Chapter 1836: Deterrence

In the game, sometimes you can jump out without knowing it.
How can chess pieces control chess players?
The difference between a chess piece and a chess player is actually the gap between mortals and gods, and the two exist on two levels. Like two-dimensional and three-dimensional, this kind of gap does not mean that you can surpass it if you work hard or understand it.
The more you understand that the billions of trillions of races and civilizations in the world are in this game, the more you have to work hard, follow the script set by God, and then become a useful member in the eyes of God.
This is why Lu Chuanming knows that he is in the game, but still strives to chase after him.
After investigating, Lu Chuan just wanted an answer, even if he died, he would have to be vigorous, at least he knew how he died.
When Lu Chuan met Lin Li and the leader of a sixth-level civilization that was about to be destroyed, he was actually pitying each other with the same illness, and then moved a little bit of compassion. Give him an answer, and then let him die in the truth. In fact, in his heart, is it not what Lu Chuan hopes to happen?
"I gave him the truth, who will give me the truth?"
Lu Chuan appeared in a starry sky, did not move, and muttered to himself while looking at the billion trillion-level starry sky.
Lu Chuan is not a hypocritical person. In fact, Lu Chuan has been mentally prepared for all this.
Whether it is a chess piece or a chess player, being yourself is the way to survive.
Now that you are in this game, no matter whether you can break the game or not, try hard to fight for humanity. It is true that it is a chess piece, and human beings cannot be a chess player, but they must also make the most shining chess piece and become the most important and outstanding chess piece in the hands of a chess player.
When the system of sentient beings was established, it was actually for raising civilization.
To describe it more appropriately, the living beings system is actually like a kind of concentrate in raising pigs, which can make pigs grow faster.
The system of sentient beings is aimed at the cultivation of the whole people, driving the whole people up, letting them grow in madness, and promoting civilization in an incredible way and speed.
All of this is a kind of magical power that exists with oneself as the medium.
However, Lu Chuan used to call it a system, giving it a system similar to a human design, operating according to his own will.
In other words, in his body, there are billions of trillions of different races and different civilizations connected.
I am the of these races and civilizations, and I control these civilizations and races, yet they are so silent. Even if anyone feels their own existence, they will never find the truth.
"All the things that human beings have experienced, all that they have experienced, there are five thousand beads, billions of trillions of cosmos... how similar is it to all these?"
Lu Chuan's eyes narrowed, it seemed that he was more like a circle in the dark, with circles in circles.
Human beings have countless speculations about the universe. For example, if you magnify human cells infinitely, you will find too many magical things. For example, magnification of one thousand times, ten thousand times, one million times, ten million times...Every time you zoom in, it shows a smaller structure.
Even if you zoom in one hundred million times, you can still discover that there are amazing mechanisms in the cells.
This is true for a single cell, and it does not know how many billions of trillions of level it makes up human beings.
Amplify your thinking, the solar system, the Milky Way where humans are located... will the entire universe be actually a cell in a certain organism?
Very brainy and terrifying speculation.
But after you carefully understand a cell, you will find that the universe is really like a cell.
Thinking more magnified, the universe is a cell in a certain creature, how big will this creature be? Describing this creature as an adult, will the world where this creature is located, and will it resemble the infinite world facing humans?
Under this kind of setting, the dissemination of thinking will almost never end, making people feel broken and small.
Lu Chuan didn't want to think about it anymore, but he didn't dare to say whether there was such a possibility.
If you have too much knowledge, you will understand a lot of things. It is definitely not as simple as the surface.
This time, Lu Chuan was more patrolling the implementation of the breeding civilization plan. As the one who promoted this plan, Lu Chuan must not make mistakes. This is my own backstop. Even if I fail one day, there is a plan of raising civilization. As long as the human race is immortal, the new governor can rely on the plan of raising civilization to rise again.
Said it is for himself, it should be said that this is a kind of wealth Lu Chuan left to mankind.
No matter how huge the trial points provided by the Raising Civilization Project, it is far more than plundering.
After a round, Lu Chuan was quite satisfied.
No longer investing more character power into the space of reincarnation, this has caused a reduction in casualties, and more character power can be concentrated in the breeding civilization plan. With each other's growth and decline, the human foundation will become more and more solid.
Feel safe and secure.
Don't think that human beings are number one now, you can sit back and relax. In fact, I don't know how many races are staring at humans. As long as there is a slight possibility, they will desperately drag humans from this position, and then step on humans under their feet, crushing humans to pieces.
Lu Chuan has always warned himself that in this kind of competition, it is like sailing against the current.
Lu Chuan has always had a sense of urgency in his heart.
