Chapter 291: Double personality husband finish

This hypnosis was a long time for Dr. Meng, until 9 o'clock in the evening, Zhou Zekai lying there had not woke up, so Dr. Meng was very worried, even thinking whether to call the other party back in advance, many times, If a person with a split personality is hypnotized, the personalities of each other may be met. From afternoon to night, Dr. Meng has been watching Zhou Zekai's situation, watching the other person's expressions change, and he is also worried.
Outside Wen Xueqing and Zhou's father and mother were also waiting, as well as Zhou Zeyan and Zhou Jingxian who came over. Both knew about Zhou Zekai and hoped that Zhou Zekai would be fine.
At 9:18 in the evening, Zhou Zekai finally woke up from hypnosis, not the kind being awakened, but woke up from hypnosis himself! Dr. Meng was taken aback, then looked at Zhou Zekai, and carefully studied who Zhou Zekai was now, but he smiled at the other side.
"Dr. Meng, thank you for your help, I have recovered."
The soul was split by this body and divided into various personalities. After reintegration, Zhou Zekai became himself. He was originally a wise man, but with childishness in his wisdom, he could not control it inside the body. Alleles, but those are all Zhou Zekai, no matter what kind of person it is, Zhou Zekai.
"What? Are you recovering? Are you a master now?"
Dr. Meng originally felt that the personality he saw was very strange. After hearing Zhou Zekai's speech, he was even more shocked. He couldn't believe that the person in front of him was the personality, because the owner was so cold as ice. This man smiled like a spring breeze.
"If you have to say ... I'm the one who has merged three personalities. There will be no other personalities in the future."
This physical schizophrenia has been treated. Zhou Zekai thought of his wisher, and he thought, next, he should go and meet the wish of the wisher.
The other party's wishes are so many, even enough that his soul begins to be divided. Zhou Zekai feels that all her wishes must be fulfilled!
She wanted to find someone she loved, and she had fulfilled her wish.
Hope that her husband's personality is unified, and now Zhou Zekai is finished.
Then only the last one was left, she asked to divorce her husband.
"It's incredible ..." Dr. Meng turned around and observed Zhou Zekai, and finally determined that the person in front of him was a fused existence, only to find it incredible.
You know, it's 9:30. If in the past, Zhou Zekai, who belongs to the night, will appear. Zhou Zekai, who belongs to the night, knows Dr. Meng. Now, in this state, Zhou Zekai knows that he will not be that person. , And there was a smile on the other's face, it was not the same as him during the day, in short, Dr. Meng felt very amazing.
After researching about schizophrenia for a while, the two went out together, and then saw Zhou ’s father and mother, Zhou Zeyan, Zhou Jingxian, and Wen Xueqing. When Wen Xueqing saw him, he looked It's all bright, it's the kind of gaze, but when Zhou Zekai faced her, she gave a satirical look.
This look made Wen Xueqing stiff, and she also understood that the person in front of her didn't like her Akai ...
"Mr. Zhou, Mrs. Zhou, this hypnosis was very successful. Zekai is a blessed child. Now all the personalities have been merged, and according to my test, there will be no problems in the future."
Dr. Meng is very happy. It is a great achievement to be able to treat each other's personality splits ... And the father and mother on the side of the side heard these words, and although they felt lost for a moment, they were still very happy. Thank you, Dr. Meng. After all, their son's condition has always been their concern.
The eldest brother Zhou Zeyan also came up and patted his brother's shoulder. He can understand his brother. From childhood to old age, his brother is different from him. Such schizophrenia is actually very painful. Now, his brother finally got rid of it.
Zhou Jingxian also held Zhou Zekai's hand and chattered, thinking that my brother would not go crazy because of a sudden illness. When he is alone, this is an excitement ...
When Zhou's family was all excited, Wen Xueqing standing by the side felt she was excluded, and that feeling made her want to cry, especially when she saw that Zhou Zekai's face had no previous love, and it would be dark tomorrow, but This is no longer the person she loves, making Wen Xueqing's heart even more sad to cry.
She knew in her mind that maybe these two characters would be merged sooner or later, but did not expect that it would be so fast, she was not ready yet.
After Zhou Zekai soothed his family, he went to Wen Xueqing and said.
"I'm going to divorce you. I'll give you all of my company's real estate, and I'll give you the real estate before. I'm going out of the house. This time, it's not a solicitation, it's a decision. I will let the lawyer deliver the divorce certificate tomorrow. I hope you hurry up. sign."
This remark made the surrounding Zhou family be embarrassed, because all of them knew how much Zhou Zekai loved Wen Xueqing, whether it was the personality of the day or the personality of the night, he deeply loved the woman, and at this time At this moment, he had proposed a divorce again, and this time, his eyes were really indifferent.
