Chapter 1724: popular

The speed of the Neptune is not bad, but the speed of the following merchant ships is not high, so the Neptune needs to adjust its speed.
After moving away from the port, as the route was adjusted again, it became a headwind.
In this way, the speed of the fleet is slower, similar to that of a snail.
This kind of speed, in Lu Chuan's view, is too slow. But people in this era do not have this kind of feeling.
Driving against the wind, the speed suddenly drops. Anyone familiar with this route knows that this is normal. They will drive in a headwind for three full days, adjust their direction, and leave the sea in this area. Will go downwind again.
In this area, it also belongs to the sea area of ​​the Star Empire, where there will be naval fleets from time to time, and there is no problem with safety.
Just like this, during this period of the trip, the movement of personnel is not restricted.
Lu Chuan walked to the deck and watched the sailors working hard to operate the sails. They needed to make constant adjustments to ensure that they could gain power in the headwind. In the case of headwinds, they are also the most difficult.
Lu Chuan leaned on the side of the ship, holding his arms and watching the sailors trying their best to control the sails. This sense of sight was far from comparable in the movie.
There are very few people like Lu Chuan, and more of them stay in the room.
"Come and help."
A sailor yelled. Who in the ship now knows that Lu Chuan is a strongman?
Lu Chuan smiled, did not refuse, but walked over.
"I will tell you to do it later, do you know it?" The sailor grinned.
Lu Chuan nodded.
In fact, driving against the wind mainly depends on how to adjust the angle so that the sail can gain the power in the headwind. This requires experience, and is generally directed by an experienced supervisor.
Don't think that the great nautical era is magnificent. It's just that you look at it from a historical perspective. When you are in this era, you won't feel it. It is full of darkness, full of injustice, full of blood and violence.
Take a ship? In it? You need to learn a lot of things? Everyone has a very hard time? After all, driving such a huge sail-armed merchant ship is really not easy.
Soon, the steward made a command through the rotation and direction of the wind ball.
"The main sail rotates 17 degrees to the left and raises 3 meters? The secondary sail is 6 degrees and the jib is 11 degrees."
Got the instructions? The following hands are executed.
"Quick? Pull up three meters." The sailor yelled? Lu Chuan nodded? He didn't see how hard he was. He had already accurately raised the huge main sail, which required several sailors to pull, by three meters.
Before and after is just a breathing room? Lu Chuan has already completed this extremely difficult task for the hands.
The sailors were all dumbfounded.
What they can do by counting talents? Lu Chuan did it with one hand. Seeing Lu Chuan's appearance? It seems that he didn't even have the same strength. If it wasn't that they had been operating the sail? They all doubted whether the sail was fake.
"so amazing."
"If you come to be the hand water, we will be too relaxed."
"Why don't you come to be a sailor? You alone are enough to control the sail."
The sailors froze for a while? They all praised Lu Chuan.
In fact, they don't need too much technical content to operate the sails, as long as they learn the degree of rotation, the rest will be directed by the steward, and they decide their operation. What's necessary is actually just a body of strength.
In terms of strength, will Lu Chuan lack strength?
The manager came over and asked if Lu Chuan was interested in following him as a sailor.
"Use your kindness, I don't have this idea for the time being." Lu Chuan politely refused. Operating the sail is definitely a tiring thing. It is not that Lu Chuan is afraid of tiredness, but that he needs to stay here all the time, not what Lu Chuan likes.
Seeing that Lu Chuan really didn't have this meaning, the manager was also disappointed.
With this capable subordinate, his job will definitely be easier. To know a big sailing ship, if there is a person who can quickly control the sails, he only needs to constantly check the wind speed and direction, and Lu Chuan can do the rest.
On the next day, the Sea King ran into a caravan.
They belonged to the Mela family, so the two fleets made a short stop on the sea. A small boat was sent from the caravan with a middle-aged businessman on it. He came with two sailors. Up.
They met with Mela, and the others would not know why, but Lu Chuan still knew. The other party came to tell Mela a piece of news that the Port of Porter’s demand for ironware has risen to a very high level due to some special reasons. , The price is three times the previous.
"It's best if you can arrive in five days. There are many caravans that disappear. If the demand is saturated, I am afraid that the iron will be irritable."
The other party left this news and left in a hurry.
In the ocean, especially in this era, news is almost closed. Only in major ports can we get some news. If you encounter a caravan in the ocean, if you are not very familiar, you will not stop at all, and it is difficult to know what.
Lu Chuan's ability, their conversation did not fall behind.
This time the entire trading fleet is carrying a lot of ironware. If this news is true, three times the price is enough to make people crazy. As long as you get rid of the goods in your hands, you will earn a wealth beyond imagination.
It's just that it's headwind now, and it seems unlikely to arrive in five days, which means that this trip may miss the super premium this time.
"This is popular?"
Lu Chuan touched his chin. The reality of fashion is not like the fashion in the game. It requires a lot of iron. There is only one possibility. This is the port country where it is located. It should be a war and it is preparing.