If you stand still, you are actually falling behind because others are trying desperately to catch up.
In places where he could not see, a storm had long been set off. I don't know how many governors were bombarded and how many races were killed.
Trial star.
Lu Chuan set foot here again, although it was only a few years apart, but it gave Lu Chuan the feeling that it was a long time.
A few years, in the eyes of the Governor, is not worth mentioning, just a blink of an eye.
The Judgment Star is still the same, it assumes the setting of the transit star, and enters the transit station of every bead. Without passing through here, it is impossible to switch directly to other beads.
And here is also the place where the governors gather information and have the greatest chance of meeting.
The special setting of the Judgment Star is more like an arena for the governors. There is no death penalty, and it is the best test bed. Here, you can find any governor and just go ahead and do it directly.
Under this kind of setting, the Judgment Star will not be complete in one day, and there will always be a governor fighting here.
Even if the great power is restrained, it will destroy the world and destroy the earth when fighting. Sometimes the Judgment Star will be destroyed, but the Judgment Star will recover by itself and will not be affected at all. No matter how you fight, in a blink of an eye, Judgment Star's flowers will recover.
When Lu Chuan arrived here, he happened to hear a booming sound.
The area where the trial palace was located, as if hit by a nuclear bomb, set off a shock wave of terror that swept all around. A heavy layer of mud was lifted up on the surface of the entire area. If this power were placed in the eyes of ordinary people, it would be no different from the destruction of the world.
If you don't have a concept, you just need to watch a movie with a nuclear explosion, and magnify the impact ten times, one hundred times...that's what it is now.
Together with Lu Chuan's thoughts, he swiped in front of him. These shock waves that raged in front of Lu Chuan stopped abruptly, and were forcibly separated by a force that was not affected.
Don't think that this kind of power is the greatest, so you will underestimate the strength of the Governor.
A planet can be shattered with one pinch, so what's their strength?
Now the power of supernatural power is locked, but it is not final. Here, a governor's full blow is completely comparable to the ten-kilometer-diameter meteorite that caused the destruction of the dinosaurs, and its power has reached a terrifying 10 trillion tons of TNT.
The power like this is more like a small fight.
Lu Chuan pushed aside these shock waves and calmly walked into the Judgment Square in front of the palace.
Almost every step that Lu Chuan took, the place returned to its original appearance. Destruction and restoration are carried out almost at the same time, so here, it is almost impossible for you to destroy all of this, because at the next moment of your destruction, you will be restored.
This is the mechanism of the Judgment Star, and no one can destroy it.
"Okay, stop everything and roll aside."
Here, at least a dozen governors are working.
Lu Chuan frowned, but made a sound.
The voice was flat and not high, but it reached the ears of every governor. They were all angry at this voice, and in their hearts, no governor dared to be so arrogant.
Telling them to stop is already making them upset, and letting them roll aside, which ignites their anger.
When they were about to teach this voice-sounding governor a lesson, when they saw the little man coming out of the shock wave, each of their eyeholes contracted, swallowing saliva, and no more troubles at all.
Human Governor.
This identity alone is enough for them to act like this.
The deterrent power of the human governor is absolutely terrifying. It's nothing to ask for the first place. After all, the tree tribe at the beginning was mostly because the race governor was not convinced and dared to be yin and yang strange to the tree tribe governor.
In their hearts, what does it matter if they are dead? Ten years later, another race governor will replace them and bring the race forward again.
But when faced with Lu Chuan, I gave them a hundred courage, but I didn't dare to do so.
There is no him, because the human governor can destroy the competitive planet and wipe out the entire race.
It is nothing to die, but once the race is dead, it is impossible. This is the obliteration of the billion trillion cosmos, and it disappears completely without leaving a trace. In the face of such terrible consequences, who is not afraid of human governors?
Because of his own improper behavior, which aroused the anger of the human governor, this is truly worthless.
With the current power of the human governor, to be honest, they are really not qualified to resist.
So when they saw that it was Lu Chuan, they shuddered and opened their mouths, but they didn't dare to spit out a dirty word. Not only that, they also retreated consciously, for fear of annoying Lu Chuan.
Stronger than others, UU reading www.uukanshu. com they scold Lu Chuan in their hearts, but on the surface they dare not show any disrespect.
Lu Chuan smiled lightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was still satisfied with the use of his power. With just one sentence, a dozen or so governors would not dare to make any mistakes. This kind of deterrence exactly illustrates the status of mankind today.
I glanced at them indifferently. They were all lower-ranked race governors, and Lu Chuan didn't know any of them.
In the future, there may be the rise of the governor, but it is definitely not now. Now that they are the real number one and the king, they have to bow their heads.
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