Chapter 2154: Tree people

As a favorite of the roaring dog, the snoring dog will automatically perceive its existence as long as it is close to a certain range.
It is only the specific distance of this range, and Su Ye is not very clear. After all, he has not calculated it in detail.
The roaring dog nodded, "I know, master!"
At the same time, in the heart of the roaring dog, it is also the first servant of the self-contained swearing-like person, full of expectations.
On the potential, the roaring dog thinks that he is really better than the kind of people who have a nasty tree. If he was not helped by his own owner, he would not be able to conquer the people.
I haven't seen it for such a long time. The situation of this kind of people is really different from the previous one.
The current roaring dog can't guarantee that he can suppress the other person's body by the slaves who stay in the human body.
However, it is still good to have a master at the side, and the roaring dog does not need to think so much. At that time, if the people are not surrendered, there will naturally be a solution.
At this moment, Su Ye looked up at the towering mountain range, and could not help but take a deep breath, and then said straight to the roaring dog, "I am going to stay in this mountain range for a long time, It is our main purpose to find humanoids."
The roaring dog nodded heavily. "I understand, Master!"
Su Ye then lifted his foot and went to the mountain range.
The specific location of the humanoid scented tree in the mountain range, Su Ye is also unclear, only knowing the exact information, the humanoid family is living somewhere in this mountain range.
The human-like snoring tree should also be there, and as for the end of the empty-handed ending, Su Ye had completely thought about it before.
However, there is currently no way. If you want to get the land within a radius of 20 miles before the upgrade of Luoyun City, Su Ye will only be able to do this.
There is no small road in the Shangyu Mountains. Su Ye is completely step by step out of the lush jungle.
As for the flight, Su Ye did not dare to do this.
The mountains are no more than the glory of the forests that passed before. The wild monsters here, whether they are grades or strengths, are quite horrible, not to mention the many races that hate humanity.
This living human being, flying to the sky, isn’t it telling all the races of the Lushan Mountains that he is coming?
At that time, Su Ye estimated that he could not stand for a second, and he would be hung up in an instant.
This is not the result that Su Ye wants.
Among the lush vegetation, Su Ye walked cautiously upwards, and the loud noise of the wild monsters kept ringing in his ears.
After walking for about two hours, the voice of the roaring dog suddenly rang in the ear of Su Ye.
"Master, there is a log cabin in front! There seems to be a personal creature inside, I don't know if it is a monster or something else."
Su Ye turned to look at the roaring dog and asked softly, "How is the strength?"
The roaring dog recalled the situation just now and replied, "He doesn't feel very strong to me, but his ability to detect seems to be very strong. Just when I sensed him, he turned his head to me. Take a look."
I didn't encounter a living creature for two hours. Time was completely used in the jungle. Now I suddenly met a guy. Su Ye naturally refused to give up, frowned, and finally decided.
"Looking at the past!"
After all, the mountains have come, and no one can hide!
In this way, then you can find a humanoid tree.
The roaring dog immediately replied, "The hut, two hundred meters in front of us!"
After getting the position, Su Ye went directly to the right front, and was careful along the way. It was really worried that if one accidentally alerted the guy in the wooden house, it would not be very good.
After five minutes.
Through the dense foliage of the plant, a small, old-fashioned log cabin appears in the view of Su Ye.
The roaring dog leaned into the ear of Su Ye and added.
"It's inside! It's on the table, and we shouldn't have noticed our existence yet."
Su Ye nodded quietly and then continued to walk towards the chalet.
Not far from the distance, but in order to prevent him from discovering, Su Ye took a minute or two to walk to the wooden house. With the help of the roaring dog, Su Ye looked for the position of the guy facing away from the wooden house. .
Through the hole in the wooden house, Su Ye looked inside, and revealed a few surprises in his eyes.
It is a contour of appearance, similar to the normal human beings with seven or eight points.
However, it is dressed in a dress made of leaves and vines, and its back or the exposed area is covered with smooth bark.
There is a plant growing on the top of the head.
"Wooden people!"
Su Ye’s heart could not help but have a happy heart.
This time it was really a good luck. Just entering the Lushan Mountains, I was able to meet the wooden people.
The wooden people's character is gentle and kind, and it is also one of the few races that are closer to human beings.
If you can make this wooden man, as a guide in the next mountain range, it seems to be a very good thing.
At the same time, the wooden people are naturally sensitive, and the powerful wooden people can have the ability to see through the human mind, and have a special perception of everything in the surrounding plant environment.
This is also why when the roaring dog first used the keen sense to detect the wooden man, there was a feeling of being discovered by it.
According to the truth, Su Ye is now so close to the guy, he is not aware.
Is he now obsessed with other things?
This kind of thought, Su Ye flashed in his mind, followed by the system, to view the details of this wooden man under the eyes.
"[Wooden]: 45-level lord level, blood volume: 300,000. Magic attack: 10,000. Physical defense: 8000, spell defense: 15,000 (in addition to the wood spell attack, you can directly immunize 5 percent) Ten attacks)!"
"Remarks: The wooden Terran is a very moderate race. It is born with the characteristics of kindness and enthusiasm. When dealing with any race, it will be approached with good thoughts at the beginning."
"Small Tip: The wooden Terran has a natural 40+ sensibility for human beings. Any human being needs help, and the wooden Terran will not stand by."
