Chapter 506: Heavy Armor Ogre

Ogre camp.
Chen Feng is no stranger to this kind of creature. He had encountered three such creatures long ago, with gray skin and the quirk of feeding on humans.
It's just that compared to the previous few, the number of ogres in this camp has reached hundreds.
Ogres are social creatures. They even have their own civilization, and slaughter and sacrifice occupy a large part of their lives.
For ogres, they often believe in the and cruel hunting god, a well-recognized evil god, who firmly believes that relying on blood can obtain powerful power.
Therefore, followers of the God of Hunting will give their masters a sufficient amount of blood at a fixed time each month to gain strength.
For the of hunting, his favorite thing is to contain sacred blood. Unicorns and angels have undoubtedly become the main prey of believers. Usually, during the sacrifice, the believers will gather together and read some tedious things. After praying, then use a boning knife to cut the blood vessels of the prey, and let the other's life slowly pass away.
It was a difficult wait.
The of hunting is loved by evil camps, such as hunters, vampires, ogres, and even attracts a group of criminals who have fallen into the dark.
Of course, ogres belong to the kind of wall grass that I mix with whoever is strong. In addition to the of hunting, they will also serve some strong people to gain peace.
Different-dimensional competition is far more brutal than the human world.
In the world where ogres live, there are too many creatures. Humans are undoubtedly the mainstream. The smaller city-states are occupied by elves, orcs and dwarves. Wild creatures like ogres survive in the gaps. With countless battles, these seemingly powerful ethnic groups are often razed to the ground in an instant.
Therefore, the ogre, goblin, and doghead, if possible, will hug a thigh, and when the crisis comes, they can escape the calamity under the protection of the other party.
Li Linhua seemed a little flustered. She relied on bugs to learn about the terrible place in this camp. Compared with ordinary soldiers who rubbed their fists, she thought that she could use Chen Feng's power to remove this threat, and her pressure was undoubtedly stronger.
A black dragon.
When Li Linhua held her hand on the worm's head and felt the memories in her head, she saw a horrible and domineering face.
The black skin slowly outlines, and a face like a skull appears. Even if it lies there, it still makes people feel a bitter chill. Like a gaze, they can pierce the body without any chance of resistance.
This is the deepest secret in Li Linhua's heart.
In the past, she did not even tell Xing Yong, but she was afraid that once someone knew it, she would completely lose confidence in the base.
But now ...
When Li Linhua disclosed all this to Chen Feng, the original intention was to let the other party leave here, but who would have thought that instead of thinking of leaving, the young man surrounded him with hundreds of people.
It all points to one goal!
He actually wants to kill dragons!
When thinking of this, Li Linhua shuddered all over, which might not be possible for her before.
Even if human beings are powerful, they will not be a dragon's opponent.
After all, the weak human and the dragon covered with scales are not a level opponent at all. No matter how strong Xing Yong is, there is only a dead end in front of the opponent's invincible might.
Unlike Chen Feng, this visitor from an unfamiliar area not only wiped out the insect tide between the hands, but also descended on the base as a strong white dragon, perhaps ... he really has the ability to kill dragons.
But one more prerequisite is to solve these cannibal monsters in front of them.
Chen Feng watched everything in front of him. These ogres had a clear division of labor, and even some ogres were still building houses. Obviously, this is a tribe with careful planning. Among them, there must be a leader.
Just like humans, if there is no leader, it will definitely be a piece of loose sand. Don't put too much hope on the ogre. This kind of creature without much wisdom has always been known for being scattered.
But once they have one more leader, the situation will change dramatically. An ogre is not terrible, but when hundreds of muscle giants stand together, it will also be a terrible combat force.
Ogres are very dangerous creatures. Their skin is extremely tough, equivalent to ordinary leather armor, and has thick fat on their bodies. Ordinary arrows cannot hurt the internal organs.
Of course, except for the soldiers under Her Majesty, there are three hundred people. Each person's hands are not ordinary bows and arrows, but thermal weapons with amazing destructive power. Although it is impossible to achieve a single kill, it is still possible to hurt the opponent.
Lu Wei stood by, watching with a telescope. After a while, his face was a little gloomy: "Master ... these guys are in order, some monsters are even wearing heavy armor."
