Chapter 1847: Break the rules

Lu Chuan smiled at Tishna. Tishna still had a cold face with her arms hanging down, full of Queen Fan.
Lu Chuan knew about Tishna's arrogance, so Lu Chuan didn't take the girl's indifference to him to heart. Instead, with a move of his hand, he ejected ten cosmic communicators in front of her.
"This is?" Tishna asked.
Lu Chuan said: "Cosmic communicator."
Previously called a pager, it was strictly an early warning tool.
But the current cosmic communicator can truly communicate in real time, can communicate across the universe, and can communicate instantly regardless of the distance of the universe.
With just five words, the indifference on Tishna's face turned into a touch of joy.
Tishna knew what the emergence of the Cosmos Communicator meant, and the last shortcoming that restricted the three clans from then on disappeared at this moment. When there is no problem with the communication, there will be mind movement again. Isn't it possible to call people anytime and anywhere?
"How to use it?" Tishna put away the ten cosmic communicators without pretense.
Lu Chuan said: "They only need to press the number to call this numbered communicator."
Don't look at it as an old-fashioned walkie-talkie. In fact, its powerful functions are far beyond imagination. The technological content contained in it has reached the level of 7th or 8th level of technological civilization.
What is communication?
In the era of Big Brother, it was just a call and no other functions.
However, as the times continue, various functions appear on mobile phones. The emergence of smart phones has changed the world pattern and brought mankind into the era of primary intelligence. The power of mobile phones is beyond human imagination.
The communicator manufactured by Lu Chuan is not only capable of making calls, but also capable of image transmission and instant holographic calls.
People, scenery, sounds... will be transmitted, which is similar to human mobile phone video communication, but it is in holographic mode.
It seems that the function is not as powerful as imagined, but in fact, what is the core of the Universe Communicator? The core is the ultra-long-distance instant communication capability, not these fancy functions.
What kind of concept is this across the universe?
In the communicator, you can set a remark, and the number will lead to the hand of the remarker.
After learning about the communicator, Tishna wiped her hand, and these communicators had been put into the storage space.
The cosmic communicator is important, but there are more important things to do.
Tishna looked at this stormtrooper inspector, it seemed to be composed of pure energy, showing a azure blue, but the surging ability was restrained by Tishna, making it immobile.
Lu Chuan stared at this Storm Clan inspector with interest, and when he held his hand, the other party was already floating.
"Ask you some questions." Lu Chuan said.
This storm clan inspector stared at Luchuan indifferently, and kept his mouth shut.
Lu Chuan didn’t mind either. He said:
I just want to know where your competitive planet is. This question is not difficult for you. If you answer well, I can consider letting you and the storm star you’re on have one A decent way to die."
"Bah!" The Storm Clan inspector sneered. It said, "I know it's death, why should I cooperate with you? You must have a problem with your IQ?"
The Stormwind Inspector has studied humans, and humans always say something. If you tell me the answer I want, I can keep you a whole body. Haha... People are dead, whether it's the whole body, or the bones and ashes, or even boiled or roasted, what's the difference?
To die is to die. This world has nothing to do with it. Does it care about the whole body or the divided body?
On the contrary, if you have said the answer, what will be the consequence? It is annihilation.
Of course he would die, but he would never let his family members be implicated at all.
Obviously, when the human governor asked this question, it meant that the human governor did not know where the Stormwind race planet was. It can die, but it absolutely cannot be said, because now it is not a question of its death, it has risen to a question of race survival.
Lu Chuan smiled and said, "Yes, your logic is right."
Lu Chuan shook his head and said, "Your research on humans is just fur. Don’t think that humans have only a few thousand years of history, but these thousand years of history are more than your hundreds of millions of years. It's more exciting, and it reflects the characteristics of a race."
"Sometimes death is not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is to live, life is worse than death."
"Trust me, after experiencing it, you will definitely think that leaving a whole body is a wonderful thing."
"Of course, dealing with you does not need to be so complicated and troublesome. You are not a governor. You will never understand the horror of a fourth-level governor. The reason I just raised this question is to let your subconscious mind automatically remember Come out. How do you put it, if you take the time to study the technology of the City of Competitive City Mall, you will find that the research on brain cells is incredible. You can extract some of your memory layers through special techniques."
"And I don't need to be so troublesome, I can directly take the memory of your brain cells."
Lu Chuan's voice whispered, but it was like the sound of a devil, which made people feel desperate.
The body of the Storm Clan inspector was trembling violently. Its eyes looked at Lu Chuan, as if it had seen the most terrifying devil in the world, and its eyes were filled with despair and fear. If what the human governor said is true, can the competitive planet still be defended?
Lu Chuan smiled. He looked around here and said, "It's too late for you to beg for mercy, because I have given you the opportunity."
"A person who has no effect on me has no value in existence. It is not just you, including this world... It is because of you that you have missed the opportunity to survive."
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This inspector was indeed scared. It roared: "No, you can't retrieve my memory. Haha, this is a rule set by God."
Yes, before the change, Lu Chuan could only extract the memories of ordinary people, and through this method, he could understand everything about a civilization and race. Through this method, we can quickly master the language and characters of this civilization.
Generally speaking, this method is the favorite of reincarnation.
But extracting the memory of an inspector, logically speaking, is impossible. As the governor, Lu Chuan naturally knew God's rules, so it was impossible for him to extract the memory of the other party.
