Chapter 585: Interception Fleet

"Sir Ulopolos, according to the information transmitted by our monitor, the distance between that fleet and us is now relatively short. According to their current speed of travel, they will arrive in about ten days Our base. "
Now, Fang Yun has set up a camp at the new base. The defense here is already very strong. It can be said that their best fleet is here.
In addition, they also moved the first training camp here. Fang Yun also went to the first training camp from time to time to check the training situation of those students.
According to Fang Yun's instructions, the daily training tasks of the first training camp are very arduous, and it is still the kind that has life threatening at any time.
The purpose of Fang Yun is to continuously squeeze the potential of these students, so that their strength can be rapidly improved. Now they are in the metaverse universe, and there is no shortage of low-level cultivators, because no more low-level cultivators have much effect.
Now they lack the high-level warriors. After all, it is impossible for the meta universe to rely on Fang Yun alone, and these people are also required to participate in foreign operations.
These must also pay some price for this.
Although the first training camp is extremely cruel and the mortality rate is particularly high, there are still many people who want to enter this training camp.
Because as long as you enter the training camp, you can get the best martial arts guidance in the meta universe, and things like training resources will not be lacking.
Coupled with the people who graduated from the first training camp, the strength is undoubtedly not the best in this side of the universe. Some of them have reached the peak of the industry star and are about to become a master of the constant star.
Of course, among them, there are also many people who are truly willing to devote themselves to the metaverse. Whether they die in the training camp or on the battlefield, they have no complaints.
"The silver team of the first training camp was dispatched in the past, mainly to harassment, to slow down their speed of travel." Fang Yun gave instructions to Nebula.
The students in the silver group are all masters of the industry star. There are also a gold group and a diamond group. These two subgroups represent the stars and cosmic masters.
Of course, there are no students in these two groups, but Fang Yun knows that someone will reach this level sooner or later, so that is to set these two groups in advance, and then let Nebula build a corresponding training plan. As long as someone enters these two groups, they immediately start to make a good plan.
"Yes, Master Ulopolos." Nebula quickly left, allowing the students in the silver group to slow down the speed of this fleet. This is a very big challenge for the students in the silver group.
But Nebula also knows that what Fang Yun wants is the kind of student with great perseverance and good luck coming out of various life and death crises.
It is very cruel to use this method to select students, but at this time, there is no other way. The so-called serious illness requires the use of strong medicine, which is the case.
There are more than 2,000 students in the Baiyin group. It is not bad to be able to return 500 people this time.
After Nebula left, Fang Yun thought like this. Only a few star-star students lost 60% at once, which is a bit unacceptable, but if you think about it carefully, there will be no such idea.
Because in the meta universe now, there are already many warriors like the pinnacle of God of War. After this group of people die, there will soon be another group of star-level warriors growing up.
Furthermore, the reason why the meta universe now has the capital to compete with the ancient universe is not because of this group of students, but because of Fang Yun.
The students who survived the attack will certainly gain a lot in this life-and-death crisis.
The opponent they face this time is not the powerful star beast before. After all, in this universe, even the strong star beast has limited strength, which is far less powerful than this fleet.
Fang Yun also asked Nebula to install corresponding monitoring devices on these students. These monitoring devices are used to observe their dynamics and their performance on the battlefield.
Fang Yun came to the base's monitoring station and began to watch the video materials transmitted from the group of students who had started.
A total of 2,323 students started this time. They were all wearing the latest life armor. Life armor is not as good as the ship in the exploration, but it is more active in the activity.
More suitable for star-level master combat.
Because the master of the industry star has been able to explore the surrounding situation, in addition, Fang Yun has been sending them back the corresponding information for their reference.
Under the rush of this group of students, they soon encountered the fleet of the Gama Empire. From the images sent back from them, this group of students was not in a hurry. That fleet is fighting, but at this time to observe this fleet secretly.
"Luo Feng, look at where we are going to attack."
At one place, a three-person team was communicating, and one of the larger men asked a companion beside him.
His companion did not look tall or short, and was moderate in every aspect, but his eyes were very powerful. At the moment, when he heard his companion asking himself, he immediately said: "Look again."
After he finished speaking, he took the initiative to turn to the other side and began to look at the other side of the fleet.
The fleet has not yet discovered the existence of this group of people, and it continues to gallop forward, but from the formation of this fleet, this is a defensive formation.
It seems that this fleet of the Gama Empire is also defending against the sneak attack of the meta universe.
As time passed, all the students in the first training camp, including Luo Feng, did not launch a sneak attack. They were in contact with each other and began to move closer to where Luo Feng's three-person team was located.
The students in this silver group seem to be mainly based on this student named Luo Feng.
"Luo Feng, what do you think now?"
More people came to Luo Feng's side and asked him about it, asking for his opinion.
While Luo Feng observed the fleet in front of him, he was also thinking about it, and then said, "Don't worry, our purpose is to harass this fleet, not to fight them with a big decisive battle."
