Chapter 1200: 0 years

Back in his villa, Lu Chuan frowned.
The collision value is the core factor that determines a bead, and the collision value is produced by every biochemical factory user who successfully completes the nine-level space mission.
Until now, only one has produced a collision value.
Only one user is one billion users. This ratio is really painful for Lu Chuan.
The current situation has made Lu Chuan a little crazy. You must know that the duty of the supervisor is to generate enough collision values. But according to the current situation where everyone is dispensable, how many people eat and wait to die, when can they complete the task?
"It can't go on like this."
Lu Chuan shook his head, this may have something to do with his job.
The ability of the inspector is really abnormal. Lu Chuan can't afford this title. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong. God knows when the above his head asks about his grades, and he can't deliver them. What will happen?
One idea, oneself becomes nothingness.
"The current self must do well in this dogleg role, not only to do well, but also to satisfy it."
There is nothing bad about being a dog, the key is who you are.
Lu Chuan is happy to be a dog leg to God.
Looking at the billion trillion trillions of universes, how many billions of trillions of creatures, only oneself has this qualification, this kind of dogleg, not everyone can do it.
If you want to be a good dog, of course, you can get results so that people feel that you have this value.
God doesn't communicate with Lu Chuan or anything, so flattering is not necessary at all. With the existence of different dimensions, who knows what a flattery is like?
Lu Chuan set his own position right, the next question he thought about was how to get results.
Lu Chuan still knows human nature.
Benefits are the best test stone of human nature. Caijin is touching. As long as there are enough benefits, people will be crazy, and then they will continue to compete and improve themselves. When they accumulate for a certain amount of time, they will hit the ninth level.
On the other hand, the benefits are sufficient now, but they have not yet reached the time when they are truly attractive, so many people are content with the status quo. It is not bad to only think that they can live for a few hundred years. Anyway, it is just enjoyment.
But how to give benefits that make them crazy?
This Lu Chuan is also a headache, after all, he needs to bypass the rules set by God and they cannot directly interfere.
"Ding, as a supervisor, you need to perform your duties, and within a hundred years, increase the collision value to 100. Completion reward: conversion of ideas."
Just when Lu Chuan was a little hard to get started, the sound of the reminder in his mind made Lu Chuan startled. How long has the tone of the biochemical plant not appeared?
Generally speaking, only during a siege will the prompt sound appear in the form of a mission.
But now, after becoming an inspector, it also appears in the form of a task. In Lu Chuan's view, the task form is actually the communication between God and himself, through the task, to put forward his own requirements.
It seems that this fits well with the current form of biochemical factories.
The form doesn't affect the result, so Lu Chuan didn't care how God communicated with him.
It is difficult to communicate with higher-dimensional civilizations.
People do not move for a hundred years, and billions of years are really nothing in their eyes. A hundred years may be the time for people to breathe a few times.
Without thinking about that kind of transformation in time, Lu Chuan was still concerned about the requirements. Within a hundred years, the collision value reached 100, which seemed simple, but Lu Chuan knew it was not easy.
The value of 100 means that it takes a hundred people to break through the ninth level of space. Look at the hundreds of years that have passed before they have produced their own value. This value of 100 is really difficult to complete.
But the task has been released, it must be completed.
There was no mention of punishment in the mission, but Lu Chuan knew that the mission could not be completed. Without punishment, it meant that he didn't need to punish himself, and it would be wiped out.
Lu Chuan would not doubt this, he was just an ant in God's eyes.
"Conversion of mind, what is it?"
Next, there was a reward, which made Lu Chuan a little excited. You must know that your own magical powers have already surpassed the universe, and the transformation of mind is definitely not an ordinary ability.
The reward for the transformation of ideas has not yet been obtained, and Lu Chuan naturally has no way of knowing what its capabilities are, but it is worth looking forward to.
The task is there, the reward is there, the punishment has been prepared for the worst, and now it is left to execute.
"It's still a bit troublesome, how can I make them move?"
Lu Chuan can know that too many people on the leaderboard are acting as moths. They don't need to make progress, one by one is waiting for competitive points. If they moved, Lu Chuan would still be confident that he would be able to break through one hundred within a hundred years.
"All of them are greedy for life and fear of death." Lu Chuan cursed.
But if they don't move, can Lu Chuan kick them to move?
Lu Chuan seemed a little moved when he thought of this.
"Kick, kick, kick" Lu Chuan kept chanting this word, and gradually people became clear, yes, you can kick them to move.
It seemed difficult to get them to move, but it was not difficult anymore in Lu Chuan's hands.
Lu Chuan had an idea for a while, and he really wanted to kick them in the ass.
"This matter requires a good calculation." Lu Chuan laughed, but the first time he pulled out the names of the top 100 people in the competitive rankings, read them one by one, and then wrote them down.
Ordinary people can only see their names, but as an inspector, Lu Chuan can see information about the universe number they are in.
Don't think that the multiverse of the billion trillion level has no numbers, just like them.
These numbers are just like addresses.
After Lu Chuan took it down, he smiled secretly.
