Chapter 821: D.S.S.D

Mina is very surprised why this woman appeared in the Imperial Pillar of Heaven with Xiao Ran. There must be people who don't know the identity of Lacus, but Mina is definitely not included in these people. Net≯≯
The Sahak family was originally responsible for the handling of the dark side of Orb. They definitely know more about Lacus than many people. They also know that Lacus is definitely not a simple character, and after seeing Xiao Ran's calm appearance, Just putting away the doubts in her heart, Mina believed that Xiao Ran could not be deceived by the appearance of Lacus, and he might have his own ideas to bring Lacus to the imperial pillar of the sky. Just let the flow go, Lacus just took it with Xiao Ran when she wanted to go to the universe, it was that simple.
Although the Imperial Pillar of Heaven is considered independent from Orb, everyone in the Imperial Pillar of Heaven is a part of Orb in any case. Even in this situation with Xiao Ran's identity, he must also get someone else. With respect and awe, Mina can ignore the etiquette to treat Xiao Ran, equal contact with Xiao Ran, but Mina must also be respectful when there are so many people.
The two brothers were originally two brothers of a family. It can be said that the relationship is quite close. This meeting does not require courtesy on both sides. After Mina arranged for Xiao Ran and his entourage, the formal meeting was straightforward and they started talking directly. A formal topic.
The purpose of Xiao Ran's visit this time is very simple. It is to make the Heavenly Imperial Pillar return to Orb's embrace. In fact, on this issue, all the senior officials of the Heavenly Imperial Pillar have no right to make a decision, and these people also know Xiao Ran's this. The purpose of coming this time, but whether he decides to return to Orb in the end depends on how Mina chooses.
There are no five big families anymore. Ashar’s family only has Kagali and Kira, and the Sahak family has only Mina. Of course, this refers to the direct line of the family, and the other has been maintained. The family that was neutral and gave great support after Xiao Ran's return was completely preserved, and the main force was not entrenched in the military and politics. The Seran family and another family disappeared from Orb forever.
Regarding Xiao Ran’s opinion, Mina also had a hard time making a decision. Aub was her hometown after all, but for some reason he could only leave Aub and come to the Imperial Pillar of the Sky. What Kagali did in the past two years really made She was very disappointed, but never gave up her attention to Orb, but Xiao Ran suddenly jumped out to take over Orb, and forcefully cleared Aubrey's messy things, and even more powerfully opposed the Earth Army.
Especially the reception of refugees and waste dealers also made Mina feel the same. It can be said that Orb has been reborn with Xiao Ran, and she can also see the current dilemma of Orb, if the imperial pillar of the sky returns, it will definitely be It has brought great help to Orb, and even now, the imperial pillar of the sky is also inseparable from Xiao Ran’s unconditional support. Together, the strong points are weak, so this is the place that makes Mina feel excited. When Kagali was in power in the past, Mina would probably refuse it without even thinking about it. She didn't want Orb's trouble to be implicated on the Imperial Pillar of Heaven.
But the entangled place is that I don’t know how Xiao Ran will arrange the imperial pillar of the sky with so many people, let alone how Xiao Ran will arrange himself. For Mina, Xiao Ran is definitely a person with an extremely powerful desire to control. If you go back to Xiao Ran How the faction and the Sahak faction should be integrated is also a big problem, and Mina doesn't know where she will be placed by Xiao Ran.
However, Mina’s hesitation has long been seen by Kluzer, and he knew what Mina was thinking, so he also took a chance to tell Xiao Ran about this, but in fact Mina really thought too much, in Xiao Ran’s thoughts. In Orb, there should not be any faction fights, everyone must work together with one goal to grow Orb and the Burning Legion, it's that simple.
And Miner is regarded by Xiao Ran as the actual manager of Orb. Because of his role as a participant, Xiao Ran can’t effectively manage Orb during the mission period, so Miner will inevitably become a member of Orb. Except for Xiao Ran, the person with the most rights and the highest status.
Afterwards, Xiao Ran and Mina chatted for a while, and Xiao Ran also told Mina about his thoughts. In addition to Xiao Ran as the country’s yuan, Mina will serve as the prime minister’s chief Aub Daquan. Bucky Lulu is another person Xiao Ran arranged in the army to restrict Mina’s rights. Of course, it is also necessary to follow Mina’s command during the war. With Mina’s ability, it’s impossible to fail. Go to reuse.
Similarly, Xiao Ran also told Mina about all the conversations he had previously told Kajiali and told Lacus about them. Mina, who had long known that Aub was actually strong on the outside and virtual on the inside, finally loosened. Finally, after Xiao Ran hit the iron, he agreed. The proposal to return the Imperial Pillar of Heaven to Orb again.
