Chapter 1735: Control 1 cut

"The development of science and technology, after all, is almost meaningless."
Lu Chuan walks on the streets. He is a more thorough foodie. No matter what civilization he visits, he will visit these places. It is precisely for this reason that Lu Chuan chased Shi Ruoyu in the first place, because both of them have this common hobby.
"If she were here, she would definitely be surprised, right?" Lu Chuan thought.
But it almost means that everything is gradually being replaced by robots, and everything is mainly ordered. If you want to eat, place an order, and the merchant will do it. The flying robot will fly into the sky and deliver it to you at the fastest speed.
Without this kind of crowd, this kind of snack street really lost too much taste.
Times are advancing, and many things will change.
Lu Chuan has a feeling of being dumbfounded. Maybe he is the only one who can do that?
When the old generation is gone, the new generation adapts to this ethos, and the next generation, or a few generations later, will receive something completely different from the previous ones. How could they have such a sigh?
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My sigh now is nothing but a memory that I can't go back, and a sense of discomfort with the ever-changing world.
Sprinkle the bait, and now it seems that the effect is very good.
Each country is like a treasure, organize the most powerful scientific research force to carry out research on these materials. Speaking of research, it should be more about learning. After learning these techniques, and thoroughly understand, then continue to learn.
If there is no accident, the information provided by Lu Chuan is enough that they will not be able to understand it in a hundred years.
"The inspectors of the Titans are definitely not stupid, let alone the Governor of the Titans. The set he played on them may not necessarily be put on humans." Lu Chuan held a snack called Haiwan. , Thinking while walking.
It is foreseeable that now all the governors are at the end of their methods. Like playing this method, it is certainly not only oneself, but there will be other governors.
There must have been more than one governor in the bead where the humans are, but nothing has happened against the human competitive planet. It doesn't happen, doesn't mean it didn't. I don't know when? Maybe I will receive such news.
In fact, this is a double-sided blade? Once the Titans suffer, how can they not take revenge on humans?
Making such a movement here is tantamount to starting a war.
Lu Chuan doesn't matter? Even if he doesn't take the initiative to take the initiative, the Titans will take the initiative to take the initiative, because the relationship between the two is a competition between top and bottom. Mankind tried hard to get rid of the Titans, and the Titans tried hard to catch up, trying to trample humans under their feet.
Now that this kind of relationship has been doomed, Lu Chuan is just taking the initiative now? It does not affect the bad relationship between the two parties in the end.
What human beings are most particular about?
Lu Chuan doesn't think he is the smartest among human beings, but he can definitely represent human beings. Therefore, it is Lu Chuan's idea to start first to be strong. In the future, the Titans may retaliate, but these are the winds and rains that have long been expected? How can they grow if they don't experience some?
The current competitive relationship between the governors has begun to heat up, but all kinds of harsh methods have not been really used.
Relatively speaking, everything in the human beads is in order, and the human inspectors have not experienced any dangerous things. But Lu Chuan is sure that it will change next and become extremely bad.
One by one, the earth was destroyed in the universe, and countless advanced civilizations were destroyed by other beaded species inspectors.
This is a catastrophe affecting billions of trillions of species, and no one can avoid it.
To be sure, in the future, higher civilizations will be rampant, countless weak and low civilizations will become cannon fodder, and higher civilizations will become cannon fodder in the eyes of various species inspectors. What really fights against each other is naturally the fight between the selected species and the selected species.
There is no final conclusion about which species of choice can have the last laugh, but one thing is for sure. If you are not working hard enough and you are not cruel enough, you will never have the last laugh.
In the face of the survival of species, Lu Chuan does not care about the life and death of any other civilized species.
Among these civilized species, Lu Chuan is evil and the Demon King, but if you look at it from another angle, in the eyes of mankind, Lu Chuan is a hero and the most powerful line of defense to protect mankind.
Different species and different viewing angles determine many things differently.
In my heart, at the moment this place was turned into a meat grinder, this civilization was doomed to its demise, and it was also doomed that a large number of Titan inspectors would hate here, and it would become their place of death.
As the strongest empire in this civilization, the Garwick Empire occupies huge resources and star fields, and it is also the first to fully understand the technology given by Lu Chuan.
As a result, the Military Ministry submitted an armament plan to the Reichstag and applied for 359 trillion yuan in military spending.
With the acquiescence of the emperor, the Congress immediately approved it.
It is impossible to hide such a huge military expenditure. Some of the countries that were first informed were all shocked, because they knew what it meant, so they had to increase their armament investment at the same time.
