Chapter 297: Embark on the journey

The result of the final discussion was that his brother Wen Chengling left the rain forest with valuable samples and information, while his brother Wen Chengfeng would stay.
"According to our experiments, the occurrence of genetic mutations has a huge relationship with the local environment, that is, if I also leave this rainforest, I will not know all subsequent changes in the test genome."
Wen Chengfeng turned his eyes out of the window and said with a heavy voice, "Moreover, we have an important mission that has not been completed. When all the experiments are over, I will open the sluice of the pond and release those black fish."
Di Wuchang shrugged, after all, the brothers Wen still wanted revenge.
As a result of the sudden discovery, the Wen brothers realized that if the piranhas were directly eliminated, they would affect their research on genetic mutations, so they forbeared it. They put science before revenge and put the grief of losing their parents for the benefit of all mankind. After the research.
But shelving does not mean the end.
When the research dust is settled, the Wen brothers will still open the sluice filled with powerful black fish, and launch the final revenge on those piranhas to honour their parents in the spirit of heaven.
Di Wuchang didn't say anything. He didn't know whether destroying a species would affect the balance of nature. He only knew that as a son of man, there are certain things that must be done.
Di Wuchang shrugged, "I respect your choices, and I also watch the localized black fish you cultivate. They are really strong."
The words suddenly turned, Di Wuchang said solemnly, "But I also want to remind the two, black fish may kill the piranhas of the Amazon, but is it possible that they will become a new scourge here, and they want to eat a lot of piranhas? innocent people?"
"In addition, in your research, black fish have had strong genetic mutations. Is it possible that when facing black fish strangulation, piranhas will evolve to form more powerful species to counter the threat of black fish?"
After listening to Di Wuchang's words, Wei Chen was stunned.
Yes, nature no longer evolves all the time. The brothers Wen cultivated powerful black fish. If the piranhas also have genetic mutations and become more terrifying monsters, then it is not good to end, or it will cause global biological disaster. .
Wen Chengfeng nodded, "I can answer this."
"First of all, even the locally produced fighting black fish does not pose much threat to humans, because the fighting black fish's genes determine that they will become cruel only when they feel dangerous."
"Simply speaking, black fishes are usually mild-tempered, but once piranhas approach, the black fish scattered on the bottom of the river will immediately be alert, form an army, open up all combat potential, and engage in fierce fighting with the enemy."
"The piranhas are completely different. Their brains are simpler. As long as they see living, moving creatures, they will bite up, regardless of whether the other party is threatening."
Wei Chen nodded again and again, "I see. As long as people don't provoke the blackfish, the blackfish will not care about you, because the two are not natural enemies."
"That's it," said Wen Chengfeng. "As for the second question, I'm sorry, that's already happened."
Di Wuchang listened to this and took a breath. "You mean, the piranha also had a genetic mutation !?"
Wen Chengfeng nodded. "In one experiment, the piranhas were strangled by black fish. In order to survive, one of the piranhas had a black fish-like genetic mutation. They quickly became strong, their scales and teeth were strengthened, and their lungs The ability to ingest oxygen has increased more than 70 times in an instant. "
"In short, the Amazon rainforest has become the most exotic place in the world. It is not without reason. The environment, climate, and species diversity here have greatly promoted the development of living things."
"No matter what the reason, I should continue to stay here and carry out more experiments here. The study of how to improve immunity will be done by my brother. By the way, he will also solve the fourth generation of lithography. . "
By the way?
Di Wuchang and Wei Chen can only smile bitterly. People are more deadly than popular. Wen Chengling is a laser maker who studies the fourth-generation hybrid lithography technology. Now he has even switched to the field of biology that is not related to wind and horses.
This is probably the true top genius, and mortals will never be able to reach it.
Throughout the day, four people discussed in the laboratory.
In the early morning of the next day, my brother Wen Chengling packed his luggage and took away a precious genetic sample with a portable biological freezer that can be charged and kept at low temperature for 72 hours.
When they went back, they did not walk the way they used to, but took two canoes and went down the river.
The rivers are sometimes gentle, sometimes turbulent, and there are many shoals that can cause large ships to run aground. This is why the villages are far from the civilized world.
When I went there, it took me four full days to crawl and roll, but the return journey only took twelve hours.
When it was almost dark that day, Di Wuchang had already seen the lights of the town pier on a canoe. There was a vague Latin-style dance music in the dilapidated bar near the pier.
The ship was moored at the pier. Di Wuchang only saw his own small amphibious plane named Senus. The three North American tourists seemed to have left.
Shanghai Capital.
When the time came to April, the news that Xingchen Technology had completed the EDA project finally leaked out on a large scale and brought a huge response.
The science and technology community is completely boiling. EDA is the last piece of jigsaw for industrial software. After completing this project, Xingchen Technology has gathered all five general industrial software, which is of great significance.
Of course, ~ ~ is not that after the completion of the five general-purpose industrial software by Star Technology, everything is worry-free. As the world's largest software system, industrial software has countless categories, far more than five.
As we all know, the special effects shots made by Hollywood are very powerful, light and magic industry, and Pixar Studios. The reason why these well-known teams are so powerful is that they can't do without software support.
Almost every large special effects team has its own dedicated software. After all, movies are also industrial, so these special effects software still belongs to the category of industrial software.
After Xingchen Technology completed the five general industrial software, there are still many professional fields to be studied, but at least they now have a strong skeleton.
The five major industrial software, and the tens of thousands of plug-ins it contains, can be modified to produce countless products.
To put it simply, the foundation has been laid, and in the future, how tall the building will be, all depends on the heart of Xingchen Technology.
While the tech industry was cheering and celebrating the final rise of Huaxia Industrial Software, Luo Jia quietly ushered in a special guest.
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