Chapter 880: Plan started

New Japan, also known as the Special Economic Zone of Japan, is still called this name even after the establishment of the Federation, and Xiao Ran's appointment is also related to this place. Liewen???? He Xiao Ran once again returned to this place, which was the same as another big six, and was slightly independent.
The original military headquarters and the Federation were very conservative with Xiao Ran's arrangements. After all, Xiao Ran hadn't appeared in four years, and even if he wanted to use it, he would not be able to directly give him the position of an officer. More people tend to keep Xiao Ran in the military headquarters. In, or find an unimportant place to fight.
But the order from the highest level of the Federation prevented the idea of ​​the military headquarters from being implemented. After two things, and the relationship of someone acting in the middle, Xiao Ran came to this place that he once held, Japan.
There are four conventional military bases in this place. At the same time, there is no war, no rebellion, not many things, all conditions are quite good, and it can be regarded as far away from the real big six, with unique advantages. For Xiao Ran's special conditions, it is indeed a very good place, and the reason why Xiao Ran will be'beaten' here is also the result of Livonz's return to the earth.
The three-day tour gave Livonz a great shock, letting Livonz know that even if he gathered all the forces of the entire federation, he could not fight against it. The two sides were not at the same power level at all, and since they could not resist, the only choice was That is to obey, and get more advantages in the next big changes. As for the other things, you have to take one step.
When Xiao Ran stepped off the plane, the chief military officer of New Japan personally brought a large group of people to greet him. This is the place where Xiao Ran had stayed for a while. When he stepped off the plane and looked at everything around him, it seemed that it was not too much. There was a big difference, and the chief military officer who came to greet him was an old acquaintance of Xiao Ran, the Colonel Jeter who had arranged his successor by himself, no, now he is Brigadier General Jeter.
Brigadier General Jeter had no dissatisfaction with Xiao Ran's sudden landing and becoming his boss again. He has been a military chief for four years and he has got too much, and Xiao Ran's position was also arranged by Xiao Ran. , There is no dissatisfaction with Jeter's reappearance of his old boss.
After all, at this point, Brigadier Jeter really regarded himself as someone on Xiao Ran's side, even if Xiao Ran hadn't appeared in four years. Jeter cleaned up Xiao Ran's tail a lot. It is impossible to distinguish it at all, and Xiao Ran's relationship with a-Las, such as Katie Manikin, Sergey and others, is also one of the key reasons why he can stay in Japan so smart.
The original army headquarters was going to move Jeter to another place after Xiao Ran’s appointment. After referring to the current situation in the world, she may be reluctant to bear some current relations in Japan. Jeter declined the arrangement of the army headquarters and voluntarily stayed. Serving as Xiao Ran's deputy, the army headquarters thought that Jeter was also labeled as Xiao Ran's faction anyway, so Jeter was simply left here and no longer arranged.
There is no need to be transferred to the military headquarters that has no rights at all, and he is unwilling to go to the chaotic places in Africa and the Middle East. Jeter is of course more willing to stay in Japan than the military headquarters. The military headquarters also understands that it was in the Federation. When it was founded, Xiao Ran, the number one in the military, still has a strong background and many followers even after four years of absence.
The reception of Xiao Ran’s arrival was very solemn. It was not just a greet by the military region in the morning. The commanders of the four bases were all present. At night, the reception was even more lively. There were no top people in the New Japan Special Economic Zone. No matter whether it was in politics or the business world, countless people expressed their warm welcome to Xiao Ran's arrival. Although Xiao Ran felt that the various gifts were useless, they did not prevent him from receiving softness.
