Chapter 809: Top master

On the battlefield, the exploded firelight in a special environment, like a halo spreading out, formed a dreamlike halo in the fog area, like a colorful haze.
The smoke and artillery fire are hidden in the layers of fog, but at this moment it shows an alternative beauty...
"Boom!" A black-flag mecha exploded in the midst of the stars.
However, in the next moment, dozens of armor-piercing bullets burst out of the gunpowder smoke almost at the same time, shooting at the culprit swiftly!
Although the mecha controlled by Mattia tried to roll and dodge, the opponent is also the elite of the elite, and the ballistic is extremely tricky.
"Bang Bang Bang!" After 7 rounds hit, the penetration force field of the armor-piercing projectile and the crystal shield stalemate for a moment, they were directly shattered to pieces.
However, even the powerful crystal shield could not withstand successive blows, and it shattered almost simultaneously.
More unfortunately, a part of the battlefield stray bullet happened to cover it, hitting the unprotected mecha, and blasting a spark on the mecha's left shoulder.
The armor shattered and sparks flickered, exposing the precise wiring inside.
Seeing that the special friendly army was injured, more than a dozen "wingmans" all around swarmed and stopped in front of Matia, but in a moment four were shot down by the fierce enemy fire.
Matia took advantage of this gap to quickly start stealth and dive into the mist, quietly leaving the front battlefield.
"Hoo~hu~" Mattia in the control cabin panted slightly.
Counting the one just now, he has already shot down more than 17 enemy mechas, but the intense and fierce fighting made him feel a little bit tired.
The closer they get to the enemy fleet's main formation, the more fierce the resistance they receive.
The Black Flagship’s mecha-guard force is stronger than that of the Iron Wall Fleet. If the Earth Army’s wingmen are not considered, the opponent even has an absolute numerical advantage, not to mention the support of the enemy fleet’s firepower.
Even legendary mechas will fall accidentally on this battlefield.
"Alarm! The A23 shoulder gear of this machine was damaged, and the mobility of the left arm was reduced by 13.6%!"
Mattia looked at the mecha status display, and his left shoulder was red.
This kind of injury...
"Start memory repair!" Mattia ordered.
"Order confirmation!"
The next moment, the silver liquid metal surged, and the damage on the shoulders was quickly covered, and it recovered almost after a while, and the red warning prompt disappeared immediately.
There was a hint of wonder in Mattia's eyes.
"Memory Repair", another trump card of this mecha.
According to the official explanation, this is a kind of cutting-edge memory metal, which enables this mecha to repair itself in a small range.
But even if it can only treat "minor injuries", the role of this "nanny" skill on the battlefield is enough.
Can fight, resist, and "Holy Light", a proper paladin template!
However, after using the power, Mattia obviously felt more tired, and the detection data showed that his "blue bar" had just dropped sharply for a short period of time.
"Obviously it is the self-repair of memory metal, why on earth would I consume my mental power..." Mattia couldn't help but slander.
He obviously didn't believe in that very perfunctory official explanation.
Combined with various mysterious side legends of "Ghost Captain", he is more inclined to be a product of "combination of science and magic"...
Isn’t it normal to use "Holy Light" to consume mana?
Maybe it's the legendary "weapon enchanting", "spell engraving", or "repairing the original curse"?
As for why the self-repair of the mechanical bug consumes the mental power of the controller...
Nie Yun said that if you drive, I have to pay for the gas, which is not appropriate...
Mechanical insect: "..." ( ̄ω ̄;)
"Hey! Mattia, you guys are far ahead!"
Just when Mattia repaired the mecha and was about to look for a new opportunity to break through the enemy's blockade, the familiar voice suddenly heard from his ears, which immediately refreshed him.
"Haha, that's because you are too slow. If it's a few minutes later, maybe the soup won't be reserved for you."
"Then what are you waiting for? Brothers, have you heard? Don't leave the soup for this guy!"
In a burst of laughter, dozens of Earth Army mechas were drilled out of the fog, and the shield light that was different from ordinary mechas told everyone what kind of existence they were.
And deeper in the fog, it seems that there are a lot of legends coming from all directions...
"This... this is impossible! How come they have so many legends?!"
This scene directly stunned the pilots of the Woolf Empire.
From the example of the Broken Star Domain, we can see that every Legend can almost create a strong man who can crush a domain, but now, this kind of mecha is almost piled up...
More than one hundred?
Nonsense! There are more than one hundred people in this neighborhood alone!
When did the legendary mechas become popular? Are we too backward, or is the world changing fast?
