Chapter 1830: Compressed star field

"You leave first, I need to stay here for a while."
The progress of the water elf made Lu Chuan feel insecure.
To carry the Guardian hard once will consume at least about 30% of the water spirit's energy. Lu Chuan kept it once as a defense, but now it has recovered to 40%, which is far from what Lu Chuan wanted.
In Lu Chuan's view, it takes at least 60% to be the safety line.
Release two opportunities, one to attack, one to defend, and to resist the opponent's teamwork.
As long as the safety line of 60% is reached, you can completely guarantee your own safety.
Sometimes, it's not what you think is safe, you have to learn to stick. If you don't recover, don't go out and wander around. Sometimes Gou is an advantage.
Tishna knew Lu Chuan's plan to fight, so she left with her tribe.
The huge wormhole was opened, and all the Bonewing tribes left here through the wormhole in turn, disappearing from the wormhole. After ten minutes, the energy of the wormhole dissipated, and the entire wormhole disappeared.
The Bonewing tribe is really good at studying wormholes.
They can use energy to create a wormhole, and then after leaving, let the wormhole collapse due to insufficient energy maintenance.
In this way, whether it is the chaser behind or the enemy who wants to track them, once the wormhole collapses, there is only one dead end. In the subspace, Lu Chuan didn't dare to touch it easily. Lu Chuan was also awed.
It seems to be the master of the beads, but after all, he can't escape the rules.
It is conceivable that the who customizes this kind of rules will be so powerful?
Lu Chuan didn't dare to have a hint of pride. There is heaven outside the sky, there are people outside the world, and he is still living in the rules. What is so arrogant? Maybe in the eyes of the of custom rules, he is an ant, he can pinch to death at any time?
To make yourself stronger, you need to get these three places, which is only qualified to see God.
Watching the Bonewing tribe's departure, the entire galaxy returned to its original calm.
This galaxy is just a hunting place for the Bonewing tribes. After millions of years, the Bonewing tribes have changed their positions every time they arrive. They have been reconnaissance in advance. If the position is safer, they will put the wormhole in where. on. If you talk about wandering around the galaxy at will, the strength of the Bonewing Race can only be said to be dead.
A cosmic life body with the size of a planet, the energy storm it released was enough to sweep the Bonewing tribe.
Here, cosmic lifeforms over 100,000 meters are all Bonewing tribesmen need to deal with carefully.
Once encountering a cosmic lifeform with a size of more than 10,000 kilometers, the Bonewing people can only evacuate, and there is no second choice. Because in front of a universe life body of this size, they are simply like dust.
Lu Chuan squinted his eyes and looked at the galaxy in the distance.
"Water Elf, now is the time for your carnival, go and devour everything." Lu Chuan issued an order.
The water elves, who had turned into starry sky behemoths, let out a happy roar, and the huge tail slapped, turning into light and throwing into the distance.
Lu Chuan still stayed in the spacecraft, and he was ready to stay here for a year. It would be a pity if such a rich place is not used well. One year is not long, and it is not as good as dust in the rivers of the universe.
Race and race have reached a fierce competition, but within a year, not much can be changed.
With the first deterrent, any race that wants to challenge the status of humans needs to weigh its own strength. There is really no race with this courage. With the existence of the tri-racial alliance, no race has the guts to challenge the dominance of mankind.
The water elves are almost invincible here. Lu Chuan doesn't need to worry about anything. Staying on the spaceship, Lu Chuan's rest is actually playing games.
In the interstellar age, the movement is tens of hundreds of years of sailing time. How to spend such a long time?
Especially in the second and third levels of civilization, it is a relatively embarrassing civilization level. Human life is not long, the speed of the spacecraft is not fast, and the wormhole cannot be used to jump. How can we reach other star regions counted in light years? ?
Naturally, hibernation technology came into being.
There are two types of hibernation technology. One is hibernation cabin technology, which allows people to enter into a hibernation state, which is equivalent to putting people in a standby state and implements ultra-low consumption. The dormant cabin has nutrient solution, which can make people not worry about nutrition for dozens of years.
Using the autopilot of the spacecraft, the crew only needs to enter the dormant cabin to spend a long sailing time.
The other is the dormant virtual game.
It is actually a virtual game built on the dormant cabin. It is just the physical dormant, but the spirit is active. In order to spend this long time, the spirit can't stop for a long time, so virtual games are combined with it.
Brain waves in virtual games are like spending a lifetime.
The difference is that in the dormant virtual game mode, you need to wake up from dormancy once every period of time, in order to ensure that the mind does not separate from the body for too long. If it takes too long, people will enter a state of suspended animation. Festive death is a bit like a vegetative person. The two seem to be different, but there are so many similarities. It is a very troublesome symptom.
Some suspended animations will evolve into real deaths after a period of time.
Quitting from the dormant virtual game regularly will avoid this situation.
Of course, Lu Chuan does not need to sleep, nor does he need to sleep virtual games. He is playing real virtual games. It is a virtual game that can be entered and exited at any time. In fact, it is the same as ordinary people playing games.
Using this method to consume time is also a last resort.
The mental movement is fast and can go back and forth within milliseconds, but Lu Chuan is afraid to throw the water spirit here. He is afraid that if he leaves, he will lose the water spirit, which is called a disaster.
