Chapter 643: Windfall

The residence that the Fante Moore family arranged for Cao Yan is a three-story building with exquisite layout.
He and Fang Nan came together with Dos, and Cao Yansui took them to a study on the second floor.
Looking out of the window in the study room, I can see a clear lake like a pale blue gem. The afternoon sun fell on the lake, sparkling and dust-free. Splendid plants and trees by the lake shore, the scenery is very beautiful.
The most special thing is that the water in the lake is controlled by the power of magic. Sometimes it gushes retrograde and flows backwards into the air. In the middle of the air, another floating lake does not fall.
There are various fishes swimming in the upper and lower lakes, forming a unique landscape.
"Let's still get used to it," Fang Nan asked after he took his seat.
Cao Yan bowed his head accordingly.
After a few words of politeness, Fang Nan turned to the topic and talked about the purpose.
The three of them talked in the study on the second floor. In the living room on the first floor, the big cat used to snoring on a chair, but after the three of them went upstairs, it immediately jumped up, bent its back into a bow shape, stretched a big lazy waist, and then turned around The chubby dog ​​waved his paw and pointed out the window, which meant that the master was talking about things upstairs. He wanted to go out for a lap and asked the chubby dog ​​if he could go.
Xiao Xiaofei quickly shook his head and said not to go.
The big cat rolled his eyes with disappointment, began to act alone, jumped to the window, and jumped into the room again, and disappeared between the continuous houses of the Fantermore family.
It heard a female cat calling in the depths of the house last night ... it was so itchy in her heart and decided to go 瞅瞅.
After it left, the chubby dog ​​yawned boringly, lay on the ground, and put its chin on its fat paws, and slept loudly after a while.
Second floor.
Cao Yan took over an old notebook taken out by Fang Nan.
"This note is a magic note written by the first generation of our family. Because the time is too long, the current magic power system is a little different from what it was a long time ago. The method used to record magical transmission in ancient times is closer to extension Less you have a semiotic matrix structure.
笔记 This note records several precious ancient magic systems, all completed in the form of a matrix of magic elements. We would like to ask you to postpone and translate the contents of the magic matrix recorded in the notes in a way that we can more easily understand. "
Cao Yan said.
In the long period of history, the Fantemore family obviously had problems in inheritance and faults appeared. Therefore, some of the magic matrix contents in the notes are now difficult to understand.
I asked Cao Yan to help, in order to decipher the ancient magic content in order to regain this part of knowledge.
Cao Yan simply flipped through the magic notes in his hand.
笔记 This note is made with Warcraft skin. The page is covered with fish scale-like texture and dark lines. The entire note has magical fluctuations, so it can be kept for so long.
The content in the notes is esoteric and complicated, but it is very difficult for a person like Cao Yan to decipher the knowledge structure, which will be much easier to operate.
He stared at the contents of the notes, and Fang Nan and Fantemore waited silently.
Cao Yan reads notes very quickly. Soon after, he takes out the pen and paper, reads and interprets, and writes out the magic system in the notes line by line.
The notes were quickly read over halfway through.
曹 When Cao Yan flipped to the penultimate page, the content presented in it made him suddenly burst into his heart.
矩阵 The matrix structure recorded on this page of notes is actually very similar to those forbidden structures that emerge from the altar in the core area of ​​the ancient continent, where the corpses are stored.
Cao Yan froze for a moment, his thoughts turned sharply.
He remembered that when he found the hidden place of the corpse, there was a mage who also entered the underground corpse storage space. He wanted to get close to the corpse, but unsuccessfully, but fell there.
Cao Yan was deeply impressed by the mage who appeared at the time and his knowledge and familiarity with the core areas of ancient continents.
He couldn't help but yell: Is that mage related to the Fantmore family ... It's so interesting that things have been here for so long, it's really interesting ...
的 The twists and turns have nothing to do with Cao Yan. He simply deduced and refocused on the notes in front of him.
The content recorded in the note is equivalent to a drawing of the core area of ​​the ancient continent, which is very useful for Cao Yan.
He has been studying the core area of ​​the ancient continent in recent years, and he has deciphered many secrets.
However, the core area of ​​the ancient continent is, after all, a place of burial by a god. Cao Yan wants to fully grasp all the mysteries, but it takes a long time to research.
At this time, what appeared in this note could help him shorten the process significantly.
He looked at the notes, and compared with the core system of the ancient continent. He almost unlocked several difficulties in the core area of ​​the ancient continent, and felt extremely comfortable.
This is really an unexpected gain.
Cao Yan was not busy grasping all the contents in the notes, but they were firmly imprinted in his mind.
After an hour, Doss and Fang Nanzhen took the content of the notes translated by Cao Yan and looked at it for a moment. It was also full of joy and thanks.
Both sides have gained something, and both are very happy.
Tong Fangnan said, "Yan Shao was able to decipher the obscure content of this note so quickly, which was really beyond my expectation. In this case, we would like to troublesomely postpone another thing, and we will have a generous gift afterwards."
Cao Yan blinked his eyes: Listening to this meaning, they let me decipher the contents of the magic note, which is not the focus of the coming. The next thing is the real purpose of their coming?
"How about Yan Shao going out with me?" Fang Nan said again.
Cao Yan answered.
As the three came downstairs, a steward of the Fantemore family came quickly: "Homeowner, something has happened and I need to report to you." After looking at Cao Yan, he glanced.
Wu Fangnan: "Yan Shao is not an outsider, let's talk."
The housekeeper said: "It happened to be related to Yan Shao. His cat slipped into the inner house, and the blue elf cat raised by his wife ... did reproduction, and was discovered by the inner hound's hound. , The fight was fierce, and the alarm was not small. "
Fang Nan frowned and said: "Yan Shao's cat is okay?"
The steward said, "Because it's related to Yan Shao, we didn't catch his cat and hit him, so I just asked the master how to deal with it? The cat is fine, and we still dare not touch it casually."
Wu Fangnan laughed and said, "That's good!"
Cao Cao extended his forehead, and the big cat embryo was specially sent for breeding, or would it be cut?
The big cat is to Cao Yan ~ ~ It ’s more like a pet. The spiritual connection between the two is not as close as the magic pet and the owner, so it goes out. Cao Yan has no intentional induction. It was not noticed in time.
A few minutes later, the Fantermore family house.
Big cat and a majestic large dog Warcraft, squatting side by side on the ground, standing in front of Cao Yan and a funny Fang Nan.
Cao Yan glanced at the big cat, and the goods hit a thriller, immediately threw the pot, raised his paw and pointed at the big dog next to it, which means do n’t ask anything, it ’s the dog, I do n’t know, I ’m innocent of.
He pointed his paw to a weak, gray-blue female cat not far away, and then pointed again at the big dog next to it, which slightly twisted the corner of his mouth. This time, the meaning was more obvious. It was this dog that forced the female cat to dry. , I can't help it, it has nothing to do with me.
Fang Nan Renjun couldn't help but said, "Yan Shao's cat is really smart."
Cao Yan blushed with rare oldness and laughed twice.
This is just a trivial matter. Cao Yan puts the big cat away, and the matter is over.
He Fangnan and Doss continued to take him to a spire magic tower in the heart of the courtyard, then descended all the way, opened several secret doors, and entered the lowest floor under the tower.
As soon as Cao Yanfu walked into the bottom of the magic tower, he was taken aback and his pupils suddenly contracted.
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