Chapter 1291: Rush to

   Newly become inspectors, of course they have to familiarize themselves with their abilities, it is not that they are not allowed to try.
   Only this time, Lu Chuan will not give them too much time, but very short.
   Under the leadership of Emperor Botu, nearly 50,000 inspectors disappeared on the floating island. They will have a day to get acquainted with the movement of their minds and their ability to easily destroy the planet.
   When they left, Lu Chuan looked at Victoria, who was standing beside him: "I'll go back to the earth, this time you should follow along. As an inspector, you also need to accumulate merits."
   Victoria nodded without hesitation: "Okay."
   Of course she knows why Lu Chuan returned to Earth. In her heart, she is still very happy, because Lu Chuan stayed with her for a week.
   Lu Chuan nodded, kissed Victoria, and then left.
  The first stop in Luchuan is Mars.
   After more than a year away, the changes here are absolutely amazing. With the combined efforts of hundreds of millions of robots, the cities designed by Ye Lingwei and others have already taken shape.
   Many communities have been constructed and have the conditions for living in.
   A new round of immigration has appeared again.
   The current population of Mars has reached more than seven million, with different ethnic groups and different countries. At this point, the potential of Mars has become established, and countries have not stopped too much.
   Five huge new cities, each of which can accommodate more than 30 million people, is really sparsely populated for the current population of Mars.
   It is not realistic to want to emigrate hundreds of millions of people just through immigration.
   Fortunately, after the super policy, the birth rate in the past few years is really very high. There are more than 200,000 newborns, and this number will continue to increase in the future.
  The people who can immigrate here are mostly strong adults, and they are indeed the main force of fertility.
   Lu Chuan's return is naturally a family reunion.
   That night, Lu Chuan didn't go to the door one by one, but threw all three of them on the bed. Ye Lingwei and the others, who are now genetically enhanced at the eighth level, can withstand Lu Chuan's violent storms.
  If you don’t win a wedding for a long time, there will be no fakes.
   The next morning, Lu Chuan bid farewell to his parents and warned his children again. This was parting from his wives and leaving Mars City again.
   Although Lu Chuan can't be filial, it is enough to have his own wife and children with his parents.
  The city of competition.
   In the early morning, nearly 50,000 inspectors had gathered on the square on the floating island.
   New inspectors, they were crazy yesterday, and their new abilities gave them a feeling of reluctance. In a day's time, they really haven't gotten used to who they are now. 78 Chinese debut https://https://
   But the boss asked them to set off, so there really was not much time left for them.
   One day, they just understand a foundation.
   Lu Chuan appeared in the sky, standing with his hands behind him, looking down at the crowded people here. Standing at this angle, looking at the nearly 50,000 inspectors, it was absolutely spectacular, basically in the angle of view, they were all people.
   "Yellow Jing." Lu Chuan shouted.
   Huang Jing appeared for the first time. He stood in front of Lu Chuan and said respectfully: "Boss."
   "You are leading everyone there," Lu Chuan said.
   Huang Jing nodded quickly: "Understood, boss."
   The inspector can make the coordinates of the mind movement. As long as he does not disappear within a certain period of time, other people can use this idea to track and move.
   Mind movement, at every point that appears, it will temporarily leave the mind power, which is why it may track the movement.
Huang Jing turned around, looked at the black and crushed people, and said loudly: "Yesterday everyone was already familiar with the movement of mind. Now concentrate on me. When I disappear, you can track it in a second. Jin has followed my mind and moved."
   The people below, the first and second batches before are naturally not a problem, but the newcomers yesterday, Huang Jing had to remind them.
   Everyone naturally obeyed, staring at Huang Jing's body.
   "If the distance is too far, you can track the companions around you. You will only be a bit slower than them, but it doesn't matter, you can reach the position where we arrived." Huang Jing confessed again.
   The people behind, all did it.
   "Prepare." Huang Jing yelled, and he stretched out his finger. When the third root was swayed, Huang Jing disappeared and he had already moved away with his mind.
   In fact, if you are a veteran, you don't need to be so cumbersome, don't worry at all, even if Huang Jing leaves, you can track it within a certain period of time.
   But newcomers still lack experience and can only use this hand-in-hand method.
   On the square, a group of black and heavy people, after Huang Jing disappeared, they also disappeared in a "brush" manner. There were only a few nervous inspectors who didn't catch up immediately, but they all disappeared in just a few seconds.
   Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Let's go."
   The two left, where they appeared, the inspectors were also crushed.
  On a desolate planet, it may be the first time life has come here.
   Becomes an inspector, has a special ability, naturally comes with it, which is able to adapt to any environment in the universe, without breathing, the skin will resist all rays that can affect life, etc.