One year seems to be long for Lu Chuan, but it's really nothing.
The carnival of water elves is a disaster for the universe life forms of this galaxy. A large number of cosmic lifeforms have been swallowed, but how hard the water elves work hard, compared to the number of cosmic lifeforms, it is just one of the best.
Just within a hundred light years is enough for the water elves to toss.
And the diameter of this galaxy reached an astonishing 270,000 light years, and the Milky Way in front of it was just a little brother.
Lu Chuan would withdraw from the game every week to confirm the state of the water spirit, and so on.
Here, apart from the time set on the spacecraft, there is no time reference. There is no change of day and night, no time flies, there is just endless silence, there is no sound in this universe, it is boring to make people crazy.
In the movie, I don’t know how many astronauts are in this kind of environment. They have mental hallucinations, leading to mental disorders and becoming lunatics.
Lu Chuan has experienced too much, this kind of dead silence and boring does not affect Lu Chuan's mind in the least.
"Without the Bonewing Clan, the speed of the water elves has increased a lot."
Lu Chuan, who was checking the progress of the water spirit's recovery from time to time, was still very satisfied.
"If the compression function of the three-dimensional galaxy map can be really transformed into reality, and the starry sky within a certain range can be compressed, can it speed up the recovery of the water spirit?"
Thinking of this one, Lu Chuan seemed feasible.
For example, when compressing a one-light-year planet, in a dense star field, there are at least dozens of hundreds of celestial bodies of different sizes in a light-year, and when they are compressed into a celestial body, the water elves can swallow them in one bite. , Swallowing is equivalent to absorbing these dozens or hundreds of celestial bodies.
In this way, has the speed increased by tens or hundreds of times?
If Lu Chuan's abilities are stronger, for example, celestial bodies that can be compressed for a few light-years, more than a dozen light-years, or even hundreds of light-years, does it mean that the speed will be increased ten thousand times than it is now?
Maybe when the time comes, you only need to compress it once, and the water elves only need one bite to recover to their peak.
For example, in the game, there is no blood and blue, and a bottle of replenishing super-high blood blue can be revived in an instant. How much will this combat power increase?
If this condition is really met, there is no need for the water spirit to stop, and the combat power will burst. Anyway, it's exhausted, so I only need to take it away, compress a certain star field, and then transform into a celestial body for the water elves to swallow and absorb, and it will immediately return to its peak.
If so, Lu Chuan can be sure that he will have no opponents.
However, it is really difficult to compress such a huge star field. Lu Chuan's current ability can probably be compressed, which should not exceed a light-year.
"Why didn't you think of this method before?"
"If this method were figured out earlier, the current water elves would have returned to their peak period long ago."
"Or, try?"
Lu Chuan was tempted. After all, it could be realized, and it would really help the water spirit to recover. Unlike now, it can only be swallowed by the water elves, but he can't help at all.
Lu Chuan's character is naturally not a procrastinator, he will act when he moves.
Coming out of the spacecraft, Lu Chuan shook his hand, and the spacecraft was taken into the storage space. The next moment, Lu Chuan moved his mind, appearing three light-years away from the water spirit.
Compressing such a huge star field is the same as destroying it, but compression is much more difficult than destruction.
Lu Chuan closed his eyes and his thinking began to stretch.
Soon, a light year will be enveloped. In fact, the diameter that Lu Chuan's thinking can span is 100,000 light-years. With the help of a three-dimensional galaxy map, the entire Milky Way can be in his own thinking. But being shrouded in thinking and being able to compress are two different things.
The next moment, UU reading Lu Chuan's energy surge resonated with the cosmic energy of this light-year.
Compressing the star field is a bit like transforming ideas.
The energy that resonated and stirred the energy within a light-year, it entered a distortion similar to the folding of space. The terrifying energy turned out to be tens of thousands of times of folding the space of this light-year, and it continued to shrink. .
In about a few minutes, Lu Chuan stopped. In front of Lu Chuan, an energy celestial body composed of light and energy about 20,000 kilometers in diameter appeared. The inside of the celestial body was like a compressed galaxy with dozens of large and small stars inside.
This is the result of Lu Chuan's compression, compressing the entire star field.
"Water Spirit."
Lu Chuan issued the instruction, the idea was communicated, and the water spirit immediately understood it.
After a while, the water spirit used the principle of folding space to cross a distance of two light years and appeared in front of Lu Chuan.
"Swallow it." Lu Chuan said.
The energy fluctuations emitted by the celestial body in front of them, like the most delicious food, made the water spirits salivate. This weird celestial body, like a galaxy in its own system, is so tempting, it makes it more exciting than the universe life body.
Without hesitation, the Water Elf opened his mouth wide and swallowed the compressed energy celestial body in one mouthful.
The energy controlled by Lu Chuan was cut off, and the energy celestial body was released in the water elf's mouth, but the horror of the star behemoth that the water elf turned into was completely not afraid of this kind of explosion, and swallowed it in one mouthful, and it turned into energy to supplement his body.
Seeing the water elf's unsatisfied and unfulfilled expression, Lu Chuan's face was happy: "It's done."
This method is really feasible.
Lu Chuan was overjoyed, which meant that he could help the water spirit recover and speed up its recovery.
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