The incident of Xiao Ran’s arrival in Japan did not cause too many disturbances, nor would it have much impact on the world situation. The whole world seems to have been calm in the past, but under this calm water, a battle against the Middle East The chaotic situation and the actions of the Federation's resistance army kaTaRon began.
kaTaRon is an anti-federal organization that is completely opposed to a-Las. Most of the members of the organization are politicians, scientists, workers, soldiers, etc. from the top three countries. Even in the current federal composition, there is actually no lack of kaTaRon. Supporters of, and many small organizations and forces that are unable to fight against the Federation have gradually been integrated into it, which can be regarded as the most powerful anti-federal organization at present.
Under Livonz’s arrangement and under the leadership of a-Las, a-Las led certain troops of the Federation to start an unimpeded and pressure-free sweep in the chaotic areas of the Middle East and Africa on the grounds of maintaining law and order. During the sweep, many members of the resistance organization sacrificed, but there were also civilians who were put on the name of the resistance organization. All of a sudden, Africa and the Middle East were plunged into chaos. The situation in the whole world was also due to this time. Sweeping and becoming nervous, it seems that there is the possibility of a bigger war at any time.
On the other hand, the a-Las operational force also arrested some long-standing resistance members in the world, including the universe, and in the process once again affected a lot of civilians, and the arrested people are no matter what. Real civilians or fakes were all arrested and used as cosmic miners without human rights.
The report of this two-sided action involving tens of thousands or more people was placed on Xiao Ran’s desk in no small detail. Sitting across from Xiao Ran’s desk, it was Li who knocked Erlang’s legs and folded his hands on his legs. Fengz. After reading these things, Xiao Ran looked calm and didn't have any fluctuations in his expression at all because of any casualties.
Seeing Xiao Ran’s plain expression, Livonz who appeared here also smiled faintly: "My lord, I don’t know if the plan is still satisfactory at this point. Even if it is within the Federation, I am under a lot of pressure. , But I didn’t expect that the two gentlemen named Kluzer and the indifferent Mr. Al Elf could arrange the plan to such a degree that it would be cruel to let so many innocent people sacrifice. what."
"It's far from you." Xiao Ran lightly nodded the file in front of the table, and said: "This step is just the beginning of the matter. We don't have much time next, and there is more to do. ."
Livonz shrugged his shoulders and smiled: "I understand that the detention locations of kaTaRon members and civilians have leaked out. I have also arranged personnel to enter kaTaRon. Now I can determine the other party's action time, and I will also set this time. It was revealed to a-Las, and all preparations were made inside the detention site."
Xiao Ran nodded and said: "Disclose the news to the heavens, because the importance of a-Las that happened before the heavens and humans has been reflected once again. The previous failures have given a-Las more power to supplement. The thing is to promote a-Las to grow again in the fastest time."
"The previous failure can be said to be unprepared, but now a-Las must experience a failure after preparation. If you want to destroy people, you must first make people crazy. This time the failure is to make a-Las and some people The fuse of madness, all the video materials of battles and massacres must be kept, although there is no need to spread out on a large scale, but it can allow us to win more allies."
"Understood." Livonz smiled and nodded, stood up and said: "Then I will leave. I will try my best to cooperate with the adults. Will the adults participate in this battle personally?"
Xiao Ran nodded: "In order for them to truly feel the gap and increase the power of a-Las, I will personally participate in this battle and make contact with the heavens."
"Then I know." Livonz turned to leave, but when he reached the door, he suddenly turned to Xiao Ran and said: "By the way, I am afraid there is one thing you don't know clearly, although a-Las is Goode Man is commanding, but in fact there is someone behind him who checks and balances his rights, so he has been holding Brigadier General Katy Manikin and his accomplices. By the way, the command of a-Las is actually this person. In Bu, do you know this person?"
Xiao Ran thoughtfully: "Commander Katakiri? Is he the real messenger behind a-Las?"
The corners of Livonz's mouth curled up: "It seems that you know, but if you regard this commander Katagiri as an enemy, then Billy Katagiri, the chief technical officer of the god, wonders if he has any ideas. ?"