Otherwise, there will be no secrets about the location of each competitive planet.
The only way to get the position of the competitive planet is to track, and finally get it through this most primitive method. I haven't heard of anyone who can extract the memory of the inspectors to know the location of the competitive planet.
It's like a rule that cannot be broken.
"Really?" Lu Chuan smiled, his face full of confidence.
Breaking the law of God will make you excited and interesting in Lu Chuan's heart.
What are the rules and what are the rules?
In fact, isn't their existence just for people to change and break?
I don't know why, seeing Lu Chuan's smile, the Storm Clan inspector felt very bad. This is the human governor. They once thought that the competitive planet is infinite and impossible to break.
But the result?
In front of the human governor, there is no impossibility. All races, all of them drank hatred under the carelessness, and eventually the entire race was obliterated.
Thinking of the horror, this storm clan inspector became frightened. It struggled: "Human Governor, you can't succeed."
With such a young person, Lu Chuan is not interested in talking any more, but as soon as his arm is raised, the water elf has already separated from the arm armor, silently, this storm clan inspector is struggling violently, and Its eyes were closed naturally.
Tishna stared at the water elf, and there was heat in her eyes.
The planetary consciousness that has been promoted is definitely the only one in the world. It is so powerful. After Tishna has the planetary consciousness, she truly realized how powerful it is.
The appearance of this stormtrooper inspector, Tishna knew that this was the illusion of the water elves.
"Humans are really smart and terrible..." Tishna stared at Lu Chuan, she didn't expect Lu Chuan to think of such a way.
The law set by God is difficult to break, but Lu Chuan cleverly used other methods to get around. This kind of cleverness and imagination, Bonewing tribe people really don't have it. No wonder human beings can become the Chosen Clan, and it really has its advantages.
Did not say before breaking, would not think. But once it broke, it really wasn't a secret.
Many things are often just a layer of paper, but how many people can pierce this layer of paper?
The method Lu Chuan used was actually an illusion created with planetary consciousness, which tempted the other party to finally reveal it all. Don't think it's impossible. The illusion created by the planetary consciousness completely makes you never think that it is an illusion, but real. For example, what the water elves have created is an illusion that the storm clan inspector finally escaped. After it escaped, it began to move endlessly, using this method to shake off the tracking.
Knowing that the humans are uniting the Bonewing Race and the Metal Race to annihilate the Stormwind Race, this Stormwind Inspector naturally wants to notify the in-fighting inspectors on the Competitive Planet to unite them and resist the tribe's alliance.
All this is so natural and logical, but everything is just an illusion.
Lu Chuan watched the change on the face of the Storm Clan inspector, holding his arms, and standing beside the Bone Wing Queen, he was waiting now.
The time and so on in the illusion are all controllable.
Lu Chuan didn’t let Lu Chuan write more. Following the violent trembling of the storm clan inspector, the water elves had already recovered the illusion. After passing the storm clan inspector’s memory to Lu Chuan, he disappeared in Lu Chuan. On his arm armor.
To deal with an ordinary inspector, for the water elves, it was all about killing chickens with a sledgehammer, and a cannon hitting mosquitoes.
Lu Chuan smiled when he felt the content passed.
But at this time, the storm clan inspector awoke sober, it also realized what was the same, its eyes widened round and let out a miserable howl. It was fooled, it was like experiencing a long dream, so real.
Lu Chuan put on a sneer, then raised his hand and pressed it violently in the void.
The storm current surrounding the storm star unexpectedly stopped mysteriously. Not only that, in the star field outside the storm star, the storm current stopped instantly, and Lu Chuan's powerful cosmic energy stopped everything here.
Then, Lu Chuan gave another cue. A huge star was pulled by Lu Chuan from billions of kilometers away, breaking the speed of light. In the folded space, UU Reading www. appeared in the sky above Storm Star.
Suddenly, here is like the day, nothing can be seen, all the eyes see are extremely dazzling light.
What's more terrifying is that the temperature here is rising frantically.
From normal temperature, within a few breaths, it rose to tens of degrees, and then broke through Baidu, hundreds of degrees...
The people of the storm clan of myth civilization, they can carry dozens of degrees, Baidu, but hundreds of degrees, they can't hold them at all. What's more, the system here was disrupted by Lu Chuan, and the main source of all their divine power, the storm air flow, stopped like this, like a running machine, stopped in an instant.
At this moment, the Stormtroopers lost everything, and then what greeted them was the light that kept their eyes open, and the temperature that was so hot that they despaired.
"Now, get a good sense of what it is like to die as life as it is. You can see that your native Stormstar has fallen into because of you. Hundreds of millions of people will fall into amidst howling." Lu Chuan said quietly. At the same time, she left with Tishna.
Lu Chuan would not be soft-hearted. He said that he should see the difference between a whole corpse and a non-full corpse. How could he break his promise?
This storm clan inspector completely collapsed, and it uttered a scream of grief, but it was unable to do anything because of the restraint of energy. It could only watch all this happen and the world was heading for destruction.
The star is close at hand, it provides thousands of degrees of high temperature, will kill all life.
Its relatives, its friends, its people... will all die.
"Do not……"
With a stern roar, it was finally afraid and desperate.
If there is another chance, it will say it without hesitation, because it is even more difficult to accept than killing itself.
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