After reading the information, Su Ye no longer concealed his actions and walked straight around the wooden house to the door.
Looking at the wood man who was still a little indifferent at this time, Su Ye could not help but knock on the wooden door, and deliberately coughed twice.
It was just under such movement that the wooden Terran seemed to be a bit late, and after a short while, he turned his head and looked at Su Ye with a shocked look.
"who are you?"
Before waiting for Su Ye to reply to anything, the wooden Terran is already full of doubts and looks at Su Ye, whispering to himself, "Human?"
"How can there be human existence in the Lushan Mountains? It has been rumored that it has been seen for more than a hundred years."
"What are you doing in the mountains?"
As Su Ye thought at the beginning, the wooden Terran had no hostility to humans at all, and looked at Su Ye, it was just a surprised expression.
Su Ye looked directly at the other side and said with a chuckle, "Hello, my name is night wind!"
The wooden Terran smashed and then responded.
"Amount! My name is Mung Bean!"
This time, the voice was obviously a lot more gentle. The tone of the connection was a bit more concern.
"Night wind, what are you doing in our mountains? This is not a place to go anywhere. If you are seen by the races that hate humanity, chances are that you will not be able to go back."
"Come to do one thing!" Just knowing the wooden man's mung bean, Su Ye naturally can't talk to him all the things, just say it casually, then he asks, "Mung bean, you are What are you doing here? How come I am close, you don’t know, is the natural perception of the wooden people not very powerful?"
During the speech, Su Ye also noticed the tears that had not dried up in the corner of the mung bean.
A hiding in a sneaky cry?
Mung beans are calculated according to the age among the wooden people. Now they are also an adult, and they are still a male, and they will hide and cry alone.
This makes Su Ye a little bit instantly.
Mung bean subconsciously wiped his eyes, and then quickly shook his head. "Nothing, just suddenly want someone to be quiet."
"Right, human beings are good friends of our wooden people. If you have something to come to the mountains, then it is better to go to the wooden people with me. I have not seen humans for more than 100 years, your appearance, sure Can make the people very happy."
The mung bean proposal made Su Ye a bit surprised. He was still thinking about how to let him take him to the wooden race. I didn't expect the mung bean to say it directly.
In this case, Su Ye also immediately nodded with a smile, "I will respect you as if you are obedient!"
Mung beans: "Night wind, don't be so polite, elders often say that humans have not helped us when we are still very weak."
"And what the mountains say, it is also the place where our wooden people live. As a landlord, please go to the family of our wooden people, and it is also a friendship of the landlord."
"follow me!"
After that, the mung bean turned directly and took the staff on the table. When he turned around and led the way, his eyes stayed on the body of the roaring dog for a while, and he did not ask what the Su Ye was, but he went straight out. Wooden house.
Although Su Ye noticed the mung bean's gaze, but did not care too much about it, the hands carrying the crack and the black dawn, also followed him behind his eyes, looking at the crisp plants on the top of the mung bean from time to time.
It is said that there will be a plant on the head of each wooden man, which is their body.
The state of the head plants can fully reflect the strength, age, attributes and so on of the corresponding wooden people.
Su Ye has also heard a legend, that is, the plant on the top of the wooden race, the day when the flowering result will be produced, the fruit produced by the flower on the head of the head has a very magical special effect.
However, these are only rumors. The specific Su Ye has never really seen it. After the first two mountains were jointly occupied by several super-guilds, they not only took away all the items inside, but also put some races directly. Split up.
The wood race is a natural race that is close to the wood system. Naturally, it is no exception.
Now I have the opportunity to verify that the legendary things are true.
It took more than ten minutes to walk so quietly along the way.
After Su Ye finished the plant on the top of the mung bean, he studied his skin clothes. It seems that buying a mung bean is a stuffy gourd. After going out of the log house, he knows that he is on the road, except that he occasionally looks back at the Su Ye and has not kept up. Besides, I don’t say a word.
In the end, Su Ye really didn't mean anything, and he took the initiative to say to Mung Bean.
"The first time I came to the mountains, mung beans, can you tell me about the situation here?"
Mung beans: "What do you want to know?"
Su Ye wants to know a lot about the mountains and it is not sure at all. What is it to know.
Su Ye then said casually, "What do you say, what you say! If you don't know then introduce the ethnic profile of the Lushan Mountains."
"Race profile?"
The footsteps of the mung bean moved slightly, and after a low voice, it was the initiative to continue to say to Su Ye. "The length of the mountain range is hundreds of miles, and there are hundreds of large and small races. Race! But for the actual number, one of the elders of my wooden family once did a statistic, probably about five hundred, and now I am afraid there are not five hundred."
"The most powerful of these races is the ten! It is also known as the top ten races of the Laoshan Mountains. The rest of the races are used as vassals to find the top ten races as a backdrop."
"The family race of our wooden race is the sixth tree in the top ten races! The nature of the tree race is similar to that of our wood race. We like peace and do not like war. We treat other races with a very friendly attitude."
As said, Mung bean seems to think of something unhappy, the sound is suddenly a low, while sighing, slowly said.
Su Ye looked at the mung beans and asked quickly.
"What a pity?"
Looking at the mung bean, I said nothing at all. Su Ye added a sentence. "It’s okay if you have something to do with me. If I can help, I will be obliged."
Mung beans looked at Su Ye and said with a smile. "You can't help this thing because the fire of war in the mountains has spread quietly."
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