Chapter 35: unknown to others

Jiang Xiaozhen was pulled away from her mother by He Yu.
He asked her to go out with him to buy dinner.
He told Xu Meiyin that he would help persuade Jiang Xiaozhen.
He Yu's actions were not the same. He pulled Jiang Xiaozhen away crudely and eagerly, as if Xu Meiyin was in great danger.
The tears on Jiang Xiaozhen's face were still wet. When they walked out of the community, she was still sucking in breaths.
Passers-by looked sideways, and He Yu silently blocked her.
His mind was confused, for the scene he saw just now, for Jiang Xiaozhen who didn't know how to comfort him.
Jiang Yuan and Xu Meiyin in He Yu's childhood memories were too good parents to fault. After reuniting with Jiang Xiaozhen, he also thought so. Even after more than ten years of time passed, and even after the storm, they still spoiled their daughter as before...Until He Yu saw it with his own eyes, Xu Meiyin slapped herself heavily.
Obviously, something has changed in quality and is no longer the same.
"Let's go, you don't need your intervention in my family's affairs." She stopped behind him.
He Yu turned around and found that he had been pulling Jiang Xiaozhen's wrist.
He let go of her.
Wiping away the tears, Jiang Xiaozhen immediately turned around and wanted to go back.
He Yu had to catch up and grabbed her hand again.
"Will it be better if I get the money back?"
Jiang Xiaozhen's back paused.
She didn't shake him off, turned around, and smiled at He Yu.
"No, I said nonsense before. Thank you for the money you borrowed. I will study hard." Relaxed and bright, with a very "Jiang Xiaozhen" smile and a very "Jiang Xiaozhen" tone.
He Yu suddenly trembled in his heart.
Such a very normal Jiang Xiaozhen made him feel very strange.
Does he understand her?
Maybe not.
How can I help her?
"Jiang Xiaozhen..."
He Yu frowned.
"Can you tell me your story?"
He looked at her, facing incurable diseases like a doctor. Like a student facing a difficult arithmetic.
No one has ever asked Jiang Xiaozhen this question.
He Yu grabbed her hand and looked like he would not give up unless he got the answer, asking for trouble to come.
"There is nothing worth listening to," she said.
"If you are willing to say, I am here, I want to listen."
His hand changed from grasping to grasping, clasping her fingers tightly.
"Jiang Xiaozhen, I am your friend."
He Yu didn't know, just his words had already helped Jiang Xiaozhen a lot.
She helped people wash their heads all night, and her hands were cold.
She lost her way, the huge world had nowhere to go, and the pain in her heart was no one to tell.
Those warm hands held her at such a moment, holding her no longer to fall to a darker and colder place.
The story of Jiang Xiaozhen, start from the year they were separated.
Six-year-old Jiang Mingzhen asked her mother when she could look as beautiful as her mother. Mom said that every flower has its opening time, and it is not yet Xiaozhen's season. So Jiang Mingzhen has quietly waited for the arrival of his own season every day and night since then.
At the age of seven, Jiang Mingzhen heard parents quarreling. Her restaurant is aimed at high-end people, but the business can't keep up with the high-level service. Under the loss, her father is unwilling to transform and began to borrow money from acquaintances.
At the age of eight, the hotel went bankrupt.
In the same year, her father ran away with his wife and daughter, carrying a debt. Their family is not exhausted, her father kept a sum of money on hand. He plans to continue to do a little business in other cities, dreaming that one day, he can make a comeback.
One day when he was nine years old, Jiang Mingzhen left school and was picked up by a pair of uncles and aunts she knew. They said that her father was not free, and she went to their house to play today. That day, the uncle and aunt's car drove a long way, and finally drove to a place that Jiang Mingzhen didn't know at all.
"Your daughter is in our hands. Repay the money and we will send her back."
"Call the police? Call the police. You owed us so much money and ran away. If you call the police, you will also go to jail."
The uncle who finished speaking into the microphone took the microphone to Jiang Mingzhen's mouth after listening to the reply on the other side of the phone.
"Talk to your parents." He commanded her.
Jiang Mingzhen didn't understand what she should say.
"Say you are Jiang Mingzhen, let your parents pay back."
With her mouth flat, Jiang Mingzhen didn't want to say.
She knew that their family had no money now, and money was very important to her father.
The uncle and aunt changed their faces and slapped Jiang Mingzhen severely.
Jiang Mingzhen held her painful cheek in a daze.
They shouted at her, and soon the next slap was about to come down.
She was terrified, and as they asked, she continued to say: "I am Jiang Mingzhen! I am Jiang Mingzhen!"
Every subsequent call is the same. Uncles and aunts asked her parents to raise money to pay them back, and Jiang Mingzhen wanted to speak into the microphone. When she refused to speak out, they beat her and starved her.
"I'm Jiang Mingzhen." She repeated this sentence mechanically.
They added: "Let your parents prepare money quickly!"
Jiang Mingzhen refused to say.
She only wants to say "I am Jiang Mingzhen".
A week later, her parents collected the money they owed and redeemed Jiang Mingzhen.
Ten-year-old Jiang Mingzhen lived with his parents in no fixed place, so the school changed from one school to another. The unstable life prevented her from even a friend who could talk. When the parent meeting was held, the teacher talked to her parents.
