanical insect processing plant, decomposing and throwing in the big octopus and the three Mithril Knights, using these hundreds of tons of mechanical insects developed on Karaxing and collecting All kinds of resources come to start building robot growth lines and various weapon equipment manufacturing plants.
The manufacturing method of the mechanical worm is completely 3D printing mode. As long as the materials are sufficient and the efficiency is terrible, a new robot production line will be completed soon.
After a few hours, the little wolf-type basic robots lined up in a neat queue and went down the growth line. After being directly taken over by the code, they were immediately put into the subsequent construction and transformation work.
The longevity has completely turned into a construction site, and countless hunter forces are interspersed with a small number of Karaman commanders and robots.
The longevity who originally had a repulsive mind about body transformation, after Nie Yun built the energy crystal furnace and began to provide it with a massive amount of energy, he fully accepted the reality, even in order to improve his survival rate, the reform work Coordination has also become active.
The body of the longevity is a plant-type organism. Even though some of the animals in the body have been animalized, the innate limitations of the organism doomed it to develop a very violent mechanical technology energy such as nuclear fusion.
Therefore, its energy acquisition method is exactly the same as the biological battery of Kara civilization. This kind of energy is more durable, but when it comes to instantaneous output power, it is a few streets away from nuclear fusion energy, let alone a more advanced energy crystal.
Although the radiation evolution effect of the water of life is powerful, the energy consumption is also huge. Because of the huge demand, in the long evolutionary time, the longevity chose to degrade photosynthesis and began to draw energy from the planet as its own evolution. Power source.
But how can the geothermal energy of magma be comparable to the energy crystal, coupled with the nuclear fusion energy distributed at various nodes in the design, the longevity has been completely liberated from the dilemma of energy shortage in a short time.
The abundant energy means that it can generate more water of life in the body, making it evolve faster, and at the same time obtain the source of power to drive the huge body.
A huge living body of more than 30 kilometers, coupled with countless roots and powerful recovery capabilities, if it can be fully driven, then the destructive power to remove the small half of the planet is really not difficult.
In Kara Sing, the eternal life is definitely the strongest creature deserved!
It's a pity that cats eat mice, elephants step on tigers, and seemingly powerful elephants are only afraid of mice, and all things are mutually exclusive. The microscopic weapon of mechanical worms is the nemesis of the eternal.
The eternal life with full horsepower also provided considerable convenience for Nie Yun's transformation plan.
Countless roots are required to dig holes and transport materials very quickly. Its control over most of the body's body structure and organization is even more incredible. Nie Yun's robots are not even used for digging pits. The eternal can transform themselves into Nie Yun Required honeycomb ...
The transformation of the elders is in full swing, and the trade between Nie Yun and Gemini also began.
Within an hour of the end of the communication between the two sides, Gemini completely stopped its own fire attack on Kara Sing.
Now that the victory or defeat of Karasin ’s ground battlefield has been unable to affect the confrontation between the two sides, the contest between the two has been elevated to a higher strategic level, and continuing to bombard Karasing is just a waste of resources.
After the ceasefire, a small landing craft belonging to the Gemini fleet entered the atmosphere and came to the coordinates designated by Nie Yun to collect the water samples of life he provided.
Under the sight of tens of thousands of hunter troops around and the aim of various space-based weapons in the air, the landing craft successfully took off after receiving a small number of samples.
The first step of the transaction ended in an atmosphere full of gunpowder, and the first time Gemini got the water of life, he began to conduct sample tests.
Because of the advanced biotechnology of Kara civilization, there are not many biologists accompanying the army this time. A research team composed of several top experts was quickly established and began to secretly test samples.
Just two days later, the joint test report of all the scientists was placed in front of the two commanders, Isal and Gustav, and the conclusion was just a few words-incredible!
Whether it is a strengthening effect on the human body, a life-promoting effect, or an evolutionary effect on biological cells, as Nie Yun said, the effect is amazing!
"Is this kind of thing artificially created, are there any side effects or possible hidden dangers?" Isal remained wary of this.
"There are no side effects in clinical experiments. This kind of thing acts on living bodies through a special weak radiation. This kind of radiation band has never been seen before. When we use spectral analysis to detect it, we find that it is actually disordered. Beating.
In terms of this peculiar mechanism of action, it is unlikely that the water of life is artificially manufactured. At least, the technological level of the Kara people is far from the level of manufacturing it!
In fact, with the technology of our Gemini, I am afraid that it is difficult to analyze its mechanism of action. It is entirely the creator's work, and cannot be measured by common sense.
Of course, these are just our preliminary judgments. If you want to further analyze the results, you need to send them to the scientific research institute in the rear for further analysis! "
Confirming the role of things, the two commanders did not dare to neglect and immediately reported the news to the United Parliament.
As soon as the information about the Unification of All Things and the Water of Life was sent, it immediately caused a sensation in the top level of the United Parliament, and Speaker Kruse held an emergency consultation meeting for this ...
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