Chapter 1531: The background is too weak

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A family together, a rare reunion.
For this reason, Lu Chuan naturally stayed longer. Everything in the City of Competitiveness has been arranged, and the appearance of 500 inspectors can completely share most of the work for Lu Chuan, so that Lu Chuan does not have to stare every day.
In this competitive game of God, time has no meaning.
Measured by human time, even if it is a hundred years, it is only an instant in this game.
This gave Lu Chuan more time to stay and spend time with his family.
Sometimes Lu Chuan smiles bitterly, because when you understand the definition of time in the universe, you will find that human beings have been obsessed with time. It is really very pitiful. It is really pitiful to count day after day and put it in the universe. Feeling desperate.
Ordinary human beings have attachments, but they have no way to become attached.
Almost endless life, this kind of ability similar to immortality, and counting the time day by day, will make people crazy.
Do something meaningful to spend time, this is what Lu Chuan needs to do.
After breaking through the ninth level of space, life is already immortal, and many people will be satisfied. But when they live for hundreds of years, they will find that the world loses its challenge to them, life becomes meaningless, and life is better than death.
As a result, they didn't want to be an inspector before, but now they can only come back brazenly, begging themselves to promote them to an inspector.
Only the inspectors can face the vast universe, countless challenges, and make their lives more exciting.
But no matter how much time can be squandered, it is impossible for Lu Chuan to stay here forever.
Ye Lingwei and the others couldn't have the ability to move their minds. They weren't chosen by God. No matter how powerful Lu Chuan was, they couldn't make them break through to the level of the inspector. Therefore, they can only stay here, or Lu Chuan will take them to other earths to live.
Victoria is different, they are free to come and go.
For the time being, everyone stayed in Li Qi's modern earth, which was still extremely safe.
In the billion trillion cosmos, inspectors from other races really found this place. Unless they are destroying this earth, it is almost impossible to know the identity of Ye Lingwei and the others. Even if Ye Lingwei and the others have outstanding looks, there are still many women who are not inferior to them in the world.
More importantly, in the eyes of other races, how can human beings be ugly and beautiful?
The wives all know Lu Chuan, and naturally know what Lu Chuan is now shouldering, and naturally no longer entangle Lu Chuan as before.
"This feeling is good."
Lu Chuan, who arrived in the city of competition, felt refreshed.
Without spiritual shackles, Lu Chuan seemed to have no worries. In response to that sentence, the family is in harmony, and the family is stable. As a man, I have endless motivation.
The change in mental outlook was noticed by Hughes. When Lu Chuan appeared in the City of Competitiveness, Hughes said: "Sir, you look very good now."
Lu Chuan laughed and said, "Hughes, nothing special happened recently, right?"
"Sir, apart from the newly added 780,000 users who broke through the ninth level, there are 110,000 deaths, of which more than 6,000 people died in reincarnation." Hughes gave a set of data.
Hughes' approach is always different from others.
With a set of data, you can know the situation in the city of competition.
The death of 110,000 people caused Lu Chuan's brows to be frowned. This number was a bit big.
You must know that this is a death in defense. Many times, reincarnations are found, and they are all fighting each other. In this case, the death toll is so high that it should not be.
This issue cannot be tolerated by Lu Chuan not paying attention.
"Hughes, call the inspectors."
Lu Chuan confessed, and then someone flashed up and appeared on the floating island.
Lu Hao didn't know where the wild went. Lu Chuan hadn't seen him in nearly a hundred years. For this son, Lu Chuan had an absolute headache, and he seemed to be overwhelmed by it.
Ignoring him, Lu Chuan sat in Ruoda's conference room, watching what Hughes reported to him.
From the data, Lu Chuan saw a big problem.
The number of reincarnations in the beads under his own management reached millions. This is a terrible number. This is still discovered. Are there some undiscovered? It took a lot of character power to expel these million-level reincarnations, and of course it was work.
Lu Chuan's brows were twisted together, but one in ten suffered casualties. This was the cause of 110,000 deaths.
The governor summoned them, and all of them, without a mission, appeared on the floating island for the first time.
These monitors' mastery of mind movement can be moved directly to this hall, but no one did this. Instead, they appeared on the floating island, flew to the castle, and walked into this hall.
There is no such rule here in the castle, but everyone does it subconsciously to show respect for Lu Chuan.
One by one, the inspectors came here and greeted Lu Chuan respectfully.
Lu Chuan nodded and pointed to the position below.
It is impossible for all the 500 monitors to arrive. Some have entered the space of reincarnation, and some have led the team out to inspect various universes. Not even half of those who can be free here.
As they rushed to the front line, the ambassadors were also the most sensitive to recent developments.
With a stroke of Lu Chuan's hand, the data on the virtual screen was divided into nearly two hundred, and they appeared in front of everyone. This technology, called virtual split screen technology, can divide a virtual screen into tens of thousands and present them in different positions.