Within the empire, the people faced this expenditure and divided into several different voices, so there was constant debate, and even pandemic behaviors occurred on some planets.
But all this is far from stopping the Empire’s armament plan.
Orders like snowflakes fell into the hands of military industry companies. After improvements, the military factories that had been silent for a long time began to blast. Under the latest technology, various types of equipment with far superior performance are manufactured.
From single-soldier mechas, to large and small warships, from space fleets, to the intra-planet fleet responsible for the landing battle...
The military expenditure of 359 trillion yuan is only the first.
For the Garwick Empire, which occupies the star field for several light years, the military expenditure of nearly four trillion is really nothing, and even this military expenditure is only enough to form a brand new fleet.
In the future, with the maturity of technology, the investment of the Garvic Empire will reach tens of trillions.
The real money and silver investment of the Gavik Empire has brought about a chain reaction that has shifted countries from technical competitions to equipment competitions. No matter how advanced the technology is, if it can't be transformed into equipment or energy production, it will only be on paper.
What the army needs is the best equipment, not the piles of seemingly awesome data in your mouth.
At the same time, all countries announced additional military expenditures and added them to this military competition.
In fact, if they do not join, they will be beaten if they fall behind, which means they have no right to choose. When the enemy arrives with the latest warship, you still use the old and backward warships to fight. This is called death. If you want to ensure that you are not eliminated, you must put yourself and the other side on the same runway.
The manpower that Lu Chuan gave, no matter how small a country is technologically weak, has the same technology as a superpower.
However, this world, no matter what species is placed on, has a rule of eliminating the inferior and keeping the superior. Even if you and the superpower’s technology are the same, when its war machine is activated, its resources and potential will explode and will be used. Quantity teaches you many truths.
The structure of the entire civilization is violently turbulent, and they have realized that the war that determines the direction of civilization is coming.
The world war, like being fitted with a fuse, was almost lit by sparks.
The strong countries will be one step ahead technically and will represent the strongest equipment, while the weak ones can only stare at the big country and then choose a big country that suits their own interests. Wrong, facing the calamity of extinction, right... The small country is only a small country after all, it is possible that even the sovereignty cannot be maintained.
The pace of civilization, driven by Lu Chuan, is advancing at a blowout speed.
It took only half a year from acquiring the technology to fully grasping the technology of Level 6 Civilization, but it only took a year for mass production and installation.
From the early stage of the sixth-level civilization to the peak of the sixth-level literary, it was only a year and a half.
Lu Chuan is still very pleased with this speed. The techniques he gave this time are completely foolish techniques. They only need to be copied and it doesn't take too much time to confirm. At first they were suspicious, but now they are convinced.
"One success, ten thousand bones are dead..."
At this time, Lu Chuan was in the imperial capital of the Gavik Empire, looking at the hurried civilizations and races here, and there was a trace of emotion. One of his own decisions affects the entire civilization. I don't know how many people of the race will die due to war.
Yes, the atmosphere of the Gavik Empire is very solemn, and it has entered a period of war mobilization.
Now inside the entire empire, there are propaganda and brainwashing activities high-ranking officials have stood up and sensationally told about the power and ambition of the empire, as well as the evil of the enemy and the threat to the empire. Define war as just.
Countless young people screamed in response, making people excited.
In Lu Chuan's view, the first thing a country has to do to start a war is to keep up with its armaments, and then to mobilize... When it is time for it to be equipped and equipped, and to have people, it is the time when it is ripe.
As the most powerful country, the Harvík Empire is naturally the most powerful in terms of resources and strength, otherwise it really does not deserve the word
The entire superstructure has formed a consensus, and this war machine will naturally be activated.
The 71st emperor of the Harvík Empire was an ambitious figure. He naturally hoped that the empire would take a step forward in his own hands, because he had enough confidence to defeat all enemies.
The internal decisions must naturally be kept up in publicity, so you can see the head of the Emperor Harvík everywhere, as well as its speeches, and some very inflammatory slogans.
"Sure enough, it is impossible for every species to be without war." Lu Chuan walked the street with his hands in his hands, revealing a touch of sub-interest.
This feeling of manipulating everything behind the back is actually really enjoyable.
Manipulating a civilization, thinking about it makes people excited.
At this point, for Lu Chuan, the seeds he sown had just germinated. For a civilization to progress, it must have a prerequisite, which must be combined over time to achieve a unified pattern.
No country will disband and merge into other countries obediently. There is only one way to make it surrender, war.
After being beaten to a bruised nose and face, it will naturally succumb.
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