To do work, of course, it is necessary to start with the most promising, and let them know if people are not motivated, what is the difference between them and salted fish?
"Well, Victoria? Tsk tsk, this name is good, but I haven't seen a real person, and I don't know if it is worthy of this name."
Victoria, in Lu Chuan's impression, as long as they are famous, they are all big beauties.
Especially the Angel of Victoria's Secret, pushed these four words to the peak.
The reason why Lu Chuan chose her is that Emperor Botu did not become the second. She is the second. You can't even say that the strength is weaker than Emperor Botu.
The top ten people, their strength is really not big, don't look at the top, in fact, they may not necessarily be the strongest.
A woman can become the second, conceivable, the other party's means and abilities.
If it were not for nothing, Lu Chuan really didn't want to mess with such a woman.
The thorny rose is about this kind of woman.
The numbering of the multiverse is very complicated, but after Lu Chuan recorded the other party's number, he only needs to think together to appear in this numbered universe.
The other is to know the name of the other party, and you can also find the number of the other party's universe.
The current Lu Chuan appeared in the universe where Victoria was.
A user of a biochemical factory owns two universes, one modern and one end time. In fact, they mirror each other, similar to shadows, or the relationship between yin and yang.
Lu Chuan is not interested in investigating why this kind of relationship is, the world formed by God's thoughts, investigating too much will only make himself a headache, and existence is reasonable.
For the first time, Lu Chuan arrived at Victoria’s apocalyptic earth. Generally speaking, the apocalyptic is the focus of the later period. The bosses of the biochemical plant will put more energy into it.
However, Lu Chuan was disappointed that Victoria was not in the apocalyptic earth.
However, Lu Chuan is not disappointed. If he is not on the apocalyptic earth, he is on the modern earth, or it is the city of competition. I just came from the city of competition, and it has been determined that she is no longer in the city of competition.
Things like kicking the are best placed in the opponent's universe.
Keke talked to a woman about kicking the butt, which seemed a bit indecent.
Victoria is a French woman. The first impression is the romance of Paris, France. God knows how many men regard this as paradise, and countless women here exude a charm that fascinates men.
Fashion capital, the most famous model is naturally
As long as you think of models, men will always continue to extend their thinking, thinking about indescribable places.
Of course, Lu Chuan would not admit that he would think in this respect. He just thought that Victoria was a French woman and would not think about other things. Anyway, she had not seen it herself, and she didn't know if she was an ugly woman.
Instead of running to the modern earth of Victoria in the first time, Lu Chuan appeared on the streets of Paris, France in the last days. With Lu Chuan's ability, he appeared on a street silently, without worrying about being discovered.
Victoria ruled the entire apocalyptic earth. Needless to say, she did not choose North America. Instead, she continued to stay in Europe, defining Europe as the habitat of humans, and Paris, France, as the center of the world.
Everyone is used to their own country, which is almost the choice of most people.
"Tsk tusk, this girl is really willing to pay for it."
The moment he walked out of the street, Lu Chuan felt the difference in Paris, France. It was a place where high-tech shows his skills. The suspension cars and superb construction technology have been popularized here. The skyscrapers can be seen everywhere. There is a suspended traffic flow between skyscrapers.
Every street is full of cameras, and there is a kind of mobile camera, which is similar to a drone, but very small.
Mature battery technology allows this gadget to last for half a month without worrying about electricity, and can perform tasks at 7242. Its integrated high-tech content is very large. Everyone who enters its lens will analyze it in the first time to get the person's identity information and so on.
Once it is found that the opponent is not in the database, the next moment it will call out a robot war police, or a special maintenance team composed of new humans.
With these things in there, there are almost no dead ends here. It is impossible for anyone without identity to fish in troubled waters in this Paris.
Aside from this, the holographic projection advertisements here give people more sense of technology, and countless realistic advertisements will make you think you are on the scene.
For example, now, an advertisement for a model is playing, and Lu Chuan is standing and watching. The models inside are under the holographic projection, appearing as real people in front of you, each squeezing their heads, matching their dresses, figures and looks , A man will be attracted, and there is an urge to take a look.
The aquarium’s advertisement makes you feel like you have entered the bottom of the sea. The immersive shock ~ ~ technology is really weak in front of holographic projection.
The advertisements everywhere make this city established in the last days exude an unprecedented charm.
There are people coming and going on the street, and many robots can be seen walking.
"It's a veteran boss. It has been running smoothly for almost three hundred years. Although the number of humans is not enough to compare with before the end of the world, the population of more than 5 billion is almost restored."
Lu Chuan's thoughts passed by, and he quickly understood the world.
Victoria is like a in this world. She has rarely seen her face, but she still rules this world and is still a formidable queen.
In a world where life expectancy has generally increased to two hundred years, no one doubts too much about Victoria's age.
Ordinary people can live about two hundred years old, and some individuals who live a little longer can even reach two hundred and twenty years old. It is not surprising that their great queen lives a little longer. After all, the level of medical care that women receive is at two levels as ordinary people.
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