Chapter 3: Nanny's son

Aunt Fan carried large and small bags in both hands, and the boy next to her also had a big sack on his thin arm.
After opening the door, she asked the boy to put the sack down and said something with a smile.
The children all probed their heads, wanting to see the contents of the sacks clearly. Jiang Mingzhen, who was squeezed in the middle, only vaguely heard a few words of "country specialty", "peanuts", "dried sweet potatoes", "Miss loves to eat" or something.
Xu Meiyin kept saying thanks: "It's too polite to carry it all the way from the country so far."
Aunt Fan pushed the child to the front and introduced her a few words.
The boy obediently followed his mother and called, "Good morning, madam."
"Really good," Xu Meiyin bent down and touched his head: "What's your name?"
The child behind rustled around, and Jiang Mingzhen saw the boy's mouth snapped together, but couldn't hear what he was saying.
"Hey!" She yelled angrily, and pushed hard behind her: "You can squeeze me again!"
The children became honest instantly.
She asked: "What did he say his name was?"
"His name is Yu!" someone who heard it reported to her.
The person who heard more accurately imitated the accented Mandarin of the country boy and said word by word: "Live taro."
Jiang Mingzhen curled her lips, her name was really ugly.
Xu Meiyin has already started chatting with the nanny about her family. I haven't seen each other for a few days, Aunt Fan's spirit is much worse, and she seems to be a few years old.
Children can't understand what the adults are talking about, so their attention is diverted. Some people suggest playing house wine.
"Jiang Mingzhen, do you want to play?"
"Oh," the person afraid of being scolded quickly made a silent gesture to him: "You don't call her now."
Jiang Mingzhen is listening attentively.
Aunt Fan answered Xu Meiyin's words and suddenly noticed something was missing in the room.
"Is Miss Jane away today?"
"I'm here."
Xu Meiyin turned her head and met Jiang Mingzhen who had half an eye in the backyard.
"What are you doing there?" She waved at her: "Come here, Aunt Fan is back, and her little brother, haven't you been looking forward to them these days?"
The boy followed Xu Meiyin's sight and looked in the direction of the backyard.
Jiang Mingzhen slipped away like oil on the soles of her feet.
Xu Meiyin laughed out loud.
"This child is not afraid of every day, but he didn't expect to be shy when seeing strangers."
Aunt Fan already knows Jiang Mingzhen's character very well.
"It's okay, let Miss Jane and their friends play in the backyard."
Xu Meiyin nodded.
"Let's come in. Your room is the same as before, and I have prepared a new room for the child."
"Ms. I don't need it, it will be fine if he lives with me."
They talked and went inside.
The new boy followed his mother every step of the way.
Jiang Mingzhen in the backyard never left the door. For a long time, no one came in.
"Why didn't he come to play with us?" She ordered a child casually, and she ordered: "Go over and call him over."
"Oh." The child left obediently.
Jiang Mingzhen just heard that they were going to play house wine, now she has some free time, and began to organize their roles.
"I want to be the boss," she said naturally.
She has always been the protagonist of playing house wine, the queen, the young lady, the princess, the boss, anyway, is the most powerful person in the game. Everyone doesn't like to play Jiang Mingzhen's version of playing house wine. Last time she played the emperor, everyone would kowtow to her when they saw her.
"There is no boss."
The courageous kid stood up against Jiang Mingzhen.
"We play the ancient wedding house wine."
"Yeah, we have already divided the roles of the hammer, scissors and cloth just now."
"Oh," Jiang Mingzhen said, "What role are you guys?"
They all stood up and answered.
"I am the groom."
"I am a bride."
"I am a matchmaker."
"I am the bride father."
"I am the groom's mother."
"There are servants, pet dogs, and horses left. Choose one."
"I'm the bride." Jiang Mingzhen held his chin up, and pointed his finger at the girl who was originally the bride: "You are a servant."
The little girl was wronged immediately: "I will not do it."
"Huh," Jiang Mingzhen yanked away the bride's red hijab from her hand: "You are at my house, and you want to use my toys to dress up the house wine. If you don't listen to me, you have no fun."