Chen Feng frowned, took the telescope from Lu Wei, and looked forward.
Sure enough, compared with the brute force ogre of the surrounding construction, there are dozens of more burly ogres sitting in the center of the camp. In addition to the height of more than three meters and a more burly body, they are covered with some steel. Heavy armor.
Of course, heavy armor is not exquisite. Instead, it looks like several steel plates are put together. The ogre is not proficient in crafting. This is only the simplest skill of fighting. However, it also says goodbye to the flesh and blood. It became a defense form of iron-clad meat.
Look at the other person's footprints buried deep in the ground. These heavy armors weigh more than three hundred pounds. If it is an ordinary human, this weight alone can crush the other person, but for an ogre, it can be easily controlled and fully felt. No pressure.
These heavily armored ogres are undoubtedly the first targets to attack!
When attacking, if they run in front of the ogre, they will undoubtedly become a steel fortress. What Chen Feng has to do is to solve the opponent's life with the fastest speed.
"Lu Wei!" Chen Feng's voice was a bit cold.
This warrior who has seen too much blood, like a beast, leans his waist down, waiting for Chen Feng's order.
"Leading the shadows and besieging the monsters, even if they can't solve each other, they can't get them to the front!"
"Yes!" Lu Wei nodded, and then turned around in front of a group of aggressive professionals.
Chen Feng's Guards.
Many of them were pulled up by Chen Feng. It was Chen Feng that melted the blood of the monsters and gave them a brand-new life. With a battle that took place, what was originally just Chen Feng's unintentional move has now blossomed.
Led by Lu Wei, there are more than 68 members in the shadows. These people are undoubtedly the best in the forces. When fighting, everyone is a butcher who harvests life.
This time, a total of thirty members of the shadows who followed Chen Feng came. After learning the order, these people stood together and the killing intentions on their bodies were like a smoke, which made people feel a sense of iron. Willpower.
The soldiers around were still a little used to it. After all, it was clear how terrible these monsters were. Yes, after Chen Feng's blood sacrifice, some people even changed their bodies while gaining strength.
A turquoise-shaped warrior with palms parasitized and even sharing a body with the host. In addition, there are strong men who cannot sleep all day long and have black eyes, but can control the power of sand.
Regardless of temperament or appearance, these shadow members are undoubtedly the most dazzling group of soldiers.
Wherever Chen Feng's gaze went, the enthusiastic pairs of eyes and open mouths he saw, the soldiers could hardly control their emotions.
Those who stepped into hell, but were saved by Chen Feng have long regarded Chen Feng as the only object of loyalty.
And, in countless battles, they have already proven that under the leadership of Chen Feng, they will eventually go to victory, regardless of whether the opponent is the devil or these monsters in heavy armor!
Li Linhua stood aside. Until now, she did not understand the gap with Chen Feng. She was surprised to find that among these hundreds of people, there were several strong men who were almost as powerful as Xing Yong.
No wonder……
Xing Yong would be defeated so thoroughly that both parties ... were not a level existence at all!
For the next plan, Li Linhua had no reflection at all, only she knew that she and the helpers from the base were arranged aside to do some collection work, but Li Linhua also knew herself. This was because she was afraid of affecting the battle situation, and she deliberately arranged her party behind.
But Li Linhua also knows that this is an extraordinary period ~ ~ Although these people under his own hands have participated in some hunting, the opponent is only a small character after all, such as those monsters not far away, more than three meters high, Just standing there will make people feel cold and rashly join the war, but it will have some negative effects.
As the fear slowly receded, Li Linhua's curiosity became stronger and stronger, and she became very curious about where Chen Feng came from and what kind of influence she had.
The strong woman who sheltered thousands of people thought to herself: "Everything Xing Yong does is just a man with a praying arm. If the other party can really get rid of these monsters, then those in the base will be completely saved. , Rely on him yourself, this may be the best choice! "
Chen Feng didn't know what Li Linhua was thinking, but put all eyes on the ogre's camp.
Black dragon?
This undoubtedly became his ultimate goal.
Chen Feng raised his hand, and finally stared at the horror cheek, then waved his hand fiercely: "Putting your hand ..."
"Kill me!"
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