After Mina agreed to this proposal, everything was simple. The technicians on the seventh floor of the Celestial Pillars began to prepare to return to Orb to join the Dawning Society, and all the strategic materials Celestial Pillars even took over than Xiao Ran. There will be more in Orb's time, and most of these materials, especially scarce resources, will all be transported to Orb for mass production of new machines and the manufacture of special machine bodies.
Those who came with Xiao Ran stayed to cooperate with the Heavenly Imperial Column to handle these tasks. After Xiao Ran stayed in the Heavenly Imperial Column for two days, he was also ready to leave for dssd, but before leaving, Xiao Ran also extended to Cong Yunjie. Out of the olive branch, although he was unexpectedly rejected, Xiao Ran also used another method to tie the tail of the giant snake to Orb, that is, employment, unlimited continued enhancement of the blue machine and the big ratio of money. At the end of the hiring giant snake, to be precise, it is hiring Cong Yunjie.
After Xiao Ran left the imperial pillar of the sky, Andrew separated from them and rushed to the secret base in the Lux universe. Cruze will continue to guard the imperial pillar of the sky, and Luo and Xiao Ran will take Lacus with him. And several Orb's ships began to go to the location of dssd.
The dssd is quite far away from the imperial pillar of the sky. It took a full two days for the fleet to arrive at the dssd. The dssd, who had been notified long ago, also made all preparations, and even the boss of the dssd organization appeared on the space station. Waiting in Xiao Ran.
   And the four Exis sent by Xiao Ran also appeared and waited for Xiao Ran the first time after Xiao Ran arrived.
After entering the dssd space station, the two parties had a friendly conversation and expressed mutual support between each other. Then, under the leadership of the dssd staff, Xiao Ran, Luo, and Laks also visited the space station and let Xiao Ran saw a lot of technologies that felt very useful, while Luo was completely attracted by these technologies, and he couldn't wait to start to understand them.
Among them, Xiao Ran’s most fancy is the large-scale mechanical bionic nerve, the light transmitter system, the nano repair system, and the light energy protection system that can have free attack and defense capabilities. These are all for enhancing the combat effectiveness, endurance, and speed Things will naturally receive special attention from Xiao Ran.
Xiao Ran also saw the completed Stargazer Gundam here, and met Serene Macgrave, the main person who opened this machine, a beautiful, mature and intellectual woman with a long black head, and met the stargazer. The scheduled pilot of the Gundam, although only sixteen years old, can be called a scientist, and has a good driving ability Sol Rooney Lange.
In fact, at this time, dssd has been targeted by the joint, and it has taken a fancy to the Stargazer Gundam, which has been tested several times, especially certain technologies owned by dssd, and these technologies can greatly enhance the technical strength of the joint party. Acting on MS, it can greatly enhance their MS combat capabilities.
Now dssd has been working hard to negotiate with the joint, but it seems a little futile, and this time Xiao Ran visited dssd, although the people here are also looking at their technology, but they are more willing than the joint Give his skills to Orb in exchange for Orb's asylum.
Of course, Xiao Ran doesn’t know this, but the calculation time can probably also know how soon the coalition will send troops to attack, so I chose such a time to come. Although it feels like taking advantage of others, Xiao Ran’s side It can be considered to be generous.
   Indeed, Xiao Ran needs their technology. In the subsequent conversation, he did not hide this, but set out the Either buy or exchange. As for the exchange, we can continue to discuss. But Xiao Ran did not expect that dssd was more anxious than him. The combined bandit methods are well known to all. The dssd supported Xiao because of the last war, but some are not welcomed by the alliance. This time, he would definitely use force to get the alliance. Means to deal with them.
The eagerness of dssd made Xiao Ran feel a little embarrassed, but Xiao Ran is not the kind of person who treats his own people while taking advantage of others. He directly proposed that the two parties should share the technology under certain restrictions, and even agreed to the dssd. Asylum also offered to provide dssd with a small island in Orb for the relocation of their headquarters. Of course, dssd did not agree in the first place.
And Xiao Ran let Luo take out the solar furnace and thermonuclear energy engine technology, which has made dssd unable to refuse Xiao Ran's exchange request, and Xiao Ran's later proposed shelter for them, in fact, changed the direction of dssd to become dependent. Although the research institutes in Orb did not agree to relocate the headquarters of the earth to Orb in the first time, it was only a matter of time before they agreed to this matter. Even if Xiao Ran agreed to protect the dssd, there are still some problems that need to be discussed with the other party. The communication was dealt with immediately, so Xiao Ran stayed in the dssd space station temporarily. (To be continued.) 8
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