Chapter 1241: Show you the future

This is the first time they have seen an alien in millions of years. That kind of tension and panic is inevitable. After all, Lu Chuan brought a 100,000-kilometer-class spacecraft.
Even if they don't know the principle of the spaceship, but its size, as long as it is not an idiot, they know it is not easy to mess with.
Lu Chuan stood in front of them and stared at them.
Millions of super powers who can break through the void, their strength conversion can refer to Superman, and they are too much stronger than Superman.
What does Superman have?
The first is the fast flight speed, the second is the inability to kill, and the third is that its eyes can emit laser light.
Lu Chuan's understanding of the Jellyfish tribe, just one of the millions of powerful people in front of him can pick up one of them, and they can sling Superman. Not an exaggeration, but a fact.
In terms of speed, they are much faster than Superman, and even Superman has no way to break into the universe like them and carry the terrifying force in space.
When it comes to being undead, Superman is not really immortal, but just having a strong resistance. Similarly, compared with some of these super powers, the scum is not. If you look at these super powers in this space, they can use energy to protect their bodies, and you will know how abnormal their protective power is.
The laser of the eyes is even more ridiculous in the eyes of the super-powerful Jellyfish clan, and even their body protection energy cannot break through.
However, the super powers of the Jellyfish clan have more attack methods. Refer to the gods in Chinese mythology, which are roughly similar to these.
Superman's strength is probably the level of the level 2 training civilization, and there is a level gap with level 3, which is the difference between heaven and earth. If Superman were here, he would immediately be considered mediocre.
With such a comparison, we can know how strong these super powers are. There are millions of them, which is definitely a force that makes people feel terrifying.
Of course Lu Chuan doesn't matter. Not to mention that they are level 3 civilizations, they are level 6 civilizations. Lu Chuan can treat them as nothing, so there is no wave in Lu Chuan's heart, and he stands calmly in front of them.
Without communicating with them, Lu Chuan swiped his hand, and a beam of light was projected from the space battleship.
It was so abnormal that these super powers were put on guard.
Lu Chuan didn't speak, the beam of light flashed and disappeared. But in front of Lu Chuan, a holographic projection was constructed, and this galaxy appeared on it.
The Jellyfish tribe people are practicing civilization, but too many of them have traveled in the universe, but they can't break out of this galaxy. In other words, among them, too many powerhouses have known this galaxy.
The galaxies on the holographic projection were immediately recognized by them, and they were the place where they lived.
They were shocked, and they didn't understand why the galaxy they were in appeared in this void. They didn't know Lu Chuan's intention, but they were still on alert.
The galaxies on the holographic projection are beginning to change. First, the solar star in the center of the galaxy changes and is expanding. When Lu Chuan made it, the surface of the sun star was made in, so what they saw was the redness caused by the high temperature of the sun star's surface up to 6,000 degrees, and a touch of solar storm.
Soon, the Sun Star swelled to a certain point, turning the planet closest to it into red, breaking through a thousand degrees of high temperature, so that this planet did not know how much matter was refined.
This is just the beginning. The solar storm released during the expansion of the solar star sometimes spit out millions of kilometers, and the temperature of the planet suddenly rises as it passes.
The nearby planets were swallowed by its expansion, and disappeared on the surface of the sun star in the explosion.
At this moment, the Sun Star is really too huge, more than ten times larger than it was before, and the light it emits is even more intense, and the temperature it expresses has exceeded 20,000 degrees.
The holographic projection is a turn of the picture, this time it shows the planet where the Jellyfish people are.
In a subduction way, it entered the interior of the planet.
What is presented in the picture is that kind of peace and happiness, a scene of the Jellyfish people living a healthy and happy life. Hundreds of trillions of ordinary citizens, bit by bit in their lives, all show their happiness.
This kind of happiness is gradually being replaced. The temperature rises, the earth cracks, and the water source becomes smaller and smaller. They fought for water, and tore and killed for the last source of water.
A large number of tribesmen died in this kind of contention, and the victorious side can be temporarily relieved, but the losing side, a large number of tribesmen fell down and died of thirst because they could not have water to replenish. First, start from the old, the weak, the sick, and the young, and slowly move towards the strong adult people.
Therefore, under this kind of threat of death, a new round of competition for water resources broke out again, and it was even more brutal and cruel. The two sides who did not choose were fighting their last drop of blood.
All this is just a microcosm, because it will continue to be performed on the entire planet.
Gradually, the Jellyfish tribe was going to nine out of ten, and only 10% of the tribe were panting, facing even more cruel and hot weather.
Crops, woods...
Countless plants withered due to loss of water, and the people of the tribe didn’t even have anything to eat, because everything the eyes saw was withered and yellow, without a trace of vitality. Breaking through to a high temperature of 50 degrees caused more plant deaths and the water dried up faster.
Under this kind of high temperature, if they were not the real powerhouses left, they would have long been unable to handle them.