"Jiang Mingzhen is too autistic," the teacher said.
From the teacher's mouth, her parents learned of their daughter's unhappy campus life.
The school classmates laughed at her ugly and dressed poorly. Jiang Mingzhen never resisted their behavior and fought back. She does not talk to classmates or teachers. Every day after being sent to the class by her parents, she sits in her seat and does not go anywhere until school is over and she is picked up by her parents.
She could not say a word at school a day, or even go to the toilet.
After the parent meeting, mom and dad talked to Xiaozhen. Jiang Mingzhen told her parents that she wanted to be at home, but did not want to go to school.
"How about not going to school?" Her parents disagreed.
They promised Jiang Mingzhen.
"We will buy Xiaozhen the best looking clothes and dress you up the most beautiful."
"We let Xiaozhen study in a good city and a good school. Good schools are full of good teachers and good students, and they will be kind to Xiaozhen."
Jiang Mingzhen had to go to school again.
At a new parent-teacher meeting in the new school, the new teacher said the same thing to her parents.
"Your Mingzhen is too introverted and is always bullied at school."
But how could this be? Jiang Mingzhen's parents couldn't understand. Jiang Mingzhen in their family is a grumpy little princess who is not afraid of everything. She has always bullied others, and no one bullies her. She is obviously such a great little girl. When did she change?
They treat Jiang Mingzhen better and take care of her more meticulously. They will give her everything they can.
They want the little princess who was in a good family to come back.
At the age of eleven, Jiang Mingzhen was advised by the school to temporarily suspend school.
The professional psychological teacher on campus had a conversation with Jiang Mingzhen's parents. Finally, they accepted the school's suggestion to let Jiang Mingzhen rest at home for a period of time.
How can I protect my daughter?
Her parents are worried. They fell to the bottom of the valley, unable to protect themselves, and raised their hands as much as possible so that Xiao Mingzhen's feathers were not stained with dirt.
At the age of twelve, the debt collector came to him. The Jiang family of three squeezed into the rental house, and the people outside kept tapping the door, calling out their three names and wantonly insulting.
Mother covered Mingzhen's ears: "Mingzhen, don't listen."
Once, they were caught by the same group of people outside. Mom ran slowly. She put Jiang Mingzhen on her father's back and let them run first.
Jiang Mingzhen turned her head on her father's back and saw that her mother was caught. They kicked her body, the sound was like a heavy sandbag falling on the ground, one after another.
"Mingzhen, don't look."
Father's pace did not stop for a moment, and mother did not ask them for help.
"Ming Zhen," they said to her over and over again whenever they had the chance during those difficult days: "You are the jewel in our palm, and you are our supreme treasure. You must be good."
At the age of thirteen, Jiang Mingzhen couldn't speak to his parents even at home, let alone go to school.
But at this moment, she has been absent from school for two years.
"Xiaozhen must go to school."
"If you don't study, will you work like us in the future?"
Over the years, Jiang Mingzhen's parents have worn out everything. They work and borrow money, no matter how humble and hard they do, no matter how humbly they are, they can borrow money.
Open eyes are a dusty road, closed eyes are a leaky basement.
They have no unrealistic hopes, no convictions to cheer up. They have completely lost from the inside out, and all the glory they had in the past has been lost.
This family, these two people, still exist for only one reason: Jiang Mingzhen.
They loved her and protected her unchangingly for decades.
Jiang Mingzhen still retains the last trace of their family's dignity, and the last trace of hope from the last.
She has a long future.
She shouldn't be tired of them, stop here.
The slap that parents slapped on their faces hurt Jiang Mingzhen and woke Jiang Mingzhen.
"It's all my fault, I hurt our family Mingzhen."
"Damn I, I owe so much money."
"Mingzhen, can you talk to us?"
"Mingzhen, you promised mom and dad to go to school, OK?"
Jiang Mingzhen has been waiting for her season.
When she is in her season, she will become very beautiful, gentle, and knowledgeable. Like her mother, everyone will like her; she will grow up all at once, and she will carry her home alone, so her parents will no longer have to starve. Be chased, do hard work.
Bai Ju crossed the gap. She hadn't waited until her season, opened her eyes, but saw that her parents were old.
They couldn't hold on any longer, and there was hopeless ashes in their eyes, and they slapped the whole family to the bottom.
Before breaking down, they pin their hopes on her.
Jiang Mingzhen has to go to school.
She goes to the best school, and her backpack contains gifts prepared by her mother. She dressed up as she was when she was most confident, and she imitated her own life at the time.
Because that was Jiang Mingzhen, who had not waited for her own season, the most powerful period in her life.
Only a little bit.
"I don't want to be called Jiang Mingzhen anymore." She said to her parents.
The name "Jiang Mingzhen" followed her waiting and was buried at the age of thirteen.
The "Jiang Xiaozhen" who was left behind, dressed in a layer of "Miss Jiang Family" she described, no longer grows up.
Her strength is small, and her strength is also small.
However, this is the only thing she can do for her parents.
The three in the family tacitly wanted Jiang Xiaozhen to grow up carefree, and Jiang Xiaozhen was also spoiled by them dutifully, dutifully and carefree.
A peaceful family.
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