Chapter 591: Artifact Power

Several large insect kings died in succession.
As the soul figure of the Bug Corps, with the destruction of the cockroach monster, the morale of the Zerg Corps has fallen on a large scale, so don't look at the tens of thousands of bugs that still exist, but it is difficult to cause deadly danger to the Xiamen.
At this moment, the god-given erupted a strong war intention, and they no longer hid their own housekeeping skills, especially those mages or those who attacked the god-giant farther. At this time, they played a greater role and summoned a lava pool. , You can eat hundreds or even thousands of ordinary bugs!
This is not even the order force also appears frequently. Incidentally, they also took out the magic martial artillery, and strengthened the ammunition without rushing to the insect tide like money.
In an instant.
There was a twist in the battlefield. Not long ago, a fierce and horrible insect was now called by everyone.
The benthic demon fish waved its tentacles and hit the insect tide. Every attack caused dozens of insects to be killed. The bad demon spit dragon breath, which caused a large range of deaths and injuries.
As for the undead mage, it is best at summoning. After casting, the humans who died before actually climbed up from the ground, their lives have disappeared, the flesh and blood on the corpses have been eaten, most of them are only half-cut. body.
Before, they did not have the courage to face the worm, but at this time, after the resurrection of these undead, they retaliated against the worm.
As many as a thousand undead creatures crawled out of hell, they stretched out their hands to catch the escaping bugs, and then cruelly killed them without leaving a living mouth at all!
The most terrible ability of a bug is that the body carries toxins, but these undead are already corpses, ignoring the most powerful means of the bugs. For a time, the worms roared and rang out over the gate.
"Yes, yes, there are so many bugs that just let me try the full power of the endless sword!" At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly rushed towards the insect tide!
Chen Feng held the endless sword and chopped it towards a row of bugs. With the sound of "Boom!", The insects killed by the endless sword became a torch!
The temperature of the Endless Sword is too high. These bugs without ranks or bronze ranks do not even have the ability to defend. Once they approach, they will catch fire and they will instantly turn into ashes!
"This is the true power of the secondary artifact!"
Chen Feng shouted loudly, holding the endless sword in his hand as if possessing endless power, defeating the power of the Burning Demon. The energy in the sub-artifact was completely controlled by Chen Feng. He swung it hard. The original length was only over one meter. A long pillar of fire of ten meters appeared in the long sword!
The insects near these pillars of fire were burned to death. Even the silver insects could not retreat from the whole body. An aurora praying mantis is best at speed. Its wings have changed and can reach the speed of light in a short time!
But such a talented insect, after seeing the pillar of fire, the view fluttered his wings to avoid the horrific blow, but before it took action, the wings began to melt, and all of a sudden it was lost. The most important reliance was that it didn't take long for me to be surrounded by the sea of ​​corpses and torn all over my body!
At this time, the surrounding bugs seemed to feel something, and they all made the most miserable cry.
The surviving bugs sent earth-shattering howls, and suddenly a large cloud condensed above the sky, which exuded a strong stench and apparently possessed a strong toxin. This was probably the last killer of these bugs, condensing their energy in Together, once released, the surrounding land will be eroded by the horrible toxins, and it will even be alive!
"Huh? The desire to survive is very strong!" Chen Feng showed a playful look on his face: "The IQ of these bugs is not weaker than humans in some respects. Even if they died, there are still silver-level worms. Attack, trying to confuse the war situation, such a rich poison, in addition to the awakened, ordinary people around a dozen miles will die. "
"But ..." Chen Feng stretched his tone: "I have an endless sword in my hand, you still look down on the power of the artifact!"
Before speaking, Chen Feng waved the wings of the demon behind him and rushed towards the dense fog in the sky. He raised the endless blade of his hand vigorously, and saw that the blade like a pillar of fire suddenly broke the cloud, What conspiracy? What toxin, in this terrible burning, all disappeared!
The last counterattack was stopped, and the bugs were completely desperate. Some silver bugs even lay on the ground motionless. This is a manifestation of surrender. Compared with those caterpillars, their blood vessels are obviously higher and they know how to surrender.
The garrison forces around the Gorge Gate rushed over at an extremely fast speed when they learned that the fighting was taking place. At this time, the surrounding forces came one after the other and were completely surrounded by insects. These uninvited guests did not make a comeback. Opportunity!
Chen Feng held the endless sword suspended in mid-air, and released a hot flame all over, looking from a distance like a real divine residence.
"Unexpectedly, the energy of the endless sword is completely released. It is so terrible. This is only a secondary artifact. If it is a real artifact, how terrible will it be?"
At this time, instead of showing a happy face, Chen Feng was permeated with emotions on his face. In this world, the happiest is actually the frog at the bottom of the well, because they live in the well, even if they try hard to look at it, it is only the size of a blue sky.
But one day, when the frog has the power and jumps out of the bottom of the well, he will find that the blue sky is so huge and boundless that it makes people feel hopeless!
Chen Feng is now the frog living in the well. He suddenly jumped out of the bottom of the well. After seeing the vast blue sky, he was a little bit horrified.
Fortunately, the Burning Devil's contempt for himself at the time, if he used this secondary artifact from the beginning, he would most likely have become a corpse.
Taking a deep breath, Chen Feng suppressed these thoughts.
If there is no such thing in the world, standing here now means that he is a winner.
In terms of comprehension, Chen Feng only has awe in this world. The order seems strong, but compared to the real dimension plane, it is nothing at all.
The road ahead is long and the road is doomed to be flat.
Chen Feng looked at the endless sword in his hand ~ ~ In the final analysis, this artifact is still a dark pearl, and his most powerful ability is after all summoning, such as melee, even after being baptized by the blood of the Demon Demon , But there is still a big gap with the real fighting strong.
Don't look at Fula as a master of boxing. In the past, she didn't use any weapons at all, but her reaction and attack speed are several times her own. If she can master this sub-artifact, she will be a merger of two strong players. The legendary powerhouse never said a word.
However, the sub-artifact has already recognized the Lord, and if Fula has mastered it arbitrarily, she will only be backfired in the end.
"Going around, you finally belong to me, rest assured, I will not bury your glory, if possible, I will find a chance to make you a real artifact!"
"Om ..."
The endless swords seemed to understand Chen Feng's words, and the sword body trembled a bit, and the artifacts had spirits. This may be why they are called artifacts!
Shrouded in blood, the screams of worms in the pool of blood, a terrible stench overflowing, a ray of dawn fell on the ground through the darkness. Tonight, for the whole city, it is destined to be a sleepless night.
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