Everyone still wants to play. So facing the domineering Jiang Mingzhen, all dared not speak.
The girl who was assigned the role of servant reluctantly picked up the servant's rice spoon and plastic bowl.
The child who had previously played as the groom didn't want to partner with Jiang Mingzhen, and quickly raised his hand: "I, I want to change to a pet dog and not be a groom."
When the errand boy took the country boy to the backyard, everyone was already dressed according to their roles.
The friends told them: "We played the house wine of ancient marriages, and there was no one left to choose the groom and horse."
The errand boy looked around, and Jiang Mingzhen was covered with a piece of red cloth.
Without any hesitation, he finished his choice: "I want to be a horse."
Then there is no doubt that the groom...everyone looked at the new boy sympathetically.
He did not know the situation and had no objections.
"Thank you, and give me the best." The little boy has a heavy local accent, and when he speaks, he lowers the volume very deliberately.
He smiled friendly at them. The fleshy face looked rounder and bulging in that smile.
Through the opaque red cloth, Jiang Mingzhen saw his expression vaguely. She stood opposite him and heard his thank you very clearly.
He is different, she thought: Unlike other people, he might have fun with me.
The game of pretending to be a house and wine began in an atmosphere of peace of mind for all staff.
Everyone performed their duties, playing the pet dog squatting on the ground barking, playing the servant began to scoop soil into a plastic bowl, and some did not know what to do, clapping their hands while humming the wedding march to the bride and groom...Although the theme It is an ancient wedding.
The matchmaker waved a small handkerchief and led the bride with a red hijab into the room.
The horse yelled "yo yo" in front, followed by the groom.
"Married, married." The children grabbed the grass on the ground and threw it into the air.
Jiang Mingzhen looked at the ground, and a pair of white washed cloth shoes stood in front of her.
He took her little finger and pulled her forward.
The palm of the little finger gently wrapped, like the face she saw, very fleshy and warm.
The artificially hummed out-of-tune wedding march sounded again.
They walked all the way to the place where the servants prepared their food.
The atmosphere of the game reached its climax, and the children roared hoarsely: "The groom lifts his hijab and enters the bridal chamber."
The little bridegroom with a bun face heard the words and did.
His face was full of smiles, and he carefully pinched the edge of the red cloth with both hands and lifted it up.
The moment Jiang Mingzhen saw the light again, she cast a wink at him in a good mood.
Immediately afterwards, the plot sprinted in a direction she had never expected.
The boy's smile froze on his face, as if he accidentally swallowed the whole plum while eating, and it stuck his throat.
Unknown Jiang Mingzhen reached out to grab him.
The boy shrank back and almost jumped up, screaming into her face: "Mom, mom has a ghost!"
Isn't it hell?
Under the blood-red hijab that had been covered for too long, the scattered long hair covered the girl's left eye, leaving her right eye loomingly. He frightened and scanned her facial features...flat nose, thick lips, yellow to black skin, the little right eye behind the hair was staring at him, and in fright, he saw it facing him. After blinking twice, his eyes were even stranger than before.
"Ghost Bride!"
The children onlookers laughed.
"Hahaha Jiang Mingzhen is a ghost bride!"
Jiang Mingzhen has never suffered such humiliation in her five-year-old life so far.
No one will tell her that she is ugly.
How could she be ugly? Jiang Mingzhen often hears what everyone says, but there is only one sentence: her daughter really looks like her mother.
Her mother Xu Meiyin is a well-known big beauty.
Therefore, Jiang Mingzhen has always believed that she is a reduced version of her mother-her eyes are much smaller than her mother, and her nose is much flatter than her mother. The mouth is more like a father, thick.
Is there something wrong? She will be as beautiful as her mother when she grows up.
Jiang Mingzhen was furious.
She was so angry that she couldn't perform according to her usual normal level, and she started to go crazy on the spot.
"How dare you..."
She clenched her fists, and amidst the laughter of her companions, screamed harshly at the country boy who had offended her.
"I tell you!"
Gritting her teeth, she said word by word: "Live taro! You will regret it!"
Dare to provoke her Jiang Mingzhen to see how he will live better at Jiang's house in the future.
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