What's more terrible is... how many legends does the opponent have?
One and two legendary, the big deal is more casualties, and can be killed by a sea of ​​people.
But now...I feel like I'm going to be killed by a bunch of legends...
In fact, what they didn’t know was that the three manned warships of the Earth Defense Forces "Watch", "Splendid" and "Heaven Soldier" had a standard authorized crew of 1038. Excluding some warship maintenance personnel, the rest The number of combatants is 965.
In other words, on the battlefield at this moment, almost a thousand-player legendary team is forming a team to brush the boss...
"Look! Our fleet!" At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed.
Everyone turned their heads and saw that there seemed to be a commotion in the fleet behind them, and the violent explosion light from the mist told them.
The enemy... is raging...
On the other side, the main force of the Iron Wall.
"What? Can't get in touch?" Viscount Tiebi asked in surprise.
"Yes!" The adjutant face was rather solemn.
"Our squadron lost its signal after entering the weird space fog. Until now, no news has come out.
Our active contact has fallen to the sea...
According to our observation and analysis, this kind of space fog is probably a substance that can weaken or even isolate signal transmission. Obviously, the enemy has carried out a battlefield cover. "
" the battlefield covered...
This can indeed effectively weaken our group combat advantage, but just such a little cleverness is not enough to defeat my fleet! "
He couldn't be more clear about the combat effectiveness of the black flagship team.
The Black Flag battleship with the big killer of the joint force field, even if it is encountered by its own Iron Wall fleet, can achieve a battle loss ratio of 3 to 1 even if it is super level.
According to this conversion of combat power, 300 Iron Wall warships + 100 Black Flag warships can be approximately equal to 600 warships.
But what does the other party have? There are less than 300 main battleships, and they are still staring at the periphery of the foggy area.
How? Can the opponent stare at death, staring at one's own battleship from a distance?
Although he had confidence in his own fleet, for some reason, seeing the space mist spreading in the distance, Viscount Tiebi felt a sense of unease in his heart.
"Strictly monitor that area, contact them as soon as our fleet leaves the foggy area, I want to know the exact battlefield situation!"
"Yes, my lord!"
The Viscount Iron Wall did not wait too much. Soon, as the fog was rolling, an Iron Wall battleship burst out of the fog.
However, when the scene came back, Viscount Tiebi frowned slightly.
Because the condition of this battleship is really not too good, the bow position was penetrated by a large hole that is transparent from front to back. Looking at the trajectory, as long as it is slightly upward, the bridge of this battleship may have to be directly covered. evaporation.
"Perhaps it is to arrange the wounded warship to withdraw from the battlefield..." Viscount Tiebi thought.
It just so happens that you can learn about the battlefield situation through them.
However, before their contact signal was sent, the flagship had already received an emergency communication from the other party.
"Son... Lord Viscount! Legend... Many legends! Quick..."
However, before the other party had finished speaking, an energy beam suddenly shot out from the fog, directly penetrating the severely wounded warship back and forth!
Everyone was stunned as they watched their warship starting from the engine, and it exploded two or three times in succession, and finally burned into a fireball.
The fire reflected in his eyes made the corner of Viscount Tiebi's eyes jump suddenly.
"This..." All the officers on the bridge looked at each other.
what's the situation?
Your battleship fled out in a panic, but was still blown up?
Could it be that your fleet... lost? !
Hello! That is a total of 400 battleships, of which there are 100 Black Flag battleships!
Also, a lot of legends? What legend?
In that mist...what happened?
"Big... Your lord..." Before Viscount Tiebi could recover from the scene just now, the adjutant stammered and brought another bad news.
"Our 5'dark thorns' seem to be out of touch..."
"Lost connection? What does it mean to lose connection?" Viscount Tiebi looked at him with a blank look in his eyes.
"I don't know why, just now, 5 signals disappeared almost at the same time somehow..."
"Disappeared... was it shot down?"
"This... before the signal disappeared, there was no sign of being attacked at all."
The adjutant's forehead is sweating, this is the most serious problem!
Five dark spikes with top-notch stealth systems, extremely small targets, and almost impossible to capture the signal. They just entered the solar system, so inexplicably, they disappeared silently?
And before it disappeared, there was no sign of being attacked at all.
This is like throwing a wave of concealed weapons in the past, and then they didn’t see how they took them, and the concealed weapons crashed to the ground...
Gathering gas into a wall? Gang Qi body protection? AT force field?
Not a top master can do it?
Viscount Tiebi's eyes jumped wildly this time, and he couldn't stop...
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