"Look at the next data." Lu Chuan said.
Everyone is getting serious, and they need to understand what the master is serious.
The overall data is not much, but behind each data, there will be some detailed information, such as the time of death, the location of the death, etc., which are listed above, which can make people know the cause and location of each inspector's death .
This piece of data actually comes from a biochemical plant, and Hughes has the right to call this data.
Lu Chuan had always thought that the biochemical factory was useless, but not so. The biochemical factory was more like a secretive system. It played the role of a server, more like a secretary, providing the data that Lu Chuan needed.
Some of these are one of the functions of the biochemical plant. With the data it provides, Lu Chuan can more intuitively understand what is happening.
This function is only available as a governor. Like ordinary inspectors, even the inspectors sitting in front of them do not have this function. Their biochemical factories are more like dormant.
Soon, everyone finished watching.
"Supervisor, let me talk about the situation where I led the team." Qi Bowen, who had been on the top 100 celebrities in the competitive rankings for a long time, stood up. He was the newly proposed supervisory envoy by Lu Chuan. Very good.
Concerning his own destiny and the future of mankind, Lu Chuan has always been harsh in terms of appointments. He is incapable and cannot become a supervisor.
Lu Chuan nodded.
"Just a week ago, when I appeared in universe number 6585571 with five inspectors, I found a reincarnation. The other side only reincarnated soon, only raising civilization to one level. The other side's intentions created the universe. The energy fluctuations happened to be caught by me, and then I discovered its existence." Qi Bowen said slowly: "If you find the reincarnation, you naturally strangle the opponent."
Speaking of this, Qi Bowen showed bitterness on his face, and said: "It seems to be just a normal strangulation, but it was my belt that suffered heavy injuries. Only one of the five inspectors survived. At this price, the same kill I can't get the other party, let it finally escape."
Many people present realized what was the same, and their faces were solemn.
Qi Bowen continued:
This reincarnation used a weird weapon. He was obviously only an inspector at the same level as me, but the other party was much stronger than me. The ability of the reincarnation to be suppressed seemed to be different from him. The same exists."
Many monitors are moved, and they know about the suppression of the ability of the reincarnation, but the other party has not been suppressed and has become stronger, which is really unimaginable.
Lu Chuan raised his brows, and through Qi Bowen's words, Lu Chuan seemed to understand something.
Shuo Jin.
It is certain that the weapon made by Shuo Jin in this supervisor's hand is better than Qi Bowen after the increase. According to Lu Chuan's understanding of Shuo Jin, the weapon in the opponent's hand does not have a low content of Shuo Jin, and the increase will be considerable, stronger than Qi Bowen.
"Supervisor, the deaths of some inspectors are mainly due to their patrolling alone. After discovering the reincarnation, they were anti-killed without support." Another inspector, Shen Shu, stood up and explained.
Each of the supervisors explained the problems they encountered.
With what they provided, Lu Chuan gradually sorted out all this.
The real problems are mostly in Shuo Jin.
The inspectors of mankind suffered a loss in this respect. Looking at these inspectors of their own, none of them had gold weapons. In many cases, when encountering a reincarnation with a golden weapon, one can only win by more. In this process, it is difficult to guarantee that some inspectors will not have At this time, the background of other races is reflected, and human beings are still too young in front of them.
For myself, it may not be the most shabby among the governors, but it is definitely not the one who has the most gold. It is estimated that it is at the middle and upper reaches of the level, and it has not even reached the upper reaches.
Human beings who have no foundation are indeed at a disadvantage in this regard.
Lu Chuan touched his chin, thought for a moment, and took out his gold weapon, then put it on the table, and said: "Now I will let you know, the metal of this weapon is rare in the universe. The metal is called sho-gold, and its role is to increase your ability."
The weapon that Lu Chuan threw out gave people a very strange feeling, as if it could make people excited, as if being called to hold it and make himself stronger.
Shuo gold, a metal they have never heard of.
This weapon was passed on to everyone's hands and returned to Lu Chuan's hands.
When Lu Chuan moved his hand, this weapon turned into a piece of gold and placed it on the table.
"Shu-gold is extremely rare, and it is a metal that can not be met. There is no fixed environment in which it exists, and any planet may appear. Next, you will have to cover all the sho-gold with every inspector, as long as you find , The first time, regardless of the cost." Lu Chuan explained.
At the same time, tell me some knowledge about Shuo gold one by one. For example, Shuo gold also needs to be mined and smelted. It is not just that the whole piece of Shuo gold stays in one place, so you can get it at will.
The universe is so big, it is not ruled out that there will be a gold that is similar to the gold, but this is the real opportunity.
The human background is indeed too weak. Lu Chuan realized that the next step in searching for gold and improving the capabilities of the human inspectors would be the most important.
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