"You don't need to worry about this, I have my own plan." Xiao Ran glanced at Livonz, and said: "Now you only need to do the things in your hands and arrange the smooth entry of the border number. I will tell you if there is anything. "
Livonz bent slightly towards Xiao Ran, and left Xiao Ran's office with a smile: "Yes, sir."
Until Livonz opened the door and left, Graham outside the door also walked in wearing a federal army uniform. It was not a robe-like green uniform of a-Las but the federal local military blue uniform. , Graham walked towards Xiao Ran as soon as he closed the door, and said, "My lord, is this kind of person really reliable?"
Xiao Ran waved his hand and said: "His thoughts are difficult to guess. Perhaps only Kruze can guess his thoughts, and from my understanding, Livonz has absolutely no other purpose. Whatever ideas he will make in the planned plan, even if he has any purpose, it should be at the last juncture. Kruzer told me that I must be sure to limit Livonz. As long as I pay attention to it, it doesn’t matter. ."
After listening to Xiao Ran's words, Graham also nodded. In terms of scheming, Cruzer is no:1 in their regiment. For this, Graham also believes in Cruzer's ability, one of the two foxes. These straightforward people can't guess the game between them. In this case, Graham is not struggling with this issue, but he also reminds himself that he must be careful of Livonz.
Graham asked, "My lord, are you going to participate in this operation yourself?"
"No, I just came back, who knows how many pairs of eyes look at me. If my disappearance meets the actions of heaven and human, it is easy to cause problems when thinking of the last time when heaven and human appeared and I happened to be there." Xiao Ran raised his head. He looked at Graham and said, "You will take part in this operation. Your Fierce Bird is also equipped with a solar furnace to pretend to be a celestial body. There is no problem at all. Just pay attention and bring it to a-Las as much as possible. Loss, but be careful not to lose too much, otherwise if you strengthen it, you will be wasting so much effort without strengthening."
"Finally, after rescuing the members of the resistance organization, find a way to get in touch with them and tell them that someone is willing to support their resistance. When the time comes, I will personally contact them. Once the contact is successful, let the members of the legion join them to strengthen their strength. Since it’s an experience, of course, it will be effective to join the weaker side against the strong side."
"Received." Graham nodded and said, "Then I will leave with Livonz and go to the universe to wait for the Frontier to enter the port."
Xiao Ran nodded: "Go ahead."
The Frontier was already on its way to the Earth circle at this time, and the so-called port entry was not to enter any port on the surface of the earth, but to enter the real core of celestial beings. There is Veda’s base port on the back of the moon. Because the Burning Legion is too large, it will temporarily stay in the meteorite belt, while the Border will bring everyone except the Burning Legion bridge personnel to the earth to officially join the mission.
Once members of the legion join the resistance organization, the armed forces of the resistance organization can be greatly enhanced, but even if these people are to be broken up, Xiao Ran will not really be completely broken up, but by the team. It is configured to be placed in certain parts of the resistance organization to fight against a-Las, and not all members will enter the resistance organization. Some must be arranged in the Middle East, and even a few people must be arranged within a-Las.
The increase in the fighting power of the resistance organizations and the Middle East will inevitably make a-Las counterattack frantically. At that time, the fighting will become more prominent, and it will become more difficult to cover as the scale grows.
And there is no place for the rebellion organization of the army squad, Xiao Ran will also ask the people below to investigate and leak Livonz to a-Las one by one for them to carry out annihilation, in order to weaken the strength and strength of the resistance organization. Although Xiao Ran intends to overthrow the current federal government, the newly established federal government is a government that should be obedient. Otherwise, there is no point in doing so much.
After Graham left, Xiao Ran also stood up and walked to the large floor-to-ceiling windows behind him, looking at the endless blue sky outside, and the calm base on the ground, and exhaled softly: "Everything has been arranged. Appropriately, the next step is to completely lead the world to chaos within three months, and then spend a month to calm the chaos, time is still too tight." (To be continued.)
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