Vol 3 Chapter 868: carpenter

Luman woke up from his sleep, which may be because he drank some beer yesterday, which caused it to be a little later than usual, but this does not affect the progress of work, because today is Friday and it is his rest day.
The weak have no human rights. As a cat, his life seems to have been shaped from the beginning, working, being attacked, and fleeing without a target.
In the memory of Luhman for more than three decades, they have moved more often than their own age. In addition, every winter means that certain ethnic groups will experience permanent departures.
Limited food!
In mild weather, they are famined by food shortages, not to mention the cold winter.
Food is an important material for cats. In order to reduce unnecessary waste, some elderly and diseased people will choose to leave the camp when they enter winter.
The original intention of leaving the camp was to find food, but everyone knew what their real purpose was.
Just to reduce the burden of the camp, a group of old, weak and sick will freeze to death in the cold wild, or even become gnome, ogre rations.
No one knows where they will go, but the only certainty is that they will die, with a chance of up to 100%.
Luhmann has experienced this painful past. He can even foresee his future, and on a certain day of exhaustion, he will embark on the hopeless road to death.
At a time when Luhmann thought life was already like this, a breakthrough trip completely changed all this.
Patriarch of the cat.
Her title changed a year ago. Can a cat in her twenties become the leader of the future tribe that dominates the tribe?
This may sound surprising, but it has not been questioned.
Pass all!
Fura has become the youngest and also the greatest patriarch ever!
She changed the future of cats!
Fura brought the cat people from the dark abyss to the human world today!
When they first came to this world, the cat people were still a little bit embarrassed, because everything here was strange, whether it was the environment or the people here.
But after a while, Luhmann and all the cats fell in love with the land.
It has warm homes, plenty of food, and respect that has never been felt before.
Cats no longer have to run around, because this is their home. They do n’t have to worry about being attacked, and they do n’t have to endure the pain of their loved ones when they part. Among the nations, and now, after coming to order, the cat people find that they have come to the country of their dreams!
The only requirement is work. Fu La did not rely on her relationship with Chen Feng, but endless funding for the people!
Chen Feng doesn't like to abolish people. Everyone should find a suitable position. Fu La knew all Chen Feng's thoughts. So after settling down, he helped the people find jobs within their ability.
Stronger people can choose to enter the blood war department or the shadow.
And weaker, you can engage in some manual labor.
Nowadays, the order is abolished, and any post requires a lot of manpower.
Luman was not a combat genius, because of the frostbite he had when he was a child, he fell into the root of the disease, so he was a bit sloppy.
Slope foot?
This is a real waste for a race that is known for its speed.
It is because of this that Luhmann is a little bit embarrassed. He can't reflect the value to most people. He is afraid that he will be abandoned?
But experience has shown that his fear is meaningless at all.
Although he could not participate in the battle because of the foot, but he could do other work. After a choice, Luman became a carpenter!
God has deprived Luman of his right to run, but opened a window for the other party. The cats are very sensitive. Because of this, Luman basically works with those carpenters once or twice. Quickly grasp.
In just three months, he turned from an apprentice to a carpenter who could truly be his own.
Master Lu?
Luhmann likes this weird, unfamiliar title.
Order changed his life, a lot of working hours, and the craftsmanship of excellence, so that his treatment also changed.
Every week he gets a day off. In addition to this, 100 credits will be issued a week. In this way, there are 400 to 500 in January.
For today's order, this salary is already considered as the upper middle class, and he can use the credit to exchange for the supplies he needs.
Brand new tools, delicious food, spacious rooms and even beautiful brides!
The cats on the feet are like birds without wings. No one will look at them. Luhmann has converted to human age by thirty-three. This is definitely an older youth.
If it was before, Luhmann was even ready to fight his bachelor all his life.
But now everything has changed
In this pragmatic world, UU reads www.uukanshu. Compared with appearance and some minor incompleteness, whether or not com can bring a more comfortable life for the family is the most important thing.
Not long ago, some people expressed their favor to themselves.
The other person is a human being and a female worker under her own hands. When the doomsday comes, she will die with her family and her husband. Only one person and daughter will be left to support in the end.
She is a gentle woman, diligent and thrifty, and always keeps everything in order.
Luhmann didn't mind the other's past, even if he had a daughter, he just liked the other.
Luman has been used to having each other every day, and the feeling of being cared for is something he has never felt before.
As for race?
Cats and humans have a lot in common, and order does not stipulate that the two parties cannot form a family.
Luhmann wants to have a home!
This is an idea he never had before!
Luhmann could even imagine that when he returned home from a hard day's work, the table was already filled with delicious meals.
It was so warm and cozy, if possible, they might have a child of their own.
All of this can not help but make Luman full of hope for the future.
Now, what Luman hopes to do is to accumulate more wealth. He wants to change to a bigger house. The house is too small now. The three people are a little crowded, let alone four people in the future .
Accumulate wealth.
buy house.
For the first time, Luhmann felt hopeful about the future.
I do not know when it began, this originally strange land has become an inseparable part of his life.
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