Chapter 178: Buy parts, the battleship is sold

Xiao Ran looked at the blond man, and really felt that this guy seemed to have a feeling of secondary two. Although he didn’t know if it was disguised or it was originally, Xiao Ran didn’t want to team up with him either. The most critical issue was the two sides. I don't understand, and Xiao Ran is also afraid that the difficulty of the next task will increase because of teaming up with this guy.
Shaking his head, Xiao Ran asked, "Do you know me?"
"I don't understand." The blond man shook his head.
"Yeah, you don’t know me, I don’t know you, even our opponent’s name doesn’t even know. You came here to sell things, and I came here to buy things. You suddenly said that you want to form a team. It makes me feel a little embarrassed."
Xiao Ran sighed and continued: "I'm afraid that if I refuse you, you might become irritated. Whenever you run into trouble in the mission world, you will do everything possible to trouble me. I promise you, I don't know if you are really stupid or Fake stupid, I really don’t know if I will sell you or you will sell me. Do you think it’s appropriate for us to form a team in this situation?"
The blond man sighed after hearing Xiao Ran’s words:
It’s really difficult to find the right person to form a team. It’s hard for people here to trust others. Tell me about myself. My name is Basac.

Xiao Ran also gave out his pseudonym: "Alex."
"Alex, after the next mission is over, it will be a special mission. I was the only one in the last special mission. It's rare to die. I didn't have the right people to give advice, but it was hard for me. I almost didn't come back." Barsac said. Pulling his hair, he said with a tangled face: "Why don't we sign a temporary team agreement and try to participate in a mission together? You can indicate some powerful conditions for you, such as your loss by the two of us. Equally, if you die, I will be punished and so on. It is good to have a process to understand, otherwise I will really have to join those legions. Hey."
"Can special missions be difficult?" Xiao Ran was stunned when he heard Basac's words, but soon recovered, without any special expressions on his face, but thought: "After every three mission cycles, there will be A special mission. I joined Prometheus after the end of the special mission. The book I bought before also said that the special mission is very special. The mission mode is completely different from other missions. It is very random. Received all kinds of messy tasks. It seems that we have to prepare well for special tasks."
With a soft breath, Xiao Ran looked at Basac: "If you sign a temporary team agreement that is relatively fair on the premise of being strong to me, it's not impossible to try to team up with you."
"Really!" Basak's green eyes lit up and said, "Should we sign now?"
"After coming back from the next mission, I still want to be alone in this mission..."
Before Xiao Ran's words were finished, Basac became anxious: "Don't, we can just break in on this task, and we can cooperate better in special tasks."
Xiao Ran frowned, in the world of Macross. The team actually gave him a lot of thinking and shock, especially the tacit cooperation of the other party also made Xiao Ran realize that if he wanted to continue to survive in Prometheus, having a team was an inevitable choice, but Xiao Ran also did not. Don't want to team up with other participants.
The first is because in Xiao Ran's opinion, the trust among participants is equal to zero. Even if two strangers meet together, even if they experience all kinds of dangers together, it is difficult to guarantee that the other person will not be evil towards themselves.
The second is because Xiao Ran still wants to rely on the understanding of the plot to earn more combat points and gain more benefits, if there is a participant around him. Many things will seem inconvenient, after all, it is better not to disclose things like familiar plots.
Third, it was because Xiao Ran felt that the relationship was still too weak. Without strong strength, there will be no right to speak in the team, so you will be led by others by the nose when doing anything. Such words may lead to some dangers and even loss of life.
Therefore, Xiao Ran would rather find more followers than to team up with other participants, but Basac’s words made Xiao Ran feel that if he is not willing to give even an opportunity to understand, then follow the participants later. The more tasks they go through, the more vigilance and defense in their hearts, and even more arrogant after gaining strength, the harder it will be to find a team at that time.
The agreement that Basac said really made Xiao Ran a little heart-stirring. A date that was beneficial to him was a good thing. No matter if Basac was a real second-year or fake stupid, as long as Xiao Ran himself could be more careful, he was in the agreement. Under the action, there may not necessarily be any danger.
But first, Xiao Ran must determine whether Barsack really has no team. To determine this is actually very simple. Just ask him to prove it when signing the agreement, but before that, he has to do the business first.
Xiao Ran nodded, neither agreed nor refused, and said, "I will go back and think about it today. We will exchange a contact information and I will contact you tomorrow."
