Chapter 818: Unconsciousness

Chapter 818 Unconsciousness
Chen Hui's face was extremely ugly, he bit his lower lip, looked at the Slade with disgust, and answered for a while: "He ... he just ... licked ..."
She was disgusted and couldn't say anything. She just raised her arm and showed it to Bai Youwei, "licked here."
Licking your arm?
What's wrong with this?
Bai Youwei raised her eyebrows and looked at Mark, Dylan and Slade again.
"Is he looking for death!" Leonid was so angry that he felt that the other party was obviously playing mang, and he kicked his feet up!
As a result, these people were incredibly weak. Not only was Slade kicked, but Mark and Dylan, who helped Slade, were kicked together a few meters away!
The sound of broken bones sounded, especially in the stone room.
Leonid suddenly stiffened, and the second leg he was about to lift up suddenly withstood it.
He just wanted to teach each other, but did not expect the other party to be
like a cookie, and he broke his foot? !
But think about it, too. There are bones left in these people, and they ca n’t even see a few pieces of meat. They are so thin, they have been lacking exercise for a long time, coupled with malnutrition and so on ...
"It's really a misunderstanding ..." Mark clutching the sore spot, still explaining difficultly, "Slide stayed in the dark for too long, and has been unable to distinguish dream and reality recently, otherwise how dare he ..."
To say something inappropriate, although Chen Hui is just a little girl, she is "strong" compared to the skinny Slade.
"Since it's a misunderstanding, let's disperse, everyone rest early." Bai Youwei said calmly, "Leonide, help Chen Hui put up the tent so that she won't sleep in the middle of the night."
Without saying anything, Leonid immediately went to his luggage to get the tent.
Bai Youwei looked at the man named Slade.
His eyes still stuck to Chen Hui.
To be precise, it was staring at Chen Hui ’s licked arm, and there was suspicious at the corner of his mouth ... secretly secreted, saliva.
"What are you looking at?" Shen Mo burst out loud, his voice cold.
Bai Youwei looked back, only to find out that while she was observing Slade, another guy named Dylan kept staring at her.
Therefore, Shen Mo suddenly had trouble.
Most of Shen Mo ’s momentum will be deterred, but Dylan ’s mental state is obviously also problematic, and he has n’t seen an answer for a long time. At the end, Mark will help him out and explain to Shen Mo:
"He ... he was asleep too! Stayed in the maze for too long, not intentionally ..." Mark dragged Dylan hard, "Dylan, Dylan! You are awake! Awake!"
Dylan finally recovered, but he didn't seem to know the situation. He glanced at Shen Mo and Bai Youwei with confusion, then withdrew his gaze and bowed his head back into the corner.
Leonid scolded, and thought he was sick of these people!
Bai Youwei stood there for a while, stretched out his hand to hold Shen Mo, and bent down to return to the tent.
"Just now, was he looking at me?" Bai Youwei confirmed to Shen Mo.
"Yes, I saw Chen Hui at the beginning, and then came to see you." Shen Mo frowned, quite unhappy. "Not only the two of them, but Mark, who has the most words, his eyes often run towards you and Chen Hui ... baffling."
Bai Youwei thought of other things ...
"Why would it be me and Chen Hui?" She thought, and asked slowly, "do I have any common characteristics with Chen Hui?"
"All are women." Shen Mo replied, "All are young and beautiful."
Chen Hui is fifteen or sixteen years old. Girls of this age are like flowers, almost ugly.
Bai Youwei has always been exquisite, looks smaller, and looks no more than seventeen or eighteen.
Bai Youwei said: "I sleep in a tent, and you are watching me. But Chen Hui has only one person, Leonid is on the vigil, not beside her. If it is really a sleepy person, or an unconscious person, Probably so accurate ... find a suitable target? "
(End of this chapter)
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