Chapter 1544: Are you the great elder of the Longmeng clan?

"I don't know if Les can find the reason for the accelerated energy loss." Su Chen murmured.
Once the black hole changes, Su Chen feels that the harm may be more serious than imagined. After all, there are many lives in it, and even a lot of fire.
Once the black hole space is gone, these last fires will all disappear.
In fact, it didn't make much difference to Su Chen whether the fire disappeared or not, he was just worried that other changes would occur.
At present, the eighth front and the ninth front of mankind are engaged in large-scale wars, and their military strength is very high. Many recruits have been dispatched from within. These recruits will become veterans after a few battles.
The development of Star Road has been smooth, and there is no problem with the second time. I just summoned Chi just yesterday and learned the attitude of the Great Elder from it.
"The Great Elder of the Moncler tribe is really cruel to me, so he directly took out a quota of the Moncler tribe. The total number of the Monbile tribe is constant. Once he dies, he can let other races supplement it. How can other races change? "Chengmengli" Su Chen was very curious.
It's just that even Chi doesn't know about these conditions, I'm afraid only the elder will know.
"What's the next move for the Moncler tribe"
"There is no next step yet, but I heard that it seems that the elder is a little interested in humans, and seems to be rewarded to visit the human star field." Chi said.
Su Chen's eyes lit up. This is important news. If he can directly catch the Great Elder of the Monk Clan, everything will no longer be a problem.
For the system's capabilities, Su Chen quite trusted, the first two were not easily killed by the system.
"Do you know where your great elder will descend?"
If he knew it, he would directly take a group of Constellation Levels to block, he didn't believe that the Great Elder of the Monk Clan was so strong.
"do not know."
Chi went back soon, anyway, he had to be summoned every few days to inquire about the latest trends of the Monk Clan.
He didn't believe that this action of the Monk Clan failed, and there would be no reaction at all.
However, it may have been a lot of time before the Monk Clan got the news.
At this moment, no one noticed that suddenly there was an extra person on a street in the Earth Suzhou City.
This is a woman who looks very young, her skin is slightly dark, but she can't hide her amazing looks.
"I haven't seen this kind of environment for a long time. Let's go shopping first." The woman muttered to herself, putting her right hand on her eyes, and a pair of sunglasses appeared instantly, just right.
At the same time, she waved her hand again, and a brand-name bag appeared on her shoulder.
The only strange thing is that this beautiful beauty should have a very attractive look, but even after seeing her, the people around them turned their heads as if they saw an ordinary person.
A woman just wanders around like this, just like an ordinary person, even she actually uses the virtual currency that comes with the Red Alert World to buy things, she can actually enter the Red Alert World
The strangest thing is that Alice didn't notice it at all, only the system noticed it.
"Master, the world of Red Alert has been invaded."
Su Chen's face changed. The Red Alert World is the black technology of the system. Even if Alice can’t figure out what's going on with this thing, how can other people invade?
"Who is the intruder"
"Looking for, the location of the intruder is on earth"
Su Chen's figure instantly disappeared from the base and appeared in the outer space of the earth. His gaze swept directly across every life on the earth, and the system could not go wrong, that is to say, the other party must be on earth.
This intruder is terrifying, and he can evade all of Alice’s detection, he doesn’t believe he can evade his gaze.
After a series of analysis and searching, his eyes were directly on the city of Su.
"Got you."
As soon as the voice fell, Su Chen's figure appeared directly in front of a woman.
"I finally came, but I waited for a long time." The woman pouted, as if the two were dating and Su Chen was late.
This is a coffee shop, and women's words are normal.
But Su Chen didn't think it was normal. This woman was not in Alice's record, that is to say, she entered the earth by smuggling.
The problem is that the earth’s current level of protection, even the constellation-level strong cannot sneak in, how did this woman do it?
"Who are you?" Su Chen sat down and directly shielded the surroundings.
"Who am I, don't you know?" The woman took a sip of coffee, "It's been a long time since I had coffee. I really miss the taste."
Su Chen did not speak. This woman knew about coffee, indicating that she was not here for the first time. Who is she?
"Who are you?" Su Chen asked with a cold face.
"It's really boring. This time I just came over to take a look, to see what this human being who killed my two clansmen looks like. Now I am satisfied." The woman stretched.
Su Chen's face changed, "You are the great elder of the Monk tribe"
"Hey, your news is very good. It stands to reason that only my people know about my return. Could it be that" the woman looked at Su Chen, "You actually bought my people"
No matter how smart a woman is, it is impossible to think that her people will become Su Chen's subordinates.
Su Chen never expected to see the master so soon.
"Forget it, this is not important. Since people have seen it, I can leave." The woman waved to Su Chen and walked out of the coffee shop.
Su Chen didn't stop him. Just now, the system told him that the Great Elder of the Monk Clan probably has the strength of the tenth constellation. If he fights with the opponent here, the entire solar system will be over in an instant.
"Doesn't the Monk Clan need the prayers of a faith race to descend? The strength it exerts is also changed according to the strength of the descendant. How can she still use all of its power" Su Chen puzzled.
"The opponent is a bit unusual, but the opponent seems to have only one chance to burst out of the tenth constellation."
Soon after, Su Chen checked the earth again and found that the woman had indeed left before he returned to his command room.
The great elder of the Monk Clan was indeed the same as Chi said, very strong.
"Fortunately, the Monk tribe does not belong to this universe, otherwise it would be really troublesome for them to appear randomly."
Just when Su Chen was thinking about the Monk tribe, Les had spent a long time there. As I said before, the perception of time inside the black hole is completely different from the outside, basically a long time has passed here. , A little time passed outside.
"Hahaha, I also had such a lucky day for Les. Next time I see King Lotus, I must beat him into a pig's head." Les looked at the death scythe that changed dramatically in his hand and laughed excitedly. stand up. , Please keep in mind:, free and fastest update, no anti-theft, no anti-theft
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