"Okay." Basak nodded his head with a smile, and told Xiao Ran his contact number. After taking it down, Xiao Ran pointed to three things and asked: "Speaking of a suitable price, I bought all three things. "
"Since you are ready to form a team with me, I will tell you the truth. I got my position by opening a treasure chest. The weapons and beam shields were obtained by a very special method and spent a total of 50,000 combat points. In fact, it really didn't make you much."
Xiao Ran chuckled, "Five thousand points of merit are two things, and the two things add up to one hundred thousand points. You haven't earned me much yet?"
Basac shook his head: "I can't get all the fifty thousand merit points, because if the things obtained in this special way are sold out, the merit points earned from the things I sell must be paid to Prometheus. Paying 50% of the fee, only 25,000 points were obtained."
"That's not less." Xiao Ran shook his head, pointing to three things and said: "The price of the three items is 80,000 points in total. I think it is more reasonable. The i-force field is only a c-level component, which consumes too much energy and is not practical , The highest power of the weapon is only b-, and the power is not big. As for the beam shield, it's not bad."
"One hundred thousand."
Xiao Ran shook his head: "80,000."
Basac stared at Xiao Ran: "Ninety-five thousand."
Xiao Ran continued to shook his head: "80,000, didn't you just say the cost price, don't tell me you didn't even get any merit points when you opened the treasure chest."
Basac's eyes widened: "The lowest price is 90,000! If you decide to sign an agreement with me tomorrow, I will refund 10,000 to you."
Xiao Ran nodded in satisfaction, and directly allocated 80,000 merit points to Basac, and put all three components in his bag, and then said to Basac that he had contacted for a day and then Shi Shiran left. Basac watched Xiao Ran leave. His back also kept sighing.
Although it cost 80,000 points, Xiao Ran thinks that it is actually quite worth it. The Sparrow Screen Broken Strike Crossbow is a very suitable weapon for multiple shooting, but it takes a little bit to maximize its true power. To improve it, in fact, the most praiseworthy part of this weapon is that what Xiao Ran focuses on is not the main launch port of the weapon, but the eight secondary launch ports.
It can emit a beam with a power of c-level intensity, but it is like a cylinder, which is slightly larger than the muzzle of an ordinary beam rifle, and its length is less than a quarter of that of a general beam rifle, which is more positive. It's a very small one.
As for the i-position generator, although it consumes a little more energy, it is actually quite good, and it can be used by the dark heretics. The beam shield is naturally the black eagle with the least defense.
I don’t know if it’s very lucky today. Not long after Xiao Ran left the Barsac booth, he met another target that needed to be purchased, a c-level multiple locking system.
Fast multi-locking system: C-level components, the fastest can lock 4 targets per second, lock up to 15 targets. The price was slightly more expensive than what Xiao Ran had seen before, and it cost a full seven thousand merit points. Xiao Ran bought it without even paying the price.
Originally, he had a total of more than 27,000 points of merit. At this time, only more than 94,000 were left. Repairing the Lightning Aegis cost 3,000, purchasing a battery energy pack of 3,000, and three components plus a multiple locking system of 97,000 Point, plus 10,000 points of transformation costs, it has already spent more than 100,000 points of merit.
I happily came to Lao Luo’s shop with today’s harvest, but found that the shop had been blocked by the isolation device. Xiao Ran only wandered around. It was the same before passing through Lao Luo’s shop several times, almost forty minutes. Later Xiao Ran walked to Lao Luo's shop again before seeing Lao Luo sitting on a big chair with a smile.
Lao Luo was stunned when he saw Xiao Ran and then smiled: "Hey, do you have any special skills? Why are you so sensitive to combat points? You come just after I deal with things. Up."
"Sold it!" Xiao Ran showed a surprise expression on his face for an instant, and Lao Luo nodded with a smile: "It's more than two million combat points."
Xiao Ran smiled happily, Lao Luo lowered the isolation device again, and then said to Xiao Ran: "At first there was a legion who only wanted to spend 1.8 million, but since I promised you can sell it for two million, it must be. It was two million. I found the enemy of the legion and talked about it. In the end, the opponent took an extra 150,000 merits and points it out, totaling 2.15 million. In the middle, I added 5% of the ranks, and there is still left. The next two million and thirty thousand."
Seeing the prompt in the watch, Xiao Ran broke through to 7-figure points in an instant, and the smile on his face couldn't stop.
Lao Luo smiled and patted Xiao Ran on the shoulder: "Thanks to your blessing, this warship has also been handed over to me for repairs. Although it is discounted, I can still make a lot of money." (To be continued. ...)
ps: Today is the fourth update. I drunk only owes five chapters. This chapter is also the last chapter of today. There are still some drunken ones.
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