Vol 3 Chapter 1026: Ultimate dominate

Chapter 1027: Ultimate Master
Numerous attacks are mixed together, full of crises everywhere, and the benthic demon fish will even spit out a stream of black-red ink. These inks spilled into the seawater, and instantly became highly toxic. Many of the mermaids who had evaded themselves after being contaminated by this dirty seawater became weak, and then accompanied by convulsions and Vomiting blood.
And the throne is not at all soft, and one by one can exhibit large-scale magic that can be performed by half-step epic strong one by one. The range is large and the lethality is very strong. It is very effective against this dark creature, especially the abyss on the side. In the face of this move, the monster did not even have the possibility of blocking, so it was killed and became a corpse.
This throne is extraordinary in strength, and she has been unable to bear it before. It looks like she is accumulating power. She does not hesitate to watch her general die tragically for no reason, watching her companion being eaten by monsters one by one, waiting for the moment when the enemy is negligent. The mermaid's mind and strength are unfathomable.
Seeing this scene, Chen Feng nodded secretly. If he was replaced by him just now, he would also choose to fight this way, not that he was cruel and did not have any feelings, but that he could only save in the face of the situation just now. Strength, you can have a chance to come back. Otherwise, you will rush out at the beginning. Even if you protect the people for a moment, you will not be able to protect them forever. The final result is that everyone will go to Huangquan and die together.
The benthic demon fish can't stand the wanton violence of the king-level mermaid. The black-red skin is pierced by ice cones in countless bloodstains. There is no skin on the body surface that is complete, and a lot of barbs and suction cups have been destroyed. , Blood and pus flow are everywhere!
The king-level mermaid also had a pale face. Although she was not injured by a benthic fish, her mental strength was also contaminated by the black gas of the benthic fish, not only becoming impure, but also It was extremely depleted. Only one minute after the war, the mermaid had only half of his mental strength left!
This is the name of this mermaid. She stared at the benthic demon fish in front of her eyes, a flash of surprise flashed in her eyes, the monster in front of her was even more terrifying than she thought!
She has obviously performed a number of large magics, and if they are replaced by a mountain, they may be directly blasted to the ground. After these moves have been used just now, in addition to causing some damage to the surrounding little monsters, such as the benthic monster in front of them The fish was not affected at all, but instead stared at each other when he stared at each other, staring at him so straightly.
The Coral Castle is similar to the human capital. Even if Karina is the king of the sea, even if she sends a message to the surroundings, it will take a while for the mermaids to come around for help.
The most uncomfortable thing is that Tari is dead, and His Majesty's most powerful warrior has defended the mermaid's dignity with his life, but even so ... the loss of the monster is still not as impressive as it was imagined ...
Just when Karina was hesitant, the bottom-dwelling demon fish finally launched a counterattack on time. This monster from the abyss not only has enough tentacles, complicated means, but also has the talent to erode the mental power of others. No wonder it will be so strong ...
Karina urgently needs to restore her mental strength. One thing she knows is that she ca n’t let her mental energy go so far. Once she continues to leak, she will always be grasped by the monster in front of her. By then, she can only Fall into passive.
Compared to land, the sea is Karina's home. Even if these tentacles are horrifying, Karina is not slow.
Leaving right and left, like a light swallow in the rain, dodging the endless tentacles quickly, but because the tentacles are too smart, the angle of attack is tricky and hot, and the bottom-dwelling demon fish's combat consciousness and experience are extremely rich. Precise prediction, so the sucker and barb on the tentacles often pass Karina, if not Karina's strength is already a half-step epic, I'm afraid I have been hit by the opponent's poisoned hands already!
At this point in the matter, how Chen Feng couldn't see, this bottom-dwelling demon fish was not a legendary monster at all, but its strength had broken through a half-step epic!
Chen Feng only felt that he had gained a lot. The ancients used to say that the clams competed for fishermen's gains. Now it seems so. If you are alive, conquering is also a great help.
You know, the legendary giant whale has been able to run wild in the water, and the half-step epic benthic demon fish is the overlord in the water, not to mention the abyss, even the human sea, it can Orders the supreme existence of countless marine life.
And even if the other party did not survive and died, Chen Feng, as a summoner, was able to sign a fair contract even though the eight places were full. At that time, the summons of the benthic demon fish's body would obviously be able to Summon some great summoning beasts!
Between Chen Feng's thoughts, the benthic demon fish and Karina have reached the stage of fever.
Seeing that she was about to be surrounded by countless tentacles, she lightened her lips, and the two clear autumn eyes of the cold lake bloomed with two lightnings, and whispered quietly: "Break!"
More than a dozen tentacles struck, and they were shot and flew under Karina's defense!
The method of benthic demon fish is more than that. When Karina's attention was all on the tentacles, the benthic fish's throat agitated for a while, and then a toxin was sprayed on Karina. Body.
This is not the end. The venom just came out, and another ice arrow full of venom shot over. Karina was too late to dodge, and was immediately trembled by the body, and even the water element shield she was supporting was dim. A lot.
Damn ~ EbookFREE.me ~ If you continue this way, you may really die here!
"This monster is more terrifying than expected!"
Karina is anxious ...
And at this moment, suddenly a heat flow passed by the body.
An invisible energy barrier shrank, and there was a weird whisper. Karina looked back in amazement, and saw a group of monsters not far away, as if a cannonball exploded. Countless monsters were divided into corpses. The sky's blood and broken bones flooded the surrounding sea.
The movement was so great that he couldn't help hesitating even the benthic demon fish. He gave up the attack on Karina for a short time, and his eyes looked aside.
Time is like solidification at this moment. At this moment, a slender figure slowly emerged from the blasting blood mist. He looked calmly and looked at the look of Karina and the bottom-dwelling demon fish full of playfulness. As if treating two pets imprisoned in a cage, they have absolute right to dominate!
(End of this chapter)
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