Living in high-rise buildings can no longer withstand this kind of high temperature, so the cities must either move into the mountains or dig out simple underground dwellings and hide underground to escape the high temperatures on the surface.
If the big planet is full of corpses, withered and yellow, there is no vitality.
The only remaining members of the tribe have all gone underground.
There is still a bit of groundwater underground, which makes them struggle to live. But the lack of food poses a great threat to their survival, leading to extremely harsh living conditions.
On the surface, a raging fire was finally drawn in the high temperature, destroying everything, a real purgatory on earth. And this kind of fire evacuated the oxygen in the planet, making the oxygen extremely thin, and a new wave of death has arrived.
How many people died in the underground dwellings due to lack of oxygen. No matter how great their magical powers are, they can't escape this lack of the most basic needs of life, and ultimately can't escape death.
At this point, what is left is the real super powers, possibly millions, but they are just lingering.
After the high temperature of the local surface increased to Baidu, the planet lost all the plants, the atmosphere structure collapsed, and the oxygen inside disappeared. No matter how strong it is, it is impossible to live for ten years in the absence of oxygen. Eight years. They can travel through space, but they are only short-lived.
The whole planet is crimson, and there is no other life.
The last member of the Jellyfish tribe died after the surface temperature exceeded 500 degrees. It lived for three full years without oxygen, showing its strength.
At this point, the entire jellyfish tribe was genocide.
But this is not the end. In the holographic projection, the field of vision begins to rise, and it is placed on the level of the entire galaxy again, watching from a distance the sun star that has expanded to a terrible moment.
A large number of planets have been swallowed by it, and it has been thousands of times larger than its previous volume, and it seems to have reached a critical point.
A violent big explosion occurred, and the energy it emitted swept across the entire galaxy. The energy of the explosion ran through the galaxy like a beam of light, destroying everything. Any planet in front of it will shatter into endless fragments within milliseconds, and then be turned into dust by the violent energy behind.
The entire galaxy disappeared, but the power of the sun's star explosion turned into a kinetic energy and spread to the surroundings. Its impact was completely on the order of hundreds of thousands of light-years. I don't know how many planets were affected.
At this point, holographic projection is the end.
In front of Lu Chuan, he returned to nothingness in the universe.
Millions of superpowers are all caught in an inexplicable fear at this time. If what they saw just now is true, that means this world will be destroyed?
Most of them, subconsciously turned their heads to look in the direction of the sun star.
The sun stars that some people saw did not seem to change, but some felt that the sun stars were larger than before, and seemed to be closer to them.
Among the millions of super powers, several of the strongest powers jumped out, pointing to Lu Chuan and speaking with intense speech, which seemed to be due to the emotional agitation.
Of course, Lu Chuan could understand. They were accusing Lu Chuan of deceiving the crowd by deceiving them.
Looking at them, if it weren't for the unimaginable space battleship behind Lu Chuan, they would probably be rude to Lu Chuan, because they always thought Lu Chuan was alarmist and wanted to disrupt their planet.
"Ha ha!"
Lu Chuan smiled, and the intense reaction to them is understandable. After changing yourself, an alien came and told you that the earth was going to be destroyed, so hurry up and eat and drink so that you can die. Lu Chuan can't believe each other.
Different civilizations and different levels have different understandings of things.
In their eyes, Lu Chuan was coaxing them, and he didn't know what his purpose was. They would not believe in the destruction of the planet. After millions of years of history, they are not technological civilizations, and they have not been able to trace the nature of the universe and the rules of operation of the planet.
Lu Chuan didn't say anything, turned around, and walked back to the spaceship step by step.
With the door closed, hundreds of powerful spacecraft propellers work at the same time, pushing the spacecraft to move slowly, and then passing over the planet where they live, casting a shadow that covers the entire planet.
The Jellyfish tribe people on the entire planet could see the giant steel ships slowly moving across the sky, all showing a look of horror. This scene exceeded their imagination.
Some of the superpowers believed it, but they found that they could not do anything. They could only watch the spaceship drift away until it disappeared.
"If it is true, my people will be annihilated?"
How many powerhouses have this idea in their hearts, they suddenly regret it, they would rather believe it, rather than believe it, but true, the race will be extinct in purgatory, and the other party has already demonstrated everything.
What the other party presents to them is more like their future.
Of course, their regrets disappeared in an instant. The aliens that appeared were too secretive. They needed to guard against conspiracies and find out the other's purpose.
In fact, the real reason Lu Chuan didn't persuade was that no race would not cry without seeing the coffin. If it weren't for that moment, they wouldn't believe it, but were full of doubts about you, thinking that you wanted to plot something wrong.
Does Lu Chuan care what they think?
Once the spaceship is gone, it will never return. Perhaps the next time Lu Chuan passes here, the entire galaxy will no longer exist, and Lu Chuan is a passer-by who witnessed their destruction.
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