"And the above just let us slow down the speed of this fleet a little, not to say that they let this fleet stay here completely."
"I guess this is what I meant to test us."
After hearing Luo Feng's words, everyone else smiled bitterly and said, "Although that is the case, but this test ... This difficulty is too high."
Other people nodded when they heard such a sentence. Everyone felt that this test was too difficult.
Wen Yan said, Luo Feng shook his head. "There is no way. The meaning above may be that we want to use this extreme test to let us grow up quickly."
"It seems that the outside world is very oppressive to our high-level leaders, and they have no time to let us grow in various gentle ways."
After hearing Luo Feng's analysis, other people's faces were dignified, and they still didn't know what the outside world looked like.
Nebulas blocked the news because they feared that after the news was delivered, someone would have a desperate mentality, thus losing the confidence to struggle upwards, and then degenerate.
"Everyone, don't keep your hands this time, show your most powerful side, and it is best not to work hard, I guess, now our actions are seen by the people above."
While saying this, Luo Feng glanced at the monitor in front of him.
Others, including Luo Feng's two companions, also nodded.
At the base of the Keppel Star Zone, Fang Yun observed Luo Feng's actions in the monitoring station, and he was surprised to see that everyone was gathered beside Luo Feng.
Of course, the monitor only transmitted the picture back, but did not record the content of their conversation. After all, their communication was mostly based on ideas.
"What is this student's name?"
Fang Yun looked at the nebula next to him and inquired about it. There was a touch of curiosity on his face, because the people in the silver group are the best in the younger generation of the Yuan universe. It is their own pride, but now, they all put down their pride and actively gathered beside this student, and look like this, as if asking his opinion.
In the silver group, Fang Yun was surprised by the existence of such students.
"This person's name is Luo Feng." Nebula couldn't help laughing. Obviously, before that, he had already paid attention to this person. "This guy's cultivation talent is very powerful. It is said that when he just practiced, You have spiritual power. "
Wen Yan, Fang Yun nodded, it seems that this person should belong to the genius-level martial arts, in which, it belongs to the general existence.
Like ordinary people, it is only at the level of God of War that they can have a small amount of mental power, and then after the star rating, they can really develop mental power, which can be used to explore the surrounding situation, or to say Idea exchange.
However, this child had spiritual power just when he practiced. At the beginning of spiritual practice, this kind of thing helped the warrior greatly.
With mental power, the opponent's attack action seems to be in slow motion in his eyes, and he can easily take it or dodge it.
"If this person survives this action, focus on training."
After Fang Yun said this, he looked at the projection screen in front of him again.
At this time, the scene in the projection screen changed again, only to see that Luo Feng immediately started to act after glancing at the others.
Everyone dispersed at this time and came to one of the positions of the fleet.
Seeing this scene, Fang Yun's eyes flashed a flash of light. The location chosen by Luo Feng, although not the weakest defense of this fleet, has a characteristic here.
That is, if you attack this part, it is difficult for ships in other places to support it in a short time, which is equivalent to giving them a little time to escape.
While Fang Yun was watching Luo Feng, they even saw them start to act.
From Luo Feng and others, a powerful momentum immediately erupted, and more than two thousand people attacked that part.
At that place in the fleet, a very big mouth was torn in an instant. After all, the ships here were only controlled by the God of War.
These ships are still a bit close to trying to block the attack of the star-level masters.
Coupled with the students in the first training camp, the usual training is to fight against the powerful star beasts in space, each of which has basically experienced a life-and-death crisis.
Their strength is higher than others at the same level.
So after Qiqi's attack, such an effect erupted immediately.
"Good." Fang Yun commented, and then said: "But they can only carry out such an attack at most once, otherwise, they will be very uncomfortable."
As Tong Fangyun said, Luo Feng made people continue to attack once, and then they fled the place, but they said that even if they fled very quickly, they were also attacked fiercely. Under the attack, three hundred people were killed.
In the nebula beside Fang Yun, seeing the death of so many people, his face twitched, and his heart was bleeding.
Every student spent a lot of their hard work.
Later, Luo Feng led this fleet to carry out several attacks, and each attack would cost them a large number of teammates and companions.
Luo Feng they are also very sad ~ ~ But in this case, they can see too much.
This is also something that cannot be done. Their position and coordinates have already been discovered. Now if they do not grow up quickly, then the next, similar things will happen more and more tragic By that time, not only will you die not only with your companions, but also with your parents and relatives.
After seven times of harassment, Luo Feng led the remaining people to retreat, and now, their original team of more than 2,000 people is only more than 230.
You can imagine how much they paid for this harassment.
However, after paying these prices, it also slowed down the speed of this fleet, and more importantly, caused some damage to this fleet.
At the same time, the real strength of this fleet has also been forced out.
Needless to say, the powerhouse stars are at least 10,000 or more. The powerhouses with constant stars are all thousands of people. As for the higher level masters, Luo Feng did not detect them.
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