   It is not an exaggeration to say that apart from being unable to carry black holes, the gravitational forces like neutron stars will not affect them. Like gamma rays, it can destroy everything, but it won't affect the inspectors.
   Nearly 50,000 inspectors are here, the old bird is okay, and his face is calm, but for those who just became inspectors yesterday, it is inevitable to be excited.
   When Lu Chuan showed up with Victoria, the inspectors shouted in unison.
   The rules of the universe, for the inspectors, do not restrict them. For example, if sound cannot be transmitted in the universe, this inspector can ignore them.
   Lu Chuan nodded, and said: "Emperor Botu, you are responsible for the distribution according to the star map of this civilization, old and new principles."
   Emperor Botu nodded.
   Inspectors, the teams were divided into groups long ago, so under the command of Emperor Porto, a temporary combat team was formed, and then under the leadership of the team leader, they were assigned according to the galaxies on the star map.
   A battle team disappeared, they will be thrown into the battle to destroy this civilization.
   The inspector can only destroy one planet at a time. It is too small to put it in the galaxy, but it can't stand the large number of them. Nearly 50,000 people are dispatched. This progress is far beyond Lu Chuan alone.
   Soon, the group of inspectors who had just been suppressed, no one stayed here.
   Victoria naturally followed her husband, so Lu Chuan did not move, nor did she move.
   This time, Lu Chuan did not bring the blue-winged angel to come, mainly because of restrictions. Lu Chuan could not make her an inspector. Although her strength is not weak, she does not have the ability to travel through the universe.
  Perhaps, after one's own power is raised again, the Blue Wing Angel can become an inspector.
In the previous Imperial Central Galaxy, this super galaxy was hopeless. Tens of thousands of neutron stars, pulsars, and black holes were running rampant. The cosmic fluctuations between each other caused the entire galaxy to fall apart. The life in it was early During this period of time, he lost his life and went to death.
   "We are responsible for this galaxy." Lu Chuan clicked a certain position in the star chart.
   Victoria naturally had no objection and said, "Okay!"
   Lu Chuan moved with Victoria's mind, and the next moment he appeared in a certain planet in this galaxy.
   If a civilization wants to confirm whether it is a level six civilization, Lu Chuan needs to understand it deeply.
   After confirmation, Lu Chuan still needs to leave footprints among the galaxies to facilitate the subsequent destruction. Lu Chuan came to this galaxy once.
   For such a long time, because the distance spanned by civilization is too huge, there are wormholes, but some remote galaxies still cannot receive this information.
   The life in the galaxy is still in peace, living their lives without knowing that their end has come.
   This is a small galaxy almost ten times larger than the solar system. The reason why Lu Chuan chose it is that he only needs a neutron star or a black hole to solve them.
   "You are here waiting for me."
   Lu Chuan did not intend to let Victoria take action. Her ability to destroy one or two planets was of little use.
  Small galaxies like this are easy for Lu Chuan to deal with.
   Victoria nodded, but didn't try her best.
   The next moment, Lu Chuan left with intention and appeared directly at the position of the sun star. No matter what galaxy, the sun star will almost always be the center of life, and its existence is one of the criteria for the emergence of life.
Lu Chuan has seen many civilizations and races, most of them really need solar stars, and a few special civilizations can’t be called life, because they are not life forms at they don’t need the sun. star.
   The sun star is in the most central position. Once it becomes a neutron star, it will be a ruin for the entire galaxy.
   The fastest way to destroy is to start from the center and spread out.
   Lu Chuan pressed his arm into this hot planet, rapidly changing the matter of the sun star, and then compressed it to make it a super neutron star.
   This time is based on the size of the planet. The size of the sun star is only ten minutes, and it has become a neutron star.
   At this time, on the life star of the galaxy, the people of this civilization, due to the distance, what they see is the sun is still high, it is a sunny sky. But I don't know that the sun has become a terrible neutron star.ァ78中文ヤ~⑧~1~ωωω.7~8z~w.còм
   They don't even think that when the sun disappears, they will be greeted by inescapable death.
   Lu Chuan moved his mind, escaped from the terrifying gravity of the neutron star, appeared beside Victoria, and said, "Let's go."
   Victoria did not hesitate, and disappeared on this planet for a week with Lu Chuan.
   The size of this galaxy, a neutron star, is enough to make it completely collapse. Under the action of the neutron star, nothing is left in the end, and the stars will fall apart and become the dust of the universe.
   The closest planet to the Sun Star was just a few minutes after Lu Chuan left. Under the huge gravitational force that appeared, it was absorbed and collapsed, turned into countless fragments, and rushed towards the neutron star.
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