Chapter 811: Injustice and debt

"Ransom? I don't remember that I have become a prisoner!"
Viscount Tiebi suppressed his anger by force.
The Iron Wall fleet, which traverses the starry sky, has never been subjected to such insults.
"I admit that your strength has greatly exceeded expectations, but we have not yet reached the point of being slaughtered!"
"Oh? Then you want to try to challenge forcibly through the barrier?" Nie Yun looked at each other with a smile.
Viscount Tiebi looked at the legendary army surrounding the huge immortal like a little bit of starlight outside the porthole, and his heart trembled slightly.
Forced to break through? How many battleships can I have left?
Even if it passes, is it possible to lead the remnant defeated general to attack another civilization?
Do you want to send the residual blood spree?
As for the way back...who knows if the other party has cut off the back path.
Moreover, reopening intermittent wormholes requires preparation time, and the risk is also high.
"Ah! Of course I hope to turn the fighting into jade... after all, it was a misunderstanding. Originally, we just wanted to borrow a word."
"Misunderstanding? Ha ha, you didn't say that before.
Originally, I also thought about peace, after all, we had no grievances in the past and no enmity in the past.
Unfortunately, your Excellency the Viscount threatened to believe only in fists and naval guns, and I can only be forced to "convince people with virtue." "Nie Yun said helplessly.
Viscount Tiebi opened his mouth, feeling wronged and wanted to scold his mother.
Convince your sister with virtue!
You said that you have a legendary army of tens of thousands, I still believe in fists and naval guns, I have changed my belief to Ami Tofu and put down the butcher knife!
If you play as a pig yourself, you can blame me for wanting to cook vermicelli?
Taking into account the current situation, he still tentatively asked, "What compensation do you want?"
If the other party doesn't want much, even if it is out of pocket, this tone will bear it.
"Um... I want to come to you this time, but I don't have much money in my pocket.
Well, friendly price! 500 Black Flag battleships, 1000 Iron Wall battleships!
As long as the compensation is enough, I immediately let the wormhole tunnel open so that you can continue to perform the mission. After all, we don't need to protect others from disasters, and we can also return your captured officers in this battle. "
"What?!" Everyone was stunned by the other's appetite.
500 Black Flag battleships and 1,000 Iron Wall battleships are equivalent to half of their fleet. Isn't the lion mouth open for fun?
"Are you kidding? Don't you think it's too much?" Viscount Tiebi's face was pale.
"Is it too much? Because of your unreasonable military invasion, we have already suffered huge economic losses. Now we want to turn fighting into jade, and we can't just rely on our mouths."
Nie Yun returned what Viscount Tiebi had said before, and the choking opponent had nothing to say.
"Our earth civilization loves peace. We used to have nothing to do with the world. We farmed happily at home.
Based on the principle of good-neighborliness and friendship, it also actively engages in peaceful dialogue and commercial cooperation with surrounding civilizations for common progress and common development, and contributes to the development of the harmonious interstellar family.
But suddenly one day, you didn't even knock on the door, and shouted indiscriminately as soon as you came in.
Look at the beautiful surroundings that have been destroyed by you, look at the wrecks of warriors we left to defend against the invaders, and look at the children who were scared by you!
Is it too much to ask for a little financial compensation? "
Viscount Tiebi looked constipated.
Excessive? Of course too much!
Do you want a little financial compensation? What you want is half!
The environment is so beautiful, the rock pile was ploughed or the rock pile was ploughed again, and the wreckage of the warrior is obviously some drone cannon fodder, fifty cents each!
As for the scared children...Who told you to play 18X to the children?
"Really no discussion? Our main force still exists. Although you have a large number of legendary mechas, and I admit that you are not opponents in frontal combat, it seems... lack of warships, right?"
Viscount Tiebi endured his anger, his eyes flashed, directly pointing out the fatal weakness of the Earth Army.
From beginning to end, the opponent failed to bring out the fleet that Viscount Tiebi could face. This was also the reason why he despised the opponent from the beginning.
As for the hundreds of small sampans of the Earth Army, they were not in the eyes of Viscount Tiebi.
Without warships, the Earth Army’s long-range launch capabilities will be limited. After all, the mecha has a limited attack radius, and it is impossible to play large-scale maneuvers with the fleet, even for the legendary mecha.
This is like if you have a J20 empty, you still cannot cross the Pacific Ocean without a high-performance aircraft carrier.
The longevity can barely be regarded as a super aircraft carrier, but its size is obviously not good at speed.
No matter how fierce the firepower is, can you use an aircraft carrier to chase a destroyer?
"More than defending land, not enough offense!"
This is what Viscount Tiebi gave to Nie Yun.
Whether it is the "iron curtain mist" of the solar system or the "tower defense interception" of the wormhole in front, they are all special battlefields that are conducive to the Earth Army's advantage in the mecha.
After all, it is a "fixed-point" defensive tactic.
If it is not that the fleet is not large enough, the opponent does not need to use a large number of cannon fodder and turtles to play "show the enemy to be weak", "entice the enemy to go deeper", and block the road with the longevity, and the legendary army will be transported directly to chop melons and vegetables. Up.