And this war will come very suddenly, otherwise the price cannot be tripled.
Meira was naturally heartbroken, but now he is heading into the wind, and may have to miss this opportunity.
Lu Chuan smiled, they can't help it, but they have it. Lu Chuan also wanted to experience this so-called epidemic, so that it would be a complete era of great navigation. Therefore, Lu Chuan decided to help them and let them make a fortune.
Staying on the deck, Lu Chuan moved his mind, but the wind that was still against the wind just changed suddenly and turned into a downwind.
"God, it's a tailwind, a tailwind..."
This sudden change made the sailors on the ship excited. They cheered one by one, and then adjusted the angle of the sails to get the maximum speed.
"It's weird. I have never seen a tailwind on this section of the waterway. What is going on?"
The one in charge just murmured, but it was a good thing. He didn't think it was a ghost. After all, this was a change in nature and was not done by humans.
With such a change, even Mela appeared, feeling the wind.
And some fleets are depressed, because they are following the wind, but suddenly turned into a headwind, this unprecedented thing makes them wonder how.
It becomes a tailwind, and the speed is not slow when the sails are full.
Lu Chuan's control is very good, the wind is the maximum range that the ship can withstand, and the maximum speed is obtained without damaging the pole of the ship.
What makes the entire fleet do not understand is that the whole day is all downwind. It used to take three days to travel, but now it only takes one day. Many sailors all claimed that this was the favor of the sea god, otherwise it would not have happened.
The journey took only three days, and the seven-day journey was completed and arrived at Port Port.
It can be said that this is absolutely incredible, because it is difficult to imagine that it will be a smooth wind all the way, and let them get the maximum speed.
Not to mention the people on the Sea King, they were the caravans that followed all the way. When they arrived at Port Port, they all cheered, because it was unimaginable that they could sail the previous seven days in three days. More importantly, they caught up with the demand of Port Port.
In the mouths of many sailors, everyone thought that Mela was favored by the sea and was the goddess of luck.
After arriving at Port Port, the next step is for the trade director to communicate.
After about an hour, the trade director returned with the sailor and brought back an official who looked like a local official. Next, Mela talked about it personally. It was indeed the same as the previous news. It was still three times the price, but only for today. His Majesty's order is until today, and then all will be shipped away.
"so close!"
Mela was also lucky, if it weren't for the incredible smooth sailing, it would be impossible to catch up with this deal.
This time I carried a lot of iron, and almost every vessel in the entire fleet had it.
After finalizing the price, Lu Chuan and the others worked hard. Ironware is extremely heavy, so it is the most troublesome to carry it. They need four people to work together, but Lu Chuan carried this huge box in his arms, carrying it again and again.
With such supernatural power, in this wharf, countless people are naturally shocked.
Mela may be in a good mood. She stood on the deck and watched Lu Chuan effortlessly move these iron objects off the ship, with a strange light shining in her eyes.
It took a long time to complete the unloading of the ironware. The other stevedores were so tired that they didn't want to move a finger, but Lu Chuan was like nothing. I don't know how many people regard Lu Chuan as a monster.
Replenishment was carried out at the local wharf, and it was rare for Lu Chuan and the others to have a small plate of air-dried meat each during their meal.
This kind of treatment is hard to come by. No matter what era, eating meat is a luxury.
When the ship drew ashore, whether the sailors or the gunners, they all seemed to panic. Except for the necessary garrisons, they all swarmed into the city. You don’t need to think about what they are doing. Naturally, they are looking here. Woman fooling around.
Things like this are the same throughout the entire history of human navigation even in modern times.
Lu Chuan has no He stayed on the deck, which was considered to be one of the few people still on board. The people in the unloader have all gone to the city. Their income is low, but everywhere, there will always be some low-consumption people?
"Why don't you go out for a stroll?" A voice came from the cold Mela. She was so indifferent at such a stop, like a fairy who can't eat fireworks.
In fact, Lu Chuan knew she was coming, but he didn't expect to say hello to him.
Lu Chuan turned his head, his eyes were clear and there was no trace of impurities, and he was not afraid or nervous, as if he was not facing a captain.
"I just like sailing, and I don't have much interest in other things." Lu Chuan shrugged and said in fluent star language. This spoken tone is absolutely a native of the Star Empire.
Undoubtedly, this tone of Lu Chuan gave Mela a sense of relaxation, which may be the reason why she is also a native of her hometown.
Mela nodded and said: "I also like sailing, so I became the captain of this Sea King despite the opposition of my family. You don't believe me, I bought this ship with all my money. Because my family doesn’t support me doing this at all. My father said that if he can’t feed this ship, he must go back and follow his arrangements to marry the third prince.

There is a lot of information revealed in these words.
A woman who has just grown up, the money she saved can buy such a large armed merchant ship, which shows how rich the Melard family is. In addition, she was going to marry the third prince in the royal family. Although she was not the heir to the empire, she was also a prince.
How should I put it, Mela is absolutely powerful and has such a beautiful face, she is definitely one of the lucky ones on this planet.
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