Chapter 444: Joint suppression

Gemini, the highest-level meeting of the United Parliament.
Speaker Kruzer sat on the throne, and more than 20 heavyweight members of parliament sat around according to ethnicity.
If the joint council is the permanent administrative body of the Gemini civilization, then these people can be said to be members of the cabinet of the joint council, controlling the most peak power of the Gemini.
"What do you think about the intelligence about the Oneness of All Things?" Speaker Cruze looked around.
"I think this is totally the suspect's plan for the other side! If there is such a huge organization with great strength, why have our intelligence departments not found any clues?
This sudden emergence of everything in the Proximity Galaxy and the Solar System will be a bit powerful, but it will definitely not be a huge cross-civilized secret organization as they claim! At best it is just a small local anti-government armed force!
The reason why they throw such a false information is that the other party is exaggerating the strength of their organization, and at the same time fabricated the threat of alien civilization, the Ante Empire. The purpose is to let us cast a bogey and not dare to attack Karastar and the solar system! "
An old Hai clan with half-beards came up and patted the table, refuting the script written by Nie Yun.
Naturally, there are also intelligence agencies like the CIA and Guoan in the regime of Gemini civilization, and this old man of the Hai ethnic group is the chief intelligence officer of the United Parliament.
If it turns out that such a dangerous organization is really lurking inside Gemini, then this is undoubtedly a major negligence of the intelligence department, and he must now stand up as an authoritative platform for the intelligence department.
Another middle-aged middle-aged Yuzu who looked cold and smiled at him, "Hehe! Small anti-government armed forces? I don't think so!"
"Oh? Then I don't know what insights Your Excellency Assad has?" The intelligence chief's tone was rather bad.
This questionable middle-aged feather is the biggest opponent of Cruze's campaign for the speaker, and is also Assad's father, Assad.
Although Assad failed in the campaign, he still held the key position of the administrative organization. As the old political family, the Assad family also controls many seats in the parliament and is the backbone of the political power of the Yu nationality.
Assad did not immediately answer the intelligence chief's question, but first glanced at the direction of Speaker Kruzer. The eyes of the two met instantly, and President Kruzer nodded slightly undetectable ...
After a certain tacit agreement was reached, Assad cleared his throat. "Cough! I have studied some information about this one thing reunification. From the process of fighting, they have used a lot of ours on the battlefield. China ’s standard equipment has even mastered some of its weapons manufacturing technologies.
This shows that their organization has strong military enterprises or financial groups behind it!
In addition, during the battle between the enemy and the enemy, a series of spies and leaks occurred in our army one after another. This shows that the other party's forces within the military cannot be underestimated.
There is also the most critical piece of information, that is, the other party has actually obtained the information of the Woolf civilization wormhole mutation!
You know, even if we have just gotten the news, this information has a very high level of confidentiality, but the other party can still be informed in the first time. What does this mean?
This shows that among our senior officials, there must be members of their organizations!
I would like to ask if this kind of influence has penetrated into our military, political, and commercial organizations. Even if it is weak, it is definitely not a small one. "
The people below nodded in approval after hearing Assad's rational analysis.
Although the battle between the Proximity Galaxy and the solar system is not large, the mystery and magical power of the oneness of all things have already impressed everyone.
If such an organization can still be considered weak, then there are no large organizations in Gemini.
"Such a secret organization is lurking in our civilization, but the intelligence department has not even noticed a bit of wind beforehand, so where is the taxpayer's money spent?" Assad finally saw the poor and aimed at the spear. The intelligence chief of the sea tribe.
The relationship between the two communities is like the ruling party and the opposition party. Once the other party's loopholes are discovered, the politicians of both parties will instinctively attack. This has nothing to do with right or wrong, and it depends entirely on the positions of both parties.
The intelligence chief retorted coldly, "Huh! That's just a bluff. In addition to the signs of the organization's activities in the solar system and neighboring galaxies, where has the rest of our territory been affected by this force?"
A few intelligence leaks can't explain the problem at all. The wormhole mutations in the Gallente Star Zone have no way to hide the gaze of interested people. Our recent abnormal military transfers will also reveal clues. It is too early to draw conclusions! "
"That's right. Whatever comes together, an organization that I haven't heard of, but a generation of people who hide their heads and tails, so the facts are so serious that they are too exalting each other!"
"Yes, I agree with this view!"
Some MPs from the sea camp stood up in solidarity with the intelligence chief.
"Cough!" At this moment, Speaker Kruzer coughed softly, which stopped Assad's intention to export the rebuttal again, and at the same time drew everyone's attention.
"The question of whether one thing will be true or false is the most important question is whether the Ante Empire really exists. If it does exist, then there will be an extra behemoth on our border. The strategic layout has a profound impact!
What is the analysis result of the intelligence department on this issue? "Cruzer looked at the intelligence officer and asked.
"This ..." The intelligence chief paused obviously.
"Our linguistic experts have conducted an in-depth analysis of the language system of the Ante Empire. The analysis concluded that this language has complete logical writing and extremely strong intelligent ethnic emotional characteristics, covering a range of social sciences and humanities. The probability of Zhinao deducing a fiction is less than 10% ... "
"Wow ~" The intelligence chief's words immediately caused a commotion and many people whispered.
A civilized language may have a simple grammatical structure after a long period of historical evolution, but the language connotation of each advanced civilization is extremely complex and bears a strong intellectual civilization imprint.
With the level of wisdom and brain computing of Gemini civilization, even if a logical language system can be performed out of thin air, but if you want to be able to be true and false under the glaring eyes of linguists, that is far from being able to do it!
If the language of the Ante Empire is not forged, then the possibility that the Ante Empire really exists is quite high!
"What about technology?" Assad also asked a key question.
The chief intelligence officer of the Hai tribe heard that his face was even worse, but with so many eyes watching, he could only make a daring introduction.
"This ... from the perspective of several high-end technologies of the other party, there are obvious differences from our current application. After analysis by the scientific research team, the possibility of the other party having contact with foreign civilization is more than 68% ...
Cough! But several alternative advanced technologies cannot explain the problem, and there are many advanced and secret technologies in our central galaxy, which cannot explain that the other party is really a cross-civilized organization!
And I suspect that the other party ’s purpose may be to cover up its true strategic intent, such as occupying the solar system, or supporting the development of the Kara civilization ... "The intelligence chief ’s words are getting closer to the truth, but he himself said more There is no confidence to come.
Everyone was happy when they heard it, and for a long time, it turned out that so much evidence proves that the information of all things can be true!
Assad stood up again this time as a pioneer.
"Everyone, we are all aware of the situation. Let us not mention the question of whether the Ante Empire exists or not, but no matter whether it is the previous unpredictable ambush in the solar system or the military leak in the neighboring galaxy, the intelligence department has not made What useful intelligence support does the frontline military operations provide!
I suggest that the head of intelligence of the Caldari Star District be accountable and demoted and ordered to as soon as possible find out all the details of the so-called All-In-One Caldari Star Division, especially the self-proclaimed deacon responsible People, we need to find out his identity as soon as possible to take the initiative!
Do you have any comments on this? "
The members of the Yu clan nodded their heads in agreement, while the Hai clan remained silent.
The intelligence chief was indignant, and the head of intelligence in the Caldari Star District was his confidant, but at this moment he could not speak up to him and could only helplessly accept the result of this processing.
Speaker Cruze nodded, "Since everyone has no opinion, then this matter is handled!"
Kruzer and Assad glanced at each other, and the two sides unabashedly completed a joint suppression operation ...
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