And Nie Yun's proposal to replace compensation with warships made Viscount Tiebi more affirmed his guess.
"The strong decides the fate of the weak. This is the iron law between stars, but... you don't seem to be strong enough to crush us, do you?"
Viscount Tiebi had completely recovered his composure at this moment.
At first, he was really frightened by the horror images that appeared at the same time by thousands of legends, but after calming down, he recalled it.
Organic armor, but few battleships, this shows that the opponent is not an industrially complete advanced civilization... at least not in itself!
So no matter whether these legendary mechas were bought or someone supported them, the strength of this earth branch should not have reached the point where they had no resistance at all.
This is your bargaining chip!
Nie Yun narrowed his eyes.
I have to say that Viscount Iron Wall's battlefield sense of smell is quite accurate, and he can see the problems he is currently facing at a glance.
Kneading the mecha and kneading the battleship are completely two concepts.
With 10,000 mechas, Nie Yun would vomit blood for one liter at most, but if you squeeze a 10,000 warship, the blood can't stop vomiting...
On the earth before the magical reform, the annual average production of cars could reach more than 100 million, but the annual delivery of large jet aircraft was only a few hundred. From this we can see the huge gap between the production process and production efficiency of the two. .
The solar system currently has dozens of complete mech production lines, which can save Nie Yun's considerable effort, and the manufacturing cycle is relatively short, enough to support Nie Yun's crazy violent soldiers in a short time.
However, the battleship not only consumes a huge number of mechanical insects, but also cannot provide much additional production efficiency bonus depending on the existing shipyard scale of the solar system.
And whether it can be produced is one thing, and whether it can be afforded is another.
"Poor is the battle of mecha, rich is the boundless warship", this is not empty talk.
The energy consumption of the fleet is often dozens or even hundreds of times that of mechas, and daily maintenance is more complicated and expensive.
Behind the strength of the Iron Wall fleet is a vast territory of the entire Iron Wall family as its backing. Gemini is sitting on four star regions, hundreds of galaxies, and the standing fleet is no more than three thousand.
Even if the solar system with mechanical insects has less logistical pressure, they can usually subsidize some households by themselves in the sun, and there is also an "energy crystal trade" that obtains a lot of strategic resources from Gemini.
But wanting to support thousands of warships in one galaxy is still quite difficult.
Nie Yun really wanted to use his brain to create a huge fleet of thousands of warships. It would really be "after three hundred rounds, there will be no ammunition and no food"...
Without a few rounds of volley, I am afraid that one sun will be gone...
Sun: "……" (o((⊙﹏⊙))o.)
The war is not only about weapons and equipment, but also about logistical supplies. Taking comprehensive considerations into consideration, Nie Yun chose the defensive strategy that consumes the least amount of money on himself.
Before the earth civilization embarks on expansion, the Battleship Sea will not be Nie Yun's first choice.
With the Seawolf mothership as the maneuvering core, the legendary sea drowns its opponents, and constantly upgrades its technology, and takes the route of "excellent soldiers" is the correct development route for earth civilization.
In terms of hard power, nearly 10,000 legendary mechas are more than enough to deal with the Iron Wall fleet.
But defeat is one thing, and complete annihilation is another.
" still want to try to challenge and force through the barriers?"
Although someone saw the weakness, Nie Yun still said the same thing.
I didn't expect to be seen as tricky by myself, and the other party was still so tough, which was somewhat beyond the expectation of Viscount Tiebi.
"Originally, we didn't mind calming things down, but your previous act of launching devastating weapons at our core planet has completely angered the entire civilization.
Everyone fights and fights, and there is nothing to say after the battle, but this behavior has touched our bottom line.
Today you will not leave half of your fleet. Although I cannot guarantee that you will be wiped out, it is not a problem to leave 90% at all costs! "
Nie Yun's sudden cold tone made Viscount Tiebi's heart burst.
Since those 5 "dark spikes" are deterrent weapons, they are naturally equipped with super bombs capable of destroying the planet.
Attacking the opponent's home star is an unending grudge!
From this point of view, no matter how frantically the other party launches a revenge action, his own side is at a loss.
Hearing the resoluteness in Nie Yun's words, he couldn't help secretly regretting why he had made the decision to attack the other's home star before.
But who could have expected that the docile kitten suddenly became a cannibal tiger?
"But..." Nie Yun's conversation suddenly changed. "You are just a performing the task, and the messenger of this matter is still the person behind you.
The so-called wrongdoer, the debtor, if he is in the first year of junior high school, I will naturally do the fifteenth! "
What do you mean? The main messenger behind him... is it the second prince?
"What do you want to do?" Viscount Tiebi trembled in his heart.
This guy doesn't really want to ask the parents to let the higher civilization behind them take action and directly hit the star to find the trouble of the second prince?
The man in the black robe opposite smiled coldly.
"Haha! Nothing, I just want to sell you a secret, a... the biggest secret about that person..."
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