Wen Xueqing really burst into tears this time. Looking at Zhou Zekai, she couldn't believe what she heard. Even Dr. Meng did not expect Zhou Zekai to recover, the first thing she would choose to divorce his wife.
"Why? Why do you have to divorce me?"
This time, there was no joke like before. Wen Xueqing's eyes with tears looked at Zhou Zekai so straightly, her eyes were full of prayers, and she didn't want to lose the man in front of her.
Zhou Zekai looked at the other side, frowning, but ridiculed his lips and said.
"I have three personalities now, so do you want to tell me what you did in front of everyone?"
This sentence made the Zhou family next to each other stunned, and looked at Zhou Zekai and Wen Xueqing, especially the mother of Zhou. She always took good care of Wen Xueqing because her son liked Wen Xueqing, and later brought Wen Xueqing with Wen Xueqing Life, but what is going on now? Did she do something to hurt her son?
Wen Xueqing heard the words for a moment, and then opened her mouth with a cry.
"I and I all love you ..."
Unfortunately, such a sentence, in Zhou Zekai's view, is too ironic.
Even if the three personalities were his own, the woman in front of him was too greedy.
"Love me? I think the person you love is only you." Zhou Zekai said, with a mockery in his tone.
"The first person you met was me at night. When you first dated, you didn't know his identity at all. After you fell in love, you secretly investigated him because he always appeared in the night, and then you knew The daytime me, because my identity can change your life's destiny, and after confirming that I have a relationship with the nighttime me, you start to approach the daytime me, and finally make a big fight with the nighttime me. At that time you were What did you say? Well, you said you would always be with me in the night, so for the night me, you have to be with me in the day, Miss Wen, you are the first one I have ever seen Such a fresh and refined person. "
Because of the disagreement between the two personalities, Zhou Zekai in the day did not know Zhou Zekai in the night, so during the day, Zhou Zekai considered his wife to be a good wife, and Zhou Zekai in the night began to embrace bottomlessly because he loved Wen Xueqing so much. Only then caused Wen Xueqing, who was more greedy.
She wanted the identity of Mrs. Zhou, and the love of A Kai at night, and rightly divided a heart into two halves. Such a woman, Zhou Zekai, could not understand why she promised to satisfy her wish.
When Wen Xueqing heard these words, his face changed greatly, and the family members of Zhou were also complex in expression. At that time, we did not know much about Zhou Zekai and Wen Xueqing. After all, Zhou Zekai had a personality split, thinking that Wen Xueqing can make two personalities. They all like it, they definitely have their own unique charm, but they never expected that all of this was based on the deception of this woman.
She deceived A Kai who loved her, and at the same time she acted in order to get Zhou Zekai during the day. Even in a practical sense, she is in love with one person, but in fact, how can two different personalities be counted as one?
The word ambivalence is Zhou Zekai's judgment on Wen Xueqing.
"No ... it's not like this ..." Wen Xueqing wanted to explain, but found that Zhou Zekai's eyes were as cold as ice, looking at her eyes like a clown, and she burst into tears and eyes, making Zhou Jingxian, who had always been close to her, silent. Taking a step back, she cares about her brother more than her sister-in-law. Since this sister-in-law lied to her brother, it must be bad ...
In the end, this matter was still planned at the request of Zhou's father and mother, but after returning, the result did not change. After the integration of the three personalities, Zhou Zekai did give people a feeling of spring, but in doing anything They were all very popular, and the divorce certificate was prepared by the lawyer the next day.
The Zhou family also knew what Wen Xueqing did. Zhou Zeyan even started to take back the shares that had been given to Wen Xueqing. Later, I did n’t know how long it took. Wen Xueqing still signed the divorce certificate, because the longer she got, the more she could get. The less.
Since the divorce, Wen Xueqing still wants to see Zhou Zekai through all kinds of information, but he knows that Zhou Zekai has already gone abroad and he has restored himself, but he doesn't want to entangle in this kind of place, but chose to travel abroad This walk is more than ten years.
In the past ten years, Zhou Zekai has been very comfortable. He will enjoy all kinds of beautiful scenery wherever he goes. He will take photos of himself and the scenery for the Zhou family. After completing the task, he seems to get rid of the shackles. When he got married, he made a son of his own at the surrogacy center and sent it back, which made his parents happy.
As for Wen Xueqing ... People in the circle knew that Wen Xueqing had been away from her spontaneously after the divorce, and those classmates who had come here also came ridiculed. Although rich, Wen Xueqing did not live well.
Because she knew that she couldn't find any more and loved her more than Akai.
Time flies, how could she not know her selfishness? What you say about loving Kai Kai is just relying on Kai Kai's love to do whatever you want. When talking about Ai Zekai, you love Mrs. Zhou more ...
If it can come to the beginning, Wen Xueqing thinks, she only has A Kai who loves her alone. Others, she really doesn't need anything.
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